
Double curler for hair


Most modern girls and women use such a popular device as a curling iron to create different hairstyles. Thanks to the use of these devices in a short time you can make beautiful and neat curls. Particularly popular at the present time is a double curling iron for hair. In comparison with the standard versions, this type has a large number of advantages, which you should read more.


For a start, it should be said that double curtains have more extensive functionality in comparison with the usual models. Basically, these devices are used to create complex curling and styling. The peculiarity of these options is that they can be used daily and heat treatment will not harm the hair. Models are equipped with high-quality and safe coating that protects curls from overheating and damage.

If you plan to do hair only on holidays, it is best to refer to the standard options with a single rod.

Another feature of the double pleyek is the ability to capture multiple strands. This allows you to quickly and easily create even the most intricate styling. But it is worth considering the moment that models with two rods belong to the class of professional tools, and therefore their use requires certain skills.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like all thermal tools for creating hairstyles and styling, double curling have pros and cons. The advantages of the models include:

  • devices provide reliable fixation
  • using curling can quickly make beautiful curls
  • The device is perfect for long hair.

In addition, the models have high-quality ceramic coating, which protects the strands from the harmful effects of high temperature. Curling irons solder the hair scales, preserve their healthy appearance. In addition, models with a ceramic coating are available in price.

As for the shortcomings, they are also available. For example, double curlers are not suitable for creating hairstyles for short hair. In the opposite case, the use of the device will lead to the fact that the hair will be inaccurate. If you want to create volume in the root zone or beautiful curls, pay attention to the tools with removable nozzles. A good option would be tongs with a conical shape.

Often, manufacturers produce double models with a metallic coating. It is better to refuse such options, as they adversely affect the hair structure. Curls look weak and damaged after the first use. In the opposite case, before using the curling it is necessary to process the hair with thermal protection.

How to choose?

Choosing a double curling iron for hair, you need to pay attention to a few important points. The first criterion is the work surface material. Modern double models are presented in several versions, and the most popular type is the ceramic coating, which was mentioned above.

During the acquisition process, pay attention to the fact that the base is completely made of ceramic material. Often, manufacturers offer options with a thin layer, which is erased over time. The only disadvantage of ceramics is fragility.

Not inferior in high performance and tourmaline coating. Experts say that it is superior to ceramics. But buyers often refuse to purchase because of the high cost.

An important point is the temperature. Standard indicators of most models range from 100-200 degrees. It should be understood that the higher the temperature, the more dry the hair. That is why it is recommended to choose double curling iron with temperature controllers.

In the process of purchasing, pay attention to the cord, as comfort and convenience in the process of use directly depend on it. It is necessary to give preference to models with rotating elements.

No less important point is the diameter of the rods in pdoek. If these elements are too large, the effect of use will be invisible.

How to use?

After choosing the right curling iron, you need to learn how to use the device correctly. For a start, it is worth learning one important rule - you can only use the device for treating dry hair. In no case do not wind the wet strands on the double curling iron, as this will lead to their dryness and brittleness.

Experts recommend using a thermal agent before curling. Spray the hair lightly. This will ensure their resistance to high temperatures.

If you want to create neat and beautiful curls, it is best to abandon the use of mousse or foam. There is no need for this, since the rods securely lock the curls.

So, the process of creating hairstyles should start with the separation of strands:

  • Separated hair grabs at the very tip, after which the rods are not wound. If you want to create a styling, it’s best to start the process from the bottom. Pre-fix the rest of the hair on top of the head with hairpins.
  • Curls on the rods are not recommended to hold more than 20 seconds. In the opposite case, you just burn the hair and they lose their healthy appearance.

The versatility of the double curling is that the strands can be wound, either alternately on each rod, or on two elements at once. To create a wave in a neat hair is best to use the first option.

The best options

Professional hairdressers working with various instruments have chosen some of the best double curtains that can be used by both beginners and experienced craftsmen. First on the list is the device BaByliss PRO BAB2282TTETwin barrel"). A feature of the device is the presence of a titanium-tourmaline coating. This allows you to create hairstyles with interesting and complex curls.

In addition, the advantage of a double model is the stability of the coating. The tourmaline base produces negatively charged ions that prevent the occurrence of a static charge on the hair.

"Silver" in the list of the best options goes to the model Dewal «TitaniumT2-Pro". This device belongs to the professional types, and therefore the double curling iron is often used by masters in the salons. Thanks to the tool you can quickly and easily create curls of different shapes.

The advantage of this model is the presence of a thermostat. This allows you to control all the stages of creating styling.

Types and selection

Double curling irons vary in material quality, size and overall structure.

The coating is of several types: ceramic, teflon, titanium and tourmaline.

  1. Ceramic coating. It is the most benign because the material heats up for a long time, but as a result it heats up better over the entire surface and keeps the temperature at the right level. Due to these nuances, the device slides better through the hair, which protects them from damage. You will learn about the advantages of the ceramic curtain on our website.
  2. Teflon coating. Here, the principle operates as in pans: strands move easily along the rods, do not stick, and retain their original state. However, there is one big drawback - fragility. The layer of teflon is quickly erased, and the metal under it is exposed. The process is unnoticeable, therefore, in order to avoid burning curls, it is recommended to use the specified curling iron for no more than a year.
  3. Tourmaline coating. It is considered to be almost the safest. It is applied over ceramic plates, which doubly limits the drying of hair. An additional property is the soldering of hair scales. The rest of the quality of the surface is absolutely similar to ceramics.
  4. Titanium coating. According to its properties, the material is similar to tourmaline, which, when heated, emits negatively charged ions, due to which the strands do not electrify or overdry. The most durable coating, practically does not deteriorate over time.

There are other coatings - glass ceramics, titanium ceramics, with silver nanoparticles - however, their cost is often too high for the average consumer, and it is not always easy to find this equipment in the market.

The diameter of the double curling iron are 19, 25 and 32 mm. The choice depends on what size the owner wants to make curls. Also in the hardware stores there are devices with cylinders 13–15 mm in diameter. Because of their size, they heat up faster and more evenly.

On some devices you can find a clip. This option will suit inexperienced users, because with its help it is easier to fix the strand.

The remaining features of technology depend on the manufacturer.

Council There are professional-related curling irons that have an antibacterial effect built in, which makes the hair shiny and gives it a healthy look. The maximum heating temperature of the described devices is 200 degrees.

For which hair to use

Double curling iron - a tool for creating hairstyles of different styles and purposes. With it, you can make light beach waves, unusual zigzag curls, romantic curls, spirals.

But fit This technique is not for all hair types. It is best to use it to give shape to long hair, in extreme cases, girls with a haircut of medium length, since very small strands can not be screwed onto two cylinders, and give the desired shape too. How and what to wind short hair, you will find on our website.

Review of the ployok from the best manufacturers

Buying curling iron, described in this article, you should pay attention to well-known brands:

A popular company specializing in the production of hairdressing equipment of different directions in use - both everyday and professional. The reviews about the brand's cheats are positive, therefore, having chosen it, it is impossible to err. The cost of such a device on the Internet fluctuates around 5 thousand rubles, but there are other models on foreign websites, which are 3-5 thousand rubles more expensive.

In this brand in the range there are several types of double pleyok, which differ from each other in cylinder diameter and power. The cost is very democratic - like the previous brand does not exceed 2 thousand rubles.

The main advantages of technology - good quality, convenient to use. However, the price bites a little - all offers from 3 thousand rubles and above.

Terms of use

The basic rule that you need to remember before you start curling is to do this procedure only on dry hair. It is desirable to process the strands with any thermal protective agent. Wet hair, even with one such perm, will be burned, begin to split, besides there is a great chance to spoil the technique.

Important! It is necessary to refuse any clamps (skin, mousse). Ideal - slightly sprinkle with lacquer already finished hair. How to make the curls long held, you will find on our website.

There are some recommendations when curling:

  1. To create a curl, grab a strand at the very tip, and then carefully twist the figure eight onto the rod.
  2. It is best to start styling with the hair of the lower layers, pre-fixing the top at the crown.
  3. Time curling one curl should not exceed 20 seconds, otherwise the whole strand will be burned.
  4. Combing curls will be more reasonable only after complete cooling of the hair, otherwise they can fall apart.

When choosing a curler, first of all pay attention to the coating. It should provide and a strong fixation of curls, and the preservation of healthy hair. If the technique is needed for quick installation, then by the way, you will need a thermostat function, where there are different modes. It is important to remember about the length of the cord: a long and easily changing shape during rotation is ideal.

What types of curls are and how to get them at home:

Useful videos

Babyliss PRO Twin Barrel.

Types of ploek

Curling curls for hair can be divided into three main categories:

All electrical appliances of this type have a metal rod, inside of which there is a heating element. The size of the curls depends on the diameter of the rod of such ployok.

Also, all models have a clamp for fixing the strands during the creation of the curl. This category has its own subspecies:

Spiral Curler

Today you can buy curling irons of different shapes:

  • square,
  • triangular,
  • conical.
  1. For straightening (ironing).

In the sale of irons appeared not so long ago, the most benign are appliances with a ceramic coating. With the help of the ironing, curly and naughty hair can be quickly turned into well-groomed and beautiful hairstyles. As a rule, a set of sold a variety of corrugated nozzles, which make it possible to make the wavy strands.

Nozzles corrugation make beautiful waves on the hair of different lengths

It is recommended to use forceps no more than three times a week, it is also important to use a variety of masks to restore the hair structure, since frequent heating can negatively affect the condition of the whole hair.

Photo ironing with nozzles

  1. For drying and styling.

Curling hair dryers have two mechanisms that make it possible to dry the hair and give it volume. This professional curling curler is especially convenient for business women who do not have much free time to clean up their hair. Using curling hair dryer will allow you to create a beautiful hairstyle with your own hands in a matter of minutes.

Sheepts-hair dryer - assistant business woman

Characteristics of ploek

When choosing electric trays, it is necessary to consider a number of characteristics.

There is an electric trowel for curls with a built-in ionization system, which provides proper care and eliminates the appearance of static electricity on the strands.

Ionizer Curler

Working surface

One of the important factors when choosing a curling is the material from which the working surface of the device is made. The most qualitative and safe is the ceramic coating, which does not harm hair so much.

There are also devices with a coating of nano-silver, which acts on the locks as an antibacterial substance.

Cone curling with ceramic coating

It is not recommended to buy an electric strip with a metallic coating, since very often the hair overheats, becomes dry and breaks off.

Diameter of curling iron and nozzles

The width and dimensions of the plates affect the shape and size of the curl

The size of future curls depends on the diameter of purchased ployok. For large curls, you need to use forceps of large diameter, for small curls - small.

Modern models of forceps are sold complete with a variety of nozzles, which make it possible to create curls of different shapes and configurations:

  • triangular shape (curls with straight ends),
  • zigzag (curls with sharp corners),
  • corrugation (waves on straight strands),
  • Texturer (creating curly effects).

For straightening hair, a straightener is used - a special nozzle that also comes in the kit and eliminates the need to buy two electrical appliances.

Kit with nozzles


No less important characteristic is the temperature of the heating forceps. Each device has a temperature regulator that can be adjusted to different hair types.

More expensive items, the price of which is much higher, have a liquid crystal display, with which it is convenient to adjust the temperature. The temperature range in the tongs is from 100 to 200 degrees.

The higher the temperature set on the curling iron - the more likely it is to burn the strands.
Choose carefully this indicator.
The thinner the hair structure, the lower the heating temperature should be.

LCD Tongs

The power depends on how fast the heating is, the modern devices have a power of from 20 to 50 W. The more powerful the forceps, the larger their size, which makes them less convenient to use. On average, the heating rate of a regular curling is 1 minute.

Terms of use curling

Hair styling with forceps can irreparably spoil the hair, so you need to know some rules for how to use curling hair.

Curling with tongs requires certain skills and knowledge.

Instructions for using tongs:

  1. Before the procedure, you need to wash your hair with shampoo and dry.
  2. Under the influence of tongs, the processed strand should not be more than half a minute.
  3. To keep the shape for a long time, you should take fine strands and distribute them evenly over the tongs.
  4. It is not recommended to comb the still cold strands, as it may lose its shape.
  5. To avoid scalp burns, you must put a comb under the strand.

Photo instruction on how to curl your hair

To obtain a beautiful curling hair and prevent their damage, you need to make the right choice and purchase quality forceps. In the proposed video in this article you can find detailed information on this topic.

Any questions? Ask them in the comments to the article!

Configuration and design

Depending on the desired curls, you need to select a special curling, which will ensure the creation of a specific type of curl. Today you can find the following types of forceps:

    classic. They have a cylindrical shape, a round tip and a special clamp that helps securely fix the tip of the strand and curl your hair along the entire length. Curls turn out ideally twisted and identical in diameter. Perfect for self styling,

What is the main surface made of?

The material of the working surface has a direct impact on the condition of the hair. After all, perm occurs at fairly high temperatures, so each material begins to interact with the hair when heated. It is desirable that he had the most gentle effect on the hair. What materials are used as a coating?

  1. Metal. From it were made all curling in the old days. And I want to note that they had a rather negative impact on women's hair. High temperature and uneven heating of the metal adversely affect the structure of the strands, destroying them. They become lifeless, brittle, thin, lose their natural luster and begin to split. Therefore, if you inherited from your grandmother such a curling iron, you should not use it too often. It is better to get yourself a more reliable option that will save you both hair and time.
  2. Teflon coating. Allows hair to slide well on the forceps, even if a large amount of styling products is applied to the hair. For example, hair may stick to iron curling. The downside is that from regular use, Teflon coating becomes thinner very quickly. Remains a bare metal base.
  3. Ceramics. The coating of it has established itself as the safest, because ceramics are made from sand and water, and they are completely natural ingredients. The ceramic coated curd slides perfectly through the hair, twisting or smoothing it. Heating occurs evenly, thus avoiding overdrying. The only disadvantage is a long warm-up. But to achieve a good result, you can wait a bit.
  4. Tourmaline coating. It is made by applying to the ceramics a natural mineral tourmaline, known for the presence of negatively charged ions in it, which gives the hair a brilliant shine. Tourmaline has the ability to smooth the hair cuticle. If your hair is constantly electrified and stuck to synthetic clothing, a tourmaline-coated curling iron will remove static electricity.

How to make zigzag curls ↑

Square curls - a trend that can transform any hairstyle. Such wavy hair can be both with very large and natural curls, and with small, resembling a corrugation. How to wind curls to get stylish zigzag curls? There are several effective ways to do this.

What is the diameter and design

For each hairstyle there is a certain curling. If you need large curls - take a device of large diameter, small - thin. In addition, a large number of sets with removable nozzles have been developed, allowing to select the desired tip on one basis. Very convenient: it saves money, time, does not take up much space. There are such types of nozzles:

  • models of different diameter of a cylindrical shape - from 1.58 cm to 5 cm,
  • conical (in the form of carrots),
  • triangular, leaving the ends straight,
  • in the form of a zigzag, making curls angular,
  • corrugated, creating clear waves,
  • nozzles that create different curly elements
  • straighteners that straighten natural curls
  • double,
  • triple,
  • spiral.

Temperature and power device

Basically, the temperature can range from 100 to 230 degrees. Naturally, too high can simply burn the hair. Modern models are equipped with a temperature controller. Some devices are even equipped with a small display that allows you to most accurately set the recommended temperature and see when the curling iron reaches the desired mark. As for power, the minimum allowable, with which the device will be able to cope with their tasks, is 18 watts. True, have to wait until it warms up. If you want the heating to occur in a matter of seconds - either you will use the device for work, where every minute counts, or you have an accelerated pace of life and do not have time to wait, then choose a 1000-watt curling iron. It will heat up very quickly. Just one minute - and you can get to work. Therefore, such curling iron most in demand.

Curling hair with curling

To get a good result, you need to carefully prepare:

  • wash your hair well
  • It is advisable to apply a nourishing mask on them in order to saturate the hair with plant components that almost any mask contains and to give them a shiny and healthy look. By the way, in order to get the maximum effect from applying the mask, it is recommended to put a plastic cap on your head after applying it and wrap the head with a towel for forty minutes,
  • wash your hair with plenty of running water, remove excess moisture with a towel,
  • apply nourishing hair oil or conditioner on the hair that does not require rinsing,
  • distribute a thermal protective agent through the hair that will help withstand heat treatment,
  • dry hair with a comb and hair dryer.

After the done procedures, you can proceed directly to the perm. This will require:

  • heat the pad to the desired temperature,
  • comb the hair and bundle it with a clip, leaving the bottom row of hair to work,
  • separate one strand, comb and twist it on the curling,
  • hold for 10–15 seconds
  • loosen the clamp and allow the curl to slide out gently, holding it with your hand until it cools completely. Can be fixed with a small clamp,
  • you can proceed to the next strand,
  • when the first row is passed, you need to remove the clip from the hair and separate the next row for work. And so on until all the hair on your head is twisted.

However, when using any curling, you should not neglect safety precautions. Enough to follow simple rules and you save yourself from trouble.

  1. Do not touch the heated curling iron with your bare hands. Only the handle. There are even specially designed gloves for working with curling irons.
  2. When you wind the strand on the curler, make sure that it does not touch the scalp. You can get a serious burn.
  3. Do not hold the strand on the curling iron for more than 30 seconds, otherwise you may ruin the hair.
  4. In the event that you notice that the curling iron is sparkling or overheating, you should not use it anymore. This is fraught with negative consequences. Fortunately, this is extremely rare.

What is the principle of the automatic curling

There are two types of machine plots:

  • The curling iron, externally similar to the standard model, only has a rotation mechanism. You do not have to do rotational motion. Curler curl strand automatically. Just press the button and bring it closer to your head as you wind it up. Some models even have a direction selection function,
  • machine to automatically create curls. The latest development in the industry. The curling machine is capable of making perfect curls practically without your participation. It is enough just to bring it to the hair and “lodge” a curl with it, having previously set the required temperature, time of exposure to the hair and direction of movement. There are models with interchangeable nozzles of different diameters, which will make it possible to choose between large curls and thin curls.

How to use the automatic machine

You must follow all the same rules that apply when using standard forceps. Preliminary it is desirable to perform several fairly simple procedures.

  1. Wash hair thoroughly.
  2. Apply a nourishing mask and hold it on your hair for about thirty minutes.
  3. Wash it off the hair. Water should not be too hot. Otherwise, it may provoke inflammation, and in some cases dandruff may appear.
  4. Gently blot with a towel. Remember - you can not rub in any case, otherwise you can seriously damage your hair.
  5. Apply to the hair a product that has thermal properties.
  6. If desired, to keep the curls for a very long time, you can apply a fixing agent - mousse, gel or styling spray.
  7. Dry using hair dryer, using a gentle mode and at the same time combing hair.

After these procedures, you can begin to perform a perm with the help of automatic curling. What is the sequence?

  1. Comb your hair very carefully. It is advisable to use a comb with antistatic effect. This may be the usual wooden comb.
  2. Collect the hair in a bun, leaving one row at the bottom for work.
  3. Set the desired temperature and direction of travel on the curling iron.
  4. Separate a small strand and place it in the device, placing it as close as possible to the head.
  5. Close the handles, and the curling iron will wind the hair on the drum itself.
  6. Wait for the time you set to pass. This can usually be from 8 to 12 seconds, depending on which curls you want to get - light or very strong and resilient.
  7. Apply lacquer to hair if long-term fixation is needed.

What is triple

With the help of a triple curling you are given a choice of a huge selection of hairstyles. With its help you can:

  • straighten uneven hair. It is enough just to hold the device from the top down through the hair a couple of times, alternating it by combing it,
  • make perfectly smooth waves. No other model is capable of delivering a similar result.
  • make your hair look incredible,
  • create subtle curls that will be as natural,
  • get strong, persistent curls.

But it should be noted that this curling is very voluminous, so the chances of getting burned are very high. Use special gloves to protect your hands.

How to choose a device for the perfect curls

The choice of curling tongs is very time consuming. But if you know what you should pay attention to and clearly understand the results you are waiting for, then it will be easy to choose the appropriate option. Pay attention to the following characteristics.

  1. The design and length of the forceps. Depends on the required results. Whether it will be a standard cylindrical model, or tongs of unusual shape. Choose the length in relation to the length of your hair. If you want diversity, you can use the “all-in-one” option - a curling iron with numerous nozzles.
  2. Coating. Pay attention to tourmaline-coated curling irons. Or the simpler version is ceramics.
  3. Power. It depends on the warm-up time and, of course, the price.
  4. Temperature controller. When the curling iron is equipped with a regulator, you have the opportunity to adjust the desired temperature without fear of overheating the hair.
  5. Cord length The longer it is, the more convenient it will be to use the device. You will have freedom of movement around the room. With the short it is necessary to sit at the outlet. If the cord is moving with a rotating base, it will be a plus. Choose a model with a strong and thick cord.

Reviews about curling

Curling iron - an indispensable thing in the arsenal of every girl. But to get involved in styling using it is better without fanaticism. I try to use the curtain no more than twice a week and be sure to use a cream-thermal protection. My hair is curly, so sometimes for the night I can just braid a pigtail-spikelet and wake up with wavy hair without overdrying it.

Nastya Gorbacheva

Hmm I have the usual average curling, and my curls can last for 1-2 days, and I do not use varnishes and skins. I just before curling my hair with water, just so that they are not very wet, and without any foam.

Dianochka Aleksandrovna

I do not know how to twist my hair either with a hair dryer, or with an iron, or with a curling without a clip ... only the shoulder of mine, the Bosch BrilliantCare, with a clip and a small diameter, I can easily twist the curls, they turn out in the form of spirals, I really like it . Plus, thanks to the ceramic coating and onizator, it does not spoil the hair. So I found the perfect option for myself.

Ilona Karimova

Choosing curling, remember that it should be easy to use, safe and of high quality. From these characteristics depends on the result of hair and your mood.

How to twist the curls-zigzags double curling

Currant cuberies are very simple and fast with the help of a special double curling. In this case, the strand is simply placed between the two rollers, as a result of which a zigzag wave is formed.

  1. First, wash your hair, and after - be sure to moisturize your hair with a balm or mask.
  2. Wipe the hair with a towel, and then apply heat protection to the strands - spray or mousse.
  3. Blow dry your hair until completely dry.
  4. Comb through the hair and divide them into individual strands of medium width.
  5. Take each in turn, starting from the bottom of the hair, put the hair in a double curling iron.
  6. Hold it for about 15 seconds.
  7. Repeat with the remaining curls, and then - spray it with varnish.

If you want to curl all your hair and they are long enough, then after curling the lower part of the strand, lift the curling iron up and hold it on the middle one, and then at the root zone. However, it is better for happy owners of long shots to zigzag exactly in the lower part of their hair, because the result is a perfect magnificent and interesting styling. It is also best to use large curls on long hair, then zigzag waves look most natural, but at the same time - effectively.

Not bad if you curl only individual strands. To do this, use the scheme described above. In this case, the zigzags on straight hair are most striking, becoming a peculiar highlight of the image.

With this method, you can create a full-fledged evening hairstyle: curl the lower part of your hair, making large curls-zigzags on them, but curls on the face curl entirely, almost from the roots. Gather the back of the hair high hairstyle, fasten a beautiful hairpin and spray varnish. In the face and behind the ears, leave a few curly strands.

We twist small zigzag curls ↑

If you are lucky and you have an iron with a corrugation head at home, then it will be easier to get small curls-zigzags. Dry clean hair can be disassembled into small strands, after which a heat spray is applied on each. Place the strand inside the ironing board, press it and hold it for 5-10 seconds so that it acquires a wave-like structure. After that, repeat the procedure on the rest of your hair if you want to curl all your hair, starting from the roots.

If you do not have enough hair volume, then fine zigzags-curls will be an excellent way out. In this case, the hair begins to curl from the very roots of the hair. Curly hair - it is always unusual and diversifies the everyday style, especially if by nature you have it straight.

If your hair doesn’t differ in its malleability, and the curls stubbornly don’t want to keep the shape, then a special curling flute is exactly what you need. Before using it, it is better to apply a texturing hair paste to the strands, which will make the pile more supple, retaining the shape of zigzag bouquets. Also remember that the smaller the curls - the longer they keep their shape, and therefore it is better to use the smallest zigzag curls for smooth unruly hair.

How to make curls in the form of zigzags ironing ↑

How to get the boucle in the form of fashionable zigzags, if the house does not have special equipment, and there is only an ordinary hair straightener? In this case, one trick is needed, described below. With its help, you can get curls of various sizes, everything will depend on your preferences. All you need is a foil and a working iron.

Curly hair can be obtained easily and simply by dividing dry hair into separate small strands, and then wrapping each of them in a sheet of foil.

  1. Securely wrap hair into it, and then fold it with an accordion, bending the curl and placing it on top of the new fold.
  2. You will end up with a square of foil - this is the future curl in the form of a zigzag.
  3. To get a little curls, take strands smaller, and fold more often. For large curls, there will be enough 4-5 folded sheets of foil with strand inside it.
  4. Then place this foil square in the iron, pressing it firmly and leaving it for a couple of seconds.
  5. After that, iron the square one more time, first from the bottom up, and then vice versa.
  6. Again press the square with a strand inside for 5-7 seconds.
  7. Remove the foil and sprinkle the resulting unusual curl hair spray.
  8. Repeat the procedure with the remaining strands.

Since this method can damage the hair and disrupt their healthy radiance, treat it with a thermal protective agent before wrapping the locks in the foil. Also, resort to this method of laying is not recommended too often, because you can hurt the hair.

Stylish hairstyles with zigzag curls ↑

If you are going to get out into the world or simply wish to make a fashionable and new hairstyle on your head, then such curls will come to your rescue. On their basis, you can create anything you want - from especially lush high tails, to the evening hairstyle.

If you are a lover of horse tails and just often make tails on the top of the head, then try to curl your hair, starting from the roots. Then comb the hair back, collect it in the usual tail. Due to the small zigzag curls, the styling will turn out to be more luxurious than usual, and the unusual hair texture will add novelty to it.

Love the game of contrasts and unusual decisions? Then try to curl small zigzags, starting from the zone of the temples, and leave the root part of the hair flat and smooth. In the transition zone from smooth hair to curls, you can add hairpins, a bandage on your head or a ribbon with a bow - you’ll have a youthful style and playfulness.

If you are a classic of classic elegance and real chic, then make the large zigzag curls described above using ironing and foil. Also, this hairstyle is perfect for a celebration or an official event, and it is very easy and quick to do it. Part on one side, then make large squares of strands and foil. Remove the foil, treat the hair with lacquer for fixing, and the tips with oil to make the curls look luxurious and shining.

Curly hair is great for creating high hairstyles. You can simply assemble large zigzag curls into a bulk bundle, releasing several strands on each side. But the small corrugation can easily create even a girl's hairstyle - to do this, each strand is passed through a special curling iron, and then collected in two fluffy tails or even left just like that, fixing hairpins on the sides.


Watch the video: Review and hair demo on the Martino Cartier Double the Fun Curling Wand (July 2024).