
Fashion trends hairstyles and dresses 40s


The beginning of the forties is marked in history as a gloomy time. However, a woman always remained a woman, and even during the war years, girls wanted to be attractive and well-groomed.

Fashion dictated new trends, and life went on. It was then that in the trend were luxurious hairstyles with curls.

In the forties there was no such abundance of hair products as now, and therefore at the present time it is much easier for us to make ourselves such a hairstyle than then. Previously, the girls on the creation of masonry took much more time.

Features hairstyles 40 years

Hairstyles 40 years differed accuracy and reflected the desire of a woman to enter into the image of the fatal seductress. In those years, were relevant, as already mentioned, curls. Curls were worn on loose hair, and pinned up. However, the most fashionable was considered, nevertheless, the image with curls on loose hair. Romantic and light, he attracted glances and gave the woman elegance and sophistication. Relevant were just large curls.

Also, talking about hairstyles in the style of the forties, you can recall the style of pin-up. The hairstyle of the pin-up models is very similar to the styling of the 40s, only the hair was laid not on a straight line, but on the parting parting and the girls wore bangs on the posters.

In the 40s, both long and short hair was worn, but longer were more popular because they could be used to make more hairstyles. Also in fashion was a simple bunch - hair, tightly woven from behind. Laying looks more strictly, and this indispensable classic remains relevant in our day.

Wedding styling in the style of the 40s

Retro style wedding hairstyles are always a win-win choice. Styling 40 years look good on both medium and long hair. For short strands make small curls. Previously, to create small curls, girls curled their hair on curlers and left overnight. Fortunately, we currently have more convenient ways to do this.

Remember that the wedding appearance includes several components. To look as spectacular as possible, you must enter the image. The main thing is not a specific thing, but a set of details. If you decide to make a wedding dress in the style of the 40s, then when choosing a dress it is important to determine how the outfit will be combined with the hairstyle. The war left its mark on fashion, and in the forties they wore dresses of a predominantly strict style with a belt at the waist.

How to make a 40's hairstyle for short hair

Modern women wear short hair quite often, and the desire to change their image can visit each. And sometimes it may seem that, having a short haircut, it is difficult to give the appearance of a retro look, because posters are full of beauties with long curls. But this opinion is wrong. Curls can be effectively laid using a thin curling iron or curlers.

If you curl your hair with curlers, after removing them, gently comb the curls with a comb, so as not to destroy them. Then use varnish. Do not forget that at that time preferred small curls - approximately two millimeters in diameter.

How to make a 40's hairstyle for medium-length hair

Medium-length hair curled into large curls, and on top of the girl did bouffant. The parting was done both straight and to the side. Women of fashion sought to achieve the maximum amount of hair. The bangs were not relevant then, and to create an even larger volume, women combed the front strands upward, or these locks were laid in a wave.

In order to perform a hairstyle in the style of the 40's on medium hair, make a straight or side parting. Separate the front strands of hair. Depending on how you want to lay them, add strands or, using ironing and fixing means, place them with an accurate volume wave. Wind up the rest of your hair with a curler. Separate the strands and comb the neat bouffant of each curl. Secure the stowage with locking means. Hair 40 years on the average hair is ready!

In the video the evening version of the hair of the 40s for medium hair. This style in pin-up does not require much time, the hairstyle will make the image bright and memorable.

How to make a 40's hairstyle for long hair

On long curls make symmetrical hairstyles with rollers. To do this styling, it is necessary to divide the hair into even halves. Parting is done in the middle. The two upper strands are wound onto a roller and fixed with stealth or hairpin. From the rest of the hair curled curls or collected in a roller.

If you want to easily roll the back hair on the roller, in order to collect them in the tail after you wind the front strands on the rollers, and gently stab the invisible. Fix the tail with hairpins, remove the gum and put the hair on the roller.

The essence of the popularity of those years

Great-grandmother said that the female image begins with clean and well-groomed hair. Let's begin to dive into the history of fashion with hair.

There was not much in the Soviet Union, but fashion was always there. Hairstyle and haircut, it was possible to express even political views. For example, women who advocated for emancipation and equality, wore short haircuts, equating to men.

In Soviet times, “garcon” was the most popular haircut of the 40s. Girls of conservative views preferred to take care of the braids. It was possible to determine the political attitude of the woman and her worldview.

To compete with bold short-haired ladies, girls who did not want to cut off their hair, introduced the fashion for feminine, but sexy hairstyles. Great-grandmothers twisted curls on curlers, pieces of paper and ribbons and made baskets of braids. Fashion weaving survived the war. In the USSR, hairstyles for long hair in the style of the 40s are braids.

In America, braids were not popular, but the rollers of the hair became the difference between the women's hairstyles of the 40s. They twisted on the sides of the direct parting or slightly above the forehead. It was fashionable to decorate hairstyles with scarves: now it is at the peak of popularity.

It was fashionable to create waves on the hair with hot tongs. Note that the American did not bother with the length of the hair, so the standard for all the girls was hair that goes below the shoulders. It was more convenient to take care of them, it is more convenient to turn the rollers and twist the waves and keep the image light and well-groomed.

Relevance of the past

  1. Thanks to the work of stylists and couturier, the girls returned to the cultural and fashionable heritage and began to turn the rollers. Frequently in the Internet search lines were queries on how to do a haircut of the 40s and see photos of women's hair styles. On YouTube the laziest blogger did not share the video with the execution of hairstyles of this style.
  2. In addition to the rollers, scarves returned to fashion. The network laid out a lot of training videos on the shawl in the hair. The shawl is versatile and very feminine. The abundance of designs and sizes of scarves gives freedom of expression.

Image of things

If we talk about clothes, we note that fashion during the war period was more practical, than pompous. Ruffles, frills, puffy skirts, decorating with ribbons and expensive materials became a luxury and was considered as uncontrollable ignorant waste, diminishing the woman in the eyes of the man. This was the legacy of the 20s, when women fought for equality and emancipation.

In wartime there were laws for all spheres of life and for fashion:

  1. The war affected the lack of tissue. According to the restriction decree, flared skirts are prohibited, because a lot of fabric was used for sewing. Pencil skirts made from simple materials: flax, wool and cotton came into fashion.
  2. The military style of military has become fashionable. Women wore dresses, sweaters, blouses and jackets with broad shoulders, similar to the uniform of the military.
  3. Entered into fashion collars. An interesting fact: wearing stockings was fashionable, but almost impossible to get them. Therefore, resourceful ladies drew a pencil seam on the leg, and diligent young ladies drew even a grid.
  4. In the second half of the forties, the shortage of material and the lack of money became too obvious. People altered civilian clothing from military uniforms. Brown, bottle green and gray-blue colors have become fashionable. Those who had at least some money could afford clothes made of fabric with a print, although they were modest: peas or small flowers.
  5. In women's dresses guessed details of military uniforms: cuffs and patch pockets. A shirt dress was “invented”: practical and concise, complemented by a belt.

A distinctive feature of the make-up was strongly plucked eyebrows resembling a thin thread and red lips.

Men choice

Men were also trendy. It was easier for them to be fashionable during the war years: it’s enough not to take off the military uniform. Later, when the war ended, short jackets became fashionable under the uniform of military pilots. It was great to have a jacket with a sheep collar, but only a few were lucky.

From here begins the fashion for leather jackets and men's scarves, which were of an applied nature: the wind blew into the cockpit, and the army needed healthy fighters. Demand was a fabric of dark colors. Then the men wore baggy, skinny trousers with elongated jackets. Later, wide hats were added to the image.

As for the male hairstyles of the 40s, the men tried to resemble Rhett Battler - one of the main characters of "Gone With the Wind." During the war, it became difficult to comb and style hair, but they wanted to look stylish and beautiful. They cut their hair short at the sides and left their hair longer in the middle, combing it either back under the foil cap or forward to create a casual look of a brave soldier tired of feats.

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How to make your own hair in the style of the 40s

Nowadays, retro style is gaining popularity every day. Clothes, makeup, hairstyles - everything that was once fashionable in the last century, fashionable now. Every modern girl can try on the image of retro beauty with posters 40s. And you need to start, first of all, with hair.

If you have long or medium-length hair, then you may come up with a hairstyle with rollers - in the style of "Victoria Rolls" or a tail with a pile. If short - you can just make fine curls, adding to the hairstyle a spectacular bandage. Well, consider all the options in this style.

Hair with a roller

  1. Create curls - wind hair curling or large curlers.
  2. Parting - straight or side - that goes for you more.
  3. We separate the fronto-temporal hair strand, we make a comb, sprinkle with varnish, fix the rest of the hair for convenience.
  4. We twist the strand into a neat roller - for this, the hair must be rather rigid, therefore use a special means of strong fixation. Fix the roller stealth.
  5. Make another roller on the other side of the head.
  6. With the rest of your hair, you can do whatever you want: tail, roller, or just leave them loose. "Victoria Rolls" is ready!

Tail with hair

  • Make hair stuff, add varnish to the roots. It is enough to do this for 4-5 strands on the parietal zone.
  • Grudge brushed sweeps.
  • Hairspray fasten mass and collect the hair in the tail at the crown.
  • With the help of the invisible being, criss-cross fix the volume on the top of the head, sprinkle with varnish.
  • We fix the side strands at the base of the tail.
  • We leave the locks on the face free.
  • The remaining hair, including the strands of the face, is screwed onto the forceps. Tip: do not let go of the hot strands immediately, but screw it onto the clip - so the curl will turn out more beautiful. Hairstyle is ready!

Fine curls on short hair

Curls for this hairstyle can be done in different ways: to braid pigtails, wind it up with curlers or special curling irons. But we, perhaps, take the most original way - we will try to wind the hair on the tubes from under the juice. Curls turn out beautiful and springy. So, we stock up with tubes and stealth, and forward! We wet hair, we divide into a parting. We will wind from the lower strands to the upper ones.

  • We twist the tube on the strands - bend one of its ends at the root of the hair and fix it invisible. We twist the strand on the tube, fasten the end of the strand with the invisible one. So you need to make curls all over your head.
  • Let's leave the tubes for a few hours.
  • Fingers disassemble the hair.
  • From the resulting curls you can make a lot of hairstyles, or leave them loose, decorating your head with a rim in retro style.
  • To make a popular retro hairstyle with a scarf, you need to take a colorful or bright scarf. From the back of the head we comb the hair forward, fix it with lacquer. At the place where the hair starts, we tie a scarf and tie it to a beautiful knot. The back of the hair spray varnish. Done!

It is important to remember that the hairstyles of the 40s need an appropriate make-up. In the era of the forties it was, of course, black arrows and scarlet lips.

Vintage look

We will teach you how to make your hair style, which in the 40s conquered the whole country. But to look harmonious, you need the same style of dress and makeup. Therefore, find yourself a dress of a simple cut, buy bright red lipstick, move your eyes with a black pencil, and you will be visible from afar. Retro today is incredibly fashionable and stylish.

And now attention - to the head. For the hairstyle of the war years (from long hair) we need two rollers. One is larger than the other.

The procedure is as follows: twist the hair out so that they look up. Parting Curl the hair ends with forceps.

One strand slightly combed over the entire length. Then it should be neatly wound on a finger.

Next: attach the roller to the top of the crown to form a ring. Hairpins on both sides hold it and are not visible.

Now we are doing a similar roller on the other side. He is like a mirror image of the first. That is, you twisted the first strand to the left, then the second one should go to the right side.

Finally, fixing the hairstyles of the war years. If the rollers are stable and firmly seated on the head, then go through the hair with lacquer.

Everything, you are ready to be published.

Victorian curls

The iconic female hairstyles of the war years are still Victorian curls. They are elegant, light, beautiful. And they will set you apart from the crowd at any evening, even in a large hall. These are the most popular hairstyles of the war years. 40 years also proved that this option is practical. The wind, in any case, curls is not terrible.

We offer instructions for creating beautiful free curls. But first buy hair rollers (hair dryer can be used), clothespins and stealth, comb for combing. Still needed quality varnish and brush (made of pig bristles). It smooths hair well, removes “roosters”. Also required hairpin type invisible.

Step by step

With a hair dryer, we give the hair the necessary volume. Fix the strands with clothespins, which are then removed.

The hair is divided into four parts. We fasten every strand. At the bangs, select a piece in the form of a triangle in the center of the crown. In the left side we take away one part of the hair. Do the same with the right side. The rest of the hair is on the back of the head.

Separate each strand in small vertical layers no thicker than two centimeters, we scratch. Freely wind them into a curl. Hold the curl tightly with your finger. If it turned out beautiful, we pin up and fix it with varnish.

Carefully comb your bangs. Curls at the base of the hair smooth with a brush so that there are no irregularities. And also we wrap this strand in a lock.

Now you need to wind the bangs on three fingers (without using your thumb and little finger). Please note: the size of this curl should be equal to the largest of the curls. Fix it. When he continues the second, they will become one big roller.

We make bouffant on the back of the head. Align with a bump irregularity.

With the help of barrettes we place curls in a row along the back of the head.Between her and other hair leave two centimeters. Hairpins should be arranged so that one is higher than the other.

The row is ready and locked. We divide free hair into two side parts and one - central. Each gently combed. We wind strand by strand on hand. It turns out the shape of curls. At the right place we fix it.

These curls should get the same size. And then, having connected all together, we will see a wide, big curl. He will repeat the line of hair on the back of his head.

Now everything is sprayed with varnish. Victorian curls are ready.

There is another kind of them. It is necessary only to curl the hair on the back on large curlers and dissolve freely.

Medium length vintage

And here are the other hairstyles of the war years. How to make them, now tell. They are more suitable for those whose hair is not long and not short.

First, make a parting. Direct (without bangs) or oblique (with bangs). Slightly curl the tips of the hair.

Separate the front strand. The entire length of her combed. We twist on the finger. The resulting tube, lifting up, fasten with hairpins.

From the other side, we symmetrically make a similar roller. We fasten with hairpins. It remains to use a fixing varnish.

Such hairstyles of the war years not only look great all evening, but can last until the morning.

Dress plainly cut (and better with a round collar), bright scarlet lipstick, eyes highlighted in bold pencil - and you're just adorable!

New trend

See how girls and women are styling their hair today. Differently. But there are so many braids. Well, in the world fashion a new trend has been established - the hairstyles of the war years. Spit in them - the main decoration.

If you look at photos of previous years, it is clear that Soviet women did not get tired to conjure over their appearance even in the most difficult times. It turned out beautiful, feminine and cute. Example - two braids, thrown over the chest. Or one thick, luxurious, going down the back.

And how many kinds of "bagels", "baskets", when the tip of one pigtail is hooked on the base of another!

Striking hairstyles of the war years. How to make such a miracle when there was a war? Men - at the front. The women themselves worked for days in the rear. But not discouraged. They were creative and cheerful!

The return of the old trend

If earlier all these rings over the ears, the chains around the head of the girl were made to appear in a neat form at school, institute, in the shop at the factory, now they wear braids on a fashionable runway and even on the most elite evening wearrs.

Today, stylists combine different variations of braids in one hairstyle. It turns out the whole work.

Are you in a hurry? Very good

Back in fashion today, the hairstyles of the war years forced hairdressers, and fashionistas to be as creative as possible. So, now in the trend deliberate negligence of styling, asymmetry, protruding "roosters", which were previously simply unacceptable! As well as the volume that goes straight from the roots of the hair, the connection of several different braids, each with complex weaves.

At the same time, the braid should look as if you were braiding it in a big hurry. Or even at night they fell into bed, and in the morning they didn’t even approach the mirror.

There are a lot of hairstyles. This is a braid coming from the tail, a tourniquet, a spikelet, and a fishtail, and many more things that your imagination is capable of.

Good example

The hairstyles of the war years (1941-1945) today surprise with their chic, refinement, originality. That only is styling with a light wave, which is popularly called “victorious curls”! Many did it on the anniversary of the Victory.

Whatever the times, heavy or calm, happy or not so, a woman must always remain beautiful and seductive. In this sense, the hairstyles of the war years (1941-1945) are a great example for us.

Features fashion hairstyles 40s

Features fashion hairstyles 40s

As already mentioned, the images of that period were extremely feminine, so after the 20s and 30s, when girls more often cut their hair short, in the 40s long hair came back into fashion. But not just straight, but twisted curls, which gave the hair volume.

Then so-called rollers came into fashion, these are large curls at the top. It is these hairstyles most often associated with the pin-up style, which also appeared in the forties against the background of heightened interest in eroticism among soldiers defending the interests of the homeland on fronts around the world.

Belief in Victory - VictoryRolls Hairstyle

Belief in victory - VictoryRolls hair style

Gradually rollers in the fashion of the 40s turned into a separate hairstyle - VictoryRolls. These are very tall hairstyles with two symmetric curls rolled into rollers, but less voluminous and softer. As a result, on the girl's head a structure was formed, vaguely resembling the Latin letter “V”, which had a special symbolism in wartime, because this is the capital letter in the word “Victory” - “Victory”. It was the people on both sides of the Atlantic who wanted to win.

Popularized hairstyles in the style of VictoryRolls are not only simple girls who follow fashion trends, but also eminent actresses who made VictoryRolls a real hit of the era. For example, a similar hairstyle could be seen on the head of Jean Rogers or Rita Heimworth, the sex symbols of the forties.

Varieties of hairstyles in the style of VictoryRolls

Varieties of hairstyles in the style of VictoryRolls

Hairstyles in the style of VictoryRolls could provide for several options at once: with loose hair, slightly pre-assembled or fully assembled into a single design. Later, closer to the 50s, the hairstyle was supplemented with various accessories, for example, bright bandages, which gave the image additional playfulness and reflected the rebellious spirit of the birth of the era of rock-and-roll.

More romantic natures decorated their hair with flowers or small fashionable hats. Such an option VictoryRolls was more appropriate for the publication, to the public, which was still guided by the rules of strict Puritan morality.

How to make a hair style VictoryRolls

How to make a hair style VictoryRolls

How to make a hair style VictoryRolls

This hairstyle requires a certain skill and skills. From the first, it may not be exactly the result that was expected. However, a little practice and make hairstyles in the style of the 40s will become much easier.

Hairstyles 40s: video

In the video, the girl tells in detail how to make a haircut in the style of VictoryRolls with gathered hair.

Hairstyles 40s: video

This is a VictoryRolls hairstyle with rollers at the top and voluminous curls of loose hair at the bottom. In addition, in the video you can see how to use accessories to design an already finished hairstyle.


Characteristic signs of styling in retro style are hairstyles:

  • with tight curls
  • strands of which are laid in waves (cold undulation method - using fingers),
  • made on the basis of strong pile,
  • combining volume and flowing light lines.

The shape and size of the curls in retro styling varied from decade to decade.

  • At the turn of the XIX and XX centuries in a big fashion were tight curls that can not be combed.
  • Three decades later, beauties began to give preference to natural soft curls and curls.
  • The 40s are the time of the reign of hairstyles made of hair curled from the middle of the length and laid in luxurious coca and voluminous rollers. To add volume, overhead hairpieces have become widely used.
  • Fashionistas 50s, imitating the Hollywood film star Marilyn Monroe, decorated their heads with a shock of lush, perky curls, curled with the help of red-hot tongs. Fans of the romantic style performed hairstyles with voluminous curls. The paint palette allows you to choose a shade like a famous actress.
  • The fashionable trend of the 60s became large curls made of combed strands.

To create curls, you can use hair curlers of different diameters, paper papilotki and curling.

To protect your hair, styled with a curling iron, from the effects of high temperature, it is necessary to treat each strand with a special thermal protective agent.

The styling, the strands of which are laid in waves, is most often performed from short and medium hair, separated by an oblique parting. Cold waves can be made on long hair. The curls put in a hairdress should be slightly wet.

  • Separating the upper curl (three fingers wide), it is processed with styling foam and, after performing a smooth movement, resembling the outline of the letter “c”, is fixed in this position with the help of a clip or stealth. The roots of the curl at the same time should rise.
  • Taking a comb, curl combed into the side of the face, lifting the hair to clearly indicate the waves.
  • The achieved result is fixed with the second bar, located parallel to the first clip.
  • The described sequence of actions is repeated until a wave is executed for the entire length of the curl.
  • After that, they proceed to the creation of a parallel wave.
  • After the hair has dried, the clips are removed and the styling is fixed with varnish.

Waves in retro hairstyles are straight (located parallel to the parting), oblique (going at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the center parting) and transverse (going perpendicular to the side parting).

  • After the end of the Second World War, all kinds of rollers became extremely fashionable: low and high, side and circular. One of the most popular hairstyles was styling under the name "victory rollers". Having lifted upwards and firmly combed the side front locks, they twisted them into high volumetric rollers located on both sides of the straight parting, fixing with pins. The remaining strands were either taken into the roller on the back of the head, or they curled the curls, leaving them loose.
  • Volumetric styling of combed hair broke into the fashion of the 60s after the release of the film "Babette goes to war." The head of the main heroine of the film was decorated with a magnificent hairstyle - babette, which gained incredible popularity among the girls of the whole planet.
  • The hairstyle on its side with a curl made of combed bangs has not lost its relevance. Dividing the hair with an oblique parting, the long bangs were combed to the side and, having heavily combed out, they made a large curl from it, fixing it with pins or stealth. The entire volume of this styling was concentrated at the top of the head.

Among the popular wedding hairstyles in retro style are styling:

  • with stylish ribbons and bandages,
  • with bulk beams or rollers,
  • with cold waves.

Babette to the wedding

Magnificent babette perfectly combines with the main wedding accessories - tiara and veil, so young brides often prefer this particular hairstyle.

  • Well-combed strands slightly beat their fingers, giving them lightness, and then collected in the high tail.
  • Putting a foam roller at the base of the tail, gently spread the tail strands over it and, wrapping the roller around them, completely mask it under the hair.
  • For fixing hairstyles use stealth, putting them under the roller.
  • The border of the roller is hidden behind a graceful tiara adorned with sparkling stones.
  • With thick bangs, long hair should be divided into two unequal strands, the smaller one is tucked behind the ear, and the larger one is laid on its side, like a wave slightly covering the forehead.

To create a hairstyle in retro style does not require strict adherence to all the canons of past years. Modern girls quite enough to use for this any one bright sign of a similar style. The role of such a stroke can play a bright ribbon, hairstyle with bangs, laid in the form of a volume roller or tightly combed locks. Hairstyles for short hair with their own hands in retro style on their own to perform is not difficult. All you need is a curling iron and accessories.

Make-up, made in the spirit of the time, will help to support the hairstyle: using flies, arrows on the eyes and scarlet lipstick.

Pin-up styling

This hairstyle will be appropriate at a party, designed in the style of the forties. On a variety of hairstyles in retro style on medium hair, read here.

  • The whole mass of hair is wound on a curler.
  • After removing the curlers, the received curls are treated with varnish.
  • Separating a wide front strand, twist it into a bulk roller. Fix invisible.
  • On the sides of the central roller form two side.
  • From the remaining strands collect high volume tail.
  • To decorate it, use either an elastic band with a large artificial flower, or an original hairpin.Hairstyle with elastics advantageously decorate any girl. With such styling, a luxurious bow of expensive fabric (velvet, silk, taffeta) that contrasts with the color of hair looks great. How to make laying on long straight hair, read our article here

Retro hairstyles on children's heads look particularly unusual and stylish, so they are used when they want to make their little princess the center of admiring attention.

Tight curls

At the very beginning of the last century, the standard of fashionable hairstyles were considered to be tight, long curls, when styled, they did not resort to combing to preserve their ideal structure. To perform such a hairstyle, the girl's hair, pre-treated with styling foam, should be wound using medium-sized curlers.

Finished tight curls gently collected at the level of the temples and fixed with ribbons, rubber bands or pins.

Special beauty hairstyle with curls give elegant accessories: bandages made of elastic ribbon, decorated with lace, artificial flowers or feathers. To hairstyle lasted on the hair as long as possible, you should slightly sprinkle them with varnish.

Frozen wave

This hairstyle, which appeared in the second decade of the 20th century - at the time of the celebration of short female haircuts - will suit girls who have short and medium hair. For reliable fixation of curls in those years used a strong decoction of flaxseed. He not only securely fixed the strands, but also gave the hair a beautiful shine.

What are the styling for medium length hair, read our article.

Nowadays, a special styling gel is used for this purpose. Having carefully combed each strand and having processed the hair with a small amount of gel, parallel rows of beautiful waves are formed of them with the help of fingers. To fix the waves using simple stealth. Having laid all the strands, the finished styling is treated with varnish. After the varnish has dried, the invisible beams are carefully removed from the hair. To give your hair an even more elegant look, you can decorate it with a hairpin with a large decorative element. You do not know how beautifully wind the short hair at home, use a cone-shaped curling iron.

Retro styling 30s

Popular hairstyles of the "gangster" thirties - "frozen wave" and plastic curls - are distinguished by a slightly longer hair length and the same impeccable styling. To create a hairstyle for little girls on the short hair in the style of the 30s, you need to twist soft curls, treat them with varnish and wear a stylish bandage decorated with stones and feathers.

Feminine styling in the style of the 40s

A distinctive feature of the fashionable hairstyles of the next decade was the natural femininity. To repeat the style of those years, children's hair is wound on large curlers. Carefully combing the curls, decorate them with a beautiful ribbon or elegant rim. The use of hairspray in this case is undesirable. Want an image of Marilyn? Capus palette will allow you to choose a delicious blond.

Elegant babette

Babette - an incredibly popular hairstyle of the 50s - was created on the basis of firmly combed strands. This way of laying is categorically not suitable for the creation of a childish hairstyle, so the mother who is engaged in its creation can use a special bagel accessory.With it, you can create bulk styling, absolutely harmless to children's hair.

Babette is better to create from long and medium strands.

A small bang, laid on one side, significantly decorate the hair. However, Babette looks good without her. Hairstyles for medium hair bow, so you can use to create a retro style.


When performing retro styling, you must follow a few simple rules:

  • Being engaged in modeling "cold" waves, you should not strive to create a perfectly smooth parting. Oblique parting greatly simplifies the task, but with this method of laying the fast drying gel will require reapplication.
  • To extend the life of the retro styling, you should put on a mesh on the head with the formed waves, fixed with the help of invisible women, and dry the hair, causing the hair dryer to work in the mode of minimal jet. After drying, the waves are gently combed.
  • Waves perform on freshly washed and dried strands. For wetting the head using a gel, half diluted with water.

Retro style hairstyles, exactly the same repetitive images of past years, are extremely in demand at retro parties and themed weddings, designed in their style. To create everyday images complete imitation of such hairstyles will be somewhat inappropriate. In such cases, the use of only one characteristic detail (for example, a curl on the bangs or combed strands on the crown) is welcome.

We also recommend that you read in more detail about how to weave a French braid - step by step instructions.

Small curls

In the 1940s, women with short hair often put them in small curls. To do this, first, the hair was wound into small curlers, then they were carefully combed so as not to destroy the curl. Curly should be small, no more than 2 cm in diameter. The hair is wound wet and attached to the head with hairpins. Such curls hold their shape better than wrap around large curlers.

This hairstyle is more suitable for short hair, because the weight of long hair pulls curl down and destroys its shape. By changing the size, location and direction of the curls, you can create many different styles. Quickly you will not make such hairdress, usually hair is wound in the evening before.

The most feminine hairstyle "Victory rolls"

Most often styling “Victory rolls” (victoria rolls) It is made on long hair, but it is suitable for any woman with a hair length of at least 7-10 cm. This hairstyle became fashionable during the Second World War. "Rolls" can be translated as "roller", and it is in this form fit hair. Most often in the rollers are going only hair in front of the head.

To create such a hairstyle, you first need to twist the hair toward the back of the head. In the 40s, it was usually done with the help of curlers, and modern stylists use hot tongs. Then the curl unfolds and folds again towards the crown, where it is fastened with a pin. Such rollers are more often paired, and can be both symmetrical and asymmetrical. With short hair, the Victory Rolls hairstyle is usually complemented by fine curls at the back of the head.


A popular hair accessory was in the 1940s and a hair net, knitted or crocheted. The grid could be relatively simple or brightly decorated and decorated with beads. Such a headdress is quite versatile, and any woman could wear it, who had enough hair length to collect them in the tail, at least short. The net could be pulled forward all the way to the forehead, but more often women preferred to style their hair in front in curls or “Victory rolls”, and already behind them they attached a net.


Watch the video: 40s Vintage Inspired Head To Toe Look. Style Revival: 1940s (July 2024).