
10 steps telling how to grow bangs quickly


Through the efforts of designers and stylists, bangs have long been elevated to the rank of a fashion trend, which over time has only slightly changed. Once upon a time, girls completely cut off thick long bangs, and several years ago, a girl with a dragon tattoo from the film of the same name made ultrashort bangs popular, which were immediately spread by hairdressers around the world.

However, an impulsive decision may not be too true: many girls bangs are not to face. Yes, and with the styling may be unforeseen problems, especially if you are the owner of curly unruly hair, which, moreover, does not have the "tools" for styling and appropriate skills. Then you decide to grow a bang and never, never cut it off. At least until the next wave of “choleoil” fever.

Do you need bangs?

  • bangs allow you to visually adjust the shape of the face, hide the various defects of the skin on the forehead,
  • It is believed that straight long bangs are young, making the image “fresh”, emphasizing the eyes.

  • bangs need daily styling, so you have to get a hairdryer and ironing, and also spend more time at the morning gatherings,
  • frequent visits to the hairdresser - the grown-up bangs do not look so impressive already, so you have to get a permanent master and regularly visit him,
  • As a rule, the bangs get dirty faster due to the use of styling products and frequent contact with hands.

If you have already been tempted and cut off the bangs, and now you are dreaming to return to the past and discourage your former self from this rash act, listen to our advice. We will help you quickly grow bangs at home, avoiding the difficulties of laying in the process of growing.

How to lay a short bang

The presence of bangs opens up great opportunities for you to change your image daily. You can pin up hair, wear headbands and bright ribbons, twist the bang with a flagellum. Make the process of growing bangs an excellent opportunity to diversify your style with spectacular accessories.

Many Hollywood beauties even appear on the red carpet with an extravagant hairstyle, in which the bangs are tied back and slightly combed. This image is perfect for work and for walking with friends, and in combination with large earrings and a cocktail dress will make you a real film star.

Several options for beautiful styling

Flagellum: separate the fringe and twist it into a sloppy flagellum, pin it on the top of the head with the help of an invisible one. Try the variant with two flagella: in this case, pin them on two sides to create a romantic and tender look.

Greek braid: divide the hair at the temple into three strands, "let" a soft braid along the hairline, gently weaving bangs.

Punk: bang and sprinkle with varnish, slaughter on top of the head with the help of invisible women.

Crest: pull the hair back with a rim or ribbon, then slide the accessory forward slightly. If small hairs are knocked out of the "tuft", sprinkle bang varnish.

How to pack a regrown bang

Grown fringe does not look so attractive, but it is much easier to fit. If the bangs are already long enough to be woven into the tail, you should have no problems with styling. However, if the length is not enough, try the styling options below.

Spit: braid the classic "spike" from the forehead to the back of the head or try the option of one temple to the back of the head.

Bulk harness: Gather the hair from the front into a bundle; with a soft wave wave, pin them on the top of the head.

Side bouffant: Lay a wet bang with a brush made of natural bristles and a hairdryer, direct the air jet sideways, fix it with varnish. This hairstyle looks very cute and coquettish.

"Curly Sue": twist all the hair on a spherical curling, parting in the middle, bangs also split in half and put it in small curly. This option is ideal for a romantic date.

How to quickly grow bangs at home

Many ladies mistakenly believe that "bang" hair grows faster than others. However, this is only a visual illusion: the standard growth of 1.5 cm per month seems significant when hair begins to crawl into the eyes.

To quickly grow bangs at home, it is worth remembering a few rules for the care of curls and scalp.

Careful care

  • You are unlikely to succeed in completely eliminating the use of the iron and hair dryer, but try to minimize the harmful effects of the styling products. To do this, purchase a special protective composition with thermal protection, which creates a special film on the hair, allowing you to reduce the harmful effects of high temperatures.
  • Discard metal combs and pins, use only wooden combs or brushes with natural bristles.
  • Do not forget that lacquers, mousses and foams dry hair strongly, so do not use them unnecessarily. Dry and dehydrated hair begins to break and split, it will be quite difficult to grow it.
  • Do not abuse water procedures. Many girls practice washing their bangs separately several times a day. Thus, the natural protective layer of the hair is destroyed and the sebaceous glands are activated - you will have to wash your hair more often.

Nutrition and Vitamins

If you carefully watch your hair, you probably know that a healthy diet is an important component of the health of the locks. For the bulbs to work at full capacity, your diet should include all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Vitamin A: beef liver, cottage cheese, milk, eggs, spinach, carrots, parsley.

B vitamins: oatmeal, legumes, wheat germ, pork, fish, dairy products.

Vitamin C: citrus fruits, tomatoes, bell peppers, cabbage, kiwi, garlic, blueberries.

Vitamin E: vegetable oils, fatty fish, legumes, wheat.

Zinc: oatmeal and buckwheat groats, nuts, cheese, shrimp.

Iron: beef and chicken liver, green apples, egg yolk, nuts.

Sulfur: garlic, legumes, fish, turkey, rabbit, beef.

Silicon: whole grains, roots, unrefined cereals.

The vitamin-mineral complex ALERANA ® is an additional source of building blocks for restoring and strengthening the hair shaft. 18 active components divided into “day” and “night”, taking into account the daily biorhythm of hair growth, activate cellular metabolism and saturate the hair follicle from the inside.

Course application of the vitamin-mineral complex ALERANA ® allows you to strengthen and heal weakened locks, stop hair loss and enhance hair growth.

Regularly have a relaxing massage, paying special attention to the frontal area. Massage should be carried out in the morning and in the evening with gentle circular movements, without damaging the hair roots. You can use special massagers. Evening procedure diversify essential oils with a calming effect, perfectly suitable ylang-ylang, mint, lavender. These little helpers deeply nourish the scalp and get rid of insomnia.

Homemade hair growth masks

How to quickly grow bangs at home? Yes, very simple. To do this you will need patience and some food from your fridge. The action of masks to accelerate growth is based on irritation of the skin and the activation of intensive root nutrition of the hair.

This tool is so beneficial effect on the curls, that for many decades, heads the top most effective masks to accelerate hair growth. Mix 1 tbsp. l good cognac with 1-2 egg yolks, add 1 tsp. liquid honey and 1 tbsp. l olive oil. Apply the mixture to the roots and spread over the entire length. Wash off in an hour.

Important! Do not think that the mask is enough to rub only in the growth zone of the bangs. The circulatory system of the scalp is a complex branched chain of connecting vessels. Therefore, it is important to ensure the flow of nutrients to the hair roots all over the head to speed up the process of cellular metabolism.

Mustard powder is a proven helper in growing hair. 2 tbsp. l powder mix with warm boiled water to a creamy state. Add a few drops of liquid vitamins A (Retinol acetate) and E (Tocopherol acetate). To enhance the "pungent" you can add 1 tsp. Sahara. Spread the mixture on the partings, avoiding contact with the hair. The tips are recommended to pre-lubricate with coconut oil to insure them from drying out. Hold the mask for 15 to 60 minutes.

· Infusion of burdock leaves

Burdock was widely used in villages as a means to combat various diseases of the hair and scalp. Chopped burdock leaves need to be poured over with boiling water and let it brew for 10 minutes. The resulting decoction is rubbed into the roots of the hair and insulated with a towel. Rinse off after 40-50 minutes.

Growing bangs quickly is not so difficult if you regularly pay attention to hair and scalp care. Small women's tricks will help you to always look perfect and change your image depending on your mood.

1. Do not cut short

Shock from extremely short bangs - this is horror in the eyes!

To refuse a haircut, it is possible that the hairdresser will offer you to profile or shorten it, so as not to get into your eyes, but you need to explain to the master the purpose of your failures.

Therefore, immediately tell him that at the moment the goal is to grow bangs, so the hairdresser will make your decision and will not be so insistent.

We recommend trying to cut the bangs on your own or at home to trim the strictly necessary length.

2. Correct hairstyle

An agonizing time when bangs are longer than usual, but it is impossible to lay it behind the ear or to braid it in a braid. We recommend to choose 2-5 hairstyles, when the bangs are selected from the face, styling in different variations will also work.

If you can not think, look at photos of celebrities with bangs.

Even if you have a short bang, look at how to weave a French braid to make sure that the hairstyle and fringe of your bangs will save your nerves and take only a few minutes of free time. Try to master at once several options of weaving.

Weaving braids with pickup diversifies your ability to create beautiful, elegant and unusual hairstyles. Arm yourself with the knowledge gained in this article and try to do it right now.

We offer you an abundance of interesting options, how to remove the regrown fringe, along with the video and photos are described here.

3. Trim 1-2 mm

How so, you only said in the 1st point not to cut the bangs?

Your task is to cut 1-2 mm, thereby helping to get rid of the bangs from the broken ends, which are not alive.

We carry out this simple procedure at home alone or contact a specialist at the hairdresser.

Often, girls use special tools for precise cutting, they call their level for cutting hair.

The task can be simplified using hair clips, in the photo both options.

4. Tricky secrets of growing bangs

A huge arsenal of:

Remember all the classic hair growth masks: yeast, beer, mustard, egg, honey, kefir.

Video, how to grow bangs with burdock rinses, oils:

Nicotinic acid - is considered a magic potion that helps grow hair in his eyes. On bangs need several times less. Choose it in capsules.

5. How to rub nicotinic acid?

  1. Recruit spitz.
  2. Without a needle to distribute on the part of the head where you want to grow hair.
  3. Rub into the roots.

It has contraindications, so before you use, read the instructions.

The video will tell about the mechanism of nicotinic acid and the rules of its application to the hair:

6. How to make bangs thicker?

Stopping your choice on bangs of any shape, do not forget about such intricacies as the density of bangs.

If you have a very rare bang, then there are 2 ways to make it thicker:

- haircut, choose a large strand to visually increase the amount of hair,
- we conduct therapy to increase the thickness of hair: onion juice, pepper tincture, nicotinic acid.

7. Uneven bangs, what to do?

First cut, and then grow or not touch, and cut only after growing?

Answer yourself the question, what is the purpose of growing bangs?
In your plans then cut it again? In this case, there is no point in a haircut.

For those who know exactly what the length of the bangs need, cut the final goal from time to time, cutting off the ends.

Only often, the masters are so addicted that they can make you such a hedgehog as a result of a haircut, so watch their work and control the cut hair.

Very often, 1 cm for the master and in the length of the hair are different 1 cm.

8. Menu - the basis of rapid hair growth

Lovers of strict diets is difficult to grow bangs and hair, as the restriction of fats, vitamins, carbohydrates is immediately reflected on the hair: brittleness, split ends, lifelessness, lack of gloss.

Those who wish to grow thick and silky bangs should reconsider their diet. Consume in sufficient quantities for your age and weight: vitamins, foods rich in protein (eggs, meat, fish), carbohydrates: buckwheat and rice, minerals, fats (nuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, oils).

Drink courses of vitamin complexes, especially in the autumn-winter period.

9. How to care for bangs?

The ardent lovers of the hair dryer, pleyok, tongs and ironing problems with bangs occur in the form of burned and split ends, the hair becomes similar to tow or puppet.

We recommend at the time of growing up to refuse or reduce the frequency of use of these devices and be sure to use means that give thermal protection.

There are no special wishes for the care of bangs, except the well-known ones:

  • don't comb it
  • do not comb wet
  • carefully comb and wash,
  • wipe prodding, not twisting,
  • rinse with herbs decoction,
  • use shampoos and balms only for your hair type,
  • laying with gentle options (so as not to pull out),
  • pick the right comb
  • do not walk without a hat, either in winter or in summer,
  • take care of them and take care of them.

10. Laying bangs

Thanks to the correct and beautiful styling, the question of how to grow a bang quickly and imperceptibly just disappears.

The first allies in laying and removing it from the face are wax and gel; if you wish, use other styling products.

For girls, girls, women, styling options:

  • smoothly combed with wax, gel or use hairpins,
  • rollers, plaits with stealth and studs,
  • various options for weaving braids on bangs (this is done even for short),
  • bandages, elastic bands, hoops that help fix the short,
  • give a suitable shape.

Use all the ideas separately or in a complex to help your bangs not to annoy you, but to become an ornament even when you grow it, look at the photo and choose the most attractive option for yourself.

Are you uncomfortable with smooth bangs or growing back? Change it to a slash! The rules for choosing oblique bangs can be easily found in this article, where there is a photo. She will obviously not close her eyes and interfere.

A slightly overgrown bang delivers a lot of trouble to her mistress. Look at 50 photos with models, find out how to put a long bang on this link and make it your highlight image.

We are looking for our own parting: in the middle, laying behind the ears, to the side of the left or right, using different options for decorating the parting using a picture.

Training video about 7 ways to remove bangs from the face: styling, weaving and stabbing options

How to grow bangs quickly at home (step by step recommendations)?

Growth rate will depend on compliance with the rules described above, as well as the individual characteristics of the organism.

According to reviews of video bloggers using a complex that includes: masks, vitamins, proper nutrition, nicotinic acid, rest and sleep, you will be able to grow bangs or hair 6 cm per month, which is a fantastic result. After all, usually hair grows only 1 cm per month.

To formulate an accelerated version of growing bangs at home, you can:

  • proper and rational nutrition,
  • sleep and rest
  • Fresh air,
  • taking care of your hair and bangs
  • the use of herbs, oils and vitamins to improve growth,
  • refusal of torture and torture (blow-drying, frequent dyeing, styling with the help of heat, proper combing and styling).

Video overview of all methods for quickly growing bangs:

Almost no difficulty, only time and care. In an effort to grow bangs quickly, use only useful and proven recipes. Beauty, love and fulfillment of desires!

Mechanical fixtures

Asking the question of how to grow a bang, so as not to interfere, you need, first of all, to purchase aids. First, until it grows just below the eyebrow line, you can somehow cope with it. For example, raise a little higher with a hair dryer or slightly twist a wide curling around the roots. But when she stubbornly climbs into the eyes, all sorts of hairpins, pins, which can be purchased in any department of jewelry, come to the rescue. Fortunately, that now their great many.

Choosing a hairpin, do not forget about the age range. So, the young lady can come up with a variety of bright colored plastic "crab", and older ladies should opt for something more conservative. But here it all depends on the overall style of clothing, place, and even the time of year.

For example, in spring and summer, fashionable hoops or special bandages will be very helpful. They can even be replaced with a neck scarf, folded several times, or with a daughter bow - it will look original and indelible. All this will perfectly complement the romantic image and give it lightness and airiness.

How to grow a bang? So that it does not interfere, you should use stealth. Help out in any situation. No wonder they got that name.They are really almost invisible, if you skillfully use them. For example, slap a bang near the ear and hide it under the main shock of hair, and no one around will ever guess its existence.

For the evening look fit one beautiful expensive hairpin small size. It can be a bright accent and replace the rest of the jewelry.

How to lay the bangs that you grow?

There are many options for styling regrown hair. If the bangs are already quite long, but still not holding on to the ear, then it can be woven into the braid that is fashionable this season along the edge of the forehead and secured with a hairpin above the ear. The rest of the hair should be left flowing or woven into the main braid. This is a simplified version of the braid. It is done on the same principle, only from two rows of hair.

No less interesting is the tail with high bangs combed up. At the same time, the bangs are lifted upwards, the easy bouffant is made from the inner side for the volume, fixed at the base with invisible fingers crosswise and, as it were, drained into the gum from the main head of hair.

Owners of docile hair can use this simple technique: after washing your hair, apply styling product on the bangs and dry it with a hairdryer in the lateral direction.

For lovers of curly hair, you need an iron or hair curlers. Everything is very simple: the bangs are wound in the same way as the rest of the hair, only on its side, so that the whole hairstyle looks harmonious.

Auxiliary means

Ways how to lay the bangs that you grow are simple. The difficulty lies in how to keep this hairstyle. After all, short locks constantly strive to break out, especially when the hair is washed. The secret is simple: you must lightly moisten your hair before styling, and then apply any styling product to the bangs: gel, mousse, foam, wax. The main thing is not to overdo it so that the hair does not look greasy or stuck together. One ball is enough to grind between the fingers. To fix the hair, you can spray it with varnish. This is especially true if the bangs have been brushed.

Proper haircut

An experienced hairdresser will always tell you how to grow a bang so that it does not interfere.

Paradoxically, it sounds, but it is precisely the correct alignment of the tips of the bangs that will make it less noticeable. An oblique cut will soften the corners and it will seem like it was intended. It is better to shift the parting from the middle of the head to the side or diagonally. This hairstyle is absolutely everything. She visibly rejuvenates.

Proper nutrition

Diet is the absence of a diet as such. Often, it is she who spoils the appearance not only of hair, but also of skin and nails. Having excluded some products from his diet, a person will notice that not only does his hair growth slow down, but they simply fall out. If you are thinking about how to quickly grow bangs beautifully, then you should reconsider your diet. After all, our body, scalp, hair follicles feed primarily from the inside. Only by combining the internal and external care, you can achieve the desired result.

What products should stock up on?

How to grow a bang in one week? Is it possible? First of all, the following foods should be included in the diet:

1. Bird. It contains light protein, the lack of which makes hair dull.

2. Fish and seafood. Rich in phosphorus, zinc, iodine, which gives hair strength and shine.

3. Vegetables and eggs. Provide a group of vitamins B. Reduce oily hair, increase elasticity.

4. Vegetable oils, nuts, seeds. Contain the necessary vitamins E for hair growth.

5. Liver, butter and cottage cheese products. Contained vitamin A will eliminate the bitten tips.

6. Citrus, currant, quince, kiwi, sea buckthorn are all sources of vitamin C, contributing to accelerated hair growth.

Adhering to this diet, you can easily understand how to grow bangs in one week.

Excess consumption of sugar, salt, caffeine and carbonated beverages should be excluded. Fast food and convenience foods will not add health. All these products adversely affect hair growth and the general condition of the body.

Hair masks

How to grow a bang so that it does not interfere, using masks from natural ingredients? Here are a few examples of masks that promote enhanced hair growth with regular use:

  • It is necessary to mix a teaspoon of cinnamon with 5 drops of cinnamon essential oil. Here also add a tablespoon of honey, macadamia oil and coconut. Preparing a mask like this: in a water bath, you need to heat the honey, and then mix it with all the other ingredients. Apply to wet hair and cover them with a towel for 40 minutes. Wash off.
  • Mix two tablespoons of mustard dry with one yolk. Add 2 tea sugars and two tablespoons of any butter. Rub into the hair and wrap for an hour. After washing with shampoo. This mask gives hair volume and thickness. Hair less fat.

Now all the secrets about how to grow a bang so that it does not interfere, are revealed.

Should I grow a bang?

The bangs suit most women, the question is in the correct selection of its length and shape:

  • straight bangs with an even cut are associated with youth and enthusiasm, therefore, they are able to visually rejuvenate,
  • deep oblique elongated - distracts attention from puffy cheeks,
  • torn - gives the image lightness and enthusiasm.

Depending on the shape, length, thickness and styling, it makes the image concise and strict, or, conversely, tender and feminine, if it gently frames the face.

Pros and cons of bangs

Haircuts with bangs have both pros and cons.

Well-chosen bangs:

  • gives individuality to any hairstyle.
  • successfully hides wrinkles on the forehead,
  • makes the look more expressive
  • masks disproportionate or sharp features of the face, bringing its shape closer to the reference proportions of the oval,
  • frees from daily washing and styling of all hair, allowing you to work only on the area near the forehead.

However, bangs have their drawbacks:

  • with her wrong selection, there is a risk to spoil the whole hairstyle and expose the lack of appearance,
  • she needs constant maintenance of the form of the master and perfect cleanliness, because the unkempt hair of the face creates an unpleasant impression for others,
  • short cropped frontal strands offer few options for styling, and in order to grow them, you need time and patience.

  • Anyone who wants to find a bold image for themselves offer to consider the hair color of mahogany.
  • Curling hair for a long time will allow you to easily carry out any event in the original manner for details in the article.

How to stab a growing bang with accessories

Growing up bangs are a good opportunity to experiment with a hairstyle using various styling tools and accessories: it can be beautifully stabbed, removed with a rim, braided into a braid or harness.

At the same time, the style and color of accessories are recommended to be selected so that they harmoniously combine with the style and color of clothes.

Remove the bangs under a shawl or ribbon

Strands hidden under the veil create a bold and sexy retro look. Hair can be combed back, volumetric tuft, or put aside. On sale there are scarves of different colors: monochromatic, polka-dotted, with a flower print, decorated with beads or rhinestones.

The trend colors are:

  • "Rose quartz" - suitable for girls of any color type, used in spring and summer ensembles,
  • "Lilac" - discreet and elegant, goes well with a rich blue color,
  • “Buttercup” - a shade of yellow, looks harmonious with the military style,
  • mother-of-pearl-turquoise and lilac-gray are soft shades, suitable for girls with color type spring.

There are many ways to style your hair with a shawl, here are the 5 most popular ones:

  • Collect the hair in a bun at the top, using foam chignon. To do this, make an ordinary tail, put a chignon on it, and, evenly distributing the strands, wrap them under a surround accessory. Then fold the shawl so that the strip is about 15 cm wide, wrap it around your head and tie the ends in front with a double knot. Hide bangs tips under a scarf.
  • If the curls are long or medium length, attach a fabric strip at their edges and gradually twist the strands on it. After reaching the level of the neck, wrap a scarf around your head and tie it up in front. Hide visible hair ends under the rim.
  • Wrap around a loose curled strands fabric strip. Fix it from behind. Wrap a part of the hair from the main mass inside by passing it through the bezel. Secure the bangs invisible and hide under the fabric rim or, if the length allows, also screw up and secure with a strip of fabric.
  • Break the hair. Put the scarf in a triangle. Put the middle edge on the temechko, so that it hangs slightly on the forehead. Wrap the side edges of the shawl around your head twice, crossing the ends in the forehead and tying them at the back of the head. Hide the ends of the fabric. Fasten the bang under the handkerchief.
  • Collect the bulk of the hair in a bun at the crown. Form a wide strip from the shawl that covers the entire hair area, except for the bun. Tie a scarf in front, hide the ends of the fabric.

If instead of a headscarf to use a ribbon, a more gentle and romantic hairstyle in the Greek style will turn out:

  • Separate your hair with a parted hair.
  • A tape about 4 cm wide should be wrapped around your head and tied so that the ends are behind.
  • Divide the bangs on one side of the parting on the strands, one by one, wrap them up and pass through the ribbon. Work through the part of the hair to the nape area.
  • Repeat the procedure for the other part of the head.
  • The strands on the back of your head gather in the tail, beam, braid or fasten with hairpins.

Use the bezel

Headbands are still relevant. They are worn not only by young people, but also by mature ladies, while at the same time without worsening their image. This is possible thanks to a wide choice of fashion accessory models: monophonic, colored, with print, plastic, metal, fabric, everyday rims and festive, decorated with beads, stones or pearls. This practical thing allows you to remove naughty curls with a single wave of the hand. The bangs can be laid on its side or up, smoothly or with the effect of stylish negligence.

Headbands on an elastic band are used to create all the above hairstyles, and thanks to a strong fixation on the hair, they are more convenient than a ribbon or shawl.

French bangs

Regrown frontal locks can be woven into a French braid. To do this, make a parting on the side, take a strand from the larger part of it, divide it in three and lash the braid, adding hair from both sides. Secure with a thin rubber band.

There are a lot of hairstyles with braided bangs: the braid can be slightly lowered on the forehead, braided along the hairline from temple to temple, on either side of the center parting, you can add volume by pulling each strand of the finished pigtail or forming thin braids from the front to the top .

Hairstyles for growing bangs

In women's haircuts of different lengths can be both bangs and the total mass of hair. The combination of these elements gives many options for basic hairstyle.

Ultrashort frontal locks can be lifted upwards, leaving them flat or slightly curled, or they can be given a lateral direction by smearing the tips with modeling wax.

Bangs, grown to the middle of the forehead and more, allows you to more actively experiment with the main hairstyle, regardless of whether it is short, medium or long.

For short hair

On the basis of a short haircut make absolutely different styling:

  • All hair is divided by side parting and combed to the sides. At the request of the bangs decorated with a thin rim, ribbon or scarf,
  • the bangs are laid up with a slight pile, the side occipital strands are smoothly combed,
  • make a mohawk,
  • curl strands
  • the bang is woven into a braid: horizontal, vertical or circular,
  • all hair smoothly combed back, creating an effect “after a shower”,
  • the bang is laid in retro wave style.

For medium length hair

Frontal curls of medium length (at eye level):

  • shared side or direct parting and laid in two directions,
  • twisted into braids or woven into braids (horizontal, vertical, circular),
  • with the help of a pile, they lift up and fix it with stealth and varnish or tape (handkerchief),
  • curl, hiding in the total mass of hair,
  • placed in retro style of 20-60 years (neat waves, beams, strict geometric boucle),
  • with the help of comb-brushing and curling, they form into a volume oblique bang with twisted up ends.

Options for long hair

The long frontal locks (along the level of the wings of the nose) are laid in the same way as the locks of medium length. In addition, they can:

  • divide by parting, smoothly comb and stab stealth behind the ears,
  • gather on temechke in a perky baw,
  • put in tails (line up about 3x3 cm along the hairline. Collect strands from each square into tails. Lift each elastic and stretch the tail. Form the next row using the strands from the previous one. Braid the desired area in this way),
  • braid the basket (make the tails, as in the previous version. Divide the strands from each tail equally and weave them into the next row, arranged in a checkerboard pattern. This is how diamonds, or “baskets,” are obtained).

  • If you would like to choose a new shade for your hair, we recommend you to explore the garner hair dye palette.
  • What is hair polishing and for what purposes the procedure is applied, see here.

Tips for those who decide to grow bangs

If you have just decided or have already begun to grow bangs, the following tips will help you to do it correctly:

  • Curls, laid aside, distract attention from the heavy chin and round cheeks, but if they are stabbed in volume at the crown, then you can additionally correct the low forehead.
  • Perfectly smooth bangs emphasize high cheekbones.
  • Even strands, laid in two sides with a parting, make the face more narrow, but not suitable for girls with high forehead.
  • Wet curls are better manipulated.
  • To keep the hairstyle all day, apply a scum on your hair before styling, and upon its completion fix it with varnish. Choose professional styling products that do not stick together curls: Schwarzkopf Professional Silhouette, Kapous, Estel or products of other proven brands,
  • Before using stealth, put them on a cloth, spray it with varnish and fix the hair while the barrettes are still wet. So they will more firmly hold on to the hair.

Properly care for your hair:

  • Once a week, use masks with the content of active ingredients that improve blood circulation and accelerate hair growth (these are pepper, cinnamon, burdock oil, mustard powder, essential oils, aloe juice, etc.), and daily before going to bed do a head massage with fingertips with using B vitamins
  • Regularly visit the master hairdresser, who will control the process of growing bangs and in time give it an aesthetic look and natural shape.
  • Limit the effects of high temperature on the hair. Try as little as possible to use a hair dryer and ironing, and if necessary, hot styling do not forget to use a means of thermal protection.
  • Use combs with natural bristles or wooden teeth with rounded edges. They do not harm curls.
  • For a time, forget about staining strands and perm. After such procedures, the hair will require long-term recovery.
  • Despite the large list of the above styling, do not use them very often. All kinds of bouffanting, tight hairpins and elastics, curling irons, hair curlers and styling products negatively affect the hair structure, so after such procedures it is recommended to make a restoring mask that will nourish, prevent fragility, soften hair and give it a healthy shine. For example, oil. Its easy to cook at home.

Heat the natural oil in the water bath (burdock, olive, almond, jojoba), rub it into the roots of the hair and distribute it over their entire length, not forgetting to work the tips. Wrap a film and a towel and leave for 1.5-2 hours. Wash it off with soft warm water using a shampoo.

Provide nutrients from the inside out:

  • Fill up your diet with foods rich in vitamins A, H, C, B and E. They are present in oatmeal and buckwheat, liver, citrus fruits, fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Drink the amount of clean water your body needs. This indicator is individual and is calculated from the ratio of 30 ml per 1 kg of weight.

On average, hair grows 1-1.5 cm per month. So, it will take about a year to grow short bangs to the point where it can be easily removed behind the ear. But, contrary to popular belief, this process is not only comfortable, but also fascinating. Proper hair care will make them healthy and strong, and original ways of styling the growing strands provide an interesting opportunity to experiment with your image.

How much time can I grow bangs?

Nature so conceived that on average a healthy person hair grows 1–1.5 cm a month.Having carried out simple calculations, we find that it will take about half a year to grow bangs, and for feminine beauty it is an unaffordable luxury. Since all this time you will need to pin up or hide the bangs, and this does not always look impressive.

But there are methods and methods that allow you to grow bangs up to 5 cm per month. We will talk about them below. It turns out that it is possible to make hair longer in a short period of time and it is possible to grow a bang in 1-2 months. But how, let's try to figure it out.

Method number 1. Cosmetics

The key to success is quality cosmetics made from natural products.

Therefore, it is best to turn to proven well-known brands that have proven themselves well and have received positive feedback. Approach the problem comprehensively and use several hair growth aids at once:

Remember: you should not overload your hair, so periodically replace cosmetics with traditional medicine recipes that use 100% natural ingredients.

Method number 2. Folk recipes

To stimulate the hair follicle and allow hair to grow faster will allow masks based on mustard, red pepper, onion and garlic. These products are affordable for everyone, in contrast to the rather expensive cosmetics. Moreover, making it your own hands, you can be sure of naturalness. Here are the recipes for hair growth:

  1. Mustard mask. Turn 2 tablespoons of mustard powder into water with a creamy mass. Add 1 tablespoon of castor oil to it. Stir and apply on the area of ​​the bangs, after having lubricated it before reaching the roots by 1 cm, with pure oil. This is done so as not to overdry the hairs. Keep the mask for 15 minutes and wash your hair as usual.
  2. Honey mask. In the same proportions mix egg yolk and honey. Apply to the scalp for 20 minutes twice a week.
  3. Pertsovka. Pepper pour vodka and insist at least 14 days. Pepper infusion is also available in pharmacies, and is quite cheap. It is mixed with castor oil 1: 1 and rubbed around the bangs.
  4. Tomato rubbing. Grind fresh tomato with a blender and rub the resulting mass into the area of ​​the bangs. If necessary, such rubbing can be made all over the head.
  5. Onion juice. Chop onions and squeeze the juice. Add 2 tbsp of vegetable oil to it and apply. Such a tool is considered the most effective, although the smell remains. To remove it, you can use an acidic solution (vinegar or lemon).

How to grow a bang so that it does not interfere?

The main disadvantages of growing bangs include the fact that in the process of its growth, it climbs into the eyes, hangs down with uneven hairs and terribly interferes with its owner. It is at this moment that many girls shower up the idea of ​​growing out and cut off the short bang again. But this method is quite radical.

Remove the bangs, so that it does not interfere, you can with the help of hairpins, hoops, headbands, invisible or just braid regrown curls.

How to grow bangs and look beautiful?

If the decision to grow bangs is made, then before embarking on a long period of growth, you need to decide what kind of bangs you will have in the future. After all, the shape of the face depends on what kind of bangs suit you.

It is also worth thinking about how the image will change after the bangs grow. Well, if you are advised by a hairdresser, he will also advise which long bangs will suit you.

Knowing what the final will be like, have patience, since nobody has managed to grow a bang for a week. Do not forget to take into account your hair type when choosing cosmetic means to accelerate growth.

How to cut a bang to grow it?

The condition for stable hair growth is their periodic cropping. All professional hairdressers say this.

By clipping the lower split ends, you allow your hair to grow purposefully, without being distracted by the restoration of fractures.

For active growth, the bangs need to be cut every 0.5 months by 0.5 cm. The hairdresser will do this or you will cut the ends yourself, it does not matter, the main thing is to remove the damaged part of the hair.

How to lay a bang that you grow: photo examples

How to wear, stab a bang when you grow?

Initially save the bang that started to growinvisible.With it, bangs can be hidden back or sideways. She will also save if separate strands of not yet regrown bangs are knocked out when combing.

When the length of the curls reaches the mark of 10 cm, you can safely divide the bang in the middle and put it into a common hairstyle.

As an accessory you can use original hairpin, which will serve as an additional decoration and make the image interesting.

Bezel perfectly masks the bangs and is suitable for any type of hair. Together with him, you can make as an interesting styling, and just dissolve the hair.

How beautiful to braid bangs when you grow?

In addition to the hoops, all kinds of hairpins and headbands when growing will look original braided bangs. There is still a fashionable trend of weaving braids and fashionable women can take advantage of this when bangs grow.

It is worth giving preference to tight pigtails, since short hairs may fall out of lush ones.

Method N1 - Head massage for bang growth

To get the desired length of the bangs and quickly make a beautiful styling, the lady is ready for much: to regularly comprehend the tips of the hair of the bangs (and even for the new month, so that the hair grows exactly faster, because grandmother said so, and you will not go against her arguments). And also put various masks on the growth line of the bang (naturally according to popular recipes), and do a head massage.

By the way, scalp massage is considered one of the simplest and most effective methods for growing bangs. The task of the massage for the head is to provide blood flow to the subcutaneous capillaries in order to stimulate the growth of curls. And do massage in different ways:

  • Fingers. While washing your hair, spend time on the growth zone of the bang and massage it with circular movements for at least 5 minutes. Such massages can be done on the dry hair during the day, but then movements should be done smoothly so as not to damage the hair bulbs, Head massage with fingers
  • Comb. As it is not surprising, but the hairbrush under the popular name "massage" (or the usual massage brush) can still have a massage effect during daily brushing,
  • Massager for the head "spider". Such a simple device can both relieve stress and accelerate the growth of bangs. But only the "spider" is not enough, it is better to take all the massage measures in a complex. Massager for head

Massages are not only beneficial for hair growth, but also improve mood, relax and relieve nervous tension.

Method N2 - Recipes masks for the growth of bangs

Growing strands is impossible without the use of various accelerator masks. Traditionally, oils such as burdock, sea buckthorn, coconut, etc. are part of such mask recipes. But other components are useful, especially those that stimulate the hair follicles and help grow hair quickly.

Recipe 1. "Alcohol". Cognac (1 tbsp. L.), The same amount of olive oil, yolks of chicken eggs (2 pcs.), Honey, take 1 tsp. (more convenient to use in liquid form). After mixing all these ingredients in one cream substance, the mask is applied to the root zone in all parts of the head (not just the bangs). Hold the mask for a while.

Recipe 2. "Oil". Based on the name, it is not difficult to guess that this mask contains a maximum of oils. Taking equal parts (presumably 1 tsp, but you can also take 1 tbsp - it depends on the thickness of the hair) of burdock oil, sea buckthorn, sesame, olives and adding one or two yolks there, put the mask on dried hair and keep an hour. It is not recommended to make a similar mask more often than once in 10 days.

Recipe 3. "Assorted." Mustard powder (2 tablespoons) and the same amount of warm water mixed into one mixture. Next, add a spoonful of carrot juice and the same sour cream (low-fat). Such a mask should be applied carefully (without touching the hair more than 0.5 cm) on the unwashed head (so that the hair was in the sebum), then there will be no consequences in the form of dry scalp. Keep the mixture on the roots for up to 30 minutes. With strong baking, the mask should be washed off immediately.

Mask applied to hair

Method N3 - Tinctures and decoctions

To hide an unsuccessful short bang, there are special styling options, oblique partings. And in order to conceal the still not quite attractive growing bangs, they use hairpins, hoops, and bandages. Quickly go through the process of growing bangs help simple rinsing procedures, masks of tinctures and decoctions.

Broth for hair

In order not to confuse how to prepare this or that hair product, you should immediately clarify one detail: tinctures - insist (they do not need to be boiled), but the broths are boiled accordingly (brought to a boil). The recipes of those and others imply the preparation of a concentrate that can be diluted with water before use or used in pure form as a mask.

Top 3 decoctions for hair:

  1. nettle leaves + chamomile flowers + burdock root + oak bark (half cup) pour two cups of boiling water and put on the fire, boil for 3 minutes after boiling It can be used after complete cooling and straining.
  2. Calendula flowers + ginger + dried sea-buckthorn fruits + crushed rosehip (half cup) pour three cups of boiling water and put on fire until boiling. Next, the broth further insist 12 hours and then use.
  3. Linden flowers + nettle + burdock + milk thistle (half a glass) are poured with water and set on fire. Next, the broth is brought to a boil and allowed to cool.

Among the popular infusions are the following:

  1. Burdock. The leaves of this plant, in a dry and crushed form, are poured with boiling water in a ratio of 1: 2, infused for 10-15 minutes and rubbed into the scalp. You can not flush
  2. Nettle-elderberry. Nettle leaves and dried flowers of elderberry 1 tbsp. l put in a container and pour a glass of boiling water, then add 20 g of alcohol. Insist 12 hours and rub the infusion into the hair roots, wash off after 20 minutes,
  3. Beerhouse. Hop cones + nettle leaves + burdock (2 tbsp. Each) pour one bottle of high-quality live beer. Insist 12 hours and make a mask for half an hour.

It is better to use decoctions as a rinse, and infusions will be appropriate as masks and cuts.

Method N4 - Specialized shampoos, growth promoters and serum

Not wanting to resort to folk remedies, women are looking for ready-made alternatives in cosmetic stores. This is convenient: no need to mess with cooking, look for the necessary ingredients. When purchasing cosmetic products in the form of shampoos, masks, etc., you need to remember that hair products are more often effective if you use their complete complexes of the same series. Let's give a couple of examples of such series:


This complex of several cosmetic products that will help grow not only short bangs, but also the hair in general. Not only that simple procedures in the form of shampoos and masks will help to remove the split ends, they also activate the hair follicles in order to accelerate hair growth.


Another line of super funds to bring hair in order and stimulate their growth. Using the funds in a certain period of care for curls, the result will not be visible immediately. But the constant use of the ruler will help to achieve a greater result than 1 cm of hair growth per month.


Properly grow bangs help special shampoo Otium Unique from Estelle. Peptides and special amino acids gently stimulate the bulbs, adding length to the hair.

Method N5 - Massaging nicotinic acid

Small nicotinic ampoules are also capable of helping in the process of growing bangs and hair in general. An effective way to use - hair mesotherapy with this substance.It is also practiced to rub the liquid from the ampoules into the scalp, especially the zones of the bangs.

A nicotinic acid

It is also permissible to use tablets with nicotinic acid, but their use is still better to discuss with your doctor. In addition to this substance, the body is nourished with additional vitamin complexes.

Method N6 - Use of Vitamins

Getting long strands in a short time is pretty hard. But acting on the body from all sides (externally and internally), to achieve the desired result will turn out much faster. So, what vitamins are needed for fast hair growth? They need a few:

  • BUT. Retinol normalizes the hair structure,
  • E. Helps blood flow to the scalp,
  • AT. Vitamins of this group (B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12) strengthen hair, make it elastic and shiny, help to grow quickly,
  • WITH. Provides nutrition to hair follicles,
  • H. Biotin makes healthy hair from the inside out.

It is best to take these vitamins with food. But if this is not possible for any reason, then there are special complexes “for beautiful hair and skin” at the pharmacy kiosks.

An example of a vitamin complex for hair growth

Method N7 - Selection of nutrition to activate hair growth

The perfect nutrition for the beauty of the hair is the balance of all the vitamins and minerals for all meals per day. But to balance food products is not so easy. The analysis of the state of the organism, namely the determination of the level of certain elements in it, will be correct. That is what is missing in the body, and replenishment should be started from that. But some rules of nutrition for good hair growth still exist:

  1. Fish, meat. These products not only saturate, but also contribute to beautiful hair,
  2. Kashi. Well, where do without buckwheat, yachki, oatmeal and rice? All these paps are useful for the figure, and even more so for the hair
  3. Fruits and vegetables. These nutritional elements are not only good for homemade face and hair masks, they nourish hair follicles with various substances and promote growth,
  4. Milk products. Without them, the body as a whole and hair can’t do without.
Healthy Hair Products

Products will help to improve the condition of the hair and “increase” the bang in a fairly short time. But for this there are some conditions. At the time of waiting, while the bangs have not grown back, it is necessary to give up bad habits in the form of smoking and alcohol intake, as they inhibit all body processes. Properly prepared products will help to speed up hair growth: fried, canned and smoked goodies will bring joy only to taste buds, not to hair. To preserve the usefulness of the products, they are best steamed, stewed or baked.

Method N8 - Styling options for non-grown bangs

What to do, while the bangs have not that kind which would be desirable? Learn how to effectively lay it:

  • Comb the bangs to the overall direction of hair styling and fix the strands with varnish. If the hair still bristling, you can use invisible hairpins,
  • Remove the bangs to the side and lay with a hair dryer, slightly spinning back. If necessary, fix the varnish,
  • So that the styling with a slanting bangs looked spectacular, it is worth laying the short and long parts of it separately (as if in two levels),
  • Straight bangs perfectly woven into any spikelets that start from the forehead.

Headbands, headbands, hairpins will become assistants in high-quality concealment of undesirable bang lengths. Also, be patient and hair spray.

Advantages and disadvantages of bangs

After changing the image of the fair sex begin to think: grow a bang or not? To dispel all doubts and help make a decision, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the positive and negative aspects of these ideas.

  1. The effect of disguise. This strand is able to hide under a very high forehead, problem skin or other flaws in this area.
  2. Corrective role. The bang is able to hide the bald areas in the region of the crown and temples, adjust the shape of the face. Long straight bangs make the face visually slimmer and focuses on the eyes, so that its owners seem younger.

In addition to the advantages, in bangs there are such disadvantages:

  1. Extra time required for styling. This is necessary so that the hairstyle looks good, and the strands become beautiful. And do not forget: the shorter the bangs, the more effort and time it will take to lay it.
  2. Frequent visits to the hairdresser. When the bang grows below the permissible level, it interferes with its owner and looks sloppy. To avoid this, you need to constantly monitor the length of this part of the hair and, if necessary, adjust it.

When you decide to grow this strand, it eventually becomes shapeless, ugly, naughty and unnecessary. It is very bad if the reason for your decision was a bad haircut. Let's see how beautifully grow bangs so that it was barely noticeable not only to others, but also for themselves.

Beautifully laid bangs

First, try uploading your photo and see how this hairstyle will look at you.

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Laying with the help of mousse is a great option how to remove the bangs - when you grow

When girls who love experiments get bored with a haircut, a completely relevant question is born: how to remove a bang while growing so that it looks beautiful and does not spoil the look of the hairstyle? There are many ways to hide a tired strand, and your task is to choose the most suitable for you. Let's look at all sorts of options in more detail.

Styling with styling tools

The task of the styling tool is to help securely and beautifully fix interfering strands.

Sometimes a beautiful bang, which is beautifully laid with your own hands, can not only save its owner from the feeling of discomfort with her hair loose, but also become a real highlight both in her hair and in the whole image.

Let's look at the most popular styling methods:

  1. Luxurious styling to the side. It seems that there is nothing easier than laying a growing bang on one side, but this is absolutely not true, because the complexity and duration of the process depends on its texture and shape. Of course, the easiest way to lay an asymmetrically trimmed torn bangs on the side, because she herself lies down, but you have to spend much more time and effort on an even long bang.

Laying the strands on its side is perfect for an important event or a romantic date

  • curling iron
  • styling mousse,
  • lacquer strong or medium fixation
  • scallop

You can curl your hair with bangs in large curls, gently lay strands to one side and enjoy the spectacular way

Note! Before you start curling curling, sprinkle dry curls with a spray for thermal protection. Such manipulations will protect the strands from overheating and will prevent moisture from evaporating from them.

  1. Volume laying with pile. In the table below you will learn how to remove the bangs - when you grow it, but so that it looks beautiful and stylish.

The pile on the top adds originality to the image, even if the main part of the hair is gathered in a high tail

  • lacquer medium fixation
  • 3-4 invisible hairpins,
  • flat comb.
  1. Curl bangs straight. This method is suitable if the strand has grown a little and does not match the original length.

Photo effectively curled bangs

  • hair straightener
  • lacquer strong fixation
  • round comb,
  • styling mousse.

Several ways to remove bangs with accessories

Most girls, growing bangs, prefer to use methods that allow you to quickly and easily hide the bored strands

Let's take a look at simple and fast ways of stabbing bangs when growing with the help of such accessories:

  1. The bezel. Using this accessory is a reliable and convenient way to hide interfering strands. Today you can find in the stores bezels for all occasions: elegant, casual, Greek, decorated with crystals, beads, feathers, pearls. For those who are often tormented by the question, grow up a bang - where to put it, the answer is one - use modern accessories and enjoy the attention of men to your person.

The rim can serve not only as a simple accessory for fixing the hair, but also act as a fashionable element of the image.

  1. Bandages and scarves. This accessory is perfect for anyone who is looking for an original way, how beautifully to pin up a bang while growing and to look stylish at the same time. Bright accessories with rhinestones are suitable for everyday use or in honor of a romantic date, but dark colors without prints will be the perfect solution for creating a business image.

With the help of various scarves and bandages, you can not only remove disturbing curls, but also create an original image in retro style.

  1. Barrettes You do not know how to lay bangs - when you grow up to look spectacular, but at the same time spend a minimum of time? Using all sorts of crab, hairpins, invisibility can remove the annoying strand, after scratching it or simply laying it on its side.

A more elegant hair clip will perfectly complement the evening hairstyle, and the usual invisibility (its price will be several times cheaper than a beautiful accessory) will become an indispensable element of a strict image

Note! Use hair brushes made of plastic, wood or wool to care for the strands. Give up accessories with metal teeth, because after using them, hair, scalp are damaged, dandruff occurs and all this can cause slower growth of hair, and in such conditions your bangs will grow for a very long time.

Should I Grow Strands

Decide if you need a grown-up bang? After all, this type of hair has both pluses and minuses.

The main points of long strand attitudes include the following points:

Negative moments from wearing long hair also exist:

Before making a final decision, whether you will grow long strands or not, you need to weigh the pros and cons, imagine how similar a hairstyle is suitable for your appearance.

Laying short bangs at home

In order to beautifully grow bangs, you need to properly do the styling while it is short. This is important in the sense that well-laid hair does not fall on the eyes, and does not interfere in any other way.

Do not forget that even a short fringe with good styling looks attractive. Therefore, girls adopt this style on a permanent basis.

There are many ways to lay a bang that you grow. The following types of styling of short curls are popular:

We will talk about each of the methods below. But, remember that with any kind of styling, the hair must be clean and slightly dried.

How to stab a bang with accessories

In order for the growth to take place in the right direction, and at the same time you look spectacular, use fixing accessories that help you beautifully stab your bangs when you grow your hair: a hairpin, a bandage, a ribbon, a scarf, a hoop, an invisible one.

Here decides a female fantasy. Decorate your head with additional accessories, for example, in the form of flowers.

You can pin bangs when growing as you throw your hair to the side and back. The same method will be suitable when the question arises of how beautifully to remove the regrown fringe.

Weaving bangs so that it does not interfere

Even short hair is woven into an elegant pigtail or spikelet at the level of the forehead. Thus, the curls will look pretty attractive, but it does not interfere with the girl. If the hair is still too short, then you can hide the bangs in a bundle, which you can pin at the base of the forehead.

In the same way you can lay regrown fringe.

Hairstyles on the side

If you do not have time to make it difficult to style the growing bangs, brush your hair on its side. It looks both simple and stylish. With this method, do not use any additional accessories, but to fix the hair and guarantee the safety of hair, use a special varnish.

This method is suitable if you decide to grow bangs on its side.

Punk - a style that suits a girl and a guy

Extravagant hairstyle, which is used for growing hair, is punk. He looks interesting, both on the girl and on the guy.

In order to realize this idea, put on a curl a significant amount of a special gel and fix, lifting up. Thus, you will have a mohawk. It is also suitable for hairstyle with regrown fringe.

Is it possible to grow hair in a week

If you think that there are ways to quickly grow hair, then you are mistaken. It is possible to grow a bang in a week if it has already reached a certain length before that time.

If you have long hair, in order for the bangs to reach their level, it may take even more than one year. Expect that even under good conditions the hair will not grow more than 2.5 cm per month.

But do not despair. Although there are no ways to properly grow a bang instantly, there are many methods to accelerate the growth of strands.

Psychological aspect

In order to grow bangs, which has a large size and attractive appearance, it is important psychological condition of a person. If you play up nerves, then it increases the fragility of hair, which adversely affects their growth. Therefore, if we grow bangs beautifully, then we limit ourselves from all kinds of experiences and stresses.

Periodic haircut - the key to success if you grow bangs

In order to grow a thick bang, it is recommended to cut it at intervals of 6-8 weeks. Sharpen need not completely, but only the tips. Hair cutting stimulates their growth, but in this case the main thing is not to overdo it. In the opposite case, the process of cutting will hurt the speed of growth of curls.

Vitamin balance and proper nutrition

For hair growth is of great importance to the roots of nutrients. To stimulate hair growth is very important to eat sufficiently, use foods containing the following components:

Foods rich in these vitamins and microelements are: oatmeal, beer, cabbage, rice, liver, carrots, fish, sunflower oil, oranges and other citrus fruits.

Make hair makeup, applying special nourishing balms and shampoos.

Folk remedies to accelerate the growth of curls

To stimulate hair growth, use traditional methods. One of them involves the preparation of the drug from the tincture of walnut leaves, two tablespoons of which, you need to pour two cups of boiled water. There are recipes tincture of elderberry and burdock leaves. Significant effect bring masks from pepper tincture.

Regular massage of the head positively contributes to the growth of curls, since this procedure will provide an intensive flow of blood to the roots, which contributes to their enhanced nutrition.

Visit to a specialist

One of the best options for a person who wants to engage in growing bangs is a visit to a specialist.

A professional will appreciate all the features of the body, and develop an effective method to promote hair growth. He can prescribe a course of mesotherapy, which consists in the injection of nutrients under the roots of the hair.

If you cannot grow your hair by yourself, then ask a specialist for help.

An integrated approach to the issue of stimulation of rapid hair growth, expert advice, will help to achieve an optimal result in a short time, and provide an attractive appearance.

Weaving braids - a good way to remove bored bangs

"Eliminate" the strand in the forehead, you can use weaving braids. There are many options for creating braids:

  • along the hairline,
  • on both sides of the parting
  • making small braids that originate from the forehead and trail in the direction of the occipital region.

Elements of weaving will be appropriate when creating a set of hairstyles. Bangs for this should be preferably long and oblique, since weaving may not be possible at all on a straight and short strand.

For this installation you will need:

  • scallop with fine teeth
  • invisible hairpin
  • gum for fixing the braid to match the strands,
  • lacquer for fixation.

French braids will not only hide strands that are not visible, but also make your image delicate and romantic

Now that you have everything you need, we will tell you how to close the bangs when growing into a beautiful French braid:

  1. Separate the bang with a scallop.
  2. Decide in which direction you want to make a braid.
  3. After that, the extreme part of the strand divided into three parts. Start weaving a braid.
  4. Make two turns of an ordinary braid, then start to twist thin strands into it one by one. To do this, separate the thin strand from the main mass of curls and weave it into the braid together with a part of the bang. This technique of "masking" bangs is performed in the style of weaving the French braid.
  5. Weave in turn into a braid small strands of the main body of hair. Do this weaving along the hairline until you reach the temple.
  6. Having finished the French braid, weave it a little in the usual way, after which fix the ends of the pigtail with an elastic band in the same tone as the curls.
  7. Hide the end of the spit under the loose strands and secure it there invisible.
  8. To complete the original image and preserve the shape of the hairstyle for a longer period, spray the resulting styling with lacquer to fix.

Now you know how to slaughter a bang - when you grow it, and also have studied various options for everyday and evening styling to “eliminate” the interfering strands. To get rid of the constant laying of bangs, you need to grow it faster, and for this you need to ensure proper care of hair and use the necessary amount of vitamins.

So that the growth of the strands does not slow down, it is necessary to eat properly, to protect the hair from high temperatures, constant exposure to styling products, dyeing and everyday washing of the head, since these factors negatively affect the state and growth rate of the curls.

If the information provided is not enough for you, watch the video in this article, which will help you to easily find out the points of interest. If this was not enough and you still have questions on the topic - ask them in the comments, and we will answer with pleasure.


Watch the video: Two Ways to Make DIY Faux Bangs! - Easy Hair Tutorial by Lana Summer (July 2024).