
Advice and recommendations of experts: how to make your own hair tinting at home?


What is toning? This coloring is unstable paint, which is fixed only on the surface of the hair. After a few weeks the paint is completely washed off with water. The procedure allows not only to change the color of the hair. There are a number of advantages that are different from other types of staining.

  • After classical dyeing, regrown roots appear after 2-3 weeks. We have to tint this area. Tinting composition begins to wash off evenly, without forming a noticeable difference.
  • Painted curl gets shine and radiance. Highlighting, coloring or ombre technique can be successfully combined with toning.
  • Coloring can be carried out both in the salon and independently.
  • The procedure is gentle and does not spoil the structure of the strands.
  • Can be used more often than paint.

Types of toning

  • Intensive toning hair. Resistant coloring agents are able to keep color for a month. The composition contains oxidizing agents, but their amount is less than in conventional paint.

  • It is possible to make tinting with sparing tinting agents that do not contain aggressive components (for example, ammonia or hydrogen peroxide).
  • It is possible to do toning hair using tinted balms or shampoos. Color is usually washed off quickly.
  • Bio-agents are able to give not only color, but also provide additional nutrients and protective properties.

How often can I use shading for hair? If the strands are healthy, do not split and do not break, it is allowed to paint once a month.

Independent action

How to do toning at home? Toning hair at home begins with the preparatory steps. During toning at home, it is advisable to choose products for dyeing from well-known brands and be sure to read the instructions. You need to wear gloves on your hands, and throw an old, unnecessary towel over your shoulders.

Toned hair at home, you can use a gentle paint or shading shampoo.

Simple recommendations will help you to tint your hair with a light paint.

  • So that the skin around the growth line of hair does not get dirty, it should be anointed with a fat cream or petroleum jelly.
  • A little coloring liquid is poured into the palm, and then transferred to a separated strand. The shag should be dry. You need to start from the roots, leading to the tips. If not the whole strand is protonated, the actions are repeated.

  • After the paint has been applied to the whole head, you need to massage lightly with your fingers so that everything is well absorbed.
  • Then recommended to comb. The comb should have teeth that are far apart.
  • Time is always spelled out in the instructions. You can not overdo it.
  • Wash off the paint with shampoo with warm water.
  • How to make curls smooth after the procedure? The final stage is the use of a balm for colored curls.

If the hair is tinted at home with the help of a shampoo, the rules will be slightly different. First you need to wash your hair as usual. The second time, apply a tinting shampoo and leave for 15 minutes. The result is a light shining color.

If toning is planned to be carried out after clarification, then first a bleaching composition is applied, which is washed off not with a balm, but with ordinary shampoo. Then it should be a little dry curls, and apply tonic.

Toning and base color

Toning hair after highlighting is carried out in the event that the colored strands do not have a smooth transition. Highlighting is the coloring of individual strands in different shades, which differ by 2-3 tones from each other. When tinting hair, a smooth transition is obtained, and the hairstyle will look attractive.

Toning hair after highlighting is sometimes recommended for those who, after bleaching, strand split and look lifeless. The components of the tinting agent will not only correct the color, but will give the curls elasticity and shine. After highlighting is done, several days should pass. You should not do toning for the hair immediately after painting the curls.

Highlighting can be combined with toning using shampoos or non-ammonia colors. Tint shampoos or mousses last for about 2-3 weeks. In the case of paint, the effect will be more long-term.

Toning of dark hair can be done on pre-bleached curls or suggests a slight lightening. Without discoloration using tonics to lighten the dark strands will not work. The coloring agent can be applied along the entire length of the strands, or on a part (ombr technique). For light toning, dark brown, chestnut, purple or chocolate shades are chosen for dark hair. It is advisable to use at least two shades at the same time.

Toning blond hair will help achieve shine and visual volume. You can tint in any color, as long as it fits the face. You can make a reservation. In this case, some strands will be painted in a darker color, and others in a lighter tone. Tinted in ashy palette on blonde hair will help get rid of yellowness. A lightening tonic can be selected from Estelle or L'Oreal.

Toning natural hair, especially blond, is much easier. Shades look brighter and more attractive.

The structure does not deteriorate, only the outer sheath of the hair is colored. You need to take into account your own, natural color. For example, owners of a warm tone of hair will suit honey or sand shade.

The basic rule is that the procedure cannot be used when coloring the curls with basma or henna.

During the bleaching process, the natural pigment dissolves. To discolor strands can with the help of powder and oxidant, paint and oxidant. After the pigment is removed, the curls begin to absorb the dirt and dust with a double force, change color from the shampoos (they can get a greenish or yellowish tint). Toning bleached hair allows you to inject an artificial pigment that will protect the strands.

Professional help

Professional hair tinting can be done both in salons and at home. But for this you need to use quality tonic.

Hair dyeing, which is used by professional stylists.

  • The Esttelle company offers 56 shades. The kit includes a dye and an activator, which is mixed in a 1: 2 ratio. Avocado oil, which is part of the composition, allows the coloring composition to easily and smoothly lie on the strands without damaging the structure.
  • Tint agents for toning of the Matrix trademark do not contain aggressive components, contain moisturizing and protective components. The color palette is huge - about 76 shades.
  • Schwarzkopf offers up to 54 different shades for hair that last for up to 1.5 months. Filled with gray hair and make it invisible.

  • Toning the hair after lightening can be performed using a series of tinted balms and Kapous shampoos. As part of a vitamin complex that leads to life, even burned strands.
  • If it was done highlighting, you can use a special series from Hair Color Products. Mousses and shampoos will help restore the structure after the aggressive effects of paint.

Any means to tint hair should be used with caution. Since individual components can cause allergies, a sensitivity test should be carried out before toning. Keep in mind that the colors for toning better fall on a healthy, smooth hair. If there is a cross section and brittleness, it is better to heal first.

How to quickly get rid of the resulting shade

It happens that the toning color does not fit the face. Most often this happens with dark and red shades. Sometimes after 3-4 flushes, the color becomes unsightly and looks sloppy. How to wash tinted hair in this case?

If toning was done on bleached hair, then a method using a wash for unstable dyes, which is applied to dry, unwashed curls, is appropriate. Leave on the time specified in the instructions. Then rinse with water using shampoo. After washing it is possible to refresh the color with a new tone in a week.

Kefir will help to remove color if unpainted curls were tinted. Low-fat kefir is applied on dry, dirty curls for about 45 minutes. Put on a plastic bag and insulate. After this time, the shade will wash off, and the curls will be strengthened.

In order not to harm your hair, you should first consult with experts. They will help determine the appropriate tone, pick up the paint and give advice on its application.

How to choose the right composition and color?

However, the choice of dye should be taken seriously, observing a number of rules:

  • No need to choose products that include hydrogen peroxide, ammonia (ammonia), harmful to the health of hair,
  • preference should be given to drugs, which additionally contain useful supplements and vitamins for hair care,
  • the choice of paint can be made on the basis of the degree of its resistance.

The least lasting effects have shampoos, sprays, foams, mousses. Tonics have a moderate degree.

A high degree in more saturated colors (permanent), but the composition of them is not safe for the hair (contain ammonia). preferably before use to test for allergies, for this substance is applied to the skin of the hand.

If the hypersensitivity reaction is not observed, then the paint is suitable and you can safely use it.

On the shelves presented a variety of different shades, but you need to know some of the nuances in their selection.

  1. To refresh a haircut, to give a well-groomed look, it is enough to use tones a little lighter or darker than the original one.
  2. Best of all, the paint falls on light hair, but you need to take into account that dark and saturated colors give an excessively bright shade. For example, copper can turn into a bright orange color.

Therefore, it is preferable to apply warm shades (sand, ashy, bronze).

  • To give a visual volume to hair with a natural color, it is enough to shade a few curls with shades close to it.
  • Copper color looks beautiful on blond hair, reddish, purple shades look impressive on dark blond or chestnut.
  • Light tones will not have an effect on the hair of dark color, it is desirable to tint them with the preliminary lightening of individual strands or similar dark shades.
  • Streaked hair is often subject to light toning.

    No need to fear their poisonous purple color, they will remove the characteristic yellowness and enliven the color.

    Experimenting with shades on the highlights of the hair without a specialist is not recommended, the result in this case can be unpredictable.

  • For red hair, it is better to choose a darker similar tone, since light one will have no effect due to the durability of the pigment.
  • How to make your own hair tinting at home?

    Tinting hair at home requires advance preparation so that all the necessary materials are at hand at the right time.

    For the procedure will require:

    • paint and instructions for its use,
    • gloves,
    • paint tank (not metal),
    • brush, brush for applying dye,
    • cape, cape over clothes,
    • plastic hat
    • comb made of plastic with sparse teeth
    • cream - for application before the procedure on the skin of the face, in order to avoid its staining,
    • napkins.

    Preparation for staining

    • First you need to familiarize yourself with the instructions to the coloring matter, pay attention to the time of its action,
    • to renounce the use of basma or henna in advance (1-2 months before toning), the pigments of these substances can significantly distort the result,
    • Hair preparation consists in removing split ends and makeup with masks and balms. This should be done in advance, at least one week before the procedure, especially in case of weak hair,
    • it is necessary to carry out complex staining in front of the mirror, it is better to have a pierum, then it is possible to evaluate the result from behind
    • clothes on themselves should be closed with a cape (cape), wear gloves before work,
    • On the forehead, temples, neck, it is desirable to apply a fat cream, so it will be easier to remove excess dye.

    If everything is ready, then we will consider in detail how to make hair tinting at home.

    Stepwise toning algorithm

    How to make hair tinting at home? The procedure is not difficult if you follow a certain technology:

    1. you need to wash your hair and wipe with a towel. The toning agent is poured into the palm and is usually distributed on wet hair with the help of fingers or a brush.
    2. Then the hair should be combed for a better distribution of the coloring matter. A special cap is put on the head and it only remains to wait for the time of action of the drug. It is defined in the instructions for tinting agent.
    3. When the specified time expires, the hair is well washed with water, but without the use of shampoo. Further, it is desirable to use air conditioning.

    Based on the color of the curls undergoing the procedure, there are additional nuances in the technology.

    On dark hair, the usual toning does not look as impressive as on light. In this case, it is recommended to use such popular types of coloring as ombre or shatush, when the ends of the curls become discolored and the remaining parts are tinted. This dark hair dyeing is carried out according to the following technology:

    • all the curls are divided into 4 parts and combed,
    • bleaching paint is applied to the lower area of ​​the strand and wrapped in foil (for 20-30 minutes),
    • dark areas of curls are processed by means of toning, it is better to choose a tone close to the original. The waiting time is usually 20-40 minutes,
    • It is recommended to finish the procedure by toning the tips with light shades - this will relieve yellowness after bleaching and add contrast to the hairstyle.

    By the same principle, you can dye blond hair, shading off some strands, tips or roots with dark tones, or create an ombre on red curls, giving the tips shades of different colors.

    If the purpose of toning at home is to remove the yellowness that is present on the blonde, it is possible to use tonic or to make an effective toning agent yourself.

    To do this, put in a plastic dish a teaspoon of light-colored paint without ammonia (for example, ashy), a tablespoon of shampoo, balsam, water and hydrogen peroxide as an oxidizer.

    The mass is applied to the entire length of the hair and left for 10 minutes. This proven tool will remove yellowness and provide a stable toning.

    What will be the hair after dyeing?

    After the procedure, the hair becomes saturated, fresh color, becoming more well-groomed, flexible, obedient.

    Perhaps a combination of different tones, the result is smooth or sharp color transitions. Experiments can be carried out several times a month, as the coloring matter is washed off.

    The result of toning is less resistant than when staining with permanent paints, but this technology does not harm the condition of the hair.

    When using light funds effect lasts about 2 weeks. Gentle toning will continue for a month. With intensive results will be persistent and will last about two months.

    Tips and tricks to avoid mistakes

    If you are going to tint your hair at home and want the result of toning not to disappoint expectations, you need to prepare for the procedure and take it seriously.

    1. The color should be used similar to the original, the difference is valid for 1-2 tones.
    2. Toning does not completely paint over gray hair, in this case it is better to use light colors, they will create a highlight effect.
    3. It should be borne in mind that the coloring means are not intended for lightening hair, because they do not contain oxidizing agents.
    4. In the case of light toning, it is enough to wash the head twice with a tinted shampoo, leave it on the curls for 5 minutes.
    5. Before the process, it is necessary to study the instructions for the coloring matter, the exposure time.
    6. You do not need to apply toning on hair dyed with natural dyes (henna, basma, etc.).

    How to keep the result longer?

    • After the procedure, it is advisable not to wash the hair for two days for better absorption of the coloring matter,
    • to maintain healthy hairstyles, after toning, it is necessary to apply balsams, conditioners, masks, but not only on an oil basis, they will remove the paint,
    • do not wash your hair with hot water, the best option is warm boiled water. It is useful for blondes to rinse the hair with chamomile decoction - natural dye,
    • It is also advisable to limit the effects of the hot dryer and styling products. It helps to change the tone,
    • sun rays cause color burnout, so you need to protect your hair from their direct impact.

    Toning - a great way to revitalize your hair, update the color and add originality to the hairstyle. It does not harm the health of curls, helps to strengthen their structure. The short period of preservation of the effect makes it possible to experiment with appearance more often. Now you know how to tint your hair at home, and the simplicity of the technology allows you to apply it yourself.

    Toning hair at home - types of procedure

    Such sparing painting is performed after melirovaniyu or clarification of the entire head of hair. But this procedure is also possible on curls that have not previously been subjected to staining. With its help it will be possible to change a shade for several tones.

    There are several varieties of such painting:

    • intensive toning
    • gentle
    • lung,
    • colorless
    • using natural dyes.

    Make your choice depending on the result you want to get. If the goal is to drastically change the shade to a few tones, an intense toning will do for you. However, it should be borne in mind that this will require permanent paint, which contains ammonia in its composition.

    In the first case, you will need tint or tonic. Such preparations contain chemicals, but in low concentrations. And because they carefully act on the hair, not penetrating the inside of the hair.

    Light dyeing is the use of tinted shampoos, scum or mascara. Such means envelop the hair, giving it the desired color. They are harmless to curls and very easy to use. The only drawback - shampoos, foams and other similar means are quickly washed out. Therefore, when using them, you should not expect to receive a stable color.

    When using a special colorless paint shade strands remain the same. This procedure is similar to lamination. Tonic envelops each hair, making it stronger and visually giving the hair extra volume. As a result, the hair becomes smooth and shiny.

    Toning hair at home with the use of a tool such as henna or basma can not only change the color of the hair, but also improve the condition of the hair.

    How to make hair tinting at home?

    The answer to the question of how to make hair tinting at home, depends on the means used. Most often for these purposes apply a creamy paint. The procedure is quite simple and does not require special skills. It can be done independently, without resorting to the services of a master. To do this, simply follow the step-by-step guide:

    • Lubricate the skin along the hairline with cream or petroleum jelly. This will protect it from possible ingress of paint.
    • Prepare the composition.
    • All hair divided into sections.
    • Separate several strands from the first section and apply the composition to the root zone. Then with a brush spread over the entire length.
    • Repeat the same with the rest of the hair.
    • Cover the curls with polyethylene or wear a plastic cap.
    • After the time specified in the instructions, wash off the composition and dry the hair.

    If you are not using a creamy paint, but a tinted shampoo or foam, just follow the instructions on the package. Such drugs are applied to the hair and distributed throughout the length. And after a certain time they need to be washed off. For application in this case it is not necessary to divide the hair into sections and use a brush.

    Tint shampoo, for example, is applied by hand, just like regular shampoo when washing your hair. First, squeeze a small amount of money on the palm, lightly rub it with your hands and apply it on your hair as if you were washing your head. Do not rub into the skin. Apply the product with light massaging movements. After 3-15 minutes (depending on the specific agent), wash the curls with plenty of running water. Wash until water is clear.

    Toning hair at home - means

    If you plan to make hair tinting at home, it is important to choose the right coloring composition. Available in a large selection of such funds. Especially popular are creamy semi-permanent paints. They do not contain aggressive chemical components and are easy to use. Well proved such paints:

    • Estel (to prepare a tint, mix 1 part paint with 2 parts 1.5% oxidant),
    • Schwarzkopf Blondme (6 different light shades are available that are suitable for tinting and brightening),
    • Wella Color Touch (contains keratin, which makes hair supple and retains moisture),
    • L’Oreal Majirel (suitable for frequent use, adds shine and silkiness to the curls),
    • Londa Professional (it contains wax and keratin, which eliminates porosity and split ends),
    • CONCEPT Profy touch (does not contain ammonia, but provides a stable color).

    If you decide to change the shade with the help of lighter means, consider these options:

    • dyeing mask Kemon Kroma-Life,
    • Schwarzkopf Professional Igora Expert Mousse tinting foam,
    • Tinted shampoo Kapous.

    On sale there is a budget tool that is also suitable for changing the shade of curls - “Tonic” from Rocolor. Do not forget about the natural dyes that are suitable for dyeing at home. These include:

    Colorless toning

    If you want to leave the natural color of the strands, you can use a colorless tonic to give your hair an attractive shine and beauty. For this, Estel colorless corrector or Ollin Professional colorless paint will work. The procedure is performed as follows:

    • Wash your hair and dry the curls with a towel.
    • Apply a nourishing mask for 20-30 minutes.
    • Wash it off with water.
    • Lightly dry the strands.
    • Prepare the composition according to the instructions.
    • Apply it on hair, separating strands. It is better to use a brush for these purposes.
    • After the time specified in the instructions, wash the hair with water.
    • Apply a balm that will make the natural color of the strands more saturated and deep.

    What is toning?

    Toning is called hair coloring with various tint agents (mousses, shampoos, sprays, foams, toners, and balms) that do not harm their health and structure.

    Dyes for toning are of three main types:

    1. Intense - contain a small amount of oxidizing agent, keep up to 1 to 1.5 months.
    2. Medium intensity - provide a result no more than 2 weeks.
    3. Light (scum, mousse, sprays, shampoos) - washed off very quickly, literally in 3 washes.

    This procedure has many important advantages:

    • Gentle effect. First, the coloring matter does not penetrate into the middle, but envelops the core. Secondly, there are no harmful substances in toning agents (ammonia and hydrogen peroxide),
    • Caring effect. The composition of the tint cosmetics often includes vitamins, mineral oils and other useful components that strengthen the hair, as well as prevent their fading and drying,
    • The procedure is available both at the salon and at home.

    • Wide color palette - you can experience almost any tone. The procedure is suitable for blondes and brunettes, red and brown-haired,
    • The dye is washed off gradually, so the difference between dyed and unpainted strands will be completely invisible,
    • If you don’t like the result, don’t worry - the shade will go away with each hair wash,

    • This is the best way to freshen up the color of your hair (painted or natural).
    • In the process of staining you can apply one or more tones. No less relevant, and toning bleached hair - it will make you incredibly beautiful.

    To better assess the merits of the procedure, see the photo before and after.

    As for the shortcomings, they will not be so much. Toning agents:

    • do not paint over gray hair 100%,
    • Do not change the image drastically. The original tone can be changed only by 2-3 shades,
    • require regular repetitions due to the rapid flushing of paint.

    In the next video you will learn about tinting hair tinting tools:

    The best brands for toning strands

    What kind of toning paint will provide the result? Which tool is better to choose? This will certainly help you a brief overview of the brands.

    In the line of this balm, up to 40 different shades are presented - from natural and natural to bold and unusual (pink, blue, purple, etc.). Tonic "ROCOLOR" is produced in convenient containers with tightly screwed cap. It has a pleasant smell and does not contain ammonia. In addition, it contains a lot of vitamins and white flax extract, which moisturize and nourish the hair. Hair after dyeing gets a strong shine, which is clearly visible in the sun.

    Important! To maintain bright colors, you should either regularly repeat the toning procedure, or mix shampoo with balsam with each shampoo. If you don’t like the result, use a tool called ReTonika.

    "Belita-Vitex Color Lux"

    The Color Lux balsam collection includes two dozen different tint preparations:

    • 14 - for natural strands,
    • 3 - for bleached hair,
    • 3 - for gray hair.

    In their composition, you will find natural olive and shea butter, which makes hair soft and shiny. There are no aggressive components in such balms. The color is washed off after 5-6 shampooing.

    "Estel Sense De Luxe"

    The semi-permanent Estel Sense De Luxe paint does not contain ammonia - this allows it to gently influence the strands as well as the scalp. Among the ingredients you can see a number of nutritional components. This tool has no unpleasant smell typical for paints, it is easily applied on strands and completely coincides with the picture on the package.

    Tint means of this brand is very often used in beauty salons. They do not have a drop of ammonia and other aggressive agents, but the mass of ceramides and moisturizing substances that cover the hair with a special glaze. The Matrix line offers 75 different colors for every taste.

    Another semi-permanent dye, the palette of which has 32 shades. The coloring structure envelops each hair and makes it shiny and elastic. Paul Mitchell toners can hide gray strands if there are not too many of them. They also protect against harmful UV rays.

    Kemon Kroma-Life foams and shampoos are designed for different types of strands. They contain firming and moisturizing ingredients that are beneficial to the health of hair.

    This is a series of tinted shampoos and balms with a large dose of vitamins. Thanks to them, even burn-through hair will be able to restore its former structure.

    Easy tinting with a lamination effect. Holds up to 2 weeks.

    Hair Color Products

    This collection includes tinted shampoos and mousses that can be applied after highlighting of any kind.

    "Kydra sweet color"

    The only toner that can be combined with other similar means.

    "Igora Expert Mousse" from "Schwarzkopf"

    Mousse is available in bottles of 100 grams and has about 20 shades. It will help maintain the color of dyed hair and the brightness of natural strands. Having a foamy texture, the tool is easy to apply and does not flow at all. Depending on the desired result, it can be held from 5 to 20 minutes. The pigment will begin to wash out after 8 washes.

    This gentle toning shampoo not only colors the hair, but also protects it. The "wine" is a rich composition - pomegranate seed oil, coconut, grape seed, cocoa, raspberry seed and hazelnut. But the main advantage of "Irida" is the absence of yellowness on bleached hair. The manufacturer promises that the effect will hold up to 15 washings. In case of accidental contact with the skin, the product is washed off very easily.

    How to make at home?

    Make toning strands can each of you. It is enough to use this step-by-step instruction:

    • Step 1. Carefully read the instructions for the tint tool and make a test for portability of components. To do this, apply a small dose of the composition on the inner fold of the elbow or wrist and wait 15 minutes. If the code does not appear reddening or other unpleasant reactions, safely go to the head of hair.
    • Step 2. Lubricate the area along the hairline with a very heavy cream or even petroleum jelly. This will not allow the means to be absorbed into the face and neck. Hands better protect rubber gloves.
    • Step 3. Carefully comb and with a sharp tip of the comb divide them into zones.
    • Step 4. Using a special brush, grease the entire length from partings to the tips.
    • Step 5. Having processed the whole head with tinting agent, once again comb the strands and gently massage the skin with your hands.
    • Step 6. Wait for the time specified in the instructions.
    • Step 7. Wash off the dye with plenty of warm water. No need to apply shampoo!
    • Step 8. To fix the effect, apply the product twice. The second time - as a balm for 5-10 minutes.
    • Step 9. Rinse the strands again and dry naturally.

    Choosing a tint tool, be sure to consider your original hair color.

    For example, only similar colors are ideal for dark strands (two or darker / brighter in tone-two), since the light pigments on them simply will not take. Choose chocolate, purple, burgundy, red or chestnut. But for light and blond hair, you can safely use absolutely any tone!

    And one more thing: be sure to check the expiration date of the coloring agent, otherwise you will not just waste your money, but also get a severe allergic reaction.

    How to care for tinted hair?

    The gentle action of the tint does not negate the proper care of the hair, especially if you carry out this procedure on a regular basis.

    • Use shampoos and conditioners for colored hair,
    • To keep the curls from drying out, discard the daily washing of the head. Otherwise, you will wash off the protective layer produced by the skin, which protects the strands from the external environment,
    • After the procedure itself, do not wash your hair for three days,
    • Do not combine toning with chemical wave. There must be at least 2 months between them.
    • If you use indelible foams or sprays, apply them before creating the styling and be sure to fix the hair with lacquer,
    • If the strands were dyed with basma or henna, stop at the soft means - intense balms can give a terrible color. Better yet, take a break for a few months
    • If there are paint stains on your face, wipe them off with any liquid containing alcohol,
    • From under the nail paint can be easily removed with acetone,
    • For everyday wear, choose close shades. For the party fit very bright colors.

    See also: How to use the tint for hair?

    Tinting and coloring: what's the difference?

    What is the essence of this procedure? What tinted hair is different from dyed? Very often, hair tinting is recommended to a woman so that she can determine the shade of hair that suits her best. The fact is that, unlike staining, the effect of the procedure is not as stable (lasts up to two months).

    For the preparation of tint preparations, sparing components are used, ammonia is not used, and hydrogen peroxide is present in trace amounts. Toning hair products contain more natural ingredients: vitamins, oils, essences of useful plants. When tinting, the structure of the hair itself remains solid: unlike the paint, the tool does not penetrate, but only envelops the hair - therefore, over time, it is washed away from its surface.


    However, it should be said about the disadvantages of tint. In the first place - it is the fragility of painting. You will enjoy beautiful color at the best 2 months: the tinting paint is washed away at any contact with water. This implies the following disadvantage. Although tint products are inexpensive, they have to be used quite often in order not to lose their favorite color.

    Also, the disadvantages of toning, perhaps, are the inability of such tools to drastically change you. That is, with their help, it is impossible to get rid of shoals of gray hair, or to gain a completely new hair color. If you need to change it for 3-4 tones, it is hardly worth resorting to tinted shampoos or mousses.

    Types of hair tinting

    What are the means to give your hair beautiful tones? To begin with it should be said about natural. First of all, henna belongs to them - the powder of a tropical bush of lawsonia, which possesses not only tint qualities, but also the ability to strengthen hair, make it strong, smooth and thick. This tool refers to the so-called biologics. It should be said that henna gives a rather lasting effect: you can safely count on a month of beautiful reddish reflux.

    If you want the shade to hold on for a long time, more than a month, then you should take a closer look at the resistant means. These include, for example, Londa professional.

    The result for 2-3 weeks guarantees more benign means, they contain no harmful ammonia at all, and hydrogen peroxide is added in the smallest doses. You will get a shade for an even shorter time, which will come down after three “heads”, using special shampoos and mousses. Their clear advantage in ease of use: it is no different from the usual shampooing or applying styling products.

    Funds Review

    We list the most popular manufacturers of tinting products. As mentioned above, many women use tinting paint Londa professional. And good reviews about it can be heard from professional hairdressers. The absence of ammonia does not in the least interfere with the means to give a stable result (up to 2 months), on average, a good color will last a month. In addition, this tinting paint has a pleasant smell, when applied, it does not cause discomfort with its caustic amber. It is quite simple to use it: apply the product on dry hair, wait 20 minutes, then rinse.

    Let's call another manufacturer in the market tint. Estelle hair tinting can be of two types: intense and gentle. The first includes paints without ammonia, for example, Essex. The manufacturer offers a large number of colors, so any woman can choose the one that suits her best. Estelle has a line of tinting shampoos. Customers can choose any color from 18 different shades. The advantages of the product are the absence of hydrogen peroxide in the composition, as well as an excellent conditioning effect that ingredients such as mango extract have. An additional advantage in favor of such a shampoo - SF-filter that protects the hair from sun exposure.

    As for domestic manufacturers, it is worth noting tonic balm Tonic. The shades are offered from calm to ultramodern. Color will hold a month. In addition, the manufacturer has thought up and possible embarrassing situations: for example, you did not achieve the effect you expected. In this case, will help a special tool for washing Retonika.

    House tinting: simple rules

    Hair tinting is a procedure that can be done at home. The main thing is to follow the basic rules. Consider them.

    1. The tool must be of high quality. Do not trust questionable manufacturers. Carefully select the tool based on the result that you plan to achieve. Do not forget that although toning is a gentle process, an allergic reaction may occur even on the components of these drugs, so be sure to perform a test: apply the product to a small area of ​​skin. In case of redness, itching or burning, do not use the drug.
    2. Follow the instructions carefully. Pay particular attention, firstly, to the fact that some products are applied to dry hair, and some to wet and even washed ones. Secondly, take seriously the time indicated on the jar or box, just follow it.
    3. Prepare a place: cover the table with oilcloth, put on dark clothes, the barber cape will not be too much. Also in the arsenal should be a brush, a wide jar for the tool and a comb with rare teeth.
    4. Latex gloves are required. After all, you have to distribute the product with your hands over the entire length of the hair. Remember that tinting hair at home is an easy and inexpensive procedure.

    What you need to know?

    To tint the hair did not present unpleasant surprises, it is necessary to take into account some of the nuances. If you lose sight of them, the result can be very deplorable. The first concerns the use of henna. Although it is a natural component, it requires special attention. It is strictly not recommended to apply shade by industrial means over henna. You must wait until it is completely washed off, otherwise the effect will be deplorable: the hair will sparkle with a green palette.

    Do not tint bleached hair, the same rule applies to bleached strands. Of course, sometimes the result of these procedures is not particularly impressive and I want to remove the contrast a bit, to make the transitions more calm. Toning can help with this, but not only at home, but under the control of an experienced hairdresser. The master will take into account all the nuances and achieve the desired result.

    Care should be taken to the toning of gray hair. The procedure does not please high-quality paint, in addition, it only emphasizes unnecessary silver color. This does not apply to ultramodern means. For example, Estelle manufacturers have invented tinting tools that completely cope with gray hair: they all belong to the line called “Palette”.

    We select the color

    How to choose the necessary shade to emphasize the beauty of the curl? Let's analyze how the hair tint looks on natural pigment strands. So, a special deep color brunettes will present copper or chestnut shades. In this case, the main color will play in a new way, and even the hair will visually acquire additional volume. Dark-haired girls, of course, goes incomplete toning, and selective: a few strands that are different from the main shade, add a play of color, make her hair expressive.

    Most in the choice of color lucky owners of blond hair. Blondes can try on any shade, it will always go well and smoothly. It is, of course, about the light hair from nature. Lightened strands can be tinted only after consulting with professionals. Blond-haired women are not far behind and blond-haired women, they can also play with a palette: from light to dark gamma. They are particularly suited reddish and red hues.


    How to tint hair at home? When everything you need is prepared, an allergy test is carried out, you need to apply a greasy cream around the perimeter of hair growth - this will protect the skin from staining. Then follow the instructions:

    1. Evenly distribute the product on the strands, pay special attention to the roots (do not forget to use latex gloves).
    2. Take a comb with sparse teeth and comb your hair well, removing excess tonic.
    3. Note the time and wait for the required number of minutes. Do not overdo it on the hair.
    4. Wash off the tonic with warm water without using shampoo.

    Care after the procedure

    Finally, the desired result is achieved, you like it. How to save the effect longer? First, you need to use shampoos and conditioners for dyed hair: they take care of the color, easily clean the hair without washing off the shade.

    Secondly, in order to preserve the effect of well-groomed hair, it is necessary to feed them with all kinds of moisturizing mousses, balms and sprays. Pay special attention to the composition of care products: castor and burdock oils are unacceptable. Their healing effect is obvious, however, the ability to restore the natural shade works with it.

    Gentle toning

    The composition of this tool, as a rule, includes vitamins and other components that care for hair. In addition to a beautiful shade that will ensure gentle toning, your strands will be strengthened, healthier and will look just great. At the same time, the new color will last from 2 weeks to a month, after which the procedure is recommended to be repeated.

    Intensive toning

    Speaking about intensive toning of curls, I would like to note that a special dye is used for this dyeing procedure. But unlike resistant paint, it does not contain ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. Consequently - does not destroy or harm the structure of the hair and has a pleasant aroma.

    Important to remember! If after the standard dyeing of the strands with dyes you need to provide your hair with intensive restorative care, then after the tinting process this will not be necessary.

    How to tint bleached hair at home? There is nothing difficult - as well as natural.

    Some useful information

    • Toning curls and dark, including can be combined with the highlighting procedure. The color of the curls at the same time "will play" differently, and a fashionable and stylish image you are guaranteed. To carry out this procedure, you just need to take a few strands and paint them in shades similar to the main color.
    • Tinting the strands after highlighting will make the coloring more interesting and create beautiful highlights on the curls. After highlighting, you can use a tinting agent in order to give the strands the desired shade. Moreover, this procedure is easy to do at home. And how to make hair tinting at home - we will discuss further.

    Gentle method

    This type of tinting strands is carried out in the same way as regular dyeing. To do this, you need to purchase a paint for tinting curls, prepare it in accordance with the instructions and apply the finished composition to dry clean hair, spreading the entire length of the strands using a brush for dyeing. Do not forget to wear gloves!

    The instructions also indicate the necessary time that must be maintained for the paint to curl, after which the paint must be washed off with plenty of running water using shampoo.

    A little refresh the shade of your curls, and the hair will sparkle with new colors.

    Tip! Do not shorten or exceed the staining time, otherwise the result may be unpredictable.

    Toning with mousse, shampoo or foam

    If you prefer shampoo to change the hair color, then you can give the desired shade to the strands in a few steps.

    1. First, you need to wash your hair in the usual way.
    2. The second step is to leave the remedy on the curls for five ten minutes.

    In the end, you get a light natural shade of hair. The color will be washed off gradually, therefore you can not worry about it because of the grown roots - the difference will not be visible at all.

    Toning with mousse or foam will allow you to give your curls the desired tone that will last on your hair until the next wash. Basically, this method is often used by young girls, before carpeting or a New Year's party.

    We apply a small amount of foam or mousse on the whole head or on separate strands using a comb and voila a new image is ready!

    The main thing is not to overdo it with color, remember “we need measure in everything”.

    How to avoid failures

    If you want to try the procedure of toning to do it yourself, then it is useful for you to know some nuances:

    • Toning agents will not stain curls that were previously stained with henna,
    • Owners of gray strands should also be careful in the application of tinting paints - most often it does not paint over gray hair,
    • The tool lays down evenly on healthy and well-groomed hair, so if you have strands of weakened hair, it is recommended to improve them,
    • Toning agent can cause allergies, so do the appropriate test before use.


    Change, and certainly for the better!

    These are simple recommendations and tips that will help you at home to dye your hair in the desired shade, without harming your hair.
    A video in this article will help to look at this problem more closely.

    What is the difference between toning and coloring?

    Tinting is a mechanical effect of paint, not chemical. The process involves the artificial application of pigment to the curls in order to get the desired shade. In contrast to the present full process of dyeing, the mixture for tinting is valid for a short period of time, since it covers only the top layer of hair. As a result, the curls are colored.

    The shading mixture does not contain ammonia, the percentage of oxidizing agent is very small. Tinting components are designed to perform such a task: so that the chemical element penetrates into the middle of the hair and is fixed inside. This is the difference between the mixture for tinting and paint: to obtain the desired shade, an oxidizing agent is used, the coloring pigment of which does not stay on the curls for long.

    Another "plus" toning - due to the composition, moisturizes the curls. If we talk about discoloration, this process makes the strands dry and "lifeless." When using paint for toning, the hair is not injured, remaining "alive".

    Bleaching does not tend to add its coloring color to the hair. It only eliminates the natural color. On strands that have been discolored, shading will last longer, as it will fill the empty spaces in the hair structure.

    Experts do not recommend to use hair dyes very often.The argument is this: after frequent use, fragility, brittleness, and dryness of the hair are observed. They become hard to the touch, and look unnatural.

    How often can be tinted

    Experts recommend toning his hair every 14 days. Somewhere in these periods, the tint mixture may already be washed off. A girl can, without harming her hair, maintain the tone she needs, and look perfect.

    It is also characteristic of toning to “mask” the difference between the part that was clarified and the one where darker roots grew. It makes the transition between this border inconspicuous, and very soft.

    Means for tinting hair at home

    Now in the shops there is a large assortment of various means, with the help of which you can easily do it yourself at home, perform toning curls. Famous brands offer to use products, offering ladies to purchase: shampoos and balms, sprays and mousses, tonics. Appeared at the point of sale of cosmetics, even cosmetic pencils.

    In recent years, an increasing number of girls and women have preferred the series of tonic balms "Tonic". It includes more than 20 different shades. Among them is blue, crimson. As a rule, means for toning in the process of dyeing, care and protect the hair.

    For example, shampoos brand Rocolor, with a laminating effect. Natural henna has healing properties and a reasonable price. This tool for many years used as a tint for hair. With its help, the owners of brown hair can make curls more shiny.

    Now there are a lot of shops selling “colored” henna of various shades. With its help, you can become the owner of bright hair, and change the style radically.

    At home, a bright shade can be achieved in this way: make a mask of henna and kefir. Toning effect will be provided.

    For girls, whose image is bright and extraordinary, color mascara IsaDora Hair Mascara is an excellent option. Using it, individual strands are isolated to produce an effect on young people in the club, or in a disco. This paint is washed off after the first washing of the head.

    If we consider the tint shampoos, a good result can be achieved using dark-colored hair dye brand Salerm, Kapus and Kutrin. In these series, unfortunately, there are a small number of shades, so the choice is small.

    The famous brand "Londa" presented several options for tint products.

    Mark Schwarzkopf pleased fashionistas with tinting mousse Igora. This is a high quality product. For a few stains enough of a cylinder.

    How to tint. Toning technology at home

    When a girl wants to change the image, it is better to use the services of a beauty salon professional. In case you want to perform tinting at home, you should follow the basic rules of rendering:

    • In order not to negatively affect the forehead region bordering hair growth, it is necessary to protect it with a fat cream.
    • Should think about protecting hands. Tinting should be done with gloves.
    • Before the process begins, a test is sure to be carried out: how sensitive the skin is to paint.
    • Be sure to read the instructions that came with the toner.
    • Cover your shoulders with a cloth (a towel or an old sheet will do)
    • Apply tinting agent to dirty dry hair.
    • If a product has been spilled on the skin, immediately remove it with a cotton pad dipped in alcohol solution.
    • After the time required for dyeing, rinse the hair with warm water.
    • After the protective cream is washed off, a balm is applied.

    Watch the video: step by step instructions - how to tint the hair at home

    Toning dark hair

    Girls with dark hair to tone should be taken very seriously. Incorrectly chosen shade will not give the desired effect. It can even spoil the look of the whole head.

    Dark-haired girl can choose a chestnut or copper shade. They are well refreshed main color, give pomp and more volume to the hair. An interesting option: paint in one of these colors 3-4 strands.

    Toning blond hair

    Those girls, whom nature has rewarded with light brown hair, are easier to experiment with their color of hair, without resorting to a strong discoloration.

    For example, tint hair of a dark-blond shade when previously they were brightened by 2-3 tones. When the strands are discolored, they simply give the desired color. If you want to become the owner of saturated dark feathers, then there is no need to bleach the strands. Dark shades of brown hair perfectly "cling"!

    How is the process of toning blond hair:

    • First you need to make sure that the paint does not get on the skin of the hands. To do this, wear gloves. They usually come packaged.
    • Wash the head, then lightly dry it.
    • The scalp is smeared with a fat cream.
    • If you want the blond strands to become a light shade, they are discolored by 2 or 3 tones. If you want the color to become dark, brown hair does not fade before tinting.
    • Paint with a tint effect is prepared, as stated in the instructions. The paint is applied to wet hair. Usually, a special brush is used to apply the product. Someone is using fingers. The tool is placed in the palm, then, using a comb with rare teeth, is distributed throughout the head. Iron comb is not recommended. It should be made of wood or plastic.
    • After the time specified in the instructions came out, it is necessary to apply a tinted shampoo on the head, and leave for a few minutes.

    How to tint blond hair

    In order for blond hair to acquire an attractive, fashionable shade, it is not necessary to harm it using hydrogen peroxide or "burning" dyes. If you choose the means for toning, the curls will shine, become strong and voluminous. A girl to know: is she the owner of a “cold” or “warm” shade of hair?

    It is important to choose the right color.
    Blondes with red, gold, honey curls of warm shades should choose the means for tinting the “golden” tones: caramel, “sun”, “honey”. With these colors the face will look younger and more attractive.

    When applying light shades when tinting, it is possible that the effect of burned curls may be obtained. It looks perfect on those girls who have hair below the waist.

    Women who have a smoky hair tone or “ash” color can make their curls brighter using tinting agents with the effect of:

    Blond beauties, with dark hair color, and those with blond hair, can consider toning as a means to experiment with the image, turning into a “red-haired beast” for a while. A large number of red and beautiful red tones are presented in a series of tint paints.

    Owners of bleached hair

    When highlighting is performed, only individual strands are subject to coloring, and not the entire head of hair. It so happens that after highlighting a girl is distressed by the effect of this procedure, since the curls that were painted have a lifeless, painful look. This creates a contrast with natural strands.

    In this case, the “magic wand”, which is able to correct the defects, will be the toning of the hair after highlighting. It can create a soft transition between natural and melirovannyh curls. Toning can also help in those cases if after highlighting the hair became brittle and fragile.

    Secrets of tinting red curls

    Young ladies who are owners of red hair, should be approached with the use of tinting tools. With this hair color, only red variants of tones should be considered. Good colors:

    Attempts to turn into a blonde or black-haired girl will be in vain. Tinting on “fiery” curls may not create the effect that is expected. The disappointment inevitably awaits the girl after toning.
    This is not a reason to be upset! Few passers-by will notice the girl’s “fiery head”. Especially if she has tanned skin!

    Red-haired women themselves are bright, extravagant natures. Red hair, tinted, looks just stunning!

    In order to give a hairstyle additional volume. You can use a special technique: make tinted red strands in 4-5 shades.

    Red-haired beauties very often make a mistake, first coloring the curls with henna, then with a chemical preparation. The method of tinting should be selected only one. This is either the use of henna or a chemical tonic. The use of 2 of these tools at the same time will give shade, which may disappoint the girl. Also, to all this, and the structure of the hair is broken.

    Toning gray hair

    When such a situation, tint mixture should be applied twice:

    • The first thing they do is put tonic on strands of gray. Wait about 20 minutes. Wash off.
    • After that, the tonic is applied to the whole head for 30 minutes (can be for 15-20 minutes). The time depends on the shade that is planned to be obtained as a result of toning.
    • When washing the head will be done next time, applying 1 time
      tonic will be enough

    If you follow these rules, toning curls at home, you can achieve the desired shade and avoid "surprises" (not always pleasant).

    How much tinting agent keeps

    Hue can retain its rich color, usually from 14 to 21 days. You can increase this period, if you follow the simple rules:

    1. Yes, of course, tinting agents do not act so strongly on the hair. The composition of these funds, still includes chemicals, albeit in small dosages. That is why it is necessary, after toning, be sure to use shampoo, and not just wash the tool with water. After that, hair is smeared with balsam for a few minutes. Cosmetics used (tinting paint, balm, shampoo) is better to buy the same brand.
    2. A blonde-haired girl should buy a toning shampoo for her hair shade, and a dark-haired one should buy shampoo for dark hair care.
    3. If you constantly, once a week, “feed” your hair with a mask, brittle and dull strands will once again delight their hostess with sheen and a healthy appearance.
    4. No need to use hot water when washing your hair! The best option is warm water, preferably boiled.
    5. It is useful for blondes to wash their hair with chamomile extract.
    6. Do not dyed hair subjected to frequent exposure to a hairdryer. The hot air stream dries out the lifeless strands.
    7. Mousses, foams, varnishes - all this should be applied as rarely as possible. These cosmetics can cause the tone to change.
    8. Curls are harmed by direct sunlight. This is primarily true for those who have dark toned hair. In the sun, the color will quickly burn out, and the hair will look dull, lifeless.

    What can wash tint

    What means of preference would be given if, after performing tinting, it turned out that the tone did not turn out to be desirable, or the dye did not fit all the hair evenly?

    For restoration of a shade of hair, 4-5 multiple washing of a head will not help. Just the tone will not be so saturated. All products, even those with minimal persistent effect, should not be completely washed off for up to 30 days.

    In that case, if the hair was discolored, it is advisable to use professional products designed to wash off the paint. They are produced by the same manufacturers that produce paint. The tool should be applied to unwashed hair, then rinse. The procedure of coloring the curls then will need to be held after 7 days, not earlier.

    If a girl dyed her hair with durable paint, then when toning is washed off with the help of a professional tool, it is possible that the hair will get a lighter tone. Toning, in such a situation, will lose its original shade.

    For such a "surprise" you have to be ready. If you need to wash the result of toning, you can make a mask consisting of kefir and oil. Use: castor, burdock, olive. When the mask is prepared, it should be applied for half an hour on the head. Top to wear a warm hat. An additional positive effect of this procedure will be that the structure of the hair strengthens.

    Apple juice has the same ability. With it, paint over tint. Pre-test for 1 strand, to see the reaction of hair. The combination of paints can lead to undesirable results.

    Girls using toning experimenting with color. After all, it is not immediately possible to pick up that shade of curls that blends harmoniously into the created image. And so, trying different options, you can quickly determine the desired tone. Means for toning help in the care of curls, nourishing them with vitamins, and making them healthy.

    In the composition of paints for toning there are such components that not only adjust the color. In addition, they make the hair more shiny, strong, elastic.

    How to become the owner of a golden hue

    This advice is only suitable for blondes, because on the curls of red, black, chestnut and other colors, the effect will simply not be visible. It is necessary to rinse your head regularly chamomile infusion.

    These are the recommendations that are successfully used for tinting hair at home. When all security measures are observed as it should, the effect can exceed all expectations of the girl.

    Hair tinting before and after photo Hair tinting before and after photo

    How to care for tinted hair

    In order for the hair structure to be preserved, and they look great, it is advisable to adhere to these rules:

    1. Curls should not be subjected to mechanical stress. From the use of a hard comb should be abandoned. It is preferable to use a wooden comb. Then, when combing, the skin of the head will not be damaged. Once the head has been cleaned, wet strands cannot be combed. We need to wait until they dry.
    2. Minimize use of hair dryer nano, i.e., only in extreme cases. Hot air on the curls has a negative effect, weakening them. Very rarely should be used: curling iron, tongs, rectifier.

    3. If you often wash your hair, the protective shell disappears, and the curls are defenseless from the negative influence of the external environment. If you wash your head every day, they will start to get fat very quickly.
    4. Simultaneous tinting and curling can not be done. Between these processes requires an interval of 4-5 months.

    5. It is better to wash your hair after 3 days. Then the hair will not look too dry.
    6. To restore the hair structure, it is advisable to make masks. For example, from kefir. Apply a mask on washed curls, performing massage movements.

    For cooking will require ordinary kefir. It should be distributed on all the curls, cover his head with a hat. After half an hour, you should wash your head. This procedure can be performed 1 time in 7 days. Then, after a while, it will be seen that the hair has become more healthy and attractive.


    Watch the video: How To Color Your Hair At Home. Quick & Effortless (July 2024).