Useful tips

Spirals - not only hair ties, but also a stylish accessory in the image


Girls love to experiment with hairstyles. But now fashion requires hairstyles to be as natural, careless and natural as possible. Therefore, accessories used to fasten or decorate hair should be concise, simple and stylish.

Features of the use of accessories for curling long hair

Elastic bands-springs for hair are made of a special plastic mixture, which contains silicone. The appearance of these accessories resembles a telephone wire. The material is known for its positive properties, so these accessories are deservedly popular with girls. Spirals look like regular rubber bands, but in terms of their performance they are a few steps higher.

Hair hair spiral does not absorb water, so it is convenient for her to gather curls on the beach or when going to the pool.

This accessory will have the way when carrying out masks, wrappings and other procedures on curls. It will not absorb the components of the liquid composition, but will fix the strands so that they do not get out of the film and towels on the head.

Such accessories of large diameter are used as bracelets on their hands. Such a bright accent will be an excellent solution for creating a frivolous summer look.

Advantages and disadvantages of the original spiral

Unlike other accessories, silicone hair ties (spirals) have the following advantages:

The variety of color solutions makes it possible to choose an accessory of the desired color.

  • Do not injure the hair structure, as they gently slide along the strands without harming them (like metal products, which provoke breakage and section).
  • Comfortable to wear, as they gently distribute the pressure on the strands. The tail fastened with such a spiral does not squeeze the curls, so the skin on the head does not tighten. Discomfort is not observed.
  • Even heavy strands are perfectly fixed, therefore during the day there is no need to constantly correct the hairstyle.
  • Perfectly stretch and do not tear. After removal from the hair, they look slightly stretched for a while, but soon return to their original condition, therefore they serve for a long time.

When removed from the hair gum back to its original state

  • Do not leave traces on the strands, waves, bends and creases. The curls that were loose after such an elastic will be smooth and straight.
  • Just removed. The coil can be pulled off the tail, without causing the hair the slightest harm.
  • They are inexpensive, so they can be purchased in large quantities.

There are practically no drawbacks to such products. The only thing that over time such springs can stretch a bit. Depending on the density of the hair, the elastic spiral is chosen for the hair of a larger or smaller diameter. Such springs look unusual, but the advantages of their use overlap all their disadvantages.

Simple and reliable solution to create hair

Variants of hairstyles with the use of elastic spirals

Most often mischievous spirals are used to create horse tails, fixing careless beams or braids. They are easy to fix thick and naughty hair. The main thing is to give free rein to the fantasy: there is a place everywhere for such accessories.

Making a horse tail with a spiral is simple: you need to collect the strands and fix them with a spring at the right level. There is a girl who prefers bunches, you can fix such a hairstyle with a spiral. Long-haired beauties, who prefer hard braided braids, can also use such springs to secure the tips.

The main features of the accessory is the low price and ease of use.

Tips for choosing rubber-springs

Buy gum can be in any online store or at a point specializing in the implementation of jewelry for hairstyles. When buying spirals need to pay attention to these tips:

  1. the thickness of the elastic depends on the thickness of the hair (the thicker the hair, the thicker the spiral should be),
  2. to make the accessory invisible, you should choose light, transparent or bodily springs (or choose the color of the product to match the tone of the curls),
  3. to create a spectacular accent, it is better to choose among bright spirals of saturated colors,
  4. it is better to immediately purchase a set of springs of different colors (this will help you choose an accessory for any clothes).

Silicone rubbers are best for gently fixing hair, and a variety of shades will always help you look great.

What is a gum-spiral

So let's see what we are dealing with. A simple at first glance accessory has many names: coil, spring orVisibobble. Some call them ordinary silicone or plastic rubber.

Looking at them, we can say that they resemble a cord from a landline phone. Having a small size, they stretch remarkably, and after use they quickly restore their former shape.

Why are silicone hair ties so popular? First and foremost, they do no harm to hair. When removing the slide and do not allow the hair to get confused. This is very good, as each hair will remain unharmed.

For example, if you make a tail, it will firmly hold and not disintegrate. Elastic does not tighten hair, unlike conventional tissue. Due to this, the volume of hairstyle is maintained. It also depends on the number of turns made. Usually two or three are enough, depending on the length and density of the strands.

Editorial Board

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, special attention should be paid to shampoos that you use.

A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands are substances that poison our body. The main components, due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the hair, the hair becomes brittle, lose elasticity and strength, the color fades. But the worst thing is that this stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer.

We advise you to abandon the use of funds in which these substances are located. Recently, experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where Mulsan Cosmetic took the first place. The only manufacturer of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems.

We recommend to visit the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

A few words about the material

The spiral is a product made with the help of a specially developed composition, the main component of which is silicone. It provides a good slip on the hair, thereby eliminating any damage. Moreover, the fixation is simply excellent. A perfect smooth, even surface will not disturb your curls.

The material allows you to use the product at any time of the year. Gum does not need special treatment. They can stretch - they always take the former form. You can not worry about their appearance, they are not afraid of any dirt. Even if something accidentally fell on it, you can wash it under running water or wipe the stain with a napkin.

Young ladies who like to look fashionable and original can use a rubber band as a bracelet. Wearing on her wrist, she will decorate the chosen style, will give charm. The products have a huge palette of various colors and shades, which will suit any outfit.

What hairstyles can be done

They can be used in the same way as tissue. Do not pay attention to the form and ask this question. Use them as usual. The instruction is the same: collect the hair on the back of the head or the top of the head and simply fix it with an elastic band, not forgetting to make an extra turn for a secure fit.

If you decide to wear a spiral, then forget about the smooth styling. Such a product is designed rather for a small mess, dishevel and romance.

Best accessory looks on curly hair. You can choose a regular tail or a bunch. Surrounding will not be able to take your eyes off you. If you have straight hair, do not be upset, you can use curling iron or curlers. Try the following. Take the curlers and twist the hair so that each individual strand looks like a spiral. Springy curl of the same shape as the gum itself, it will look cute and unusual.

If you prefer something simpler, think about openwork braids. Slightly disheveled, with retired strands - what you need. Braid the braid and tie a spring at the end. Put on a light sundress and a romantic image is ready.

Product Benefits

  1. First of all I want to mention about water repellency Invisibobble This is very convenient, since you can not worry that while swimming in the pool or the sea, the gum will wet and make your hair heavier. You can fix her hair before taking a shower.
  2. Material and form are responsible for good fixation. If you have medium hair and curly, the products will fit perfectly. Girls with straight hair can also use it, which can not be said about the owners of long thick hair. So that the hair is not wasted, you have to make more turns.
  3. Can not worry about hair, they remain safe and sound. How many times do you want so much and remove or wear it. You will not lose a single hair, unlike a fabric gum.
  4. Rezinochka popular yet because leaves no wrinkles on the hair.
  5. Accessory is different durability. Day after day you will be convinced of its resilience and strength.
  6. It will be appropriate in any situation: walk, party, an important meeting. It is important to choose the right color.
  7. Many girls complain that while wearing a fabric gum, for example, when the tail is tightened, over time, the head starts to ache. With Invisibobble you can forget about it. Hair will not be too tightbut the shape of the hairstyle will hold.
  8. As mentioned earlier, the ability to use as a bracelet.

I would like to mention another important advantage. Putting nourishing masks or balms, it happens that there is no suitable elastic band at hand that could fix the hair and not get dirty or wet. There is a way out - a spiral. She will keep her hair securely for the duration of the mask.

Where can I buy a wonderful hair accessory

Fortunately, the market is a huge selection of such accessories, so you can buy them in almost any specialty store. If you see a small shop selling hairpins and rubber bands, be sure to find spirals there.

When buying should pay attention to the price. The analogue differs from the original primarily in quality. This is a very important nuance. Spare money and buy a quality product, so as not to harm the hair.

Questionable product for a small fee is unlikely to serve you for a long time. Poor, too bright gum can dye hair. So do not be surprised if you remove the gum in the evening, you will notice a small pink spot on the hair. Original coils are made in China. They are sold for 3 pieces in a small box with transparent plastic. While fakes can be on sale in any kind, even by the piece.

Why every girl should have a similar accessory

Creating a hairstyle with such a rubber band does not take much time, it will always have a place even in the smallest cosmetic bag. Going for a walk, do not forget to throw it in your purse.

If you summarize the article, you can highlight the following important points:

  • reliable fixation of any hairstyle
  • availability of volume
  • harmless strands
  • moisture resistance.

Be sure that the shape of the hair last all day. The gum will hold the tail at the top of the head, and it will not crawl to the back of the head. The spiral is also characterized by the fact that it is capable of adding additional volume. The tail, fixed by an unusual spring, will look more voluminous. And finally, comfort in wearing - you forget about torn hairs that stretch along with the usual elastic band. The material provides a smooth glide and cares for the hair.

This is one of the indispensable tools for carrying out beauty procedures at home. The spiral is not afraid of the action of balms or masks. Useful components nourish the hair, and the gum securely holds the latter, not giving the opportunity to dissolve. On top of that, a spiral rezinochka can be a good gift for a mother, girlfriend or sister.

#one. Hidden threat

It is known that 9 out of 10 women, loosening their hair, automatically put the released elastic band on their wrist and may not take it off for quite a long time. It turned out that such an ordinary gesture is fraught with quite serious danger. The rubbing of the elastic forms micro cracks and scratches on the skin (it is not by chance that a red mark remains after it), into which particles of cosmetic products for hair and any infection can fall. This is the case that happened last year with Kentucky resident Audrey Kopp. The American woman found in her hand a small seal, which at first was mistaken for a spider bite. A few days later the lump rapidly increased in size. In the hospital, after the tests, Audrey confirmed: the cause of severe inflammation is three types of bacteria that live on shiny hair ties and fall into tiny cuts on the wrist. To solve the Kopp problem, it even took an operation; now she urges everyone not to repeat her mistakes.

# 2. Too tight

Owners of long hair simply can not imagine their life without a horse's tail. Rarely to whom this option does not go hairstyle. Besides - what could be easier and faster? Tight styling saves the look, if the hair is “not the first freshness”, makes it more comfortable to play sports and instantly helps out when you don’t want to do anything with your head. Even if the temptation is too great, often you should not make a strong tail. Gum tight pulls the hair, making them brittle, porous and split. First of all, this warning applies to women with dyed hair, whose strands are already fragile enough. Another problem is that experiments with tight hair have a negative effect on blood circulation in the follicle area, which means that the hair does not receive an important part of the nutrients, it looks dull and begins to fall out with redoubled strength. In medicine, for this phenomenon even exists a special term - traumatic alopecia. This is a special type of baldness due to, among other things, hair twisting. The final knockout: who among you from time to time did not succumb to the temptation to sharply pull off the twisted elastic band from the tail, instead of carefully unraveling it? We all know very well the result - along with it, quite often a whole bunch of hair remains in our hands. Do not rush to part with your favorite tail: use soft hair ties or fashionable “springs” that do not harm the structure of the strands and do not leave unpleasant creases.

# 3. Shelf life

In the process of use, we strongly stretch the gum from which it quickly begins to burst, while visually remaining completely intact.In fact, over time, small cracks and tears appear in the elastic, which can be one of the reasons for the appearance of split ends. Therefore, it is better to change the gum more often and make sure that it remains absolutely smooth.

#four. Sleepy kingdom

Known to many women is a beauty trick - if you tie slightly damp hair into a tight bun for the night, then in the morning you will get light, large curls that all your colleagues will envy. Alas, beauty requires sacrifice. If you often use this trick you can seriously damage your hair. During the movement of the head in a dream, hair rubbing against the pillow and because of the gum cling to the fabric of the pillowcase. This leads to severe brittleness. To protect yourself from such excesses, choose wider elastic bands, as well as silk sets of linen, which significantly soften the friction.

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What is the name of

Modern shops and boutiques, focused on selling jewelry, offer customers a huge range of a variety of accessories that can satisfy not only the taste wishes, but also financial opportunities.

However, there are situations when girls never manage to find really beautiful and fashionable products. To help such seekers comes gum for hair in the form of springs. Such a thing in a matter of hours will become an indispensable accessory in the arsenal of any fashionable woman, combining such characteristics as originality and quality.

The elastic spring has quickly become a trend in the field of simple hairstyles, having won the hearts of millions of girls. It is used everywhere, because a stylish decoration not only helps to create an original hairstyle in a few seconds, but also saves hair.

Such rubber bands do not have the same name. As they just do not call: and the elastic-spring, and the gum from the telephone cord, gum-bracelet, gum-coil, plastic gum, gum Invisibobble - these are the names of this simple, at first glance, accessory. Indeed, the similarity with the telephone cord is undeniable, but this analogy ends. Although the gum and have a small size, they stretch well, and then - return to its original state.

For the first time, Invisibobble brought silicone gum to the consumer market.

Since then, the brand name has become the same for all gum of the same kind, although it is not entirely correct with respect to the manufacturer.

Features and benefits

Elastic springs are small, they can be easily stretched, but it is almost impossible to break. They easily restore the original structure and are immediately ready for reuse. The diameter and thickness of these products are different, and the main material is a special mixture based on silicone, so that the device for curls can easily slide along the strands without tangling the hair.

Due to the spiral-shaped rubber retainer securely fastened to the hair. It has a smooth surface, no rough edges. Quite often women of fashion use such elastic band as a stylish bracelet complementing a bow. Thus, it is possible not only to decorate yourself in an original way, but also not to lose the gum dear to your heart.

Material "spring" allows you to repeatedly wash it, because the hostess of the accessory may not worry that beauty will get wet and lose its properties. Silicone gum can be safely worn for swimming in the sea, in the pool, and used after applying to the curls of paint.

The hit of the year can be bought in a variety of color interpretations, from classic black and white to ultra bright, neon pink and light green. There are other colors available: blue, green, yellow, blue, etc. And although the idea of ​​creating such a thing belongs to the brand Invisibobble, a fairly large number of cheap fakes appeared on the market, the quality of which is in doubt. Meanwhile, the original spring has a small diameter - about 4 cm. It behaves equally well with any type of hair, any thickness, any length.

How to use

It is quite simple to use a spiral rubber band. Most often it is used to create a "tail" or a very popular "disheveled" hairstyle, which resembles a kind of chaos on your head, as if your hair was simply combed with your fingers, and then collected in a bun.

A perfectly smooth tail with the help of such an attribute of beauty will not work, because the hair will not lie evenly, and “roosters” may appear on the head, as they say. But disheveled, volumetric version will look pretty good.

You can also add a pile at the top. Interesting will be the decision to use braids of different weaving on the head, which can be collected by one tail.

Features of the accessory

Externally, gum like a telephone wire. They are small in size, they can be easily stretched, and with the same ease they return to their original shape. The diameter and thickness of such devices are different.

The material for the production of the product is a special blend based on silicone. Due to this composition, the gum can easily slide along the strands. The spiral shape helps it to securely fasten on the hair. The accessory surface is smooth, without rough edges and irregularities.

Often such an elastic band is purchased as a bracelet on the wrist. Material "spring" allows you to easily clean it from dirt.

Instructions for use

How to use silicone rubber bands for hair? The device is very simple to use. First you need to take the gum on the hand and put it on folded fingers. For the small thickness of the gum using the index finger and thumb. In the other hand you need to fix the strand, which put on the gum. Grab her hand with a "spiral", spreading his fingers. With the other hand, place the elastic on the hair. If necessary, you can make a second turn.

Remove the "spiral" is also easy. If the gum is large, you just need to gently pull it off so as not to harm the strands.

In the majority of cases, elastic bands of small thickness are cut with scissors and discarded. If you want to use the device many times, you can try to gently pull it. If the rubber band is worn at several turns, the one that was last when tightening is removed first, then the others.

Variants of hairstyles using spiral

  • You can make a large tail for long hair in any area of ​​the head. For this, a large-diameter elastic spring fits well. Just need to fix it at the right level.
  • Invisibobble can be used to create a bunch of curls.
  • The elastic spring is suitable for multi-level styling, which are made for a wedding and other festive events.
  • Thin "spirals" are taken as the basis for fixing the tail, and they put on more voluminous accessories on top (separately they will not be able to hold the hair).
  • Rubber braids can fix braid or African braids.

What shampoos without sulfates and parabens? We have the answer!

For methods of treating alopecia in men and women, learn from this article.

At, read about the causes of hair loss after childbirth.


For my daughter, such gum is just a godsend, she doesn’t like to tie her hair at all, but she doesn’t mind, they are really easy to tie and are painlessly taken off, and when they do not tie the hair anywhere, they don’t create discomfort, well, it’s convenient that if you need to take it off for a while, then the daughter really wears her like a bracelet on her arm, this is now such a “trick”, well, and a variety of bright colors, also pleases

I had, and there is, a rather expensive gum, she kept the form for 2-3 months, now she’s all stretched out and her hair is tangled, it hurts to take off. All the same, they need to be replaced in a timely manner. And how much time do high-quality rubber bands serve? Is it a normal period for 3 months or is it a fake? By the way, I have never lost it, if not on my hair, then on my arm. ordinary gum forever disappeared somewhere in Narnia

Elastic hair spiral - the benefits

"Springs" are made from a mixture of silicone-based, which has excellent qualities. It is they who determine the popularity of spiral hair ties. This accessory has a lot of advantages:

  • the gum slides freely through the hair, without injuring them, unlike the rubber bands with a metallic compound, which greatly harm the condition of the hair,
  • it provides excellent fixation even for thick and heavy hair - during the day there is no need to update the hairstyle,
  • hair, fixed in a ponytail with such an elastic band, does not overtighten or fall off - due to this, the scalp does not tighten, and you feel fine,
  • the spring stretches superbly, and then quickly takes its original form - no need to spend money and time looking for a new accessory,
  • silicone hair spiral gum does not leave behind a trace of creases or waves - a great property, if you suddenly decide to dissolve the hair,
  • hairstyles with elastic spiral can look different, but mostly girls use them to create tails, bunches, careless "cones", braids, however, everything depends only on your imagination.

There are not so many minuses, and they are not very tangible:

  • over time, the spirals stretch, but, given the low cost, this disadvantage is easy to overcome,
  • for hair of different volume, it is necessary to select gum of different diameter, otherwise they do not look too beautiful, however, this issue is also easily solved if you purchase several accessories at once.

Spiral hair bands - how to use?

It is very convenient to use hair spirals. On the one hand, they are as familiar as regular rubber bands, but the latter lose to them in some cases:

  • they are water-repellent, which means that they can be put on the beach, in the sauna, in the pool, without worrying that you will have to come back with a wet elastic on your hair,
  • if you like to make masks on your hair, then the “spring” will become your best assistant, contributing to the fact that the curls will not get out from under the towel or cap, and the gum will absorb the useful composition,
  • There are many ways to tie spiral loops on your hair, but you can also wear them in your hand as a bright bracelet in summer.

Such rubber bands are sold, as a rule, with a set of different colors - you will be able to complement your bows and always look perfect.

How to choose a spiral hair band?

When choosing this accessory, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  1. The thickness of the spiral can be compared either with a stationery gum, or with a telephone wire. The acquisition should depend on the thickness of the hair - the thicker they are, the wider the gum should be.
  2. If you want to hide an accessory in a hairstyle, then you should get black, white, transparent, bodily elastic bands. If your goal is to make a color accent, give preference to bright products. The range of manufactured silicone gum is so wide that the choice will definitely be pleasant.
  3. The cost of the coil is not high, but too low a price tag should give you an idea of ​​a poor quality product.


Watch the video: Invisibobble Hair Tie Review. Does It Crease Hair? (July 2024).