
What is a biochemical hair perm and how is it different from a regular perm?


Gorgeous curly locks at all times have been the object of desire of the owners of straight hair. Until the beginning of the 20th century, artificial curls were short-lived and scattered the very next day, until in 1905 the German barber Karl Nessler did not invent the first chemical perm. For more than 100 years of the evolution of hairdressing, hair curling has passed from the category of complex salon procedures to simple manipulation that can be performed even at home. The only problem of modern girls: which perm to choose - chemical, alkaline or newfangled biological? Let's understand this question together.

How does "chemistry"?

If we consider the hairs in cross section, we can see that in straight hair it has the shape of a circle, and in curled hair it has the shape of an oval. To make curly straight hair, you need to change the shape of its cross section. But this is not easy to do, because the integrity of the hair is provided by tightly closed keratin scales outside and strong protein bonds inside. The purpose of the preparations used for chemical perm is the splitting of these same scales and the destruction of protein bonds, so that you can soften and give the necessary shape to the section of the hairs.

After the active components of the drug have done their work, the hair is wound on special curlers - bobbins - of a certain diameter and kept for some time. To fix the result, it is necessary to neutralize the effect of the chemical composition, for which the hydrogen peroxide solution is used. After that, the protein bonds are restored, the scales close, and the hair again becomes dense, but with a new section and shape.

Why is a perm harmful to hair?

During the "chemistry" of the hair loses some of its weight due to leaching of soluble substances that have lost their keratin protection. In addition, the procedure itself of the violent transformation of the hair does not pass without a trace to the health of the curls. Therefore, knowingly perm is considered quite harmful procedure for the hair.

Since the advent of the first composition for curling and to date, chemists around the world are trying to invent a tool that could provide curls durability and at the same time not spoil the hair. So there were various preparations for a chemical wave. And finally, we come to the main question:

What is the difference between chemical, alkaline and biowave?

In fact, alkaline, acidic, neutral and biowave are all varieties of chemical hair perm, only made using different compositions. Even the advertised new-fashioned biowave is the same “chemistry”, but more gentle to the hair.

No matter how scientists tried to come up with a magic composition for curling hair, the result is the same: the worse the composition affects the health of the strands, the better the curls hold, and vice versa. The most durable is considered to be alkaline or cold perm. The main ingredient that is included in the preparation for alkaline perm is ammonium thioglycolate. This substance loosens keratin scales, which allows the active substances to penetrate deep into the hair structure to create persistent curls. This type of waving is well suited for stiff and thick strands, but significantly impairs their quality. And thin, weakened hair, alkaline perm may cause irreparable harm.

Acid perm is less popular, because after it curls do not hold as long as after the alkaline procedure. In addition, the main component, glyceryl monothioglycolate, can cause intolerance among both clients and craftsmen. However, acid perm hair hurts less.

Neutral perm is based on alkaline with the addition of ammonium biocarbonate and a lower pH, which reduces the negative impact on the health of hair. However, curls after such a curl are kept for a short time compared with the alkaline and even acidic varieties of this procedure.

More about biowave hair

The prefix "bio" in this case is a product of a successful advertising campaign. Marketers came up with this trick due to the consonance of the two terms "cysteamine" and "cysteine", where the first is the active ingredient of the drug for this type of curling, and the second is the sulfur-containing amino acid, which plays an important role in the processes of the formation of tissues of the human body and is not contained in the preparation for "Biowave".

By the way, the term biowave is used only in Russian-speaking countries, abroad it is not a secret for anyone that this is the usual "chemistry", but less sparing compared to other types of chemical perms.

Biowave, indeed, causes significantly less damage to hair than other types of "chemistry". Curls turn out more natural and soft, but keep relatively short. However, depending on the concentration of active substances that make up the perm preparations of a particular company, the result may be more or less stable. Well and, accordingly, the degree of damage to the hair during biowave changes to a greater or lesser extent.

So, we found out that any perm is chemical. Now, to decide which way to use, you need to determine what is more important to you: the longevity of the curlicues or the health of the hair.

What is a biochemical hair curling?

Biowave is the most delicate way to curl hairin which the sparing preparations which are not containing dangerous components are applied. The basis of the compositions used for this procedure are wheat extracts, fruit acids, as well as an amino acid substitute - cysteamine hydrochloride.

The combination of these components provides a head of hair with a flawless, maximum natural and healthy appearance, as well as perfect durability for a long period.

The main active ingredient of most formulations intended for biochemical waving is cysteamine hydrochloride. In combination with natural ingredients, this substance carefully turns straight strands into charming curls and curls, which are very persistent.

What is the principle?

Biochemical wave suitable for all hair types, thanks to its gentle effect.

Cysteamine, which is the main component, has a molecular structure as close as possible to the molecular structure of hair cuticles. Therefore, causing a chemical reaction of keratin, this substance does not destroy the hair structure, but on the contrary, significantly strengthens it.

The compositions used for biowave, absolutely do not dry curls, and therefore, This procedure is the best option for owners of thin and weak hair.devoid of natural volume.

Biozavivka - salvation for hair

For the first time the biowave appeared in 1999, and interest in it immediately began to grow. The principle of action of such a perm differs from the chemical one in that its main component, cystine, does not destroy the hair structure, but rather strengthens it.

Cystine is a biological protein that has a similar structure to that of a human hair. As a result of the biowave procedure, hair is filled with protein, their structure improves, and they look better. Biowave can be applied to any hair - colored or damaged, but the best result is obtained after all on natural hair.

Biowave firmly kept about six months. Hair retains its structure, color and shine, curls remain strong and soft at the same time, and due to the conditioning effect they look free, natural and attractive.

What is the difference between bio and perm?

What are the main differences between hair curls and chemical curls, which were even called “classic”? In addition to the biowave contains cystine, it does not contain such aggressive components as ammonia and thioglycolic acid. It is these substances that cause the hair to change its structure in the process of perm, having a destructive effect on it.

The biowave process in its structure is similar to chemical perm, but their action is fundamentally different. The biowave process is based on the action of cysteamine hydrochloride, an organic protein. We will not paint here the chains of formulas in detail, we will only say that this natural protein does not only destroy the structure of the hair, but also provides them with help.

Therefore, you can safely curl your hair and not be afraid of drying and destructive effects. After the biowave procedure, you should not wash your hair and use the hairdryer for at least two days, otherwise the effect will not have time to gain a foothold, and its premature destruction will begin.

However, not everyone wants to be curly. Many owners of hair curly from nature dream of straightening them: truly, it is difficult to please a woman! And here you can use the same achievement of cosmetologists - straighten hair with the help of the amino-cysteine ​​complex. The fact is that now you can afford not only a biowave, but also a bio-hair straightening - everything depends only on the desire!

What is bio-straightening?

Bio-straightening and biowave hair perfectly combined with the procedure of bio-lamination. During this procedure, each hair is enveloped in a natural breathable cellulose film. Hair is given flexibility and shine, obedience and elasticity, which allows to significantly simplify styling.

Cellulose film does not allow to wash out the paint, protects the hair from damage and has a light water-repellent property, making the styling easier to maintain even in conditions of high humidity. The bio-laminating compound maintains hair vitality, is odorless and does not cause allergies.

Try these treatments on your hair. You will be pleasantly surprised by their radiant and lively beauty, and others will be delighted with you.

Acid Perm

The composition of the treating substance includes acids. PH = 5–7. The finished substance applied to the hair acts slowly and requires the use of a cap during the procedure to create a working temperature.

Attention! To improve the effectiveness of curling use: curl, activator, neutralizer and recommend doing it on porous, damaged hair.

Before starting the procedure, the client chooses the type of curlers that will help create the desired size of the curl. Master winds curls and puts a pre-prepared mixture. Curl + activator emit heat, which speeds up the process. Acid perm makes hair stiffer to the touch.

Alkaline Perm

The procedure refers to the most common and has the name "cold." The substance includes ammonium thioglycolate, ammonia, ethanolamine. PH high = 8.5–9.8.

The alkaline environment loosens the hair structure, and the active substances get inside it, which gives a lasting, beautiful curl. No additional temperature increase is required.

The composition has an unpleasant strong smell and irritates the skin of the head. It is recommended to comply with the technology as much as possible, otherwise there is a chance to permanently damage the hair.

What effect to expect

Perm results, hair:

  • become obedient, elastic, tough,
  • easy to lay,
  • do not have a greasy shine
  • do not require special care
  • acquire additional volume.

Important! It is quite difficult to change the hairstyle during chemical perms, it takes time. It is also worth considering that the hair after the procedure loses health and does not always look good.

Result of biowave hair:

  • are filled with natural protein
  • get healthy looking
  • look well maintained
  • require additional makeup,
  • easy to fit.

Biowave allows you to quickly change the hairstyle.


Perm is not recommended if:

  • woman is pregnant
  • hair is sick, repeatedly incorrectly painted, dry,
  • there is an allergy to the components of the composition,
  • oil masks were constantly applied,
  • repeated staining with basma, henna,
  • after staining not two weeks,
  • there are infectious diseases
  • hair actively fall out
  • a woman takes potent medicines
  • there is a nervous strain, stress, depression.

Biowave is not recommended:

  • with personal intolerance to the components of the composition,
  • with allergies
  • pregnant and lactating women
  • children under 18 years old
  • during menstruation.

But mostly biowave can be done without restrictions on the state of curls.

What's cheaper

The perm is characterized by a low price of 1.5–3 thousand rubles, in contrast to a biowave, the cost of which has a large range, from 2 thousand rubles. and higher.

The price of biowave depends on:

  • quality and brand of the drug,
  • craftsmen and salon
  • on the length and structure of the hair,
  • on the amount of work wizard.

Council You can find out the exact cost by visiting a salon, where the hairdresser will assess the condition of the hair, its length and amount of work. The high price of the procedure is determined by its naturalness and the cost of the composition.

The difficulty of doing at home

It is not recommended to carry out perm and biowave on your own. It is better to entrust the procedure to a professional. But if, nevertheless, it was decided to perm the house, it is worth knowing the technology and first read the instructions carefully.


  1. Wash their heads.
  2. Apply a pre-prepared solution.
  3. Twirl curlers.
  4. Waiting for the allotted time.
  5. Wash off the composition.
  6. Dry curls.

Before a perm, it is recommended to assess the condition of the hair and identify an allergy to the composition, causing a small amount of it to the brush on the inside. It is also advisable to trim the ragged ends.


  1. Hair combed well and washed.
  2. Wear gloves.
  3. Vaseline is treated with the skin along the hairline, covering the neck and décolleté.
  4. Wrap on bobbins.
  5. Apply the composition.
  6. Put on a special hat.
  7. Waiting for the required time specified in the instructions.
  8. Well washed hair.
  9. Apply a neutralizer and blot with a towel.

The complexity of these two procedures are similar, the only During the chemical procedure, special attention should be paid to open areas of the body that can get a solution, it is desirable to protect them.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of perm include:

  • the curls are held for a long time
  • hair becomes obedient
  • greasy hair is dried,
  • low price
  • Hairstyle becomes more voluminous.

The disadvantages include:

  • a large number of contraindications
  • destructive action
  • loss of color, shine, silkiness,
  • You can not quickly change the hairstyle.

Note, since the chemical procedure adversely affects the state of the curls, they will need special, careful care.

Advantages of biowave:

  • color preservation
  • wellness effect
  • beautiful curls,
  • easy installation
  • volume,
  • the lack of a noticeable border between curls and regrown hair,
  • minimum contraindications.

Cons biowave:

  • peculiar smell
  • special care
  • high price.

Biowave is alive, so the procedure can be called completely gentle.

Care after the procedure

To reduce the negative effects of chemical waving:

  • after rinsing the solution, apply a reducing balm,
  • use special therapeutic drugs that do not wash off,
  • purchase products with the mark “for hair after perm”,
  • don't use a hair dryer
  • cut the tips monthly,
  • Comb with rare teeth.

After a biowave it is worth observing the following rules:

  • two days after the procedure, you should not wash your hair and comb,
  • it is advisable to choose specialized care products
  • the curls must be intensely moisturized,
  • staining can be only some time after the procedure.

Any perm requires special care for the hair. After the procedure is to choose special care products. When permed - it must be moisturizing, restoring shampoos, masks and conditioners. At a biowave - it is special impregnation, balms.

What other types of hair curling:

Useful videos

What is biowave?

How to perm hair.


Exists three main types of biochemical wavewhich differ among themselves both in ingredients included in the composition and in methods of performance.

    Moisturizing Japanese biowave.

When performing this procedure, high-quality formulations based on collagen and herbal ingredients are used. It is ideal for medium and long curls, allowing you to get flawless attractive curls of moderate hardness. Mossa Italian Curling - the best choice for owners of thin strands.

This procedure allows you to get tight and elastic small curls that look just charming. This method is suitable for girls with short hair. Silk biowave

This method, characterized by the most delicacy, allows you to get seductive large curls that require a minimum of effort when laying. This procedure practically does not reduce the natural length of the strands.

How to choose the right composition?

Currently there is several types of compositionsintended for biochemical curling: exothermic, alkaline, acid.

Exothermic formulations are the most popular because they are used for normal, dry and colored hair.

Alkaline intend for the ringlets differing in the increased density, and also in the presence of a gray hair.

For thin and blond strands are suitable acidic compounds. Therefore, when choosing the best option, you must consider your own type of hair. The second important factor is the reputation of the manufacturer of these funds.

Currently The best products for biochemical curling are offered by the following well-known companies:

  • BBCOS,
  • CHI Ionic,
  • Estel,

The assortment of all listed companies includes products based on safe ingredients and having a mild effect.

How to care for the strands after the curling procedure?

Pledge of beauty curls after biochemical waving - this is a competent regular care. therefore you must remember a few simple rules:

  1. During the first two or three days after the procedure is not recommended to wash the hair.
  2. The choice of shampoos should be treated very responsibly. Therefore, carefully study the composition - it should not be sulfates and other hazardous components.
  3. Sprays, balms and other care products should be designed exclusively for curly and curly hair and belong to the same series.
  4. For combing, use only comb combs with sparse long teeth.
  5. During the first two weeks after the biowave, it is recommended to refrain from wearing tight elastic bands, hairpins, headbands and other accessories that may adversely affect the hair structure.
  6. Painting, highlighting and toning should be carried out not earlier than three weeks after the procedure.
  7. Once a week it is recommended to use masks that have a beneficial effect on the quality of the hair. As a result, she will stay elastic, shiny and perfectly healthy for as long as possible.
  8. After each wash you can feed the curls, putting on them a few droplets of any natural oil.

Features of the structure of human hair

Human hair is divided into two parts: the root (follicle) and rod (trunk) - the visible part.

In turn, the trunk (core) of the hair, consists of three parts:

  • Medulla (medulla).
  • Cortical substance (cortex), responsible for color, shape, texture, strength and hydration.
  • The cuticle is a protective outer scaly layer of hair that protects against the harmful effects of the environment. Scales (6-19 layers of cells) are very densely superimposed one upon the other like fish scales or fir cone.

Classic perm hair

German hairdresser Karl Nessler made the classic permanent for the first time in 1908 in London. Since then, more than 100 years have passed, and this type of long-term hair curling is still not losing ground.

How is the "chemistry":

  • First, the hair is wound on curlers or bobbins.
  • Then each turn is abundantly moistened with a special chemical composition using a sponge.
  • We put on the head the warming cap.
  • We wait for the prescribed time, then wash off with water.
  • We put the fixing structure for 5 minutes.
  • Wash off, wash my hair with shampoo ..

The change in the shape of the hair is due to the chemical reaction that breaks the cystine bonds of keratin with thioglycolic acid and ammonia, or alkali derived from it, as a result of which the hair becomes pliable to acquire a new form, which is attached to it by a whoopish or hair curler.

The fixator partially restores the disulfide bond already in the updated - curled form. The acidic composition of classical chemistry destroys the hair structure irrevocably, the treated part will remain damaged even after a long time.

Differences of classical chemistry from "bio-chemistry"

The classic “permanent” damages the hair, it will not work out afterwards - you’ll have to cut off the entire length treated with the compound.

In sparing biochemistry, a curl of such a steepness will not work, and it holds much less. But the hair after biochemistry will not only retain its structure, but also improve it.

  • Individual intolerance to the components of the composition of the wave.
  • Pregnancy, even early terms.
  • Critical days.
  • The period of hormonal drugs.

Whatever method of curling you choose for yourself, you should not do it on just painted or badly damaged hair, you must wait 2-3 weeks, while enhancing hair care.

Knowing the mechanics of the impact on the hair and the differences in the types of waving, you can easily make the right choice, which will be determined by your personal motives and circumstances.

What is biowave and why is it so popular?

Many women dream of playful romantic curls, but not everyone is endowed with curls from nature. Using curlers, plexes and other methods takes time, and every day, not everyone can curl strands.

Therefore, the procedures for winding curls that allow you to keep curls curled for several months are particularly popular with women who dream of a stylish curl.

Thanks to the perm you can forget about other methods of winding for several months.

Curling with the help of chemicals allows you to achieve a durable result, but it greatly spoils the curls - they become brittle, thinned, and their hostesses have to spend a lot of time and money on further restoration. That is why chemical biowave hair today is much more popular, because it allows you to achieve an impressive effect with minimal harm to the hair.

How is biowave performed?

The procedure is most often carried out in the cabin, as it is very difficult to choose the right proportions of the mixture for curling and fixer, as well as skillfully screw all the curls with your own hands on small curlers. Hair curlers are used to create curls, as well as a mixture that includes cystine protein, vitamins, plant extracts and other substances.

The composition of the emulsion, which will process the curls, is chosen by the master, who assesses the length, condition and characteristics of the client's hair. It is not easy to find the optimal composition at home without experience, therefore it is better to immediately rely on the hairdresser.

Photo of the result you can achieve

Instructions for conducting biowave:

  1. The wizard determines the type of hair and the most suitable composition for curling.

The choice affects the length and structure of the hair

  1. Depending on what diameter curls you want to get, curlers are selected the desired diameter.
  2. Next, the hair needs to be washed with a special shampoo, which reveals the hair scales, which later will allow protein compounds to penetrate deep into the strands and create the desired result.

Proper shampoo plays an important role in the further penetration of the curl into the hair

  1. Strands are wound on curlers, and they are applied to selected composition with cysteine, beta-carotene, extracts and vitamins. During this stage, the protein thickens, which allows you to fix curls so that they lasted about six months.

While curling, the protein mixture thickens, allowing the curls to firmly fix

  1. A special fixing mixture is applied to the hair, which additionally fixes the hairstyle and also restores the acid-base balance. This stage provides the hair with a healthy appearance in the future.

The fixer performs several roles at once.

The price of biowave depends on the thickness, length and individual characteristics of the hair, as the best suitable composition is selected for them. The cost of materials for this procedure is higher than for perm, but the condition of the hair does not deteriorate later.

Note! If you choose a diameter of the curler is too large, you can get not elastic curls, but only light waves.

The larger the diameter of the selected curlers - the less elastic curls will be the result

Biowave Care Rules

Biowave implies its own peculiarities of care, which will allow the curls to remain elastic for a longer time:

  • it is not recommended to wash your hair for 3-5 days right after curlingand it is also not advisable to dry them with a hairdryer for 6-7 days,

Plan the procedure so as not to wash your hair after it for at least 3-4 days

  • Massage brushes or combs with frequent teeth contribute to faster straightening of curlstherefore, it is worth using wooden scallops with rare teeth,
  • Experts recommend to refuse to blow-dry at all., but if you can’t do without using this device, you should purchase a model with a diffuser, as well as use heat protection sprays,

It is better to refuse hair-drying

  • wash curls recommended shampoos containing silicone. It will add shine to hair, smooth scales, and also help strands to retain moisture, which will favorably affect biowave,
  • it is also important to provide hair care with the help of conditioners, balms and nourishing masks.

Do not forget to use masks

Note! After biowaving, hair dyeing is not prohibited. But it is recommended to carry it out not earlier than 2-3 weeks after curling.

After the procedure, you can freely use hairpins, hairpins and elastic bands, as well as carry out any hairstyles you want. Thus, the biowave all 5-6 months will please you, because there will be an opportunity to create different hairstyles that fit business, everyday and other styles.

Feel free to experiment with hairstyles

The biowave is one of the best decisions for those who dream of a durable curling.

If you have any questions after reading the article, you can ask them in the comments, and we will try to answer you. You can find more useful information on this topic in the video in this article.


Watch the video: Perming hair and tetiary structure of keratin (July 2024).