
Say - No - to the split ends! How to make hair polishing at home?


Long hair requires special care. In the old days, smoothness and shine were achieved by combing them with brushes of natural bristle, passing them through the hair at least 100 times in the morning and evening. Few modern women can afford such luxury, because in the modern world there is always no time for themselves. Manufacturers of care products come to the rescue, offering new ways and components to improve the appearance of the hairstyle.

Split ends: scissors or machine?

One of the common problems that a girl faces is split ends. If in hairstyles with bunches or braids they are not so noticeable, then in cases where long strands flow over the shoulders and back, their dry and brittle tips can ruin not only a perfect appearance, but also a mood.

The old and reliable method of dealing with this scourge - scissors. It is enough to cut 2-3 cm of length on your own or in the cabin and the problem is solved. But what to do if hair grows unevenly, lifeless tips stick out along the entire length and it is impossible to use scissors? Or in the case when the desired length has just been reached after several months of waiting and every centimeter is expensive?

How is polishing done?

This will require a clipper and a special nozzle HG Polishen. You can choose a nozzle for any available model, you need to know how the machine connects with the nozzles and choose the desired width of the block where the knives are located.

Make polishing for the first time better in the cabin, from an experienced master. If you look at how the machine is used and remember the procedure, then polishing the strands at home will not be difficult. After a professional procedure in the salon, you can see how your hair will react to it, and make a conclusion about the advisability of using it to care at home.
If the hairstyle has become smooth, you are satisfied with the result, then a machine and a nozzle are purchased, and then the polishing of the hair will go into the arsenal of independently performed procedures.

After the machine with the nozzle is ready:

  1. Wash the hair and apply a thermal protective compound to it so that healthy hair does not suffer during polishing.
  2. Gently comb the long strands and, if necessary, pull them out with a flat iron or comb with frequent teeth.
  3. Separating the small strand, skip its tip through the nozzle 3-5 times. The machine moves along the end of the strand in different directions.
  4. If there are brittle ends along the entire length, then after processing the tips, the machine rises to the hair horses and polishing is performed along the entire length from top to bottom.
  5. In this sequence, polishing is done strand by strand, starting from the nape.
  6. After polishing an oil mask is applied for 20-30 minutes.
  7. At the end of the procedure, the head is washed again, and then the hair is dried and laid.
  8. The machine with the nozzle is cleaned and cleaned before the next procedure.

Hair polishing maintains smooth hair from 3 to 5 months. Shielding the hair will help energize damaged curls at the cellular level to give them shine and healthy look. This treatment complex relatively recently appeared on the market of cosmetic services, but thanks to its effectiveness, it quickly gained recognition.

Hair shielding

Shielding is a three-stage complex for moisturizing, restoring and protecting hair using products based on argon oil, soy protein and other natural components. It can be done in the salon or at home by yourself.
The shielding improves the condition of the hair at the cellular level, making them, thanks to the creation of a protective film on the surface, more resistant to adverse external conditions and the effects of hair dryers, irons and curls. The hairstyle acquires additional volume, the hair is shiny and easier to style. If desired, you can change their shade, as the means for shielding is available in colorless or color versions.

Screening at home: a recipe for success

Escaping, due to the simplicity of performance and excellent results, can be safely included in the number of health treatments for hair held at home. To avoid surprises and not put yourself at risk, you should carefully consider the choice of products for home use and give preference to well-known brands.
Before starting, carefully read the manufacturer's instructions and remember the procedure.

Usually screening at home includes:

  • shampooing with a special shampoo from the complex or, if it is not in the kit, means suitable for you,
  • drawing on hair from the roots to the ends of a nutrient balm with their subsequent drying to a semi-dry state in a natural way,
  • neat application of the second, the main tool for the entire length of the hair. If the product is colored, to avoid staining of the skin, a greasy cream is applied to the forehead and cheeks,
  • after the time specified in the instructions, the product is washed off, the hair is dried by a hair dryer,
  • applying the third component of the complex, fixing the impact, and drying the hair without rinsing off.

Shining, sometimes called shielding, has a cumulative effect. From procedure to procedure, hair becomes healthier and looks better and better.

Enhance the effect and keep the results of polishing and shielding longer to help the correct care at home after the procedures. An oil mask or oil compress once a week, a mask containing gelatin, will prevent the appearance of split ends, as well as preserve and strengthen the protective layer on the hair.

Burdock Root Oil Mask Recipe

Burdock root oil can be cooked in the summer by yourself. In a dark place to insist during the day, 15 g of fresh chopped burdock root in 1 cup almond or olive oil. Boil the infusion over low heat for 15 minutes, stirring often. Cool, strain and pour into a bottle for storage. The mask is applied to the hair before washing the head, the head is covered with plastic wrap and a towel. After half an hour, the mask is washed off in 2-3 doses in order to remove excess fat from the hair.

Gelatin Mask

Gelatin, thanks to the collagen, vitamins and amino acids that make up its composition, can make hair shine, smoothness, firmness and elasticity.

The gelatin mask is easy to prepare and easy to make yourself:

  • using the instructions on the package, dilute the gelatin with warm water (gelatin - 1 part, water - 3 parts), stir and leave the mixture to swell,
  • while gelatin with water increases in volume, wash your hair,
  • place the container with the swollen thick gelatin mixture into the water bath and, while stirring continuously, heat the gelatin to a liquid state,
  • add a tablespoon of conditioner to the resulting liquid and mix well,
  • The mask is applied over the entire length of the hair and left for half an hour. The head is covered with polyethylene so that the gelatin does not dry,
  • It should be noted that when washing off gelatin dissolves better if you immerse your hair first in a basin of water, and then wash off the mask under running water.

What it is?

Hair polishing is very up-to-date procedure for eliminating untidy split ends and perfectly refresh your hair without changing the length of the strands. For its implementation, a special machine with nozzles or special hairdressing scissors can be used.

Among the many advantages of polishing should be highlighted:

  • eliminating fragility of curls without changing their structure,
  • perfect cut, practically not changing the length of hairs,
  • smoothing hair and giving it the desired shine,
  • hair health safety
  • long-term aesthetic effect.

In most salons, the cost of this procedure is very high, but this is no reason to abandon it - after all, you can do everything on your own!

To perform this procedure special scissors or a hairdresser with a special nozzle are required. The purchase of these accessories is important to take care in advance. Thanks to our advice and recommendations, you will be able to cope with this task in the best possible way.

What is polishing

In fact, polishing hair is giving it perfect smoothness. Such an effect can be achieved only in the case when the top layer of keratin scales will be restored, and the split ends that lash out and stick out are removed. But even with good care, hair grows unevenly and after some time, individual hairs will be knocked out of a smooth hairstyle.

To restore the hair you need special masks or compositions, prepared according to popular recipes.

Perfectly cure damaged hair with thermocouples or dyeing hair with liquid keratin. It is able to be embedded in the upper layer of the hair shaft, sealing the irregularities and filling the voids. And polishing the hair helps to successfully fight the split ends.

Pros and cons of the procedure

The fact that after high-quality polishing the hair becomes much more brilliant and well-groomed is not the only plus of this procedure. There are other positive points:

  • polishing allows you to keep the maximum length - usually not more than 5 mm is cut off,
  • the hairstyle is smoothed without the use of harmful chemicals, as during lamination,
  • The cut ends are completely cleaned with a perfectly even cut when polishing with a machine,
  • the procedure is completely safe and can be performed even during pregnancy and lactation,
  • the whole head looks very well-groomed, and the hairstyle does not require additional thermocoupling.

Doing the procedure once in 3-4 months, you can easily grow a long beautiful and healthy hair, which will be the subject of admiration and even envy of others.

Although hair polishing at home or in the salon is becoming increasingly popular, it is not suitable for everyone and has its own contraindications:

  • it is absolutely not recommended for severely weakened, brittle and very dry hair,
  • you should not do it for fungal and other diseases of the scalp,
  • This procedure does not make sense for hard, heavily curly hair.

Remember that even very high quality polishing gives only a temporary result. It can be extended with good care, but it is impossible to make hair perfect once and for all.

Polishing methods

There are two ways to do hair polishing: a clipper with a special nozzle or manually sharp scissors. The machine certainly turns out faster and more efficiently. But not everyone has it, and it’s not very convenient to carry out the procedure yourself. But scissors safer for hair, easier and, according to women, it is easier to do it yourself.

We describe the procedure for performing the procedure at home in sufficient detail below so that it can be easily carried out on our own. But if after reading there are still ambiguities, then, before you first do the polishing at home, be sure to watch the video, where an experienced master gives a lesson with detailed comments. If after that you are not sure that you can do everything correctly, it is better to go to the salon.

The procedure for polishing hair with a machine is quite simple. The main problem is that the knives must be very sharp, made of high quality steel. And these are installed in professional models that are expensive. But if you are going to use the machine only for polishing, an average quality model will do.

When buying, make sure that the kit includes a special nozzle. It is a plastic frame through which each strand of hair passes. When sticking tips get under the knives, they are cut off. Here, in essence, is the whole point of the procedure, the cost of which in the cabin can be quite high.

You can also buy a polishing attachment separately in specialized stores, if you already have a machine without it.

Here's how to polish the hair of the house itself using a typewriter:

  • Wash thoroughly without using a balm or conditioner and completely dry the hair.
  • It is very good to comb them so that there are no nodules and creases left.
  • Apply a thermal protection spray to the hair and stretch each strand with an iron.
  • It is better to start polishing from the back of the head, and fix the rest of the hair with clamps.
  • On the machine is put on the nozzle into which the first strand is inserted.
  • For each strand, you need to walk the nozzle several times in different directions.
  • After the occipital zone, you can go to the top, side and bangs.
  • When each strand is carefully and consistently processed, it is necessary to trim the ends.

If done correctly, the hair will lie just perfect without any additional styling. The effect of a well-performed procedure with good care for the hair lasts up to 2-3 months.

To cope with the whipped naughty tips, knocked out of the hair, you can and with the help of ordinary scissors. This process will take quite a long time - from one to 3-4 hours with a long thick hair.

But with careful implementation of the procedure, its result will be quite comparable with the salon. In this case, you will spend only on the acquisition of good scissors.

Here is a step-by-step instruction on how to make hair polishing at home with hairdressing scissors:

  • wash and dry your head well,
  • select a small area, fixing the rest of the hair with hairpins,
  • grab a thin strand in the upper part of the selected area,
  • twist it into a tight flagellum and cut the tip to 0.5 cm,
  • with the fingers of the other hand slightly fluff the flagellum so that the tips are released along the length,
  • carefully cut off all that is out of the flagellum,
  • repeat the procedure on the entire selected area, and then on the entire head.

It is very inconvenient to do this on short hair. And with a large and medium length to cope without assistance is quite real.

But do not repeat the procedure too often. It is better to take care that the hair was good care.

Home care

But polishing the hair at home or in the salon is only the first step on the way to perfectly smooth hair. In order for the effect to last as long as possible, it is necessary to take all possible measures to protect the tips from delamination. It is best to deal with such a task natural oils and masks based on them.

And also the gelatinic whey, which is easy to prepare at home, has proven itself well. To do this, pour a tablespoon of natural gelatin 50 grams of cold water and put the mixture in a water bath. When the gelatin is completely dissolved, process the hair with them (gelatin should not fall on the skin and roots!). After 15-20 minutes, wash the head with a small amount of shampoo.

You can do this lamination 2-3 times a month. But it must be remembered that the application of varnish and styling products immediately neutralizes the entire effect of the procedure.

With each wash, the gelatin layer covering the hairs becomes thinner. So the more often you wash your hair, the sooner the home lamination will have to be repeated.

Any thermal effect will not benefit polished hair. It dries the hair, making it fragile and inelastic. When using resistant paints, the upper keratin layer is loosened, and the hair loses smoothness and shine. Therefore, to do the polishing before painting is meaningless.And after it is better to wait a couple of weeks until the hair is restored a little.

Well help to maintain a longer smoothness and shine after polishing tinting balms and shampoos with the effect of lamination, which is now the majority of leading manufacturers of cosmetics for hair. It is enough to apply them 1-2 times a week, and fix the result with masks for colored hair.

Ideal for the care of polished hair comb-brush with natural bristles. It is not as rigid as plastic, and very evenly distributes sebum along the hair. Evening combing for 5-10 minutes will improve the blood circulation of the scalp, stimulate hair growth and make the hair even smoother and well-groomed.

The essence of the procedure

The description of the salon manipulation procedure is somewhat different from how to polish the hair at home.

In the salons, experienced craftsmen do this procedure quite successfully. After all, they already have the relevant experience, and they certainly know how to do a hair polishing machine. But before going to a solid salon to a good master, you should set yourself up in advance, that the process itself takes quite a long time and takes a lot of time.. If you are not confident in the master and do not know where you are going, it is better to refuse this idea altogether. After all, for this manipulation there are some rules, the violation of which is fraught with very unpleasant aesthetic problems. Also, when polishing should be used only high-quality tools: machine and attachments.

Implementation of manipulation at home

If you weigh all the pros and cons, you are sure that this technology is vital for your strands, and there is no possibility of going to the salon, and what is the polishing of the hair you have already studied, then you have to learn how to properly polish your hair at home.

For this you need:

  1. Purchase the necessary machine with the nozzle “HG Polishen”.
  2. Carefully wash and dry the head, while not using rinsing agents, balms, conditioners.
  3. Carefully straighten hair ironing. The whole success of the procedure depends on this; the smoother the hair, the better the final result will be.
  4. Directly the process itself. It is necessary to make hair polishing with a nozzle by tucking individual strands into it. The rest of the hair should be fixed with special clips or rubber bands. And so gradually, strand by strand, a polishing procedure is carried out. It is most convenient to start the process from the back of the head; each strand is necessary to go through the nozzle at least 3-4 times, in different directions. When all the strands on the head have already been treated with a nozzle, you should complete the process of polishing hair with scissors: carefully trim the ends with them.

Hair care

The effect of the manipulation lasts longer, if properly care for the hair after polishing the hair. How much the result holds depends on the structure and type of hair. There is no one right recipe for proper care, but the result remains on the strands longer if you use special caring serums and nourishing oils. Indeed, during the manipulation, the scalp is subject to mechanical stress, after which the curls must be moistened and nourished with quality.

The advantages of this procedure

Polishing has a pronounced aesthetic effect. This is essentially the only and unique procedure in which you can get rid of the split ends along the entire length of the hair, without affecting its previous length. Such manipulation is unique. Another advantage of it is that it is quite possible to implement it at home. This requires an overwhelming desire, the study of all the nuances and a little bit of free time.

Possible disadvantages and contraindications

Before carrying out such a procedure, one should take into account the fact that it has a pronounced aesthetic effect. But ... about the health of hair is not the question. Such manipulation is not aimed at improving the health and nutrition of the order, but rather the opposite. During the implementation of this technology, the strands at first are susceptible to the harmful effects of leveling irons, which has a very negative effect on their structure. Yes, and the process of polishing can have an extremely negative impact on the overall condition of the hairstyle, with its inept conduct, or if all the necessary rules are not followed.

It is categorically forbidden to carry out this manipulation to people who have different dermatological problems with the skin of the head, and whose hair is characterized by too thin, brittle, sparse strands.

In general, if you ensure proper hair care after polishing, sometimes you can afford to achieve a positive aesthetic effect using this procedure. But do not carry out such manipulation regularly. And also it is necessary to limit it to people who have contraindications for its implementation.

How to do polishing hair at home with a machine?

There is no such representative of the fair sex who would not have to face the problem of split ends. For a long time, the only solution was a haircut. But today there is a polish. The procedure is carried out using an ordinary clipper, which is in every hairdresser and in many homes, but with a special nozzle. The latter has very sharp blades. They practically do not hurt the hair - the cut is obtained as if sealed. After simple manipulations, the curls become smooth, more obedient, pleasant to the touch.

If you have the desired attachment, polishing your hair at home will take no more than an hour, but it is recommended to carry it yourself only if there is minor damage. Loose curls are still desirable to trust a professional.

Through the procedure, it is important to adhere to some rules:

  1. Before you do polishing hair at home, you need to wash and dry your head. It is not recommended to apply balms or masks.
  2. Be sure to gently comb the hair - strands should not be confused among themselves. If suddenly curls remained on the head, they should be smoothed out with an iron.
  3. Before you start using a polisher, you need to separate one strand and carefully tighten a thick comb or comb.
  4. So that the effect of polishing your hair with your own hands at home was the best, it is recommended to use the machine at least five times for the same curl.
  5. At the end of the procedure, the head should be washed and treated with castor or burdock oil.

Household hair polishing with scissors

There is another way to deal with the whipped tips - with scissors. Lagging scales along the entire length of the locks are cut off, while healthy hair remains intact. This procedure is quite laborious and lengthy, so owners of thick hair may not be suitable.

Scissor polishing will require scallop, bright lighting and a comfortable mirror.

  1. Hair pre-washed and dried.
  2. Most of the curls are stabbed to the back of the head.
  3. Separate the small strand, twist it into a flagellum and lightly fluff it. Cut out the ends of the cut ends.
  4. Smooth the strand, passing it through your fingers, and once again process it with scissors.

Similar actions are done with the rest of the hair.

Folk recipes for polishing hair at home

Nestrachno if you can not buy a polisher. You can “seal” the tips of the hair with the help of simple gelatinous serums. The collagen contained in them restores the hair structure from the inside and creates the effect of a film, making the curls shiny and docile.

Recipe gelatin serum for polishing hair at home

Preparation and use

Gelatin is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 3. The amount of ingredients varies depending on the length of the hair. The whey is stirred until homogeneous and melted in a water bath - only in no way boiled! After cooling down, apply the product to the hair. It should be washed off after a quarter of an hour with shampoo.

Machine with nozzle

How to do hair polishing at home with the help of a typewriter? In the first case, you will need a hair salon machine, equipped with a special nozzle, designed for polishing.

Through this particular device you must alternately pass each carefully observing that all the hairs are carefully processed.

How to make such polishing, look at the video:

The second method is polishing hair at home with scissors. In this case, you need to divide all the hair into thin uniform strands.

Hair polishing - how to do it with scissors? Alternately, each strand should be twisted into a tight flagellum and perform the following actions:

  • lightly fluff the twisted strand so that its tips go out,
  • cut off the ends with sharp scissors,
  • smooth the strand and pass it between your fingers,
  • again cut the minimum length of the tips.

Not complicated scissors hair polishing at home should be repeated with respect to each strand. As a result, the hairstyle will be fresh and neat, and the resulting effect will last for about three months.

Hair polishing - how to do this procedure with scissors, look at the video:

Aftercare Rules

Compliance with simple rules of care will help to consolidate and preserve the resulting effect.

After polishing, the curls will become neat, supple and docile. To keep them as long as possible, it is necessary to provide them with competent care. For these purposes It is recommended to use balms and masks based on natural ingredients, appearing from everything that negatively affects the hair structure.

When changing climatic conditions - the onset of frost, heat or high humidity - protection of curls will ensure the use of appropriate headgear.

Perfect polishing curls available even at home. The main thing - take enough time for yourself and follow all the rules of this procedure. As a result, the beauty of your hair will delight you for a long time!

Description and purpose of hair polishing

The problem of split ends of the hair is familiar to many. The reason - the wrong care for them, for example, improper cosmetics or combing not dried strands, overuse of dyeing, frequent use of a hair dryer, ironing and forceps.

Split ends exfoliate, easily broken, cling to adjacent hairs, entangled and pulled out, look dull and unkempt. Especially often this problem occurs with owners of long curls. After all, the older the hair, the more often it was subjected to all sorts of negative influences. As a rule, the ends are split, but it happens that the same occurs along the entire length. In addition, people change their hair about once every 5 years, every day each of us loses them up to 100 pieces.

They do not grow at the same time. This is very clearly seen if you take a strand and twist it tightly into a bundle: “antennas” will stick up everywhere. Need to take a closer look - do their tips break off? If not, then everything is fine, there is not a single person in the world, whose hair would be all the same length. Be sure some hair will be shorter and some longer, because they began to grow at different times. It is even considered that if the antenna is a lot, then the hair has a good renewability. But if the tips of the protruding hairs are split, then you need to start worrying.

The usual way to solve the problem is to simply cut off the length of the hair and grow it during the next haircut, while at the same time properly caring for the hair so that everything does not happen again. But this solution does not suit the fair sex with long curls. Many ladies are not ready for a cardinal change of image, do not want to trim the length and try to solve it in different ways. For example, make masks that give only a short-term effect. After all, the split end can not be glued together, it can only be cut off.

Until recently, there was only one procedure that solves the problem of splitting ends along the entire length of the hair - cutting with hot scissors. The barber twisted the strands into flagella and cut off the protruding tips.

Hair polishing is a more recent alternative development. The barber does not curl the hair and does not use scissors. A special attachment is put on the clipper; it is carried along the strands and cut off the ends of the hairs. As a result of properly polished, you get neat shiny and smooth long curls. And since there are no more tattered ends, the strands are not tangled, the hairstyle fits easily.

Naturally, the typewriter doesn’t care if the ends split or not, it will cut everything that stands out from the general row, so the need for this procedure is an individual matter. Do not sign up for polishing just because it is fashionable. It happens that in some cases it is completely contraindicated.

It is necessary for those who have a thick head of hair and split ends, and growing hair, I want to refresh my hair a little. Many of those who often dry their hair with a hair dryer, straighten irons, curl with tongs or with the help of chemistry, experiment with dyeing, probably need polishing. But for those who have strands thin or curly, it is better not to do polishing - at least 30% of the volume will disappear.

Whether you need polishing specifically for you, you can find out, after consulting with a hairdresser, but only from the one you trust. It is not cheap (in some stores up to $ 50), moreover, the price is often due to the novelty and fashion, and not for objective reasons. The task of an unscrupulous master is to earn as much money as possible from customers, which is why it is not superfluous to know all the pros and cons of the procedure in order to be able to make the right decision about its necessity for you.

Pros and cons of polishing hair

This procedure has both supporters and opponents. On the Internet, you can read diametrically different reviews: someone from polishing in complete delight, and someone curses the hour when such an idea occurred to him. Often the reviews are backed up with truthful photos of the “before” and “after” the procedure, which completely confuses the reader. Let's figure it out.

Pluses hair polishing

Naturally, positive reviews are written by those who liked the final result - shiny and docile hair. So, they met a qualified specialist who, correctly assessing the client's hair, and the acceptability of polishing for it, competently carried out the procedure. Some experts consider polishing to be even more effective than cutting with hot scissors.

She really has many advantages:

    Length preservation. The fact that the cut hair can not be restored, but can only be cut off, is a well-known fact. The ability to cut only chopped tips (3-10 mm), while maintaining the overall length of the hair, is the most important plus of polishing.

Appearance enhancement. Moreover, instantaneous - an excellent result is observed immediately after the end of the procedure. Polishing, removing the tip section, makes the hair shiny, smooth, softer and less brittle. They are much easier to comb, no longer confused.

Ability to do yourself. One session is quite expensive. Naturally, the first procedure is best carried out in the cabin of an experienced master. And having bought everything you need for polishing your hair, the next ones, in order not to overpay, you can do at home, even if you have minimal experience with haircuts. You do not give shape to the locks, but simply stretch the attachment on them, refreshing your hair.

Harmlessness. This procedure can be performed on all types of hair (it is also suitable for graduated haircuts) and combined with other manipulations, because there is no heat treatment during it.

  • High-quality cut. The edge of the hair, trimmed with scissors, more loose than the edge, cut with a typewriter. Naturally, a smoother edge that its smoothness and save longer. That is, a perfectly even cut is a kind of prevention of split ends.

  • The effect of polishing the hair is maintained for at least 3 months (up to six months). It can be extended if you follow some simple rules all the time: eat right and take vitamins, strengthen hair with masks and balms, not too often use hair dryers and other styling devices that act on them with high temperature, protect from frost, excessive dryness and humidity ( that is, wear a hat in the cold and rainy weather, and in the sun - wear a panama hat).

    Cons polishing hair

    Ideally, polishing will refresh your hairstyle and contribute to the strengthening of weakened hair, there are no harmful effects - coloring or heat treatment. It would seem that the solid positive qualities. But there is a downside.

    Here is what can be said about its disadvantages:

      Price. Pretty big for such a fairly simple procedure. Moreover, the longer the curls, the higher the price. Perhaps over time, when the hair polish will cease to be a fashionable novelty even in the province, its cost will become more adequate.

    Temporary solution to the problem. Hair polishing is not a panacea, the problem of the split ends can be resumed after 3 months if the care of the hair is incorrect.

    Health restrictions. If the hair falls out strongly or there are any fungal diseases, the polishing procedure is contraindicated, it can weaken them. Taking into account the fact that not everyone can correctly assess the state of their hair, first register for polishing for the first time, consult a trichologist.

    Hair Type Restrictions. Those who have thin and sparse hair should not be polished. The effect will be temporary, before the first washing of the head. Those who curl them, as well as those who recently dyed them or did a perm, should also refrain from polishing. Such curls due to their structure will stick out in different directions, and a machine with a nozzle, cutting off all the irregularities, can damage them. Of course, the problem is solved - curly hair can be pre-laminated, and for those who have it colored or chemically curled, just wait a while. When deciding on polishing, be sure to consult with your hairdresser. And even more so do not do the first polishing yourself at home.

  • Risk. Even if your hairdresser and trichologist are not against polishing, this does not mean that its result will be great for you. There is always the risk of seeing the wrong result. You can, for example, having obtained smooth and silky curls, significantly lose hair in volume. To be sure that polishing will suit you, you will have to take a chance and try.

  • For the first polish, choose a good salon and an experienced master and be sure to read the reviews about them. For those who have a complicated haircut, the procedure is generally best done only in the salon of an experienced master, otherwise you can damage healthy hair and ruin your hairdo.

    Hair polishing tools

    In obtaining a positive effect from polishing, not only the skill of the hairdresser and the type of client's hair play a major role, but also the quality of the tools — it is very dangerous to make it poor quality. Some experts for this reason are categorically against this procedure. Let's look at the topic in more detail so that you can properly evaluate the technical equipment of your chosen salon, and later made an easy choice when buying your personal hair polishing tool.

    The iron for preparation of hair for polishing

    In order for the procedure to pass correctly and only the tips be cut off, without damaging the hair, all the strands must be straight. For this reason, polishing is not recommended to owners of wavy curls. For hair straightening, the beauty industry has a special device - ironing or styling.

    There are three types of them:

      With metal plates. The cheapest option. And the most traumatic for hair, although sales assistants in home appliances stores often convince buyers that the time of contact of heated metal with hairs is small, and therefore the effect of such styling is harmless. A similar iron is permissible to have at home, if you are not often going to use it. But having a job like this is unprofessional.

    With ceramic plates. Medium price category. The choice is quite large from well-established brands (Bosch, Panasonic, Rowenta, Philips). The impact is gentle, the heating of the plate is uniform, there are even models with a surface ionizer (charged particles in the composition of the plates have a positive effect on the hair).

  • Tourmaline coated. Dear new. The most gentle option for the hair, because ceramic plates covered with the smallest crystals of tourmaline are charged at different times during the heating process, which negates the negative thermal effect on the curls. Very convenient model having a temperature controller. So you will empirically select the optimal thermal regime for you and reduce the negative thermal effects on the hair.

  • Hair polishing machine

    By and large, there is not much difference what model of machine you will use in the process of polishing your hair, the main thing is that you can install a special attachment on it.

    It is very important that the knives of the machine are sharp - because a high-quality cut prolongs the positive effect of the procedure.

    Given the fact that professional machines with alloy steel blades are quite expensive, it makes sense to spend on their purchase if you are a hairdresser and work hard and daily with this tool. And for home use, when the load on the device is small, it will be enough to buy a device of the average price category - the cosmetic effect of its use will be the same.

    The usual average for the price of the machine and high-quality special nozzle for polishing hair in stores cost about the same. Machines of such companies as “Moser”, “Ermila”, “Wahl”, “Wella”, “Oster”, “Jaguar”, “Hairway”, “Andis” (with a 45-46 mm knife block) are suitable for the nozzle.

    Hair polisher

    In the process of polishing is the most important tool. They are alternately (4-5 times) processed all curls, pre-straightened styling.

    The attachment is called the “hair polisher” and is a special plastic tip that is worn directly on the clipper and snapped onto the strand separated from the rest, bending and lifting it in a special way. Approximately in centimeter from this sharp bend there are knives of the machine, they also cut off the free tip of a hair as soon as it is shown in the slot.

    It is very important to choose a nozzle with high-quality bristles, because it depends on how successful the polishing procedure will be.

    Different nozzles differ from each other in the width of the knife block, and you can find a suitable one for the machine you already have. It is rather difficult to talk about a specific instrument, because such a device is manufactured by many firms. But, for example, hair polisher “HG polishen” is considered the most popular model among professionals. This nozzle can be purchased both online and in almost any store selling products for hairdressing and makeup.

    The cost of this fashionable device is speculatively overpriced. The purchase price of 1000 tips - from 30 cents, 100 tips - from $ 1 apiece. In stores, polishers cost from 800 to 2500 rubles. For comparison: the price of a session of polishing medium-length hair is about 2,500 rubles, long ones - almost 5,000 rubles. Even with the overpriced benefit of using a polisher at home is obvious.

    How to make hair polish

    This is a fairly simple procedure, in fact, absolutely ordinary haircut machine. But if you go to the salon under the influence of advertising, expecting something magical, without a special idea of ​​how polishing is done, then you may even be disappointed by the simplicity of the process. And after all, it is thanks to her that it is possible to polish at home.

    The sequence of actions is as follows:

      Washing head. Wash the hair (if necessary - twice) with shampoo hair so that no greasy discharge is left on them. This is important: because of the sebum, the broken ends become heavier, they settle and during the polishing process they may not fall under the knives of the machine. For the same reason, do not use rinses or balms after washing. The structure of the hair should be natural.

    Straightening styling. On a clean, dried curls apply thermal protection and pull the strands ironing. Hair should be well straightened, so the effect of polishing will be better. In general, manufacturers promise 100% disposal of broken ends, but, according to consumer reviews, the real figure is from 70% to 90%, it all depends on the skill of the hairdresser and the condition (smoothness) of the client's hair. On smooth polishing done faster and easier, captured only protruding tips, and not healthy strands.

    Actually polished. A nozzle is put on the clipper, and a lock of hair is tucked into it. The rest are fixed on the head with clips (prepare a few pieces in advance). Processing begins at the back of the head. For each strand should go 3-4 times in different directions. It is best to start from the tips and lead to the roots. To the one who does the polishing, it is clearly seen from what point the hairs stick up on the curl, and whether it is worth keeping the machine all the way or you can stop earlier. An experienced master then examines the polished curl and, if necessary, scrolls through it in order to achieve a truly 100% result. And so, without losing a single strand, the whole head is processed. Depending on the length of the hair, the whole process can take from 15 minutes to three hours, on average, one and a half to two hours. At the very end trimmed tips haircuts to hairstyle looked neat.

    Final processing. After polishing, you need to wash your hair again and apply an oil mask (from burdock or castor oil). Dry and lay curls.

  • Extra care. In order for the positive effect to last longer, after polishing, regularly feed your hair with special masks, and process the tips with oils and serums that interfere with the section.

  • Many are afraid that the volume of hair disappears after polishing. In fact, this is all the result of the bitten ends disappearing. Previously, they clung to adjacent hairs, tangled with them, lifted and bent them, thus creating additional volume. Figuratively speaking, the strands were as if with fleece. Now they are unraveled, smoothed, lie exactly, so it seems that the volume is gone.

    How to do hair polishing - see the video:

    1 Grinding machine

    In salons, hair polishing is usually carried out using a clipper with a special attachment put on it. The same can be done at home, if you have the necessary tools. Nozzle for polishing is different in width and type of attachment and is selected on the basis of the technical features of a particular machine.

    The nozzle allows you to clamp small strands of hair and cut off damaged tips. The principle of its work is based on the fact that the edge of the split hair usually sticks out and stands out from the strands. The blade of the tool, moving parallel to the curl easily cuts off all unnecessary.

    The main advantage is efficiency. As a result of the procedure, about 90% of split ends are cut off. The second positive point is speed. Hair polishing machine is carried out much faster than the same procedure carried out using scissors.

    It is very important that the polishing was carried out with a quality tool. Blades in the typewriter should be sharp so as not to spoil the hair even more. Most salons, neglect sharpening machine knives, what can we say about those who cut their own hair at home. A blunted blade splits the hair, which only adds more split ends. Immediately this negative effect can be overlooked, and after a week - another, the amount of hair damaged at the tips will be evident.

    If you want to treat your hair yourself, then make sure that the knives of your machine are perfectly sharpened.

    2 Scissor sanding

    Polishing with scissors is carried out in salons quite rarely. This is quite a long procedure, it requires time-consuming, painstaking work. But polishing hair at home with scissors is very popular now.

    Curls twisted into strands or pull on a comb and cut off the loose hair. We will talk about how complicated hair polishing is and how to do it correctly.

    There are two advantages over a haircut by this type of machine. First, such a procedure is available to all who possess a basic set of hairdressing tools. You can limit the comb and scissors.

    Secondly, there is less risk of worsening the condition of their hair. Naturally, it is necessary to use professional sharp hairdressing scissors. Sharpening such a tool is much easier than machine knives. Salons do it regularly, and it's easy for an amateur to do it. And to find out that scissors became blunt much easier than the same with machine knives.

    The downsides are that such a haircut takes a lot of time, and as a result, quite a lot of curls with split ends remain on the head.

    4 typewriter

    Hair polishing at home is carried out according to the following pattern.

      • To start the hair is recommended to thoroughly wash. This is necessary to rid the hair of dirt, sebum and residues of styling products. Dirty hair is heavy and slippery, when polishing the machine can simply not grab this. Wash curls only with shampoo, it is not necessary to apply a rinse or balm on them. It is better not to use shampoo 2 in 1. After washing, you need to dry the hair.
      • The next step is always done before polishing the hair - straightening the strands. Curls align iron before applying thermal protection to them. It is necessary to align each strand, very responsibly approaching the procedure, because of its result depends on how well it will turn out to polish the hair.

    With high-quality training, it is realistic to get rid of almost all split ends.

    • After straightening, you can begin the polishing procedure.
    • It is better to do polishing from the back of the head. The tool is carried out from the roots to the tips.
    • Thread into the machine one strand at the neck, and fix the rest with clips on the top of the head.
    • Each pryadochka need to pass through a clipper several times, pulling it. In this special attachment adheres to the fingers, it can be directed at a slight angle to the strand, but you can not rotate diagonally in the same plane.
    • Hair polishing is done only on the area where there are split ends; this should be determined by eye.
    • The tool is carried out from the roots to the tips.

    Remember that a special nozzle for polishing hair is chosen for the type of machine. You can get to work only if it is tightly fastened to the device and “sits” well on it.

    5 scissors

    If you are doing hair scissors, the technology will be somewhat different. Here there are two ways.

    The first way is as follows.

    • The head, as usual, is zoned, separating part of the strands with hairpins.
    • It is better to smooth the strands with a pre-ironing.
    • Then each curl must be twisted into a braid and cut off the hair sticking perpendicularly with sharp hairdresser's scissors.
    • Then twist the same strand in the other direction and repeat the procedure.

    With the second method

    • the strand is distributed across the width of the comb and, having passed through it, is pulled.
    • The comb is unrolled, as if winding a curl on it, and pushing it forward a little.
    • As a result, at the site of the bend of the hair, you can notice protruding split ends. They need to be carefully trimmed parallel to the comb.
    • Gradually move the comb down from the point where the section begins, to the tips, stopping to “walk” with the scissors on the hairs that appear above it.

    6 Care after the procedure

    How to make hair polishing everyone decides for himself. And the rules of hair care after the procedure are the same for all, regardless of what methods you used to get rid of split ends. Be aware that hair splits due to improper care or health problems.

    You should not wait for a long-lasting effect from polishing if you regularly burn out the strands with a hair dryer, stylers or poison with “chemistry”. If you want thick healthy curls, you should limit the negative impact of external factors and devote your care to the restoration of already damaged hairs.

    Pick a hairstyle that requires minimal styling at home.

    Choose masks and balsams marked “restoration”, pay attention to the products, which include natural ingredients in the first place, they have a beneficial effect on the scalp, and this is half the success.

    Silicone products are good for home care, they give hair elasticity and, as it were, seal the tips. The use of gelatinous sera is favorable, they work according to the same principle. Curls will get shine and healthy look.

    Remember, internal problems will certainly affect the state of hair, and if you have a cross-sectional process related to health, you should start with the help of the body.

    The scalp on the head is changing, and no matter how much you shave, for internal problems, the regrown hairs will begin to split. With improved health, the structure and condition of the strands will improve. And grinding hair at home will be required less frequently.

    7 A few words in conclusion

    Now you know how to polish the strands at home. The procedure is not complicated, however, not every one of us is a hairdresser, no one is immune from mistakes. If you are still not confident in your abilities, contact the salon. After all, only a properly carried out procedure contributes to the improvement of the hair, while the work done by an unsure hand and poor tools at home will only aggravate the situation.


    Watch the video: How to Get Rid of Split Ends & Maintain Long Healthy Hair (July 2024).