
5 causes of dandruff


Dandruff is a problem familiar to many women. Unfortunately, many of the fair sex suffer only because of the external unattractiveness of hair with dandruff, forgetting that the "snow" on the head appears for good reason. Dandruff is an indicator that something is wrong in the body and that a person has health problems.

Why does dandruff appear?

Normal skin is constantly updated: old cells die, new ones appear. Dead cells are transformed into dust, invisible to the naked eye. This process is quite long.

Dandruff is the result violations of the renewal of the upper layer of the skin of the head. It accelerates and becomes uneven, with the result that dead cells accumulate on the surface of the scalp. Sticking together, the cornified cells of the scalp form dandruff.

As a rule, the appearance of dandruff is accompanied by a violation of the condition of the hair as a whole: their loss, split ends, dull color. My first thought: to buy some dandruff cosmetic is not always true and may not bring the expected result. This is due to the fact that there are several deeper causes of dandruff - and only by finding out the correct cause, you can use any means to combat this unpleasant defect.

What causes dandruff?

Dandruff can be caused by various factors, ranging from problems with metabolism and ending with external factors. To determine which cause causes dandruff in you, you must first pay attention to the type of dandruff.

Dry dandruff accompanied by severe itching of the scalp and has two varieties.

Dry dandruff accompanied by hair loss, their dryness, brittleness and split ends, is quite abundant. What are the causes of such dandruff?

Most often, dry dandruff with hair loss is the result of metabolic disturbances in the body caused by hormonal imbalances. That is why dandruff, along with another equally unpleasant skin problem - acne - occurs during puberty. The abuse of "harmful" foods (flour, fatty, sweet), vitamin deficiency, smoking also adversely affect the metabolism, causing dandruff. The situation is aggravated by constant stress, emotional outbursts, chronic fatigue.

Dry dandruff without hair loss caused by completely different reasons: hypovitaminosis and hypersensitivity of the scalp (allergic dermatitis).

Allergic dermatitis, in turn, can be caused by various factors. Often dandruff appears after contact of the scalp with a chemical irritant, such as hair dye or inappropriate shampoo. Dandruff, the occurrence of which is due to local allergies, appears abruptly and in large numbers, characterized by severe itching and the formation of "crusts". After 2-3 weeks of treatment, neutralizing the effects of chemicals, dandruff disappears.

Another reason for the increased sensitivity of the skin can be health problems, in particular, violations of the gastrointestinal tract.

External factors also contribute to the desiccation of the scalp: the abuse of a hair dryer for drying hair, styling products, a long stay in direct sunlight without a hat.

Greasy dandruff
characterized by large yellowish scales, oily to the touch. It is often accompanied by greasy dull hair, hair loss up to partial baldness, and acne on the skin of the face.

What are the causes of oily dandruff? First of all, it is violations of the sebaceous glands. The development of the sebaceous glands of a special lubricant protects the skin from drying out. However, metabolic disorders (due to almost the same factors as in the case of dry dandruff) can lead to an increase in its amount. As a result, the lubricant covers the scalp with a thin film that prevents normal exfoliation of dead cells.

As a rule, to get rid of oily dandruff is much more difficult than from dry, it requires a long, serious treatment. Cosmetics in the fight against oily dandruff are not helpers - they only temporarily relieve the condition. Therefore, women suffering from oily dandruff are advised to immediately seek the help of specialists: a dermatologist, an endocrinologist.

Modern research has proven that another cause of dandruff can be a fungus. It lives on the scalp constantly, without causing inconvenience. However, all the same violations in the body provoke the fungus to accelerate reproduction. By irritating the sebaceous glands, the fungus causes them to work harder. As a result - the occurrence of dandruff.

Why is it so important to find out the causes of dandruff? Dandruff, the appearance of which is due to various factors, and is treated differently. Some patients need shampoos with antifungal components, others need the means to temper the activity of the sebaceous glands, the third should review their diet and bad habits, the fourth should fix the hormonal system, and the fifth should look for the causes of allergic reactions and ways to eliminate them. Of course, to do all this without the help of a doctor is unlikely, and if the various advertised (and not very) medical shampoos did not help to cope with dandruff - it's time to consult a specialist, and as soon as possible.

1. High susceptibility to natural fungus

A moment of unpleasant discoveries: almost 97% of all people are happy “owners” of a yeast-like fungus with the beautiful name Malassezia furfur (Malasseziya Furfur). Do not rush to wrinkle your nose, this is the norm and in most cases you will never suspect such a neighborhood. But Furfur loves skin fat very much. And when it "overeating" starts the pathological process, which leads to dandruff. And therefore, despite the common misconception, the chances of flaunting "snow" on the shoulders are much higher in people with fatty scalp than dry skin. The situation will correct the use of pharmacy (and only!) Shampoo for two to three weeks. It will restore the pH of the skin, and a hungry fungus will calm down its ardor. And everything will come back to normal.

Suddenly, but stress is an entirely possible cause of dandruff. An overabundance of stress hormones affects the immune system. First and foremost, the skin reacts to this: excessive sebum secretion or vice versa, increased dryness and dermatitis. If dandruff is accompanied (and aggravated) with a constant itchiness, it is most likely a matter of excessive agitation. Breathe deeper, walk more and try to cope with stress in accessible ways. And with him, most likely, cosmetic nuisance will also go away.

3. You are “wrong” to wash your hair.

Interesting situation: too frequent washing with an aggressive shampoo can greatly dry up normal and even oily scalp, but in the end it will begin to secrete even more sebum. But, at the same time, if you don't wash your hair often enough or “badly” massage ”the roots, sweat and fat will accumulate and serve as the food supply for the fungus mentioned above. It's Complicated? Probably. But the solution is obvious - moderation. Trichologists recommend water treatments for hair 2-3 times a week and with the use of soft products without SLS. And do not forget to thoroughly wash off the shampoo or balsam, because their particles can irritate the skin and also provoke, you know that.

4. Power problems

Surprisingly, even violations in the diet can lead to dandruff. Especially if you suddenly began to lean heavily on trans fats. Fast food, fatty semi-finished products, refined oils and, of course, the king of the table mayonnaise can increase sebum production. And this is the direct road to dandruff and clogged pores on the face. The situation will improve the eggs, rice, bananas and foods with fatty acids. Healthy eating generally solves a lot of problems. There is something to think about.

5. Too many styling products.

Wax, varnish, gel, mousse for the volume of hair and other things, of course, poorly replaceable. Especially for owners of naughty manes and creative haircuts. But try not to fall on the scalp. After all, silicone products can clog pores, provoke excessive “fatness” and, as a result, dandruff. If without regular styling absolutely nowhere, then once a week and a half wash your hair with shampoo for deep cleaning. Only he can completely wash off the remnants of cosmetics. But better, though, without them.

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Symptoms and clinical picture of the problem

When the disease is dead skin particles exfoliate and become similar to bran. Actually, the name of the disease is translated from Latin. Dandruff becomes noticeable only when hundreds of dead cells of the epidermis stick together. About 1000 of them are only one tiny white plate.

Dandruff is indicated by the following symptoms:

  • the formation of fine "powder" on the hair, shoulders and outerwear, which is a detached epidermis cells,
  • dry or, conversely, oily scalp, as a result of metabolic disorders,
  • dull, brittle hair,
  • itching on the scalp and the appearance of a yellow-gray peel.

Dandruff can appear with improper care of the scalp, hormonal disorders, with certain diseases or unsuitable diet.

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Dry dandruff

This type of disease occurs with low sebaceous excretions. At the same time, the detached particles of the epidermis are small and dry. They have the appearance of powder and are usually “scattered” over all the hair or are localized in the region of the forehead and temechka.

Dry dandruff can also appear with sensitive scalp, prone to irritation, not only from the use of inappropriate hygienic and cosmetic products, but even from dry air in the room. In this case, the phenomenon passes by itself, after the external sources of its occurrence are eliminated.

The cause of dry seborrhea may be impaired water balance in the body. The human body constantly loses moisture, for replenishment of which it is recommended to drink about two liters of warm clean non-carbonated water per day on average.

The situation with the disease can be aggravated by: stress, overheating or overcooling of the hair, prolonged fatigue, hormone therapy, lack of vitamins B6, B12, F and selenium, as well as the use of inappropriate hair care products.

Greasy dandruff

Oily dandruff appears with increased secretion of the scalp. It has the appearance of fatty large flakes that are bonded to each other, cling to the hair and badly combed out.

The hair gets greasy and the skin itches. This is because fat fills the excretory ducts of the sebaceous and sweat glands and provokes irritation of the nerve endings. When the fat is decomposed and oxidized, fatty acids are released, which also cause an itching sensation.

If you notice a tendency to oily scalp, especially if this phenomenon has appeared recently, consult a dermatologist or trichologist for advice. The doctor will identify the causes of changes in the properties of the skin and prescribe the appropriate treatment. Unqualified therapy can harm the health of curls.

Frequent washing of oily hair does not solve the problem, but, on the contrary, may aggravate it, since it provokes an increased work of the sebaceous glands.

For home care, use shampoo for oily hair. Apply the product directly to their roots. Wash your head with warm water, avoiding intensive massaging movements. Combing strands, try not to touch the scalp.

Wrong skincare

One of the common causes of the appearance of "white flakes" is improper hair care, including:

  • Frequent washing.
    In the frequency of hygiene procedures should be moderation. When washing the skin, the protective lipid film is washed off. After some time, the sebaceous glands form a new protective barrier, but if you wash your head too often, they do not have time to fully perform their function. As a result, the skin dries out, which provokes the disease. Wash your hair according to the degree of pollution. The optimum frequency is 1 every 2-4 days. The more often the wash, the softer the shampoo should be.
  • Excessive use and improper selection of hair care products.
    Regular application of styling products and coloring substances to the curls promotes drying of the hair and provokes the formation of dandruff. Improperly selected cosmetics can also cause illness.

Remember that styling products are not intended for daily use.

  • Badly washed hair.
    The scalp is exposed to the irritating effect of poorly washed out small particles of shampoo or balm. Hard water is another reason for which a “white placer” can occur. To soften its action can any acidic rinse. Hygiene products must be thoroughly rinsed under a large stream of warm water.
  • Hot styling.
    Regular styling of hair with the help of an iron and a hair dryer contributes to dryness of the epidermis. Therefore, as a preventive measure, and, moreover, in the presence of the first signs of the disease, give up hot styling.
  • Use artificial or dirty hairbrushes.
    The best option is a wooden comb or a brush with natural bristles - such devices will not harm the skin. Clean tool is an important means of preventing seborrhea.
  • Bad ecology is another factor for the emergence and development of the disease. The effect of polluted air, the consumption of products treated with pesticides and pesticides provoke a whole chain of diseases, including dandruff. With a bad environment can develop a fungus of the head. In this case, the skin itches, and the hair becomes brittle.

    Indoor flowers, air conditioners with good filters and air purifiers will help reduce the impact of indoor air pollution. Ventilate the living space regularly and use only filtered water.

    As for food, if you live in a polluted area, you will have to follow strict rules when choosing foods and preparing them:

    • Broth with meat and fish after boiling merge twice.
    • Soak vegetables 3-4 hours in salt water.
    • Boil the mushrooms for 10 minutes in boiling water, then pour out the water. Repeat twice.

    Such simple actions reduce the risk of contamination of the body with radionuclides, insecticides, herbicides and other poisons.

    Hypothermia or overheating of the skin of the head

    Regular walks in the cold with an uncovered head, as well as overheating of the skin, lead to malnutrition of the hair follicles. Hair becomes thin, dry and starts to fall out.

    Therefore, going out in hot or frosty weather do not forget to wear the appropriate headgear.

    Problems with the immune system

    Favorable immunity is also a favorable foundation for the active development of the fungus that lives on the skin of the scalp. Normally, the life cycle of cells lasts a month, and when a fungus falls, it shortens to one week. As a result, a large number of them are collected on the scalp, and they form white flakes-flakes.

    To strengthen the immune system:

    • Enrich your diet with vitamins and minerals: A, B5, C, D, F, PP, selenium, zinc, magnesium, calcium, iron, iodine and manganese. They are found in yellow and red plant foods, as well as black currants, rosehips, citrus fruits, nuts, seeds and sprouts. Do not forget to eat seafood, dairy products and green tea.
    • Take herbal infusions and decoctions of lemongrass, echinacea, ginseng and licorice. This can be done with both therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.
    • Harden yourself. Swimming, dousing and a cold shower strengthen the body.
    • Choose an active lifestyle. For moderate exercise, any sport, dance or exercise equipment will do.
    • Let the body rest. Take time every day to relax and think about something pleasant or just to be in silence. It soothes the nervous system and is a good stress prevention.

    Disruptions in the hormonal system

    One of the causes of dandruff are hormonal changes in the body during puberty - in both sexes, as well as during pregnancy and menopause - in women. Interestingly, as a result of the restructuring of the hormonal system, the white scales may either appear or, on the contrary, disappear if they were previously a cause of concern.

    Diseases of the digestive tract

    Many diseases originate in disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Dandruff is no exception. If the cause of its occurrence is a fungus, you must follow a strict diet. Favorite for the fungus: sweet, flour, fatty, fried and smoked food. That is why problems with the scalp often occur in people with the listed taste preferences.

    Unbalanced nutrition, lack of certain vitamins and minerals, an excess of protein and fast carbohydrates, all lead to the same dandruff.

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    • Hair polishing is one of the most successful ways of dealing with split ends. Details read here.

    Risk groups for dandruff

    For any disease there is a risk group. At risk of dandruff include:

    • males, because their sebaceous glands produce more fat than females,
    • owners of oily scalp,
    • people with bad habits, because alcohol and nicotine violate the metabolism,
    • people aged 10-14 to 40 years old - this is due to the production of hormones,
    • people with reduced immunity or those who have recently suffered severe stress.

    These people are more susceptible to the disease and should take preventive measures to prevent it.

    Dandruff is a must-fight. This is not only an aesthetic problem, but also a signal of a malfunction of the body. Therefore, at the first signs of the disease do not be lazy to consult a doctor, find out the cause of the phenomenon and get rid of it in time.

    Why dandruff appears on the head and its types

    The most common causes of flaking of the scalp include:

    1. microbial activity,
    2. irritation due to oleic acid, which is the result of sebum splitting by fungi,
    3. individual response to environmental factors
    4. stress,
    5. age hormonal changes
    6. neglect of the rules of hygiene.

    In addition, a large amount of dandruff can talk about very dry skin, which is excessively exfoliated. But there are many reasons for this sloughing. Perhaps you have chosen the wrong shampoo, which dries strongly the skin.

    Or maybe you develop one of the skin diseases (for example, psoriasis), in which the skin goes away with whole plaques

    The following factors may cause dryness:

    • decrease in the level of sebum,
    • thick cornified skin that is exfoliated,
    • inflammation of the blood vessels in the scalp,
    • inadequate nutrition with vitamins and microelements,
    • use of hair dryer
    • improper hair care products.

    Another cause is seborrhea. Seborrhea is a violation of sebum production, in which changes occur in the processes of excretion, as well as chemical composition. Particles of the skin do not leave the surface of the head, and stick together from the sebum.

    Their number is growing, and scales become visible.

    The causes of seborrhea can be:

    1. hereditary factor
    2. metabolic problem
    3. digestive system problems
    4. poor nutrition,
    5. doubtful lifestyle.

    There is abundant dandruff, it is best to consult a doctor. He must diagnose the condition of the scalp to rule out serious skin diseases. Based on the results of the examination, treatment agents are prescribed.


    Dandruff in a teenager is most often the result of hormonal changes in the body, but there are also other causes of dandruff, such as:

    • manifestation of various skin diseases such as eczema, seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis,
    • irregular and irregular diet. Often, a teenager forgets to eat or includes in the diet a lot of sweet, floury, fatty or spicy food, fast food, which sooner or later provokes dandruff.

    But in this case it is not the worst, because such a power system often leads to diseases of the digestive and endocrine systems:

    • disorders of the digestive system. Due to the fact that during adolescence the general hormonal background is formed and the work of all the main systems is formed, dandruff can be the result of such rearrangements,
    • endocrine disorders, also caused by a violation of the hormonal background of the whole organism,
    • often dandruff in adolescents due to severe or prolonged stress (psycho-emotional stress, reactions to certain events, overwork).
    • avitaminosis - during the period of active growth and puberty, adolescents need vitamins and microelements, more than most adults. But in the diet often these elements simply do not exist, which provokes a situation of vitamin deficiency, and later to severe dandruff in a teenager,
    • allergic to various drugs - tablets (sometimes even vitamins), food, care products, flowering or fluctuations in air humidity and other,
    • but often the reason is simpler — wrong hair care. Namely - the use of inappropriate shampoo, frequent and severe washing of the head, not washing the conditioners and masks, excessive styling, strongly aggressive home care and other

    How to deal with dandruff in adolescents?

    At the very first manifestations of excessive dandruff in a teenager (especially a boy), first of all it is necessary to visit a doctor - dermatologist or dermatologist, at least! This is important, because only at consultations an experienced specialist will determine the cause of the disease and prescribe the correct course of treatment and the duration of the treatment appropriate to the situation.

    General recommendations

    Dandruff in a teenager - what to do, how to solve this unpleasant and ticklish problem? General recommendations on how to get rid of dandruff teenager are as follows:

    1. Introduce the daily regimen, pay particular attention to the amount of sleep, walks and physical activity
    2. Develop a nutrition system with the help of a specialist who will be saturated with useful supplements - vitamins, acids, minerals, biologically active substances. And most importantly, which will exclude or limit the most allergic and "unhealthy" products - fast food, sweet, flour, fried spicy or salty foods and other
    3. The use of special herbal tinctures to normalize the work of the whole organism. Most commonly prescribed are such as Eleutherococcus, Aralia, Schizandra, Motherwort, Oregano, or Valerian.
    4. Development and use of a special system of hair care, scalp and styling at home. Choose the right shampoo to solve the cause of dandruff in a teenager, stick to the regularity of washing, use an individual comb and remove hair styling correctly.

    Local methods of treating dandruff in adolescents

    There are many methods for solving this question, as well as specialists offering assistance in finding an answer. For example, homeopathy and classical medicine have a different approach to solving this issue. But the difference is more likely with drugs than with the treatment regimen itself. General guidelines on how to treat dandruff in adolescents are as follows:

    • pick up the necessary shampoo to eliminate the aggravated moment (most often it is means with salicylic acid, as well as shampoo for adolescents for dandruff - Dermazole, Nizoral, Sulsena, Friederm, tar)
    • develop a scheme for the use of the drug together with a specialist. The classic scheme of shampoo use - twice a week. The agent is foamed in the hands and is applied to the scalp for 3-5 minutes, gently massaged along the entire perimeter of the scalp, and thoroughly washed off with plenty of water. Apply again and repeat the manipulation. Be sure to wash the head twice, and the secondary washing is sometimes recommended with an additional exposure time. In other words, they applied shampoo a second time, foamed and left the foam for 5-7 minutes, washed off,
    • it is necessary to clearly classify the type of dandruff in a teenager - dry or oily, in order to properly prescribe, than to treat dandruff in a teenager

    Treatment of dry dandruff (Seboria)

    What is dry dandruff? A situation where the sebaceous glands do not produce enough fat and the surface of the skin dries out, which leads to itching, peeling and irritation. Most often this is due to inflammation of the sebaceous glands, which creates problems not only on the surface of the skin, but also greasy plugs in the mouths of the hair follicles, which further leads to thinning and breaking off the hair.

    What is the most common cause? Especially distinguished beriberi, nutritional deficiencies in the body. Moreover, it is believed that dry dandruff is the last stage of the disease of oily seboria.
    How to solve a problem? Fit:

    • oils - cedar, grape seed, almond, linseed, burdock and castor, sea buckthorn,
    • Tea tree oil can be added to the shampoo. As is known, this oil is a powerful natural remedy, possessing such a set of elements that best quench any activity - fungal or microbial. Tea tree is a natural antibiotic in the fight against fungi and any skin abnormalities,
    • anti-dandruff masks based on plant extracts - nettle, peppermint, St. John's wort and aloe juice; formulations of grated currant and cherry berries. The product is applied to dry hair and head code, heat wrap is done and after 30 minutes washed off with warm water.
    • head massages with finger pads or a delicate silicone brush, not pressing hard for 15 minutes,
    • There are more "harsh" methods of traditional medicine - you can rinse your head once every 7-10 days with decoction of nettle, chamomile or onion peels. It should only be taken into account that the bow dyes the hair in dark colors and for blondes its use is best avoided.

    Treatment of oily dandruff (Seboria)

    What is fat dandruff? This disease, which occurs most often in boys and men on the scalp, less often on the skin of the face. As a result, excessive oily skin of the scalp occurs, sometimes mixed with odor (due to hormonal imbalance), the skin reddens, itches, appears gray skin and boils, redness and sebaceous skin layers. Clogged skin leads to dehydration.

    What is the most common cause? The secretion of the sebaceous glands is completely controlled by the hormonal background of the body, so the jumps of this indicator immediately affect the condition of the skin. Sometimes genetic disposition is the trigger that triggers the disease. There are also cases when oily seborrhea is manifested as a result of diabetes, neurological disorders (eg, epilepsy), exacerbation of gastrointestinal problems, prolonged use of aggressive medications, problems with the genitourinary system, and stress can be much less likely to occur.

    How to solve a problem? The solution is simple:

    • use of herbal and berry masks (for example, nettle, mint, St. John's wort, aloe juice or chopped currant, cherry berries). We apply the mask on dry skin and wrap hair with heat, withstand 30 minutes and rinse with warm water. The frequency of use depends on the complexity of the problem, on average 1-2 times 7-10 days,
    • application of oils - sea buckthorn
    • the use of hydrolytes is thermal aromatic water based on natural essential oils or decoctions of herbs, such as chamomile, lavender, jasmine. Apply some water directly onto the skin from a spray or through a cotton pad after washing the hair, wipe the epidermis after washing the hair.

    In order to avoid reproduction of the fungus, a minimum reorganization is necessary:

    • processing hats: they are treated with a solution of vinegar, closed in a plastic bag for 1-2 days, later you can wear as usual
    • Mandatory replacement of all combs.

    After the adolescent's dandruff has been neutralized, special therapeutic agents should be removed from the nursing system, and the scalp should be more easily supported. If the situation is serious and there is a risk of a return of the disease, then it is necessary to leave special means for a preventive course for 3-6 months according to the recommendation of a specialist.

    The most important thing is not to cure the problem of adolescents with means for adults and do not do the program for the future, remember treatment is an important thing both in composition and in time. Unfortunately, sometimes the treatment can be harmful, therefore consultation and supervision with a specialist is obligatory.

    A bad doctor treats a disease; a good doctor cures a disease.

    According to medical statistics, almost a third of the population of our planet faces dandruff, a scattering of loose epithelium particles in the scalp. In the body of a healthy person, the process of renewal of the epidermis occurs unnoticed and takes from three to four weeks.

    With pathological failures, it can be reduced to one week. Intensive exfoliation of skin scales becomes noticeable, giving the person an untidy look. In this case, and they say about the presence of dandruff.

    What is dandruff

    Dandruff is an extremely unpleasant manifestation of seborrheic dermatitis that can develop in a person of any age on any type of hair. Forming a kind of crust on the scalp, dandruff makes it difficult to contact with air, which leads to a weakening of the hair follicles and hair loss, as well as fragility and fragility of their rods.

    Depending on the functioning of the sebaceous glands, dandruff can be greasy and dry.

    • Dry Type Dandruff Man shortly after shampooing, itching begins. Dry small scales on his head are located either in foci or evenly distributed throughout the entire hairy part. They pour heavily on the shoulders, delivering a lot of inconvenience to its owner, because others tend to avoid such a person. Persistent itching is the result of insufficient secretion of sebum. The hair of patients with dry type of dandruff, as a rule, is thin, overdried, with heavily severed tips.Dry type of dandruff is the most common.
    • Fatty Dandruff it is also accompanied by severe itching, but even with her just washed hair, she continues to look greasy and uncleaned. Without being so noticeable, fat dandruff, however, represents a greater danger to the hair than dry. Quite large particles of keratinized epithelium, peeled off, do not crumble on the shoulders, but remain on the head, forming a dense crust on its surface. Due to the abundant secretion of sebum, this crust becomes an excellent breeding ground for the development of colonies of pathogenic fungi. The presence of inflammatory processes is a characteristic condition for the skin of the head of a patient with oily dandruff.

    Causes of

    Why dandruff appears on the head? As a rule, the cause is the whole complex of reasons. Dry or oily dandruff may appear due to:

    • hereditary predisposition
    • immune system failure
    • endocrine gland malfunctions,
    • unhealthy food,
    • a number of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract,
    • the effects of severe stress and diseases of the central nervous system,
    • hormonal disorders,
    • severe avitaminosis,
    • insufficient work of the sebaceous glands, leading to excessive dryness of the scalp,
    • severe overheating or overcooling of the skin of the head,
    • use of the wrong shampoo,
    • allergic reaction to the material of the headgear,
    • violations of the rules of the scalp (as a result of frequent staining, blow-drying, the use of hairdressing irons and curls),
    • unsatisfactory hygiene of the scalp.

    On the mechanism of the formation of dry dandruff

    The main cause of dry dandruff is the activation of conditionally pathogenic fungus Pitirosporum Oval. In small quantities, constantly present in the body of every healthy person and not showing anything, when favorable conditions arise (severe stress, hormonal disruptions and weakening of the immune system), it begins to multiply rapidly, reducing the duration of the cell peeling process to one week. As a result of this activation on the surface of the skin of the head is formed a lot of dandruff - dry grayish particles of dead epithelium, easily separated from the head, polluting hair and clothing.

    About the causes of the formation of oily dandruff

    Oily seborrhea develops due to the enhanced functioning of the sebaceous glands, which produce too much sebum. Oily seborrhea is divided into liquid and thick.

    • The liquid form of oily seborrhea is characterized by the presence of shiny skin with gaping enlarged pores resembling an orange peel. Due to the abundant secretion of sebum, the hair (always oily) stick together, forming untidy locks, generously strewn with a large number of yellowish dermal scales that sit tightly on them. The changed chemical composition of the secretion of the sebaceous glands leads to the loss of the inherent sterilizing qualities. As a result, ideal conditions are created for the occurrence of pustules and inflammatory processes in the scalp.
    • The thick form of oily seborrhea leads to a significant compaction of the skin, reducing its elasticity and the expansion of the ducts of the sebaceous glands. When these ducts are blocked with horn plugs, black eels, comedones, are formed from particles of the torn epithelium. Patient's hair with a thick form of oily seborrhea is characterized by increased rigidity and coarseness.

    The question of the classification of types of dandruff, many experts consider incorrect. From their point of view, only dry seborrhea, characterized by abundant exfoliation of the epithelium, can be considered a true dandruff.

    So, the patient was disappointed to see that he dandruff. How to get rid from this unpleasant disease? First of all, it is necessary to find out the exact reason for its appearance. To do this, contact a qualified specialist: trichologist or a dermatologist. They can determine the cause of seborrheic dermatitis, its severity and choose the only correct treatment tactics for each individual patient.

    Sometimes this requires consultation of a number of specialists.

    • If there is a suspicion that the cause of seborrhea has become a hormonal failure, the patient is sent to endocrinologist. Women in this case should definitely visit gynecologist. After laboratory testing of a blood test (for hormones), the patient is prescribed medications that normalize hormones.
    • If dandruff caused emotional stress or nervous stress, the patient should visit neuropathologist. He will select a drug that will help cope with this condition.
    • To confirm or exclude the immune nature of the disease, as well as the influence of dysbiosis and a number of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, the patient is sent to an immunologist and gastroenterologist.

    Eliminating the main cause of the disease, proceed to the treatment of external manifestations of seborrhea. How to cure dandruff on the head?

    • For washing off the sebaceous secretions, the patient is prescribed antifungal medicinal emulsions and shampoos.
    • For the treatment of external manifestations of seborrhea, it is obligatory to perform special seboregulating masks containing a number of drugs: antimicrobial (zinc pyrrhyonate), antifungal (bifonazole, ketoconazole), exfoliating, cytostatic (reducing the rate of cell division), keratolytic (removing squamous epidermis), and herbal molds, and herbal molds, herbalizing cells (keratolytic) irritation). The exposure time for masks containing at least two components from this list is from twenty minutes to half an hour.
    • And if the patient has dandruff complicated by the infection? How to deal with it? It is treated with antibacterial drugs containing zinc.
    • Lotions containing salicylic acid have an excellent peeling effect.
    • To stimulate the immune system, the doctor will prescribe a multivitamin and drugs that normalize the intestinal microflora (hilak forte, lactofilter).
    • To improve local circulation, biogenic stimulants can be prescribed (therapeutic mud, propolis, mummy, placenta extract).
    • Reception of the beer yeast rich with vitamins of group B is extremely useful.
    • During the treatment of seborrhea, it is necessary to abandon any hairdressing procedures associated with dyeing or laminating hair.


    The preventive measures for seborrhea are very simple. A patient prone to dandruff should:

    • To wash the head more often: the absence of sebum - a nutrient medium for pathogenic fungi - will minimize the risk of its appearance.
    • Remove from the diet fatty, salty, spicy foods (containing harmful dyes and preservatives), stimulating the activity of the sebaceous glands.
    • Avoid strong experiences and stress.

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    Symptoms of seborrhea: peeling and itching of the scalp

    The most important symptom is the formation of multiple scales, which are mainly concentrated at the hair roots.

    But the thing that can alarm you most is the itching and redness of the scalp.

    Itching is almost always a dandruff companion. The skin dries excessively, cracks, and cracks. These phenomena and provoke constant discomfort. This condition may be caused by artificial drying with detergents or reduced activity of the sebaceous glands, the cause of which is rather a disruption in the functioning of the body.

    Reproduction of fungi that feed on sebum may also cause itching. More precisely, the products of their vital activity have an annoying effect.

    If dandruff is a consequence of seborrheic dermatitis, then the skin should be treated under the supervision of a specialist.

    What categorically do with this problem is prohibited?

    • If you have a very strong dandruff, you can not use products that contain alcohol. Alcohol tinctures of plants, alcohol-containing hair masks are strictly prohibited.
    • Among the possible causes of severe itching of the scalp dandruff is the most frequent. At the same time, you should try to refrain from scratching, as bacteria can penetrate into the microtrauma and an inflammatory process will begin.
    • If dandruff on the head is abundant, then it is impossible to dye your hair, do chemical curls and apply products that have a harmful effect.

    It is recommended to refrain from using hard combs with metal teeth.

    They provoke damage to the skin.

    • Using heated styling tools is prohibited. They can cause even more dry skin.

    Can dandruff cause alopecia (hair loss)?

    By itself, peeling of the skin is usually not the cause of baldness.

    But health problems of the scalp can be accompanied by both dandruff and hair loss.

    Why are white scales coming back?

    Some experts believe that the appearance of white flakes in the hair may be a genetic predisposition. In other words, the formation of skin scales is faster than most people. While a person with such an individual feature uses agents that slow down the formation of the stratum corneum, or preparations that dissolve the formed flakes, skin particles are not visible. As soon as the application is stopped, dandruff is returned.

    Another common cause of the constant appearance of flakes in the hair are the substances that make up the shampoos recommended for daily use. With frequent washing of the head, a thin layer of sebum is constantly washed off, which performs a protective function. The upper layer of the dermis is exfoliated, and the new one begins to actively form. Thus, new scales become more and more, and the peeling of the skin becomes visible.

    How is skin chewing associated with fungus?

    The activity of the fungus can cause skin irritation, as a result of which skin flakes appear in the hair.

    That is why medicated shampoos contain antifungal components.

    How effective are treating folk remedies: vegetable fatty oils and extracts for masks?

    No official research has been carried out, so no one can confirm the action of these or other folk remedies. But most likely, the use of oils in hair care can reduce the dryness of the scalp. If the cause of dandruff is the drying of the upper layer of the dermis, it may be able to help. There are results of a study about the effect of aloe vera extract on fungi, their number is getting smaller. However, what effect will be if it is added to the detergent? Such studies have not been conducted.

    How to get rid of severe dandruff?

    More often to get rid of dandruff use specialized antifungal shampoos. However, before starting treatment, it is worth visiting the trichologist, since the peeling of the skin can be caused by many reasons.

    The specialist will most likely recommend not only the use of antifungal agents, but also give recommendations on lifestyle adjustments in order to eliminate the factors inhibiting the healing process.

    Fungal infection of the skin

    The cause of seborrhea on the head is the spread and increase in the amount of fungus from the genus Malassezia Furfur / Pityrosporum Ovale (Malasseziya Furfur / Pitirosporum Oval). These microorganisms live in the scalp in most people without harm to health. If the number of mushrooms does not exceed 30-50% (according to the data of TV Ileshina, TsKVI, Moscow) from the whole microflora of this zone, i.e. its normal value, then dandruff does not occur. However, under suitable conditions, microorganisms begin to multiply rapidly, feeding on sebum. As a result of fungal infection and the development of seborrhea, increased keratinization of epidermal cells develops, skin cells grow and divide unevenly, not having time to go through the whole cycle of exfoliation and sticking together. Horny particles are mixed with fats and form scales, from which dandruff appears on the head.

    In this disease, there is accumulation of many dead skin cells, which are glued together in dense gray dandruff flakes. Usually the affected areas are localized on the knees, elbows, torso, less often - on the scalp. In the latter case, psoriasis is difficult to distinguish from fungal seborrhea.

    Eczema that occurs in the scalp is a cause of dandruff in relatively rare cases. However, if this disease is well established, the probability of increasing the amount of flaking flakes on the affected skin is very high.

    Other diseases

    For unknown reasons, people with neurological diseases (for example, Parkinson’s disease) are more likely to develop seborrhea on the head. Also at risk of dandruff - persons with cardiovascular diseases, having a weakened immune system or gastrointestinal diseases.


    Dandruff is more common in men than in women, which is why there is a hypothesis that male sex hormones play a certain role in its occurrence. Also, the likelihood of a favorable environment for the fungus and the development of seborrhea in men is higher due to the presence of a larger number of sebaceous glands in the scalp.

    Wrong hair care

    The cause of dandruff can be the use of shampoos with the content of aggressive surface-active substances (surfactants), too frequent or, conversely, rare washing and combing hair. In addition, seborrhea on the head can be associated with the use of various styling products (foams, varnishes), blow-drying and hair styling with the help of hot tongs.


    Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and weakening of the general immunity, which in turn are caused by the abuse of fried, salty, spicy, sweet, fatty foods, and alcohol, can lead to seborrhea on the head. The risk factor for dandruff is a deficiency in the diet of fermented milk and dairy foods, as well as products that contain vitamins A, B, C and E, copper, calcium, zinc, selenium.

    Dandruff Treatment with NIZORAL® Shampoo

    The remedy for the treatment of seborrhea on the head, helping to achieve a stable result, is the anti-dandruff shampoo NIZORAL®. The active ingredient of this drug is ketoconazole - a substance with a strong antifungal effect. Due to this NIZORAL ® not only eliminates unpleasant symptoms, but also successfully fights against the cause of dandruff, a fungus that causes the development of seborrhea on the head (seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp).

    The efficacy of ketoconazole against pathogens is confirmed by the successful results of 64 clinical studies. This tool can help defeat the pathogenic fungus and eliminate the symptoms of seborrhea in 2 weeks, after which the hair becomes clean and tidy, looks healthy.


    Watch the video: Mayo Clinic Minute: Tips for dealing with dandruff (May 2024).