Work with hair

6 ways to lighten hair: the secrets of blondes


You can give a new look to your appearance without visiting expensive branded salons. Hundreds of years ago, women of fashion already knew how to lighten hair at home. Some secrets remain in demand even in the era of a developed beauty industry, although patented products have a lot of admirers and admirers - they are effective, accessible and easy to use.

Purchased products for lightening hair

The first condition for success is not to save on beauty and health. Manufacturers with a high reputation (such as Garnier, L’Oreal or Schwarzkopf) strictly monitor the quality of their products, which cannot be said about some firms that have recently appeared on the market.

By the way, the three listed companies (judging by the reviews) are clear leaders on the basis of a study of consumer demand. Here you can rightly add the products of the company WELLA, Palette and Estel. SYOSS lightening agents are slightly less popular among broad masses, but they are highly valued by professionals for the record content of beneficial substances designed to protect hair and provide them with additional nourishment.

The most affordable drug is Blondea, it will cope with any color, turning a brunette into a blonde in just half an hour. But the result is not the most attractive, curls will require additional toning. In addition, the structure of the hair changes irreversibly, the recovery process is extremely difficult. After using Blondea, the strands look overdried and unhealthy.

Another popular lightening agent is white henna. Its main advantages are minimal aggressiveness and naturalness of the resulting shade. With the original blond color of the hair, you can become a “natural blonde” after the first procedure, black or dark chestnut strands require two to three sessions. The manufacturer indicates the cooking process on the packaging, it is necessary to follow it precisely to achieve the desired effect. We'll have to tinker, but if everything is done according to the instructions - the curls will look healthy and strong.

Experts recommend that you carefully study the annotation. Dyes, which contain ammonia, can be allergenic for all their effectiveness, they damage the hair structure, and they also have a strong and unpleasant odor. The weaker the strands, the more careful you should be with lightening agents - give preference to those enriched with vitamins, proteins and natural extracts.

All drugs can be divided into three groups.

  • Powder (pasty) - independently prepared at home by mixing the two main components. They act quickly, keep well on the strands, but sometimes cause irritation of the skin and brittle hair.
  • Cream based products are convenient to use. The possible negative impact is almost one hundred percent neutralized by the added conditioner. Such preparations do not allow undesirable shades (in particular, yellowness) to appear.
  • Oil based products - neutralize your own pigment and add the desired shade (golden, reddish or silver). Suitable for the first stage of bleaching, if in the future you want to get a specific rich color.

How to lighten hair with hydrogen peroxide at home?

Using hydroperit is one of the proven homemade bleaching methods. No difficulty, the effect is guaranteed. You can buy special pills, razbolat them in water, but it is better to buy the finished liquid in bottles.

Pay attention to the concentration: a weak and thin hair will be enough for a three percent remedy, and for thick and hard curls with a bright pigment, a six or twelve percent solution is needed.

Before the first experiment, a test should be carried out by smearing the skin on the elbow bend with peroxide. The condition is mandatory, because allergic reactions to hydroponic occur. You must also use gloves and protect your eyes - for them dropping solution droplets is dangerous. To reduce the risk of adverse effects, peroxide (75 ml) is mixed with balm-conditioner or shampoo (15 ml), water (60 ml) and 7 drops of ammonia.

A bleaching mask is applied to the hair along the entire length (at the first “acquaintance” - from tips to roots, when dyeing already grown strands - on the contrary, from the roots).

To wash your hair before the procedure can not, ideally - the hair should be dirty, the fat will prevent them from drying out. Keep the composition (depending on the desired result and its own natural color) for 20-40 minutes.

The main disadvantage of peroxide is the ability to get the shade of the “hydroperitic blonde”. Therefore, the drug is often used for the first stage of bleaching, to etch the dark pigment, and then give the desired look to the hairstyle with the help of special dyes or home remedies.

"Turning" dangerous recipes into effective

The fashion for blondes originated in ancient times. Notable Roman women, who were dark by birth, constantly struggled with this “flaw”. Special liquid alkaline soap from goat fat and ash helped them. The product was distributed over the strands and held for several hours - the natural pigment literally “eaten away” from the hair. The next step was a long drying in the sun - burning rays successfully completed the process.

“Natural” whitening is popular among modern women. Fans of beach holidays know that literally in a month you can become brighter by a couple of tones (or get the original highlighting effect when individual strands burn out). True, doctors persistently warn: prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation is dangerous. Hair becomes dry, brittle and split, serious harm is caused to health in general (the abuse of sunbathing is one of the causes of cancer).

For the sake of beauty, ladies go to great lengths. If we talk about the most aggressive folk hair bleaching, then you can even make a kind of rating.

Its use can lead to drying out with the same success as the burning sun rays. Concentrated acid can cause harm to the scalp, cause irritation or dandruff.

If there is a desire to try this tool, it is better to prepare water for rinsing according to the recipe: per liter of water - freshly squeezed and filtered juice of one large lemon. The method has an additional advantage: the yellowness is removed, which sometimes becomes an unexpected companion of whitening with the help of paints and shampoos.

Virtually no different from lemon, if you use a concentrated solution - you can burn hair and provoke loss.

To avoid harm, use only apple cider vinegar - as part of masks or in diluted form.

  1. Add half a glass of product to two liters of water, heat slightly. After washing, collect the strands and lower them into a basin with the prepared solution for 7-10 minutes. The method is suitable to lighten the ends of the hair, but it is convenient to apply only to owners of long curls.
  2. Another way is to arrange the “vinegar packing”. In this case, there is no direct contact of the active substance with the scalp. Dip the comb into a pre-prepared cup with an aqueous solution of this product (in a ratio of 1 to 1), and then run along the strands. After the procedure, you should not wash your hair or use a hair dryer. Hair lightens day by day, becoming more docile and shiny.

Kefir lightening hair masks for "grandma's recipes"

A proven lightening assistant is kefir. A fermented milk product acts like a lemon or vinegar, but does not harm (regardless of concentration!), But only benefits. Pre-drink should be slightly warmed, preferably with a couple.

Pure Kefir

Method of application - elementary. Carefully moisten the strands (do not forget about the skin), run through the hair with a frequent comb or fingers, wrap your head in cellophane and a warm towel. You can hold the mask for 2-3 hours, then completely wash off. At this stage, you will need vinegar or lemon juice! On a liter of water, add one tablespoon of the selected product and rinse the hair, it will become more lush, and the brightening effect will be fixed.

On a faceted glass of sour-milk drink - a tablespoon of honey. Stir, drip a little juice from fresh lemon. Then spread the mixture in strands and leave for an hour under a warm hat.

To 200 ml of kefir add a teaspoon of ground cardamom and culinary cinnamon powder. Beat, brush the hair and keep warm for thirty to forty minutes. The only negative - possible discomfort that can cause spices. If the burning sensation becomes too strong, wash off the composition.

"Drunk" mask with egg, lemon and brandy

For 150 ml of the drink, take one beaten egg, 6-8 tablespoons of brandy, juice from half an average lemon, a couple of tablespoons of shampoo - make a mixture of the mixture and apply with a brush from tip to root. Mask is recommended to keep the whole day (up to ten hours in a row) or night. The composition is suitable for owners of greasy hair.

Glycerin + chamomile infusion on alcohol

For this recipe useful chamomile alcohol infusion. It is being prepared for a week (yes, for a long time, but it's worth it, believe me!) - 250 g of pharmaceutical chamomile pour 500 ml of vodka, leave for 7 days in a dark place, then strain. Now we are preparing a mask: mix 50 ml of medicinal alcohol, 200 ml of kefir and 50 ml of glycerin, which is sold in a pharmacy. The principle of the impact is the same: apply, comb, cover up and keep within an hour.

Chamomile is good for hair - it is an amazing source of those vitamins that are necessary for beautiful and healthy hair. In addition, it effectively brightens the strands, although it is capable of giving them yellowness. For girls who do not want to get a hint of platinum, regular rinsing according to the recipe is suitable: per liter of water is a glass of filtered broth of flowers.

Soda Pre-Procedural Rinsing! A solution is prepared from soda for wetting the head - the manipulation is performed before applying the masks. After preprocessing, the remaining funds work much more efficiently.

Honey plus cinnamon from Olga Yas

The mask consists of three ingredients: ground cinnamon (15 g), liquid honey (half a tablespoon), and hair balm (100 ml). Mix everything in a glass bowl with a brush and apply to the strands, starting from the roots - the principle is the same as when dyeing. Shoot the hair with cellophane, put a warm hat on top, keep it within forty minutes (you can feel less).

After the time has elapsed, remove the cap (stop “insulating” the head), and leave the mask under cellophane for a time that you can tolerate - cinnamon can significantly burn skin. The process continues for another 2-3 hours, during which time the hair is lightened for a couple of tones. At the end of the procedure will wash your hair. It is difficult to completely remove the cinnamon, but the strands smell fantastic!

Means on the basis of olive oil from Sonya Yesman

Many folk remedies for lightening can cause noticeable harm to hair. Olive oil acts in exactly the opposite way - thanks to the mask, the strands become strong, smooth, healthy and radiant. It will take only one component, which in the evening is applied to the hairstyle, distributed over all the curls.

Shake your head with a package and any handkerchief, and then go to bed. In the morning you will need to thoroughly wash the strands using shampoo and conditioner (balm). You can use the tool regularly, there will be no problems. True, the result cannot be called cardinal - olive oil is more suitable for girls with light brown hair who want to become “natural blondes”.

Lightening procedures at home and in the salon

Traditionally, getting a quality blonde occurs in two stages.

  • First, a bleaching powder mixed with an aggressive 9-12% oxidant is applied to the curls. It should be kept for 15 to 45 minutes depending on the desired tone,
  • Lightening composition is washed off. Strands have a yellow tint,
  • Apply hair dye, diluted with non-aggressive 3 - 6% oxide. It closes the scales, gives the hair the desired shade, slightly brightens.

Such clarification helps the brown-haired woman to become a blonde. However, it is traumatic and harmful to the hair. If the curls are thin and weak, it is better not to resort to this method.

Regardless of where the procedure is performed, it will damage the hair. When performed in the cabin, the master will better calculate the time for clarification, the required ratio of mixture components, etc. This can reduce the damage to the hair, but the solution is not universal. Strands will still suffer.

The main thing is a healthy hair

Shampoo and balm

Balsams and shampoos for lightening do not contain ammonia, they do not harm hair so much and can be used even during pregnancy. Use them in the complex, as individually they are ineffective. It is used by blondes to easily change shade and light brown to create the effect of burnt hair.

Shampoo is used as usual. After washing it off, a balm is applied for 10–15 minutes. Can dry hair, quickly washed off.

  1. Acts fast
  2. Safe
  3. It is inexpensive
  4. No yellowness
  5. Can be used with other means.

Lightening tonics are not suitable for staining. They are used only to give shade to bleached or fair hair. Sometimes the effect is also shown on light brown strands. They help to remove yellowness from platinum blond or make an ashy tint less gray. Tonic brighten dark hair will not work.

Used as a brightening balm. It has the same positive and negative sides. But the tonic does not lighten the hair, but paints it slightly. Because there is no dryness.

This is a relatively new lightening agent, rapidly gaining popularity. It is used every other day, but not more often 4 times a week. Apply to wet, but carefully towel-dried hair, after washing. Spray the composition on all hair or on the desired areas to give the effect of sun glare and shine.

Dry hair with a hair dryer. The higher the temperature, the more noticeable the tonic effect. Increases after the use of irons and ploek. To enhance the effect can be applied twice in a row. Each subsequent use makes the result more noticeable.

White henna will replace kefir, honey, chamomile and lemon

Despite its name, this composition has nothing to do with therapeutic colorless henna. Colorless henna is a powder of leaves of lausonia, a natural product useful for hair. White henna - a mixture of chemical elements, in fact, supra. It brightens the hair is not too good, gives them a yellow tint.

It is difficult to apply. With careless use and even a minimum excess of the recommended time, you can burn hair. Not suitable for thin and loose curls. Efficiency is low. Any Loreal consumer-grade lightening hair dye will be more effective.

White henna is an effect of nature itself.

Oil and cinnamon for lightening hair

Lightening oils suitable natural blondes in order to freshen up the tone. The advantage over tonics and balms is that it has a more intensive caring effect. It should be borne in mind that they, like spray, act better with regular application. This makes the result more noticeable.

The effect is better seen on natural blond, but it will also appear on colored. Keep in mind that the color will become warmer.Therefore, if the hair has a yellowish tint, discard the method.

All the above methods are good for blondes and light brown. Brown-haired women do not get the desired light color in this way. The use of these funds may not have the effect or even spoil your own shade.

6 ways to lighten hair: the secrets of blondes

Light curls - the subject of dreams of many women. But beautiful light curls is not easy to get. Especially if the natural hair color is dark enough. Beautiful blond will not be able to get brunettes, their color will always give yellow, and red, as the red pigment is very stable.

Lightened hair fascinates

Lightening procedures spoil the strands. Powders and other compositions for clarification dry out and “burn” curls. At their wrong use the bummer of tips is possible. Brightening hair tonic is less harmful and can solve the problem in some cases.

We change a shade with tonic for hair

Probably, every girl at least once in her life changed the color of her hair, using a tinted shampoo, in other words - a hair tonic. Such product can be applied both to the clarified locks, and for light brown or dark ringlets. How to properly conduct the procedure of toning, how much its effect and other useful information are kept in our article.

general information

First, we define what the essence of the action of such a means as a tonic. Explaining in plain language, let's say that it is a tinted shampoo gentle action. That is, for example, compared to hair dye, whatever tonic you choose - its effect will be less harmful to your curls.

By the way, such a tint can be not only a shampoo, but also a balm or foam. But which of these is better is difficult to say, since it is an individual choice.

Tonic will do all hair types: curly, slightly curly, completely smooth. However, it is necessary to take into account the fact that on curly strands the color holds less than on the straight. This can be explained as follows: how long a shampoo will last depends on the structure of the curls. The more porous they are, the faster the staining is washed off. And curly hair is always distinguished by its porosity and dryness.

If you are thinking about the question of whether lightening tonic is harmful to hair, then we can say that there is no definite answer. There are different opinions on this subject, and which of them should be followed is up to you. But we note that all the same, most experts in the field of beauty believe that the tint shampoo not so dangerous. The undoubted difference of a good tonic from the paint is that it improves the structure of the strands. Shampoo does not penetrate deep into the hair structure, but only envelops it outside, providing a protective barrier. And staining occurs due to the fact that this protective film contains coloring pigment.

With the help of a tonic, you can lighten the curls a little bit or give any desired shade of light brown or dark hair. But you need to understand the fact that if you want to completely change the hair color - for these purposes tonic will not work.

Many girls notice that coloring with the help of coloring means makes their hair more shiny, smooth and healthy.

Varieties of tint tools

As we noted above, not only tinted shampoo can give your locks the right tone. Manufacturers also offer balsams, foams, and ammonia-free tinting paints. Let's get acquainted with each type in more detail.

Shampoo. This is the most common type of tonics. For example, many blondes use such tools instead of regular shampoos in order to lighten somewhat yellowish shades or to maintain the desired color of the blond.

Apply shampoo in this way: it must be applied to the entire head and wait from 3 to 15 minutes. How much time it takes to make an impact is up to you or your master. It depends on many factors: the type of hair, the desired result, the condition of the hair.

We draw your attention to the fact that the brightening tonic will not be able to lighten dark or, for example, brown hair - this requires a bleaching procedure. This tool can only give a shade, similar to your natural color.

The next kind of tonics is balm. Since staining with a tint balm lasts a long time and is washed off on average after 2-3 weeks, it is worth using it less often than shampoos. Often it is used between two resistant staining to maintain the desired color and preserve the health of the hair.

Apply the balm to clean the wet strands of a special brush for hair coloring. How much is the time of exposure to such a tint, you need to look at the instructions, since each product may differ.

Foam. This kind of tonic is not very common, but still it exists. Differs in its airy texture and ease of application. Coloring is very simple: it is necessary to apply a foam on the wet washed locks, completely processing each. Wait 5-25 minutes (depending on the desired tone intensity), then the product is washed off. The effect lasts about 1 month.

Tinted paint. Many hair cosmetics manufacturers have such products. It is necessary to use such means, as well as usual paint, that is to put on dry hair. Rinse tonic should be in 15-25 minutes using your usual cleansing shampoo. What it will be - for the procedure is absolutely unimportant, so you can choose any that you like.

Wash off color through 2-4 weeks: exactly how long the staining effect will last depends on the structure and type of strands. Despite the fact that it is a paint, its action is not as active as with resistant products. And, for example, she cannot make her blond hair lighter.

Usage tips

We want to talk about how to use a hair tonic. By adhering to these recommendations, you can prolong the effect of the toning procedure, as well as improve the look of your hair.

So, it is better to apply the product on clean wet hair (without using conditioner or balm). Before applying, treat the skin of the forehead, temples and neck with a greasy cream - this will protect the skin from staining. And given that the tonic eats up quite strongly and is difficult to clean, this advice should not be neglected. We also recommend wearing a special cape so as not to spoil the clothes. If there is no such cloak, use at least a towel.

When carrying out the toning procedure, be sure to use gloves!

Rinse need to in 15-60 minutes: adjust the exposure time yourself, depending on the desired color intensity. Sometimes you can find information that the tonic is permissible to keep up to 1.5 hours. However, we believe that more than 60 minutes is not worth doing. Still, it is a staining procedure, although not very aggressive.

Rinse strands until water becomes completely transparent. After toning, you can rinse the curls with water and lemon juice - this will fix the color, make it brighter. This advice is suitable for all hair types, so do not be afraid to use it.

Attention! In no case can you use a lightening tonic earlier than 6 weeks after staining!

Here are the basic tips and advice on the use of tonics. To use these funds or not - you decide. We can only say that they are less aggressive than dyes, and the hair after them looks like you have gone through a lamination procedure.

Is it really impossible to lighten the hair after Toniki

I'm a dyed blonde. I got a fool to paint myself with a pink tonic .. Realizing my mistake, I wanted to return my native blond. I sit now with a clarifier on my head, already 20 minutes, but my hair stubbornly does not want to lighten. Are they not going to be lightened until the tonic is washed off? (

a guest

Strange. I lightened, and I painted vigorously red.


The author, wash the paint after the allotted time, look what happened, and then-by the result-toning paint (gold or ash, which you are accustomed to) or a couple of days re-bleaching. Do not panic ahead of time. I'm on my blond. I applied a purple tonic to the head with undiluted, clean ink was on my head, so I washed off the shampoo a couple of times, and then the brightener applied to the wet hair brightened back;
But the chocolate-tonic bleached, so green came out so joyful color)), well, I did not give up and blocked it with apricot (also tonic, only orange), it turned out golden blond)). Such experiments were in their youth)).
Good luck to you!

a guest

Tell me, the better to light up? I want to lighten the hair after not successful painting in a dark color. and then paint in some light tone. wash was doing. did not help. hair again darkened. THX.


I am well discolored by the paint Garnier tone E0 (zero). It is quite sparing, not as stinging as Palette, from which I had blisters on my head.
But be prepared for the fact that your hair does not immediately brighten, there will be yellow-red, and you will have to lighten them again. But this is if your hair was very dark. And if you want to be toned in blonde later, it may be enough once, especially since you have already used the wash. Well, and then, treat and pamper the hairs should be restored. Good luck to you!

a guest

I am also a dyed blonde, and I always use tonic to maintain color! Very well help from yellowness. Every time after I wash my head, I dilute the tonic in a basin with water and rinse my hair. They sometimes get a pink or purple hue. I really like others and make compliments)


I, too, was a blonde, tried to paint her tonic, in pink, after that I became discolored again and my hair turned green)

a guest

And I loved pink tonics, why not so like a couple of weeks? He will wash off himself, these dark shades are not washed off from the blond, and the bluish and pink tints are perfectly washed out.

a guest

In fact, it all depends on the structure of the hair and susceptibility to paints and brighteners. Mine, for example, takes the paint so well that light blond after brightly bright pink (mania panic hot hot pink) took without lightening)


I understand that now it will not wash itself? What have I done. (

a guest

girls help me on the yellow hair wanted to become ashy blond turned out everything is ok only there are blue spots if I lighten these spots they are lightened or not


In any case, you need to wash off the tonic to the last. Buy hair restorative shampoo, with oils can even. Gradually wash away unwanted tone. After that, the bleaching is already a professional bleaching powder, better than igora and 6% oxide of the same firm. 1/1. Apply quickly, hold for 20-30 minutes. All washed away. And after that, it is better to paint the desired color in 2-3 days from the top. But after that, I advise you to treat the hair. hair masks with almond oil. :) girl success. Cool that there are those who are not afraid to express themselves and experiment! ,)

I have blond hair. Is it possible to lighten my hair with the help of an ordinary hair tonic?

_Ox @ n @ * C_glaZami_ colors_Coffee_

No, unfortunately, but there are folk remedies with which you can lighten the hair.

For lightening hair, a decoction of chamomile inflorescences and nettle rhizomes is used. For its preparation take 1 tablespoon of dried raw materials of each component in 1 liter of water. Rinse the head with broth, tie it with a handkerchief or towel for 15-20 minutes. After drying the hair, moisten them with chamomile essence, mixed with water in a 1: 1 ratio. After 1 h, rinse the chamomile extract once more (1-2 tablespoons of chamomile pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave to infuse for 15-20 minutes, then filter).

It is possible to lighten the hair with the following composition: baikhovi tea - 10 g, pharmaceutical chamomile - 50 g, henna - 40 g, vodka - 400 ml, water - 200 ml. Water is heated to a boil, pour tea, chamomile, henna, boil for 5 minutes, cool, add vodka and insist for 2-3 days. The liquid is drained and wring out the residue. Moisten with the composition of the hair and leave, without wiping, for 30-40 minutes. Then wash them with soap.

You can lighten the hair with the following composition: 150 g of chamomile pharmaceutical insist 2 weeks in 500 ml of 40% vodka, then filter and add 50 ml of hydrogen peroxide.

For coloring hair, you can apply chamomile decoction. For light hair, take 100 g of dried camomile blossoms, pour 500 ml of boiling water, boil for 5-10 minutes, infuse for 1 hour, then filter. For darker hair, you need to take 150-200 g of chamomile. Broth moisten hair and leave for 30-40 minutes. Additionally, it will give hair shine.

The extract of chamomile can be used for coloring both blond hair, to which it gives a golden shade, and gray. To make this infusion, 100 g of chamomile blossoms are poured with 500 ml of boiling water, infused for 30-40 minutes, then filtered. The resulting infusion moisten hair abundantly and hold for about 1 h.

To bleach dark hair, 100 g of chamomile pour 300 ml of boiling water, mix well, infuse for 30-60 minutes, filter, squeeze out the residue and add 50 ml of 30% hydrogen peroxide. Lubricate hair and leave, without wiping, for 30-40 minutes. Then wash them with shampoo.

Is it possible to lighten dark hair with a tonic, well, or something else (except dye). Desirable to white in general.


No, of course, in order to lighten any hair, peroxide is absolutely necessary in order to etch out your pigment from the hair. Tonics, tinted shampoos or herbal remedies are absolutely useless here. And to white you need to discolor in the salon, so as not to spoil the hair and immediately toned them.

Erkekan Orozaliyeva

Unreal. Each company has lightening paints, but they do not lighten to white, yellowness will come out anyway. You also need to take into account dyed hair or not, and if henna turns out to be stained. It is better to take the ultra-blond brightening powder from Estelle or from another company.

What color is better to paint the ends? dark blond hair. Is a hair tonic dangerous?

Alina Way

And what would you like? In color or more natural colors? If in color, then it seems to me that for dark-brown, the color is suitable as in these 2 pictures. The main thing is to choose the right color and perform the painting, so as not to have any marsh color. If natural, then you can simply lighten the ends to the desired shade or paint them in one of the colors to choose from: Mocha, caramel and blond. Is tonic harmful? Tonic is a temporary coloring. Tonic does not change the structure of the hair, and has an enveloping effect in creating color. Tonic is washed off faster than paint, with every shampoo turns into lighter shades. If you compare it with paint, then it is certainly safer for hair. Well, if at all, then, of course, like virtually all means for dyeing hair, it brings a little harm. But if you don’t dye it often, then I think it doesn’t hurt much with the right dyeing.

Please tell me how to dye your hair with tonic, what mistakes should you not make?

You will need:

Non-metallic container, sponge, comb with sparse teeth, dyeing brush, tonic, shampoo, towel.

First, you first need to evaluate the original hair color, only after that you can choose the appropriate shade of their proposed range. Basically, the tonic is selected on the basis of a tone that is darker than its own color. That is, tinted ashes will not stain dark blond hair. The initial shade also depends on the hair pigment, on whether the hair was previously painted, or on the color applied for the first time. In any case, you must first paint one strand of hair before starting painting the entire head.

Having carefully studied the instructions for use, you need to wear disposable gloves and get all the components for dyeing out of the tonic box. Usually, in addition to the tinting agent itself, the package includes a mask of deep action on the hair follicles, after-shampoo, gloves and instructions for using the product.

Then you should dissolve the necessary amount of tonic in a non-metallic dish, mix thoroughly until a uniform consistency, prepare a comb with sparse teeth, a sponge or a brush for dyeing strands, hair clips and a large towel that will prevent the tonic drops from falling during dyeing.

Hair should be slightly wetted with water, so that they become slightly damp and combed. Parting in the middle of the head and starting toning from top to bottom with a brush. Dyed strands must be separated from unpainted hair clips. After one half of the head is completely dyed, you need to carry out the same coloring of the other part of the head. Then you need to comb the hair along the entire length and beat the tinting agent on the head until it gets foam.

Tonic exposure time depends on the desired and initial hair color. So gray hair dyes faster than dark, but on average it takes no more than 30 minutes. After the set time has elapsed, rinse the tonic thoroughly with water. If you do not rinse the hair to clear water, then tinted hair can leave the color on the clothes and bedding. Hair dry well and put a hairdryer.

It is important to remember that the use of tinting agents is justified on bleached hair. It is with the help of tonic that the undesirable yellow color is removed.

Brightening hair folk remedies: blonde in nature

Still think that you can become a blonde only with the help of chemical dyes? Brightening hair folk remedies can be a good alternative to perhydrol. Let's look at the most popular home remedies for blonding curls, discuss their pros and cons.

Positive moments, of course, weightier. Almost all folk remedies for lightening hair heal curls and scalp and bring us benefits. But there are also disadvantages.

First, with such "drugs" will have to tinker. Secondly, they do not provide a cardinal change of image. It is impossible to transform into a dark brown-haired platinum blonde with them. Lightening hair folk remedies sparingly acts on the hair, but does not give a radical change. The maximum that natural assistants can do is to lighten the strands by 0.5-2 tones. But this, believe me, is a good result given the fact that the curls are not exposed to chemistry.

Natural products for blonde can be divided into two types: those that really lighten the hair, destroying their pigment melanin and those that do not break anything - but only give a light shade. The first can be used to lighten both the nature of light and dark hair. The second - only for light or only for dark.

(But to lighten already blond hair with such folk methods is not recommended. As my master barber told me, the result can be completely unpredictable in terms of shade).

Lightening natural remedies include:

Honey Winnie the Pooh's favorite delicacy can really lighten the curls, and quite noticeably - up to 2 tones! After all, sweet honey contains a whole range of acids, including citric. Also, the gift of bees has in its composition a mass of useful components that have a beneficial effect on hair.

Brightening hair with honey occurs like this. The head should be washed with shampoo mixed with a small amount of soda (approximately at the tip of a teaspoon). Then on the curls should be applied honey in its pure form. Next, put on a plastic cap, wrap the head with a towel on top - and walk for 2-3 hours.

Some advise to leave honey all night. But this is very inconvenient - in the morning the whole pillow can be sweet and sticky, and sleep with such a “tower of towels” will be alarming. And there is no need for this - both clarification and curl filling with useful substances take place in a much shorter period of time.

Burr oil . Oddly enough, it also contains acids. However, their number is small, so the clarification will be insignificant - about half a tone.

In order to lighten with burdock oil, it is enough to make regular masks with it. They are made, as in the previous case. But not after, but before washing my hair. For the light blond effect, burdock oil can be held not for 40 minutes (like other oil masks), but for 1-2 hours.

Also, if you apply burdock oil on your scalp, use a hydrogenated product (diluted with water in an industrial way). This is the so-called cosmetic oil. After all, a fatty substance in its pure form can clog the hair follicles.

Tint folk remedies:

For blond hair -

Chamomile. Rinsing the hair with chamomile extract after shampooing gives the curls a golden hue. This remedy is very good for dry hair. It fills them with glitter and protects the tips from delamination and cross-section.

Attention! Chamomile is really good for natural blondes. When I once decided to rinse chamomile with my dark blond hair (this was before I changed my image), my curls. darkened.

Parsley Broth parsley root to rinse hair after washing. This tool gives hairstyle ashy shade. Suitable for oily hair.

For dark hair -

Egg yolk . Regular washing of the head with some yolks without shampoo gives dark hair a light golden hue and makes it visually lighter. How to wash your head with egg yolks, I already wrote here.

Turmeric Also gives dark hair a noble golden shade. After shampooing, rinse curls with turmeric diluted in water. It is advisable to do this with gloves, because this turmeric is also good for skin. You can also add turmeric in a balm or hair conditioner. Holds a golden shade not for long - before the first use of shampoo.

Important! If blondes try to wash their hair with turmeric, they will turn into bright red.

Such are the popular folk "Blondoros". But there is a natural remedy that is not recommended for clarification. After all, it spoils the hair. It -

Lemon juice . It will be applied, as a rule, in the summer. Juice freshly washed lemon is applied to the entire length of hair. And then you need to go out in the sun. It turns out a beautiful highlighting effect.

Unfortunately, according to trichologists, this method is detrimental to hair. Lemon juice in combination with ultraviolet rays spoils the structure of the strands. Hair becomes dry, brittle and often can not be restored. Therefore, the result of such an experiment can be a short haircut in a barbershop - you will have to cut the locks bleached in this way.

But rinsing the hair with lemon juice, on the contrary, is very useful. The gift of lemon in this case gives the curls shine, softness, improves their structure, facilitates combing. Therefore, any folk remedy must be used wisely.

You have already dyed hair and you decided to become a blonde:

If the hair was previously painted with any dye, whether it is resistant or tinting, then an artificial pigment is present in the hair. This means that the growth of the roots with the usual dyeing in the blond will become lighter, and the early colored hair will just slightly change the color pigment, but the tint will not change significantly.

Simply put, we will not get a satisfactory result. There is a rule that every professional hairdresser knows: dye does not lighten previously dyed hair. What, then, is to be done?

Some important secrets:

  • To dye early colored hair, we need to blonder it! Blondiroving is the removal of natural and artificial pigment from the hair. But we must remember that along with the pigment hair loses other components, it collapses. How badly your hair will suffer during blonding depends on the quality of the preparation, the correctness of the procedure and, of course, the exposure time. The last point is very important, but, alas, not every stylist will be able to determine how much time your hair needs. Therefore, contact only a proven professional!
  • With any lightening, be it dyeing or blonding, two pigments are destroyed in our hair: pheomelanin and trichohedrin (these are yellow and red pigments). Until the end of their hard to remove, and not always necessary. But precisely because of these pigments, the result sometimes turns out to be different from what we had in mind - yellow, yellow-orange, orange ... To prevent this from happening, after blonding, these two pigments need to be neutralized - tinted. As a professional, I will say that every colorist should know how and how to deal with the undesirable background of clarification in each particular case.
  • Let's talk a little more about toning - the final stage of the process of becoming a blonde. Toning is aimed at filling the hair with artificial pigment and caring components. A special preparation will close the hair cuticle, which after clarification has opened, will create a protective film around the hair for shine and shine of color!

You have unpainted hair and you decided to become a blonde:

If your color by nature is not very dark, then you can work with ammonia, or as stylists call it correctly - a permanent dye.

It works like this: you apply dye, and the process of lightening and dyeing takes place at the same time, - without those intricate steps that need to be done, lightening previously painted hair. It all depends on the correctness of the selected color and the brightening ability of the dye.

I strongly do not recommend dyeing dark hair at home itself - too much risk of ruining your hair and getting a completely different color you dreamed of. Most often, dark hair is transformed into a blond according to the same scheme as dyed - we have already talked about this.

Important: After a complex staining procedure, it is recommended not to wash the hair for 1-2 days, since during this time all reactions stop, the ph level of the hair and scalp normalizes, the pigment is oxidized and fixed in the hair.


Watch the video: 4 Process Blonde. Hair Tutorial (July 2024).