Tools and facilities

Selective hair ampoules: application


Among the most common problems that depress any woman, experts call the deterioration of the appearance of hair. In some cases, the curls become more lush. They are strongly pushes, showered and confused. They can not be combed. In others, they acquire greasy luster, quickly pollute, stick together. In addition to external unattractiveness, strands can become covered with flakes of dandruff, exfoliate and lose the natural radiance. Ampoules for hair "Selektiv" designed to help in solving problems with hair. But are they effective?

Description of the appearance of the capsules

Capsules in white paper packaging are sold. It placed the compartment with containers for capsules and the glass containers themselves with the tool. The mass of each capsule is 10 ml. As a rule, it is a glass flask with a narrow and wide end.

The capsule is made of dark or clear glass. Inside is a clear liquid. According to reviews, the ampoule "Selective" for hair is filled with a clear liquid that resembles some water. If you open it, you can feel the peculiar smell of herbs, alcohol and spices.

General information about the tool

On the packaging with ampoules for hair "Selektiv" there is an instruction, description of the composition and information about the manufacturer. The drug is a mineral oil that can restore damaged hair bulbs, revitalize the structure of your curls.

According to the advertisement, it also helps to improve blood circulation around the bulbs. This happens due to the impact on the capillaries, because of what they expand. There is blood flow to the head. Hair becomes elastic and grows faster. Moreover, under the influence of an agent, the skin of the head is moistened. Consequently, it does not dry out and reduces the risk of dandruff.

What problems does the drug work with?

According to the stories of many women who managed to check the effect of the vials for hair “Selective” on themselves, this tool helps to get rid of a number of problems. For example, it does an excellent job of moisturizing and restoring the healthy appearance of the scalp and hair.

With it, it is really possible to increase the volume of even heavily thinned strands. It nourishes and strengthens the hair, restores their growth, improves the structure and struggles with hair loss. Therefore, you can often hear about the use of ampoules "Selective" against hair loss.

With this drug, you can solve the problem of split ends, eliminate the unpleasant effects of perm or unsuccessful clarification. The tool actively fights dandruff and makes unruly curls susceptible.

How to use the tool correctly?

Ampoules from hair loss "Selektiv" must be used, following the instructions. So, before you start working with capsules, you should thoroughly wash your hair with shampoo. Then it is recommended to wet wet hair with a towel, leaving them slightly damp.

After the head is ready for further procedures, you need to take one capsule and carefully remove the narrow part of the bottle. This is best done using the same towel or cotton pad. This will save you from cuts and eliminate small pieces of glass.

When the “Selective” hair growth vial is opened, pour its contents onto your hand and begin to rub into the hair roots. Next, walk your hands over the entire head, spreading the oil along the length of the curls. Leave the product on the hair for 10-15 minutes. And then rinse it under the pressure of running water.

What are the ampoules for hair restoration "Selective"?

Currently, there are two types of product that the manufacturer offers. This mineral-restoring composition "Mineral Oil" and oil of oligomineral restoring type "Oio Mineralizer".

It is noteworthy that both series of products are excellent not only for women, but also for men. Hair ampoules "Selective", according to men's reviews, facilitate combing. They do an excellent job with dandruff and oily shine. After using the product, the curls become soft, slippery and pleasant to the touch.

Does the complex differ in the means?

Both complexes are not too different from each other. According to the instructions, both drugs should be applied to pre-washed hair. And after applying "Mineral Oil" and "Selective Mineralizer" on the hair, you must rub them into the roots, distribute them over the rest of the hair and leave to soak for 10-15 minutes. At the end of the procedure, both products are washed off with water.

It is noteworthy that both work well with the restoration of the structure of the hair. They make the curls elastic and easy to comb.

According to the manufacturers themselves, the preparations differ only in the structure of the composition. For example, Mineral Oil is a white liquid that resembles water. But the "Selective Mineralizer" more oily and slightly stretching, thickish composition.

Affordable price and the opportunity to purchase the drug in the public domain.

If we talk about the appearance, the packaging means nothing remarkable. The price is not too high, 1 ampoule - from 50 to 100 p. Therefore, you can buy it cheap. Find the drug is easy. As a rule, the tool is sold in pharmacies, some beauty salons, specialty stores, online boutiques. According to buyers, the affordability of the price and the opportunity to purchase it when it is over cannot please.

Large selection of packages with different amounts of the drug

Many customers like the fact that the manufacturer is concerned that they have a choice. Therefore, there is a small package for sale, inside which there are only three vials. Also, everyone can purchase a package with 10 ampoules and a large box with 60 ampoules.

According to fans of this brand, small packaging is perfect if you only want to try the tool. It’s also easy to take with you on a trip, for example while on a vacation at sea. It is known that salt dries the hair, and this drug will perfectly cope with their moisture and give them a great appearance.

Economy of funds and a significant drawback for long-haired girls

Many owners of long hair complain that this tool is not very economical. According to them, the long hair will need not one, but two ampoules at once. This suggests that small packaging is not enough. Especially if you plan to use the tool course. But for short, medium and not too thick hair of one ampoule is enough.

Easy application and ease of use

Most buyers respond positively to this drug. They distinguish its easy application. According to them, when using the tool even lightly lathers and foams. This facilitates the transfer of the drug to the entire head, and not just to the roots. Also, many like the simplicity of its use.

It remains only to apply the liquid to the hair, hold it a little and wash it off. And then you can blow dry your hair and style it. After using the oil strands become obedient, soft, not confused when combing.

Luxurious appearance and improved hair structure

As they say many of the fair sex, after using the drug, their hair became more beautiful and well-groomed. Improved appearance of curls. They gained brilliance. After a set of procedures, many managed to defeat split ends and strong loss. It is said that after the means the effect resembles the lamination procedure. Hair becomes smooth, shiny, not plump and smooth to the touch.

Action and purpose

The Italian company Selective Professional has developed a unique lightweight oil formula that nourishes the hair over its entire length. The right composition of the product penetrates the depth of the hair shaft and thus promotes the regeneration of damaged areas.

Selective oil has the following properties:

  • Restores and protects the strand structure.
  • Promotes revitalization and nutrition of hair follicles.
  • Prevents hair loss.
  • It improves blood circulation, which stimulates hair growth.
  • Normalizes the pH of the scalp, eliminates dandruff.

Selective ampoules are recommended for use if you have the following problems:

  • Dim and dried hair after chemical exposure (dyeing, perm).
  • Lack of volume.
  • Split ends.
  • Strands that are difficult to style.
  • Hair loss.
  • Dandruff.

The use of ampoule means Selective helps to restore hair strength, elasticity and natural shine.

Composition and types

Selective Hair Oil contains the following ingredients:

  • Magnesium salt.
  • Zinc Oxide.
  • Lactic acid
  • Silicone emulsion.
  • A complex of amino acids.

Due to the action of these components, the tool has a regenerating, nourishing and preventive effect on the hair.

Ampoule Selective Professional is available in two versions:

  1. Mineral Oil. Mineral restoring nectar.
  2. Olio Mineralizer. Oligomineral oil, which in addition to the regenerating effect creates a mineral film on each hair, protecting it from the effects of external factors.

Both products are recommended for complex care of hairs that need restoration and protection.


The method of application of hair products Selective Professional is quite simple and does not take much time. To obtain an effective result, you should follow the following scheme:

  1. Wash and dry hair with a towel. If the hair is clean, the product should be applied to dry strands.
  2. Rub the oil into the scalp and spread over the entire length, gently combing the hair with a comb with sparse teeth. This should be done very carefully, since the main goal is not to comb, but to evenly distribute the nutrient.
  3. For best results, hair can be heated with a hairdryer. With this effect, there is a maximum disclosure of keratin plates, the oil easily penetrates into the structure of the strands and feeds them from the inside.
  4. The exposure time is 5–10 minutes.
  5. Rinse thoroughly with warm water.

It is necessary to use means for hair in ampoules at least 2 times a week within one month. The contents of the ampoule are designed for one use, and the number of sessions depends on the thickness and length of the hair.


The use of oil formulations in ampoules for hair from Selective is suitable for both home and professional care. Invisible protective film, which is created after the application of the tool, makes it possible to use for styling curling and "ironing" without harm to curls.

Hair oil acts not only on the strands, but also on the scalp, maintaining the lipid balance, protects against dandruff and peeling.

Using the tool Selective restores the elasticity and silkiness of the curls, facilitates their combing and styling. After the first procedure, the condition of the hair will change for the better, they will acquire luster and strength.

Not too pleasant smell

Despite the number of advantages, the drug has its drawbacks. For example, many buyers do not like his smell. When you open the bottle, you can feel the alcohol and aroma of herbs. Many people do not like such a cocktail of smells. However, in their own words, even this small minus can be forgiven. And all because the effect after using the tool is simply amazing.

Cosmetics Selective Professional - is the whole science of hair!

As well as many means from my leaving, the Selective came to me not by chance. So my review is about hair restoration. Interesting? Then let's go ... I think everyone dreams of gorgeous, long, and most importantly HEALTHY hair.

Who can use Selective Professional cosmetics?

My hair is thin damaged. Previously, I did not use such hair oils, but (knowing a lot about carrying out the care procedures) I was sure of how to use it. The 1st ampoule is enough for me for 3 times, but sometimes for 2. I just pour it in my palm and apply it on damp hair after washing it with shampoo. Hello everyone!) I want to tell you about my hair care assistant. In my care, ampulki have become a good friend to me.

My hair is thin, without a balm, they are very confused, and I decided to check this remedy in full, without using a balm. Buying ampoules for hair SELECTIVE Olio Mineralizer did not expect a miracle and reacted with disbelief (imagine my hair, which for 8 years has been lightened, highlights, drawn out with an iron. And this post will be devoted to SELECTIVE Olio Mineralizer ampoules.

My sister-hairdresser advised me to add regenerating ampoules to the paint when painting my hair. I am a hairdresser and for many years I have been using SELECTIVE mineral oil in my work and for me it is just a godsend. For a long time I have been eyeing the various strengthening ampoules for the hair, and I chose Selective, since I treat this brand with great confidence.

What else you need to know about makeup cosmetics Selective Professional?

Buying as always, something interesting for the hair in the Professional shop, I came across pretty little ampoules with pink liquid inside. Frankly, I bought them because of the packaging and their color. But after the first application I was just in shock! Hair is restored instantly!

Brand Selective Professional is engaged in the release of professional cosmetics for hair and scalp care. I read on the Internet positive reviews about these ampoules, and during the next trip to the cosmetics store for hair decided to take a couple of things. Continuing the topic of ampoule hair care, I want to tell you about the Selective “Mineralizer” ampoules.

General information about hair ampoules Selective mineralizer professional

The first thing worth noting is a lot of positive feedback from those women who have experienced the effect of the drug, and who notes not only a quick, but also an effective method of treatment.

The mineral oil in Selective ampoules has the following properties:

In a relatively short period of time, the drug solves many problems, and at a relatively small price you get an excellent remedy for all problems. Who most often uses this treatment? These are people with problems such as:

Ampoules allow to cure hair

How to use Olio mineralizer: an effective way

The method of application of the Selective Mineralizer (Oliomineralizzante) is quite simple and available to anyone. A full course of treatment is recommended for a month, and the procedure should be done every other day.. To achieve the result ampoules for hair Selective Mineralizer is used as follows:

Do everything strictly according to the instructions.

Types of ampoules for healthy hair

Selective Professional presents its customers with two ampoules:

The method of application of ampoules Selective Mineralizer and Mineral Oil practically do not differ. Both products are applied to clean hair, aged for several minutes and washed off. The difference means in the structure of the composition. Mineral Oil is nectar, which has a more liquid composition. But this in no way diminishes the benefits of the drug. Both perfectly cope with the restoration of the hair structure, make the strands more elastic and easy to comb.

In the end, I would like to recommend women to carefully choose care products in order to get the desired result. It is very important to study the composition of each drug, the shelf life and the order of application. There are cases when an allergic reaction to some element in the composition of the drug. This highlights another advantage of Selective Professional products. The optimally developed composition minimizes the possibility of allergies, and reviews confirm this.

Beautiful hair is provided with high-quality cosmetics.

Price: 5 220 Р

Lotion Selective For Man Powerizer Lotion is designed to treat hair loss caused by both age factors and the general deterioration of the skin of the head. Its formula saturated with components of plant origin perfectly rejuvenates the epidermal cells and follicles, strengthens the hair roots, and also improves the quality of the curls, makes them larger and more elastic.

Ginger extracts warms, speeds up metabolic processes, activates the synthesis of structural proteins, has a tonic effect on the skin. Extracts of dyaglelya and turmeric tone up the epidermis cells, help to forget about skin discomfort - burning / itching / peeling, make the skin less susceptible to external negative effects. Peppermint refreshes and effectively solves the problem of dandruff, normalizes the microflora of the skin. The cocktail of caffeine and guarana extract accelerates the growth of new, healthy and strong hair, making them surprisingly thick.

To achieve a noticeable result and maximize the impact on the hair roots, lotion is recommended to be used for 2 months daily, and then for prophylaxis 1-2 times a week.

Application : wash your hair. Remove excess moisture. Apply the lotion on the skin and do not rinse.

Production : Italy.

The brand : Selective official website

Professional cosmetics Selective declared itself in Europe in 1982, but in Russia it began to gain popularity since 1995. The Italian company Tricobiotos launches hair care lines using the latest technologies that allow you to create better quality products.

Specialists carefully select raw materials, apply new balanced formulas against loss, anti-dandruff, all products are regularly updated. . Using any means for hair growth, you get an excellent result.

Various means are included in the caring lines: shampoo, balm, mask for hair restoration and growth, ampoules against hair loss, conditioners, paints of various shades and colors.

Special care products have also been developed for men. The Selective For Man series is designed specifically for the growth of male hair. Shampoo strengthens and protects hair from hair loss, useful for their healthy growth. Balms, gels, ampoules to restore the keratin layer, lotions have a tonic effect, have a pleasant invigorating aroma.

We will tell you more about the effect of some products on the care of the professional line Selective.

The composition of shampoos is very rich, they are developed for different types of hair. The components included in the shampoo retain the desired level of moisture, protect from falling out, eliminate dandruff, and are useful for healthy growth.

Developed several series: moisturizing shampoo, cleansing, fortified, firming, shampoo to protect colored hair.

Line care

These remedies help restore hair even after severe damage: the fibers are strengthened, a new keratin layer is formed. In one line includes a mask, spray, balm, air conditioning. Their action instantly, immediately filled all the cracks and glued intersecting ends. With the help of useful components a protective layer is formed on the hair, it retains its properties throughout the day.

Styling series

Foams, sprays, varnishes will always look perfect, fashionable and stylish. Means moisturize the hair, while not sticking them together, fight against the aggressive effects of external factors.

The complex for straightening and curling helps to give the desired volume or make the hair smooth, docile. The composition of products includes vitamins, minerals, proteins, they help to maintain flexibility, softness, the structure of the hairstyle is not disturbed.

Ampoules Selective

Mineral Oil nectar will quickly restore the damaged structure. The action is aimed specifically at diseased areas. Hair saturated with minerals, become elastic, strong. Ampoules are suitable for all types of hair.
Application. The contents of the entire ampoule is applied to lightly dried hair, distributed over the entire length. After a few minutes, rinse with water, then you can start laying.

Ampoules with oligomineral oil “Olio Mineralizer” help to restore the structure and protect against hair loss. The oil has a regenerating property, envelops each hair with a molecular film, provides elasticity, tone, and facilitates combing.
Application: Oil is applied to washed hair, distributed over the entire length. After a few minutes it is washed off with water. A small minus: a characteristic smell, but it evaporates quickly. The effect is simply gorgeous, the hair becomes noticeably thicker, more voluminous, so this “minus” can be forgiven.

The “Reduce Clay Mask” mask for owners of greasy hair. It is based on clay, which helps cleanse the skin and provides extra care. Clay has astringent ingredients that help get rid of excess sebum, while the skin balance returns to normal.
Composition. The mask is rich in trimethylglycine, argan oil, glycerin, kaolin. The composition includes beeswax, moringi extract, lactic acid.

As a result of the application, the oily shine is lost, the hair looks well-groomed, moisturized.

Mask Amino Keratin Aptistic Flair. It includes hyperprotein supplements, keratin amino acids, B5 pro-vitamin. Components restore damage, strengthen the keratin layer, give vitality, restore energy. The professional formula is valid in those areas where it is more necessary.

Immediately, after applying a tangible result. You will feel that the hair has become softer, moisturized, shiny, smooth (thanks to the restoration of the keratin layer).

It is worth noting that the smell of the mask is very pleasant, the aroma of a delicate banana persists for a long time.

It is very important to follow the instructions for use exactly (this applies to all professional tools), otherwise the mask can only give the effect of slight combing.

Ampoules for hair Selective: pharmacological effect, release form and composition of the product. One of the most common problems with hair is the deterioration of the hair structure.

Selective hair ampoules: composition, pharmacological effect, release form and results of use of the drug

One of the most common problems with hair is the deterioration of the hair structure. Accompanied by this condition the occurrence of dandruff, loss of luster curls, as well as their loss.

Various factors can affect the damage to the strands, among which stress is particularly noteworthy, poor nutrition, and the effects of chronic diseases.

To restore the state of hair today, you can apply a variety of cosmetics for care. The leader in terms of the frequency of acquisitions among all products are ampoules for hair selective.

According to reviews, this tool has a complex effect, thanks to which it successfully manages to solve most of the problems with hair.

You can buy Selctive Professional Mineralizer in professional cosmetics stores or order a tool via the Internet. The price for it depends on the specific place of sale.

The oil contains several important components, due to which the product has a pronounced regenerating effect.

The basis of this product are the following ingredients:

  • Magnesium salt.
  • Zinc Oxide.
  • Lactic acid.
  • Silicone emulsion.
  • A complex of amino acids.

It is important to remember that the mineralizer Olio is a professional tool for improving the condition of the strands. Before you apply it on yourself, it is recommended to consult with the trichologist in advance, in order to identify the root cause of problems with hair. After examination, the specialist will help you choose a course of treatment, as well as advise the necessary products for this.

Release form

Selective hair ampoules have one form of release, but they also have a different purpose.

The first ampoules (Mineral Oil) are designed to restore damaged curls. They deeply affect the strands, penetrating into their structure.

The second type of product (Olio Mineralizer) is a remedy in the form of oil that nourishes the curls and also gives them shine.

pharmachologic effect

Selective have a deep regenerating effect. With their regular use in humans, fragility of the hair is reduced, the section of the tips is eliminated, as well as the loss of strands.

Additional properties of this product are:

  • Scalp saturation with beneficial substances from oils.
  • Intensive moisturizing.
  • Deep nutrition.
  • Improvement of blood circulation in the scalp, which eliminates the problem of desquamation.
  • Dandruff removal.
  • Gain growth.
  • Revitalizing strands at the cellular level.

After the course of using ampoules, the hair becomes well-groomed as well as healthy looking. Curls acquire the desired shine, volume, become silky and smooth.

Cosmetics of this brand are shown to be used in case of loss of gloss by strands, section of tips, reduction of the volume of hair. Moreover, Selective Mineral Oil will be effective in the care of the strands after dyeing, overdried curls or dandruff of the scalp.

The manufacturer of ampoules Selective indicates that its line of products, which can be bought in the online store, is able to fight even with very damaged strands, which need additional deep recharge, and also suffer from a shortage of useful substances.

With regard to contraindications, the mineral oil Selective is not desirable to use for acute allergic reactions, diseases of the scalp, as well as the presence of open wounds.

Moreover, it is forbidden to use the product in case of individual intolerance by a person of active substances of the oil, which can cause him negative side effects.

With care and only after permission of the doctor, this oil should be applied to women during pregnancy, as well as to those people whose strand prolapse is associated with hormonal disruption.

Instructions for use

Selective ampoules are fairly easy to use even by people who are not experienced in applying tools for this purpose. A long course of recovery strands should be one month. This is the only way to achieve really noticeable results.

Apply oil need every other day. To do this, you should wash and dry your hair before the procedure so that it is slightly damp. Next, you should evenly distribute the product on the roots, carefully rubbing it into the skin. Ten minutes later, wash off the oil with warm water.

In that case, if the tool provokes itching, burning or redness of the scalp, it should be discarded and should be replaced with another product.

Advantages over analogues

Ampoules has the following advantages of its use:

  • The complex effect on the curls, so you can solve many problems with the hair, using just one tool.
  • Quality rich composition.
  • Good tolerability. It rarely causes allergies.
  • Impact not only on the curls, but also on the scalp.
  • Obtaining noticeable results after 1-2 times of use.
  • The possibility of using different types of tools.
  • Professional effects on curls.

Reviews and prices

The price of mineral oil depends on the place of sale. Not counting the delivery, its cost is 1005 rubles. In some stores, the product may cost a bit cheaper or more expensive.

They will help you to become more familiar with the effectiveness of the use of such oil, the following comments from women who have previously used these products on themselves:

  • Svetlana
    “On the advice of a friend, I started using the tools from Selective to restore my damaged curls. Put the product after shampooing, held for ten minutes, as indicated in the instructions. Of course, there were some improvements after applying cosmetics, but I didn’t notice any huge effect of the product. ”
  • Daria
    “I use the products from Selective for the first time, however I already noticed improvements in the condition of the strands. They have become noticeably thicker. When combing is not so confused. The only thing that bothers is the high price, which is why I can not use such cosmetics often, as if I did not want to. ”
  • Vera
    “I love the product line from Selectives, as they can saturate my curls with nutrients and improve their general condition after winter. It is not the first time I buy such a product, and I always remain satisfied. The main thing is to apply the oil correctly, rubbing it into the roots. To achieve the effect, it is quite enough to undergo a monthly course of therapy. ”

Ampoules for hair Selective Professional Olio Mineralizer. I love ampoule care, because without it my hair, which is. These are the ones I bought professional Italian ampoules Selective with Mineralized nectar oil for my weakened hair.

Ampoules "Selective Professional" - 2 magic formulas

Nowadays, one of the problems that a woman faces is the deterioration of the hair structure. This condition is expressed in the appearance of dandruff, hair loss. loss of gloss and elasticity. The reason for this are various harmful factors. These include poor nutrition, ecology, nervous tension, stress, and much more.

Each woman solves this problem in different ways, and uses all possible ways to bring her head in order. Some use masks. others prefer mineral oil for hair. Third - turn to hairdressers and salons to build additional volume. Ampoules Selective Professional became quite popular in solving such problems. We will talk about them today.

Healthy hair is the right care for them.

♥♥♥ Ampoules for hair Selective Professional Olio Mineralizer ♥♥♥

I love ampoule care, because without it my hair, which undergoes daily smoothing with an iron, breaks off very much. And since I am in the constant process of growing hair, I cannot do without intensive care.

I love Kaaral ampoules (all types of them) very much, but I stumbled upon Selective ampoules, at a price 2 times cheaper, and of course I purchased 4 things at a price of 70 p for one.

Glass vials of tinted glass, which protects the contents from sunlight. One ampoule is intended for single use, but since my hair is thin and thin, I divide the ampoule into 2 parts, I keep the unused part in a syringe and a dark cabinet.

Colorless liquid soap, when applied to the hair you need to try to foam, otherwise the effect will be little noticeable.

A floral aroma with a hint of alcohol. To be honest, this is the best fragrance I have ever seen on ampoules.

I bought by the piece for 70 rubles, to buy packaging cheaper.

Personally, it is very difficult for me to open the ampoule, I ask my husband, he presses a cotton pad to the neck and breaks it off in the area of ​​the white line. I do not have such a number, no matter how hard I try ...

Once he wasn’t at home, and I’m very sure to use the ampulka. I fought with her for a long time, and finally I banged a knife on the neck, a part of the glass flew off, and, from the hole formed with fragments of glass, I extracted valuable contents with a syringe.

Oil is recommended for the care of hair that needs restoration. Performs a regenerating effect on damaged areas of hair.

Creates a molecular film on the surface of the hair.

Gives hair tone and elasticity, facilitates combing.

If you are prone to allergic reactions, then first we test the product on the wrist. The ingredients are all good though, BUT everything is created by chemical means, organic herbs are not observed here.

*** My experience using ***
Has used all May once a week
I wash my hair well not with a soft and caring shampoo, but with a good cleansing, if not technical, with any dandruff shampoo, or with any hair washing available until the squeak.

Then dry a little hair in a towel.I apply the contents of the ampoule from the syringe a little into the palm of my hand, and I apply it on the locks with whipping movements (we need foam), then I massage all the hair completely (gently) and cork it. I walk 15-20 minutes, just wash off with water.

It is necessary to wash it off well (!), All the same it is a mixture of moisturizing alcohols, they have done their good work in 15 minutes, and they don’t need to stay on their hair anymore, the opposite effect will be.

I wash for a long time, as the mixture is fat.

In general, the hair feels great!

I do not like the strong softness of the hair ... They are so very flexible and if I soften them even more, then friability and elasticity disappear completely, the hair begins to acquire the contours of the body (stick around the neck, bend in the shape of shoulders).

In general, without styling, they become like limp fleece .

But deciding everything styling. Hair laid, and voila, everything suits.

There is no insane gloss from them, elasticity of friability such as, for example, from Kaulal ampoules. But I will still buy from time to time, for a change.

Bleached, hard hair. Curly. The hair that is burned out in the sun and lost a significant part of the pigment, became dry, prickly and brittle.

NOT recommend - thin, soft hair.
At the moment, the most beloved ampoules are Kaaral restructurante and x-structur fort (adorable stinkers)). I will tell about them in July.

ALL beautiful hair!

Products in the post

Mineralized hair oil in ampoules Olio Minneralizzante from Selective

Girls! This tool is just super hair dyed or melirovannyh. With split ends and porous in structure due to different colors and washes. For weakened hair. These are the ones I bought professional Italian ampoules Selective with Mineralized nectar oil for my weakened hair. My hair is not quite weakened. But they require Help!

It looks like the packaging and the 10 ml ampoules themselves:

Here is a photo of ampoules closer:

The package contains the composition and method of application in different languages:

The nectar-oil itself is a clear color like some water with a specific smell of some herbs and alcohol. The flavor is not very. But we tolerate and allow for such hair products. It is easily weathered after washing with water and drying.

Opened the vial. Applied as it should be on shampooed hair and towel-dried a little. Opened the vial with a light touch. Crack the vial gently with a cotton pad. Still, glass. And make sure that there are no chips. I sprayed lightly over all hair and rubbed it slightly, plus combing it with a rare comb. The tool foams a little even. After five minutes I washed it off with water and felt incredible smoothness and softness right away.

After drying hair dryer and laid as usual. Hair became just gorgeous! Light and crumbly like that! Very soft silk and smooth to the tips! Elastic at the same time. Curls keep well when drying with brushing. No fluffiness. The split ends are smoothed. The hair is pleasant to the touch along the entire length. The lamination procedure has passed.

It is recommended to apply and just to the damaged areas of the hair. I decided to apply on all hair. For thick long hair you will need 2 ampoules. On short or thin and selective sites there will be enough 1 ampoule. I really liked the effect of this nectar! Recommend!

I used 8 ampoules for now. I plan to buy more. I took a small package - 3 pcs. in a box. Convenient packaging. But there are 60 pieces in a large box with a tip for opening ampoules. The price is inexpensive for such a great tool! You can oil - add nectar to any of your masks and balms and dyes. Nectar oil is suitable for both a gradual recovery and for express care to the exit. Nectar oil is great! I put 5-ku!

Negative reviews

Like many girls, I occasionally encounter active seasonal hair loss. In one of these periods, I went to a professional store for a mask and the seller girl recommended that I also take a sample. Ampoules for hair SELECTIVE Olio Mineralizer. I previously did not read reviews, but decided to try it!

The liquid in the ampoules must be applied to clean damp hair and hold for 5-10 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

So what I got!

The first! it is really dangerous to open an ampoule without the help of special tools. I didn’t manage to open the vial myself and I asked my husband about it. As a result, his hands were bandaged for another half hour, and the liquid in the ampoule had to be filtered from the fragments. Be careful!

Smell! It smells strange and alcohol, but not caustic.

Application! quite easy to apply, and consumes very economically! on my thin hair to the shoulders, one ampoule would be enough for 4 times.

Effect! no at all! absolutely no! at the same time, my hair began to become terribly dirty, although, naturally, I did not apply the remedy to the roots.

I used the tool three times, and even one ampoule did not end with me. So I strongly recommend not using Hair ampoules SELECTIVE Olio Mineralizer!

Tip! if you still decide to try this tool, I recommend immediately pouring it into ordinary syringes! firstly, it will guarantee that there will be no fragments, secondly, it is much more convenient to use and store

I'll start with the fact that I have already tried ampoules with similar

composition. I understand that they took the line-up from Selective and swapped it a bit.
I applied the ampoule like this. I washed my hair with a deep-cleaning shampoo (or regular shampoo), and soaked it with a towel. Has put the whole ampoule on length, warmed, held for 30 minutes and washed away with use of the conditioner. This option did not suit me.

And as I understood it because I kept the ampoule for 30 minutes. When the next time held 10-15 minutes was better.


-Dry, hair bad comb

The next day after washing there was a strong dryness, the hair could not be combed. Mirella ampoules are cheaper and better, after them there was smoothness, there was no fluffiness and dryness.

The smell of alcohol, there is no promised effect

I have long wanted to try ampoule hair care, in my application there were already HAE ampoules, and by the way, they gave an excellent result.

I chose between ampoules for a long time, what exactly to try, in the end everything was decided by itself, bought in Elise's store, they have stands at the checkout with many different ampoules one by one, I don’t want to choose, I asked the consultant for something for dry tips and she advised me these ampoules, said that they are good help.

The cost for 1 pc turned out to be about 200 rubles, of course it is more profitable to buy full packaging right away, but still I preferred to familiarize myself with this tool first, rather than spending money without knowing the consequences.

What gives us the ampoule:

Ensures that the repair action is performed only on damaged areas. It allows you to perform intensive care with high nourishing action for 30 seconds, inside and outside the hair. Restores the structure of damaged hair, the action is directed to the most damaged areas of the hair. It gives strength to hair, restores their elasticity, nourishes with minerals.

The first problem with which I encountered this opening of the ampoule is that it has a rather thick glass, and it is necessary to file it before opening it, it will not work to break off the neck with your hands.

Secondly, I was very embarrassed by the smell, the smell of alcohol is very bad in my nose, but fortunately after applying the lotion on my hair, it evaporates in an excellent way and a pleasant sweetish unobtrusive aroma appears.

It is recommended to apply ampoules on dried hair, for 10-15 minutes.

After applying to the hair, a white patina appears, something like a scum, wrap the hair towards the bun and wait.

When you begin to wash the product off the hair, the hair seems to be super smooth and silky; a deceptive impression is created that after drying it will have the same effect. but. Unfortunately, after drying, the hair looks disgusting:

hair pushushene obey no shine dry ends will look even worse than before

Alas, this tool has absolutely failed me, I cannot say that it will not suit others, because the reviews are divided 50/50, I will try something else and I am sure that I will find something that will suit my hair

Easy to apply and rinse.

The smell of alcohol, there is no promised effect

Hello. Today I will talk about the experience of using only one

ampoules for hair Selective Professional Olio Mineralizer.

I already used Dixon ampoules. It was a Structur Fort, with a blue hair bulb on the package. I was satisfied, so I bought one ampoule for hair Selective Professional Olio Mineralizer for testing. Well, that only one.

The smell is sharp, but tolerable! Not such, of course, terrifying like that of Structur Fort, but also an alcohol stinker. The ampoule itself is large, economical, with a volume of 12 ml. For my hair, as I thought, it is huge, because I have a square of my shoulders and now my hair is not so spoiled to even use ampoules. And so, I wanted to treat her hair after dyeing.

10 ml of mineralized hair oil was enough for me only for 1 time! I spent it all on my short, not dried hair. Long could not understand what was wrong, because the result was almost zero.

After the next coloring, I put it all (!) On wet hair, held 40 minutes under the shower cap and there was a towel on top.

What happened in the end. Well, yes, the hair is not hard. But after the Kapus' paint, which I painted, and so they were soft!

Well, the hair began to shine, this can be achieved without ampoules. But to say that they have become soft, silk or restored, the language does not turn. My hair is much better after home and professional masks. This drug may have a cumulative effect, but ampoules are designed for express recovery. In theory, they should put their hair in order immediately, but it turns out that they are worse than the average balm.

No promised effect.

All good day and night, all those who looked!

I continue my experiments to improve the external and internal state of my hair with various various miracle means. Today we will talk about Selective ampoules, which I was extremely dissatisfied with.

Fluid in one vial is really not small, can be divided into two applications, and even into three. The contents of the ampoules are mineral oil, the manufacturer promises us to restore the damaged hair with the help of this miracle, to give them elasticity, tone and ease of combing. Well, morning has come, I am all winged and waiting for a miracle from these ampoules, I rub them after washing into my hair, leave them for a few minutes and wash them off. The impression at first was incomprehensible, the hair was still dry, even from the usual mask for the hair, they will be a little softer. The next time I left them on the hair a little more in time, and again a negative impression, moreover, it seemed to me that the hair became drier from them. But I did not give up; I gave them a third chance; I decided to combine the contents of the ampoule with a hair mask. I put all the beauty on my hair, washed it and everything. finally abandoned them on the far shelf, most likely they will have to give them to someone. They absolutely did not suit me, the hair from them is hard, unpleasant to the touch, and there can be no hair restoration! Maybe they are suitable, who has minor hair problems, I don `t know, I’m upset about another waste of money. Despite the fact that on this site 90% of girls write that these ampules helped them in caring for their hair, I will not advise them.

I tried. sense 0!

I tried such ampoules. Somehow I didn’t stand with a dixon, but I didn’t add paint to the paint, but after washing I applied it.

Neutral reviews

Definitely, ampoules coolly restore damaged hair, add shine and smoothness, seal the cuticle and have a cumulative effect. Honestly, I bought the reviews and did not regret it at all.

Recently, I made toning resistant paint in three colors - beige, brown and light brown, which I was happy for two weeks, until the moment when I decided to restore the hair after dyeing and applied vials for hair

Selective Professional Olio Mineralizer.

What was my surprise when, after drying my hair, I discovered soft flowing, healthy and healthy hair. completely faded color. I would even compare the recovery effect with the wash effect.

I had this effect of a washable paint once after the Reconstruction oil.

Green light, which by the way is also of Italian origin.

My opinion is this: ampoules are very steep and potent. It is so potent that during the procedure the coloring pigment may disappear from the hair structure. Therefore, suitable for dark and natural hair. And beige blondes need a softer tool.

I used the ampoules according to the instructions, only kept a little longer - 30 minutes instead of 5, maybe this is my mistake, but many keep it longer!


Oil is not fat. Does hair smooth, well-groomed.


Expensive. You can't close the ampoule back if you need less money.

I recently met in a cosmetic store a hair product I met many years ago at a beauty salon and then bought a couple of times - Ampoules for hair Mineralizer Olio from Selective professional.
I bought the shares at a discount of 25% (the initial price of one ampoule is 110 p.). Expensive for a single use, but it is worth it!
This remedy, translated as “mineral oil”, is a kind of lotion (even on the official website, the composition was not found.), Which, as stated, nourishes, restores hair and makes it elastic and soft.
There is a minimum of information on the ampoule (name, volume, where it was produced):
Ampoule glass, the tip must be broken off. Wrap a paper towel and gently press (although every time I'm afraid to cut myself.).
Below is a photo of an already open and empty ampoule - the tip breaks off exactly along the indicated line, thank God) without fragments. I have enough for one use, although the hair is not long, but I don’t see any reason to stretch the product by 2 times due to the storage form, so I apply generously)).
The tool itself looks like a clear oily liquid, so it did not take a picture - it looks like water. There is a tangible smell of some alcohol (quickly disappears), the aroma is flower-weird (with some kind of chemo, but not nasty). When applying or rubbing in the palms there is a feeling of short-term heating, apparently some kind of reaction occurs during friction. It feels oily, liquid, and is very easily washed off with water. Well, that is, the "oil" kind, is not it?)
I put on washed, hand-pressed hair, hold for 2-3 minutes and wash off (the process is also described on the website). In the process of washing the feeling that the hair is soaked with jelly (gel?), But is easily washed out, only a feeling of smoothness remains.
Then, as usual, the hair is dried with a hair dryer with a comb: it feels very smooth to the touch, but at the same time there is a feeling of cleanliness and the absence of foreign agents. Like and oil smeared the same, but no! Hair is light, smooth, while not losing volume!
I definitely recommend and will use it myself. I suspect that the line-up is not “wow” there, but he doesn't even care about me, because this is the main effect!


Shine, softness, smoothness, volume, obedient in laying, less break, easy to apply, well washed out


It is necessary to apply regularly, does not improve growth and does not reduce loss, the chemistry in the composition

In the drafts I found a review about ampoules for hair restoration from the line of professional products. I bought it in the summer for additional moisture and nutrition, because in the sun the hair quickly dries out, and the tips become brittle and look untidy.
Recommend to use every other day for quick results. But I often do not wash my head, so I put it once every two weeks, that is, for every 3-4 shampoos.
The effect is noticeable after the first application, but it seems to me more visual. Hair as if covered with a thin film, therefore, appear shiny and smooth. The volume increases, the hair is soft and docile. Mineral oil is well washed out, therefore, I did not notice any sooner contamination.
Hair should be squeezed out after washing, then apply oil, including on the roots, lather slightly, distribute along the length. Keep no more than 10 minutes, wash off with warm water.
I really liked the effect.
In retail the cost of 1 ampoule is 130 rubles. Honestly, at my length to the waist 12 ml is not enough, so I can not imagine how some manage to stretch it for 2-3 applications.
The ampoule of dark glass, opens with difficulty, if you buy a box, then inside there is a special cap - it is easier.
It is a pity that the composition does not indicate the ampoule, I am sure that besides oils there are silicones, well, it is impossible to get such an incredible shine using only natural ingredients.
The consistency is liquid. The color is transparent, so you can use and owners of blonde hair. Even if the hair is loose and porous, then penetrating inside, the oil will not change their color.
If you use every other day for a month, then a little expensive, not everyone can afford.
However, for certain cases when you want or need to look more attractive, this tool can be very useful.
I am glad that the oil not only improves the condition of the hair externally, but even after applying the usual shampoo, you can even feel their softness and smoothness over the entire length even by touch. Even the tips do not stick out in different directions. But not for long (I used only in the summer, so in two weeks the hair returned to its usual state. In addition to improving the structure, they promise to strengthen the hair follicles and active growth. I didn’t notice this at all. In this regard, in my opinion, the tool is useless.
I will recommend. Still, situations are different, experiments with hair too, and this oil can transform and revive even the “straw” on the head)



glass ampoule, strong smell on opening after opening

Good day to all!
Last time i was buying

paint, drew attention to the fact that some interesting ampoules are sold at a discount. I learned from a consultant that the action is held only because it’s leftovers and they don’t work with this brand anymore, but I also said that it is a great thing for hair restoration. It was on her last words that my eyes lit up. In the end, taking the paint and oxidant, I grabbed a couple more vials of Selective Olio Mineralizer for the test, with the words - if you like it, I will come for the others.
An unusual format confused me.
I stupidly took a couple of ampoules and left. Then for some reason it did not occur to me that even though the consultant explained in detail how to use this thing, I don’t have instructions as such, where everything is indicated and the composition as well. So I can’t show the exact composition, it can only be viewed on the Internet.
This is all I can show, this is the reverse side of the ampoule, on which the volume and country of origin is written - Italy. The vial itself is glass, just like they do for medicines.
Further more :)) I dyed my hair, washed and dried it with a towel. Got an ampoule. standing at her looking. and I think - how can you open it? On the Internet, then I looked that there was some kind of special thing attached to the ampoules, but I didn’t have one, I just took 2 pieces out of the box. In general, the experience of opening ampoules that open without a blade came to the rescue. That is, the tip just breaks off. Pressing the top of the vial, I broke off the tip and poured the contents into the bowl.
It is good that at least the first time I used a bowl, although it was not very convenient to apply the product to the hair from the bowl. But for that sharp nasty smell that strikes my nose was not present right under my nose. The second time I did not take the bowl, and the lila straight from the ampoule, I thought I would suffocate. Lucky that the sharp effect quickly disappears.
In fact, the tool is transparent. When applying I had a very strange feeling. like oil and oil at the same time. Dryness on his hands immediately began to pinch. And already at the third, probably, the withdrawal of the product and the application to the hair, I had the feeling that it was like glass in my hair. Such a strange and unusual.
With the tool on my head, I walked for 5-10 minutes, then washed it off with warm water. When flushing means foams.
The consultant warned me, but said that a good result would not be from the first ampoule, but you will already feel the difference after the first one.
So here is my result after the second ampoule.
Already after the first ampoule, my hair began to lie better, they themselves were straight, but lately they were straw. After this means the tips began to bend a little inside, which gave the hair a neat look. There are strands of hair on the head with split ends and broken tips - they, of course, have not gone away (they will just have to be cut off at the hairdresser’s salon :))), but the hair has become more plastic and the creases have become less noticeable.
After the first use of the ampoule hair, I still hoped to comb my wet hair with ease, but it was not there. To easily comb my length, I still used

here is this hair oil. The second time, the hair has already been able to comb everything without additional means, although I can not say that the comb has slid straight through the hair.
When the hair soap after the first application of the ampoule noticed that the hairball in the drain hole is smaller than usual. What is also pleased.
Selective Olio Mineralizer ampoules at a special price cost 110 rubles apiece, without a stock cost about 150 rubles apiece.
I read on the Internet that you need to conduct a whole course with ampoules for a month at intervals using ampoules - every other day. On good it turns out 15 ampoules for the entire course. And already not very budget goes.
Honestly, I don’t have time with my two children to mess around with my hair every other day, when I wash my hair a couple of times a week. So now I am thinking about whether to go for a new dose of this drug. The result is still good.
In general, the use of ampoules was not very pleasant (I wouldn’t sit on maternity leave, but I would go to work, I wouldn’t sweat and go to the salon), but I was pleased with the result, so I consider my work not in vain. I recommend to try those who have problems with hair :)
Thank you all for your attention and pleasant shopping!


The hair really works after it is super!



I'll tell you about super oil in glass. Small Brown Ampoules by Selective - Selective Olio Mineralizer. Sold for 100 rubles 1 pc. For short hair and cp length is necessary 1 pc. ON long- 2amp. on 1 application. Carefully open the bar with a cotton pad. So as not to cut yourself though. Mineral nectar is very good as an instant healing agent for hair. It gives super shine and super softness. I usually apply the oil to clean, wet (wet) hair after applying the shampoo. You can gently massage and spread over the entire length. I keep min 5 -10 and wash off. Wash well, but without fanaticism. I generally wash off the tips slightly. Immediately see the transformation of hair! Smooth and shine like gloss. Crumbly and easy to comb. Great thing and Must have my. For the course it is better to take several ampoules. Not less than 7 pcs. Or use for the occasion, when you need to look great.

Positive reviews

for hair SELECTIVE Olio Mineralizer learned from the blogger Miss Black. I read it with pleasure, because I am very motivated and inspired by girls who have achieved excellent success in the difficult task of growing and maintaining good hair quality.

I purchased ampoules in the city of Tver in the shop of professional cosmetics "Beauty Industry". The price for one ampoule is like 86 rubles. I took two for trial, so as not to run "over the catch" if something happened to the ampulka. By the way, it is made of glass. It opens terribly uncomfortable (thick glass, and even when cutting the neck it breaks, leaving sharp fragments). Be very careful - you can cut yourself.

I applied a total of

SELECTIVE Olio Mineralizer two times. I had one ampoule for two applications at intervals once a week. Before the first use, I washed my hair with Kapous shampoo with menthol and put a Kapous mask with bamboo under the bag. After washing off the mask, I dabbed my hair with a towel and proceeded to apply the contents of the ampoule. The smell of alcohol struck my nose, which seemed strange to me - it seems that the ampoule should contain oil and smell appropriately. I dispel doubts - the smell evaporates quickly and the hair does not dry.

Applied the contents of the ampoule carefully, back to back, retreating from the roots of centimeters 10. The hair almost instantly "eats" the liquid and only an oily coating on them remains. She paid special attention to dry tips. Then she wrapped all this splendor in a bun and put on a bag, then a towel on top. I held it for the first 30 minutes. After washing the oil with cool water, I liked the sensation of slippery hair and noticed that they did not mess at all. The hair dried out in a natural way, even with my porous structure of curly hair, they seemed to be stretched with a hair dryer with brushing. The effect of silkiness and smoothness lasted 2 hair wash.

The second time (a week later) before applying amule

SELECTIVE washed your hair with Estel Otium Miracle shampoo for damaged hair and applied a mask of the same series. By the way - the second application was the day after cutting the tips. The application of the oil was not so thorough, because it managed to evaporate partially (covered the neck with a cotton pad) and only one third of the ampoule remained.

What should be noted after the second application - the oil has a cumulative effect. I recommend also to apply once a week. Means economic, special shortcomings besides packing did not see.

All beautiful hair


restores hair after any damage


Already wrote a few reviews about various hair products, which to a greater or lesser extent, I liked. Yesterday I wrote about ampoules,

which will restore damaged hair, but now I want to share with you my impressions of another remedy in ampoules, which I can not name but the “elixir of life” for the vegetation on the head. This is really a wonderful tool!
I bought amps Selective Olio Mineralizer along with the previous ones, on trial, in the store for professional hairdressers "Hitek". Saw them after and in other similar stores. They have the practice of selling ampoules individually, and thank God, because otherwise I would not have learned about them. Manufacturer - Italian brand Selective Professional.
There are ampoules in different ways, depending on the store, about 80-120 rubles apiece. Packed ampoules in boxes of 10 pieces, in one ampoule 12 ml.
The composition includes some nectar regenerating, and all that nectar apparently does not need to be described, probably the secret of the company)))
The use of ampoules, very simple - open the ampoule. To apply contents on the damaged sites of the washed wet hair. To comb. Hold for a few minutes. Then rinse thoroughly with water.
The ampoule is opened with a special device, I was given it at the time of purchase. The liquid in the vial is clear and smells good. The chemical smell is of course, but not nasty and disappears quickly.
This manufacturer describes the drug as follows:
Restructuring nectar for hair in need of recovery. Oil creates a molecular film on the surface of the hair, giving the hair energy and elasticity. Hair becomes easier to comb. Restores hair structure in damaged areas. Gives lightness to hair.
Impressions: I don’t know what’s happening with my hair at the molecular level, but I feel the effect is there, and that's exactly what they described. Hair is just silk, and this is not an exaggeration)
Well, the effect on the hair is:
Restores hair structure in damaged areas. Gives lightness to hair.
It seems to be written simply, but the sensations after application are simply not described in words, the hair is so moisturized, it needs nothing more, neither oil nor balms. The action lasts a couple of weeks, even after washing the head. In general, try MANDATORY yourself))). I think the effect on damaged hair will be even better if it has had such an effect even on my healthy ones.
I recommend to try each and everyone and see the effect.

The mineralized Mineralizer hair oil of Selective Professional firm.

Italian mineralized hair oil Mineralizer of the company Selective Professional is just a fairy tale for dry, tangled and obedient hair.

The manufacturer himself did not consider it necessary to indicate for which hair the oil is intended, but with my oily scalp and dry ends, I am delighted with it.

We use it like this - wash my head with shampoo, apply clean oil along the entire length of the oil from the ampoule and leave for 5-7 minutes. Rub it is not necessary, you can slightly "beat" with your fingers. Oil is not fat! It practically does not foam, I would say it has a soapy consistency and a light, non-intrusive smell. Wash off thoroughly with water. In the water to the touch hair slip.

The result - obedient and really silk!, Easy to comb, shine, smell nice, do not get confused, do not push and do not electrify. In my opinion, the oil is just gorgeous! I use it once a week.

There is a special plastic piece in the package so that it would be easy to break the ampoule. It is, by the way, not glass, but some kind of fiberglass. In general, do not be afraid to open the ampoule in the shower. )))

As I said, the manufacturer did not consider it necessary for some reason to write for what type of hair and what to wait for the result. I think that it is universal and suitable for all hair.

use them soon and enjoy the beauty of hair)

my love lyuboffff. The hair after the ampoule is thick, shiny, the tips are moist, although they scream about haircut


Watch the video: ONcare Stimulate EN (July 2024).