Hair Growth

Human hair structure


Hair grows in each person in 3 main phases, which are called - anagen, catagen and telogen. This is, respectively, the stage of growth, transitional stage, rest and loss, which the hair follicles repeatedly experience throughout the life of a person.

In a healthy person, up to 90% of hair follicles are in the growth phase, 10-14% - rest and 1-2% - loss. The duration of each cycle depends on the part of the body where hair grows. The length of the growth stage for hair on the head is from 3 to 4 years on average, whereas, for example, for eyelashes it is only 4 months. That is why eyelashes can never grow as long as hair. The same applies to the rest of the hair on the rest of the body, in which the growth phase is also much shorter than on the head.

Anagen - growth phase

The hair growth phase is called anagen. The lower part of the hair follicle (hair bulb) is attached to the skin layer (derma) and is connected to the blood vessels through the dermal papilla. The cells, called caratinocytes and melanocytes, divide into the lower part of the hair follicle and become part of the hair. So he is getting longer under the influence of the pressure of new keratinocytes from below.

Hair grows at a rate of about 1 cm per month. The duration of this period for a particular part of the body depends on the signals that the hair follicle receives from the surrounding skin and vessels. The cells that form the hair follicle also receive signals through the fibers in the intercellular substance (matrix), which form the structure of the scalp. Next comes the next stage of the cycle.

  • The growth phase for hair on the head can last from several months to ten years. On average, it lasts 3 years.
  • For eyelashes - about 4-7 months.

Katagen - transitional stage

The hair gradually ceases to grow when the supply of cells necessary for this in the hair follicle is exhausted or it receives a signal from the blood vessels or skin (this mechanism has not been studied completely). The hair bulb in the lower part of the follicle is detached from the blood supply and moves upwards. The hair follicle itself begins to shrink rapidly to stimulate this push. So begins the next phase called theologian.

During this process, hair follicle degeneration occurs. The remaining cells of the follicle create a membrane that surrounds the end of the hair and still firmly holds it. Within a few weeks, the hair follicle approaches the surface of the skin through the extracellular fibers. The dermal papilla is separated from the base of the follicle, but does not move.

  • For hair on the head, the duration of this phase is about 2 to 3 weeks.
  • At eyelashes duration - 3 - 4 weeks.

This phase is sometimes divided into early and late telogen. But it is also possible to meet the division into stages, when the early telogen is referred to the previous stage (catagen), or the later is separated into a separate fourth cycle called exogenous.

Early telogen - resting phase

At this stage, the remnants of the hair follicles are inactive, and the hair may already be lost. The dermal papilla is completely transformed into a dormant state and the nutrition is completely stopped. However, it remains attached to the remains of the hair bulb, and through the fibers in the intercellular mass, the signal transmission is preserved.

  • Telogen for scalp hair can take 2-3 months.
  • For eyelashes, the length of this phase is about 9 months.

Late telogen - precipitation phase

The last phase of telogen is a few weeks. Chemical signals cause a new follicle to appear around the old shrunken. This new hair follicle grows and expands. In this case, the pivot point at the base of the hair is weakened, and it can easily come off the scalp. This process of losing hair is known as falling out.

New keratinocytes begin to form, and the cycle begins again with the first phase, anagen. During this “transitional” stage, the root cells may die, and the hair follicles may lose their ability to create new hair because of this (in people suffering from baldness).

From the roots to the tips

Each hair includes several elements. Its visible part is the rod, which consists of non-living cells filled with keratin. In the thickness of the scalp (at a depth of about 2.5 mm) is that part of the hair, which determines its appearance - the root. It consists of many living cells that continuously divide. This process ensures hair growth. Cell division is impossible without the participation of tissues located near the root. Together they form a hair follicle, from which the nerve ending departs. The structure of the hair on the head is such that damage to this end leads to the complete death of the root without the possibility of its further recovery. The work of the sebaceous glands, located next to the follicles, has a great influence on the beauty of the hair. If they are excessively large, then the scalp becomes oily. Underdevelopment of the sebaceous glands leads to its dryness. Also in the thicker skin next to each hair is a muscle that ensures its recovery.

Hair structure

Good follicles provide fast hair growth and long life expectancy. However, the appearance of the hair is also determined by the state of the rod. The structure of the hair in the section shows that its visible part includes the following layers:

  1. Scaly layer. It determines the shine and smoothness of the hair. The more the layout of the scales will resemble the tiled masonry, the more well-groomed the hairstyle will look.
  2. Cortical layer. It includes various chemical elements that provide nourishment to the hair. The more of them, the more vital energy the hair gets.
  3. Core. This component is studied very little. According to the results of observations, it is present in a healthy hair with a thick root layer, but not in a weakened one.

Hair growth stages

The structure of the hair determines the different phases of its life. They cyclically replace each other and depend on the degree of division of root cells. The life span of a hair can be divided into the following phases.

  1. Anogenic. This phase of active hair growth is achieved by dividing the cells of its root. The rod is pulled out in length and thickens. This stage lasts about 3 years. It contains about 80-90% of all hair on a person’s head.
  2. Catagenic. Atrophy of the hair follicle occurs in this phase. The cells stop dividing, the hair growth slows down and then stops altogether. Its root shrinks and gradually moves closer to the surface of the scalp. The catagenic stage lasts about a month. In this phase, about 2% of all hair on the head is at the same time.
  3. Telogenous. This phase is characterized by a period of rest of the follicle. The hair is practically not fixed in the skin and can fall out at the slightest physical impact. Being in this phase is characteristic of 20-40% of all hair on the head.

The influence of growth phases on the hair

Most of the hair falls out during the period of its telogenic stage. Some, however, persist until the very beginning of the anogenic phase. At the same time they fall out at the moment when the newly emerging hair shaft pushes the old one.

The phases of growth, as well as the structure of the human hair, determine the appearance of the hairstyle. Long curls, for example, the easiest way to grow at a young age. This is due to the fact that each hair has about 25 cycles of life, with each of which it grows less and becomes thinner. In addition, after 30 years, hair growth gradually slows down. Until this age, they grow by about 1.5 cm per month.

Causes of hair problems

There are a number of reasons that can cause slower growth, hair loss, adversely affect their appearance. These include:

  • Diseases of the endocrine system, disruptions in the hormonal background and problems in the field of gynecology.
  • Diseases of the digestive tract, impaired liver and kidney function.
  • Take some medicines.
  • Lack of vitamins and microelements.
  • Heavy physical exertion and stress, after which the hair begins to fall out not immediately, but after 2-3 months.
  • Improper hair care, the negative impact of styling products, paints.
  • Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight on the hair, sudden changes in temperature. Excessive overheating of the scalp or extreme cold also adversely affect the health of the locks.

Thus, beautiful hair is a sign of a healthy and efficient body. Dull and brittle curls are often a reflection of various chronic diseases and pathological conditions that must be addressed first.

Vitamins for a beautiful haircut

Very often, the structure of the human hair and the duration of the anogenic phase change for the worse due to the lack of vitamins and microelements. Hair becomes dry, brittle, devoid of shine. In this case, you should review the diet or try to fill the lack of vitamins with special additives. When choosing them you need to pay attention to the presence of the following components.

  1. Vitamins of group B. Their deficiency in the first place leads to the loss of hair shine and their dryness. And vitamin B3, for example, is responsible for the normal amount of coloring pigment. Its deficiency in the body manifests itself early gray hair.
  2. Vitamin A. Under its influence the damaged structure of the hair is restored, it becomes elastic.
  3. Vitamin C is an excellent hair growth stimulant.
  4. Vitamin E is one of the sources of nutrition for hair follicles. Especially recommended to owners of long hair.
  5. Zinc prevents the formation of excess sebum, normalizes oily skin of the scalp.
  6. Iron and calcium are needed to prevent premature hair loss.
  7. Silicon is involved in the formation of collagen and elastin, due to which the hair becomes elastic.

Hair care

Improving the structure of the hair is possible and subject to some simple rules of care.

  1. Regular washing of hair as it gets dirty.
  2. Compliance with the optimum temperature. You should not wear too warm hats, in which the scalp is constantly sweating. At the same time, being without a headgear at a temperature below 3 degrees for 10 minutes leads to a significant reduction in the anogenic stage of the hair life cycle.
  3. It is necessary to avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, since the structure of the hair on the head changes for the worse. In summer, especially while relaxing on the beach, it is better to wear a Panama.
  4. One of the conditions for the possession of luxurious hair - sparing methods of their styling. Daily curling, blow-drying, dyeing - all this leads to problems with curls.

Qualified help

The structure of the hair is to some extent an indicator of the state of the body as a whole. Therefore, if on condition of a diet that provides the body with the necessary vitamins and trace elements, and proper hair care, they continue to fall out and look lifeless, you should contact a trichologist. You should not try to cope with the problem yourself, because it can be a symptom of a chronic disease. The trichologist will help deal with the causes of pathology and, if necessary, refer you to other doctors for consultation.

How hair grows on the head and what is the phase of hair growth is important for everyone to know.

For hair restoration, our readers successfully use Minoxidil. Seeing the popularity of this tool, we decided to offer it to your attention.
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Hair on a person's body grows throughout life, but it is different for everyone. Someone quickly, "as if by leaps and bounds", and someone has unsuccessfully to grow a braid to the belt for many years. The speed of the process depends on many factors: heredity, health, lifestyle, environment. It even depends on age and gender. Reflecting on how the hair grows on the head, many mistakenly believe that each hair extends continuously until it falls out. Meanwhile, during its entire life cycle strands go through 3 phases of development.

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Selectively quoting the materials of the site, do not forget to mark the source: it is noticed that people who do not do this are beginning to overgrow with animal fur. Full copying of articles is prohibited..

"Hairy question" will not replace your doctortherefore, take my advice and my experience with a fair amount of skepticism: your body is your genetic characteristics and a combination of acquired diseases.

The structure of the hair: external and internal part

Conventionally, each hair can be divided into 2 parts: the stem (trunk) and the root. Kernel - This is the visible part of the hair, protruding above the surface of the skin and growing out of hair follicles. The hair root is located in the skin layer and is surrounded by the root sheath. Together they are called hair follicle.

The hair shaft can be located at different angles relative to the surface in wide limits: from 10 to 90 degrees. Small growth angle (

10-20 degrees) can sometimes create problems creating hair, as it is difficult to put the hair in the opposite, unnatural way for them. Also, with such a small growth angle, hair may grow into the skin, which causes inflammation.

The outer part of the hair has three layers:

  1. The core (the inner part) is composed of non-keratinized cells.
  2. Cortex (cortical layer) is 90% by weight of the hair. Consists of cells elongated. It is here that contains melanin, which is responsible for hair color.
  3. The cuticle (outer layer) is similar in structure to the scales of a cone or tile, where each next part coincides slightly with the previous part.

Other structures also adjoin the hair follicle: sebaceous gland, sweat gland and muscle lifting the hair (thanks to which the expression “hair rose on end” exists). In addition, the hair follicle is well supplied with vessels. In men who are predisposed to baldness, the vascular apparatus of the hair follicle is very sensitive to hormones (androgens): dihydrotestosterone and the enzyme 5-alpha reductase, which converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone. During puberty, when the number of androgens in the blood is increased, the follicle vessels spasm firmly, the hair follicle is broken, and, as a result, baldness occurs (even Hippocrates said that eunuchs are not balding). It is important to note that only certain areas of the head have such increased sensitivity to androgens, but not all hairs on the human body.

The hair follicle is a receptacle for the hair root, which is also called the bulb. Bulb - This is a small thickening and consists of cells that are intensively dividing to form hair. The bulb has an unusual immune status, the violation of which, presumably, is one of the causes of alopecia alopecia.

In the lower part adjacent to the bulb hair papillawhich contains blood vessels. The papilla is a very important part of the follicle, as it controls the condition and growth of the hair. If the papilla dies, the hair also dies. However, if for some reason the hair dies (for example, it is torn out by the root) and the papilla remains, then a new hair will grow in its place.

Hair follicle - This is a complex structure that is in constant cyclical development: the stages of anagen, catagen and telogen.

Hair structure

Beautiful, well-groomed hairstyle helps to create a pleasant first impression when meeting. But hair is not only important for its aesthetic function. They protect the body from the harmful effects of the environment, maintain optimal temperature balance. The scalp begins to form in the womb. Then this fluff is devoid of pigments. Coloring substances appear in the structure later, before the appearance of the baby.

By the way. Folk omen states: heartburn during pregnancy is a sign of having a baby with thick, abundant hair. Scientists refute speculation, explaining: the number, color and structure of hair laid at the genetic level.

Further, the first soft curls are replaced by more rigid. Each adult, healthy, strong hair has approximately the same chemical composition:

  • 78% protein
  • 15% - water,
  • 6% - lipids,
  • 1% - pigment.

Problems with strands disturb the optimal balance. Healthy, shiny hair is often called "alive." However, here lies a paradox: just the outer part (core), the condition of which men and women so carefully monitor, consists of dead cells. Live - the one that is hidden under the skin and is responsible for the structure, the rate of growth of curls. It is called onion or root.

The hair shaft is formed from three layers:

  1. Cuticle - the outer part. Protects strands from external damage, gives smoothness, shine. It is a scale (plate), directed from the roots to the tips. Each cell contains fatty acid. Due to this, in the normal state, the scales fit snugly together and also become waterproof. The acid is not washed out, but is subject to chemical attack, because of which the plates are separated, forming voids.
  2. Cortex, aka cortical layer - the middle, the most basic part. Responsible for the elasticity of the curls, strength, color. Due to the peculiarities of the structure of the cortex, the strands are straight or curly (this is laid genetically). Deficiency of the layer provokes fragility.
  3. The medulla, or medulla, is the center of the hair shaft. Strength and volume of hairs depend on the degree of development. For this reason, it is difficult to grow fluffy hair if there is no hereditary predisposition.

An interesting fact: on the human head there are about 100-150 thousand hairs. Natural blondes and blondes can boast the thickest hairs.

The follicle receives nourishment from the circulatory system through the dermal papilla, an important element of the entire structure. If he dies, the entire hair shaft dies.

The shape of the follicle depends on the appearance of curls:

  • from round grow straight,
  • from oval - curly,
  • curly strands come out of the flat hair follicle.

With the functioning of the follicle associated phases of hair growth on the head. These are stages of the life cycle, repeated for each hair from birth to natural loss.

Important for the beauty of hair are sebaceous glands, passing near the follicle. Their incorrect work makes normal hair dry or, on the contrary, oily.

Stages, phases of growth

The cyclical growth of strands is often compared with the development of plants planted in the ground. In the spring, the foundation is laid, the formation of roots. In the summer there comes a time of active growth, possible thanks to proper nutrition. Autumn is a period of slow, gradual extinction. A similar situation with the head of hair.

Scientists distinguish such repetitive stages of hair growth:

  1. Anagen is a growth stage when up to 90% of all scalp hairs are at the same time. The cells in the bulb are actively dividing. Due to this, the hair shaft becomes longer every day, acquiring an angle of inclination from 10 to 90 °. Anagenovo period - the longest, takes from 2 to 5-6 years. It is believed that during this stage the growth of the rod is not subject to correction by means of care.
  2. Katagen - an intermediate period of 2 to 4 weeks. Cell division and growth of the rod stops. Blood no longer flows to the follicle, it is shortened, wrinkled, moves closer to the skin surface. At this stage no more than 1-3% of all hairs are present at the same time.
  3. Telogen - a rest phase that lasts approximately 3 months. The resting time of the hair follicle. An outdated hair may fall out with a slight physical impact. This happens when a new rod begins to be laid instead. There are 2 stages of telogen:
  4. early - cessation of growth
  5. late - fallout. Norm - 50–100 units per day.

After this, everything starts again from the anagen phase, when the new follicle first forms in the same follicle and then grows. The cycle is repeated about 25 times. According to other calculations, from one bag in a person for all his life grows from 20 to 30-40 hair rods, replacing each other.

By the way. From the growth stages depends on the appearance of the entire hairstyle. It is easiest to get a braid below the belt at a young age, because with each new cycle the strands become shorter. After 30 years, their growth rate slows down.

How to grow hair in a newborn

The first hairs form on the head of an unborn baby from about 4–5 months of gestation. After the appearance of the crumbs, the fluff drops out after 1-2 months, new strands grow instead of it. A frequent occurrence among children in the first year of life is rolling out, when hairs form on the head.

Most often - from the back of the head, because most of the time the newborn spends lying on his back. Prevent the process will help regular turning the child on its side, tummy.

If the hair of a newborn grows poorly, parents should:

  • do regular head massage with a soft brush,
  • to bathe the baby with a decoction of the train, chamomile, nettle - provided that there is no allergy,
  • wash your head crumbs not with shampoo, and baby soap,
  • balance the food of a nursing mom or baby who eats the mixture,
  • exclude at medical examination rickets, metabolic disorders.

There is a long tradition of shaving a child bald by his first birthday. It is believed that this contributes to the appearance of a thicker hairline. However, pediatricians, trichologists, hairdressers are unanimous: shaving does not bring the desired effect, because the number of follicles does not increase.

But this procedure helps to remove the first fluff, it is better to comb the crusts from the scalp. Hair then grows more evenly in all areas. Actually, if the child before the year has never been cut.

Girls up to 3 years old should not braid tight pigtails: hairs can appear in the temples. For this reason, many parents prefer babes to have a short haircut. Baby curls require more gentle care than adults. Fully hair cover formed in a child by 11 years.

How to grow hair on the head in men and women

The rate of regrowth depends on various factors: heredity, health, number of years lived and even gender. Scientists have concluded that this process is slower in women. The duration of the "life" of the hair shaft is also different. On men's heads, strands are renewed every 2 years, and in women - in 4–5 years.

Interesting fact: it has been proven that the growth of the hair is the fastest in Asian people. Europeans take the second place by this indicator.

The representatives of the fair sex need to carefully monitor the hormonal background. Pregnancy, the period of feeding, even menstruation, a climax lead to disturbance. As a result, hair growth can slow down.

Also, the process of regrowth worsen:

  • improperly selected cosmetic products for the care of hair,
  • frequent experiments with appearance: coloring, curling.

The strands on the head of men grow at the same rate as a beard. After 40 years, facial vegetation is increasing more actively, but scientists have not yet managed to explain this fact.

Also, men and women should be aware of other reasons for stopping natural growth:

  • poor nutrition, vitamin deficiency (we recommend reading the review of the best vitamin complexes for rapid hair growth),
  • hypothermia or frequent exposure under the sun without a hat,
  • diseases of internal organs
  • long-term use of certain drugs
  • adverse lifestyle: smoking, alcoholism, drugs, frequent sleep deprivation, stressful situations,
  • genetic predisposition.

Attention! If a person is not prone to baldness, each new hair coincides with the previous ones in thickness, length, and other parameters. Balding people may notice that over time the strands become thinner, lighter, grow worse. With each next generation, healthy curls degrade, turning into a colorless fluff. Such a process becomes natural to old age.

When hair grows faster

The hair on the head grows continuously, but at different speeds.

Additionally, this is due to such factors:

  1. Season. In spring, summer, the process goes faster than during the cold season.
  2. Part of the day. In the morning, in the evening the hair shafts are lengthened more actively than at night.
  3. Age. The older the person, the slower the strands grow. Average monthly growth rate:
  4. children - 1.3 centimeters,
  5. in adults - 1.5 centimeters,
  6. in older people - 1.1 centimeters. It is worth remembering: this is approximate data. The speed of regrowth is an individual concept.

The greatest chances to grow the longest spit to grow into are from 14–17 to 30 years old.

If the hair grow back more slowly than you want, reconsider the lifestyle, nutrition. Give up bad habits, adjust the mode of the day. There are many proven ways to influence the growth of hair, using professional tools, folk recipes.

The action of many cosmetics reduces the phase of telogen, awakens dormant roots or provides additional nutrition to the follicles. Using such drugs, do not be lazy to learn about the effectiveness, contraindications from the instructions, reviews, training videos. Beautiful hair is not only a gift given from birth, but also wealth, increased over the years with the help of competent care.

Useful videos

Trichologist about hair growth. Is it fast?

How much hair grows in a day.

  • Straightening
  • Curling
  • Building up
  • Coloring
  • Lightening
  • All for hair growth
  • Compare what's better
  • Botox for hair
  • Screening
  • Lamination

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The use of spray "Generolon" and reviews about it

There are many various means of dealing with such an unpleasant problem as baldness. One of them is “Generolon” ​​spray. And how to use it correctly?

  • Composition
  • Act
  • Indications
  • Contraindications
  • Side effects
  • Effect
  • How to apply?
  • Important rules of application
  • Price and where to buy?
  • Opinions and reviews

The active ingredient of the drug "Generolon" is minoxidil. Also included are some excipients, such as propylene glycol, ethanol (that is, alcohol) and specially prepared water. The share of the active component in the total amount of the agent depends on its concentration. Thus, 2% "Generolon" contains only 20 milligrams of minoxidil per 1 milliliter of the drug, and the content of the active substance in a 5% preparation is 50 milligrams per 1 milliliter.

"Generolon" spray acts directly on the hair follicles. First, Minoxidil significantly improves blood circulation in the zone of influence (that is, in the scalp) and blood supply to the follicles, due to which the latter “awaken” and enter the active phase of hair growth. Secondly, the active component changes the principle of the effect of androgens on the follicles and protects them from this influence. Thirdly, there is an indirect reduction in the formation of 5-alpha reductase - an enzyme that causes the adverse effect of androgens on the bulbs.

As for the absorption of substances of the drug through the skin, it is minimal. Approximately 1-3% of the components enter the systemic circulation (provided there is no damage to the epidermis). But if you consider that a single dose is very small, then we can conclude that the application is safe. In addition, components trapped in the blood rather quickly removed and do not accumulate in the body.

In the fight against baldness should pay attention to the shampoos that you use. Not many people know that 94% of the shampoos that we use daily contain chemical components that are harmful to the hair and scalp. If you see components such as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate, you should refuse this cosmetics.

These substances are the main cause of scalp disease, which subsequently causes baldness. According to the results of tests conducted by our editors, a rating of safe shampoos was published.

The company Mulsan Cosmetic is the only manufacturer who completely abandoned harmful chemical components, replacing them with natural raw materials. We recommend to visit the official online store One of the main signs on which it is possible to distinguish qualitative natural means is the expiration date.

Due to the use of aggressive preservatives in products from the masses. Market shelf life is usually 2-3 years, while the natural shelf life is only 10 months.

The instructions for use contain information that the main indication for using the product is androgenic alopecia. With other types of baldness drug will not be effective.

For hair restoration, our readers successfully use Minoxidil. Seeing the popularity of this tool, we decided to offer it to your attention.
Read more here ...


Since the absorption of substances is minimal, there are not so many contraindications to the use of the drug "Generolon":

  • idiosyncrasy of substances that are part of
  • some diseases of the skin or scalp (for example, dermatosis),
  • damage to the skin,
  • age over 60-65 and under 18,
  • lactation in women
  • pregnancy.

Side effects

Usually, the drug "Generolon" is well tolerated, but some side effects are possible:

  • excessive dryness and peeling of the treated areas of the scalp,
  • burning, itching, discomfort in the application area,
  • redness, swelling,
  • the occurrence of bubbles (occurs infrequently, usually with increased skin sensitivity),
  • seborrhea (formation of scales on the surface of the scalp),
  • unwanted hair growth on the body (for example, on the face),
  • if the agent gets into other parts of the body, allergic manifestations are possible (urticaria, edema),
  • If accidentally swallowed, symptoms such as nausea, shortness of breath, an irregular heartbeat, chest pain, headaches, severe swelling, changes in blood pressure, dizziness, etc. can be observed.

As studies and reviews of the drug "Generolon" show, the effect does not come immediately. Changes will not be observed even after a month of regular and permanent use. The first improvements are usually noticeable only by the end of the third or fourth month, which is associated with the length of the hair growth phase. This is the time it takes the follicles to “wake up” and move into the active phase from the resting phase.

The transition from the resting phase will be accompanied by the release of follicles from weakened old hair, and this is normal, because new hair needs a place to grow. And that is why, in the first few weeks (from 5 to 8-10), increased precipitation may be observed. You should not be afraid, then new, more healthy hair will appear on the spot of the fallen out.

As for the duration of the effect, it usually lasts for 4-6 months. Then the condition may become the same, especially if the root cause of alopecia is not eliminated and other means are not used.

The drug is most effective in the treatment of alopecia in the early stages and in young patients.

How to apply?

It is necessary to apply the drug "Generolon" topically, putting it on the problem areas. Thus, in women, baldness is usually observed in the region of the middle parting, and in men - on the crown and on the frontal part.

The main stages of application:

  1. Apply the composition using a dispenser. First, remove the cap from the bottle and put a measuring pump on the neck, and then fasten the nozzle on it for direct spraying. Now make a few clicks to get the tool in the dispenser.
  2. Start application from the center of each problem area. Rub the composition into the scalp is optional. All you need to make seven clicks on the dispenser.
  3. Wash your hands. Flush the drug is not necessary.

The daily dose should not exceed 2 milliliters, a total of two applications per day are required (that is, a single dose of 1 ml). The course of treatment can last from six months to a year.

Important rules of application

Some important rules:

  • Do not apply the compound to other areas.
  • Avoid contact with mucous membranes.
  • If the use of a 2% solution did not give results after 3-4 months of use, use a 5% remedy.
  • Do not wash your hair after application and avoid getting it wet for four to five hours after application.
  • Apply the product should be on dry and clean scalp.
  • Perform daily procedures (combing, washing the head, styling) in the usual way.
  • Before starting treatment, you need to consult with a specialist, and even better to pass a comprehensive examination.

Opinions and reviews

Feedback from user:

We suggest you to study reviews about the tool "Generolon":

  • “It's not only for women that it is important to look good. When I noticed that the hair falls out, he began to complex. He went to the doctor, he advised "Generolon". The price is certainly quite high, but I really noticed the effect. After six months, the hair began to grow, they became more.
  • “I bought Generolon, I started using it. At first, the hair began to “climb” even more, but after three months the loss slowed down. I am, in principle, satisfied with the effect. I wish the price was more affordable. "

Opinions of doctors about the drug are ambiguous. The effect is indeed observed in most patients, but, as a rule, the cause of alopecia is not eliminated.

Feedback from user:

Use the drug, following the rules and data in the instructions instructions, and you will see the results.

How is the growth of strands?

The formation of our hair begins in the womb. At this stage, only fluff hair on the body of the head is laid and grows. They differ in softness and an insignificant length, in addition, they lack the pigment. Shortly before the baby is born, some of these hairs are replaced with pigmented ones.

In the first years of the infant's life, the fluffy hairs replace the so-called intermediate ones. Later, namely during puberty, they are transformed into more rigid strands, which are called terminal ones. They are much denser and may differ slightly in hue from the previous ones. At this stage, hairs also appear on the body. In the area of ​​the eyebrows, eyelids and nostrils is a special type - bristly hair. Each person on the surface of the head at the same time has all these types.

In general, the growth of the order is due to the division of cells that lie in the deep layers of the dermis and are not visible to our eye. In order to understand this process, it is necessary to learn more about the structure of the hairs.

The structure and growth of hair

Each hair consists of several parts:

  1. The stem is the part that is visible and lies above the surface of the epidermis, it is composed of non-living cellular structures that are filled with keratin,
  2. Root - this component lies at a depth of about 2.5 mm deep in the skin, and it is composed of living cells that are able to develop, continuously share and grow.

It is the bulbs and determine in many respects the condition and appearance of the hair, as well as determine the process of hair growth. However, the division of cellular structures can not occur without the participation of tissues located near the roots. Together, these structures make up a part of the hair, called the follicle or sac. Blood vessels and nerve endings approach it.

Interestingly, the shape of the follicle determines the appearance of the hair:

  • curly curls appear from the oval,
  • straight, smooth locks grow from the round hair follicle,
  • kidney-shaped gives curly hair.

Hair bag is of great importance for the growth and health of curls. If it is damaged, the root will die off, and its further recovery seems impossible. Also near the hair follicle are the sebaceous glands, they also greatly affect the condition and beauty of the hair. With underdeveloped ducts, the skin of the scalp is dry, it is peeling. If the sebaceous glands are enlarged and actively working, then the dermis will be oily, shiny. The secretion produced has antibacterial and protective function for the skin.

Healthy, well-maintained bulbs are able to provide full and fast hair growth, as well as increase their lifespan.

Anagen - growth stage

The whole process of growth of strands begins with the growth phase - anagen. At this point, the hair cells lying in the bulb begin to activate for division. The “signal” for this implementation of this process comes from hormones contained in the blood. During the formation of new cellular structures, the follicle expands in width, the core forms and gradually thickens, the formation of a coloring pigment, melanin, occurs. The pigment quickly penetrates the hair structure and causes its coloring. However, the rod does not cross the border of the epidermis so far, but only approaches its upper layer.

This phase of hair growth is the longest, it can last from 2 to 5 years. True, as a person grows older and older, the stage gradually becomes shorter. At this stage is usually about 80-90% of all curls.

During the anagen period, the hair gradually begins to extend beyond the upper boundary of the epidermis and rises above the surface of the skin. By this time the bulb had already completely formed and acquired its outlines: in some people it is round, in others it is slightly flattened or has the shape of an ellipse. The hair shaft extends an average of 0.5 mm daily during the anagen phase.

Catagen - intermediate stage

This is the shortest stage of the life cycle of strands, the catagen takes only 2-4 weeks. At this point in time, the hair shaft completely extends to the surface and is significantly elongated. The bulb in the sac slightly rises, moving closer to the borders of the epidermis, its cells begin to regress. At the catagen phase, the blood stops supplying the hair follicle, and it gradually shrinks, decreasing in size to 1/6 of the previous state. At the same time, the production of the coloring pigment is stopped.

The cellular structures of hairs and roots that have lost their nourishment stop dividing further, and the growth of curls stops completely. At the catagen stage, there are about 2-3% of all strands.

The phases of hair growth, along with the features of their structure, determine the appearance of the entire head of hair. For example, it is much easier to grow long and beautiful curls at a young age, this is explained by the fact that with each new cycle the hair grows into a shorter length. In addition, after 30 years, the rate of regrowth becomes progressively lower. In total, each human hair passes about 25 cycles.

Telogen - rest stage

This is the last stage in the life cycle of curls. During the telogen phase, the hair sac is at rest. During this period, the hair is held only by the skin, so it is easy to remove it, or it will fall out on its own. This usually happens at a time when a new, emerging and emerging hair begins to push the old one. At this time, the hair follicle re-enters the anagen stage, and the process of nucleation of a new hair begins in it.

The duration of the telogen phase is 3 months. At this stage, about 10% of all curls are at one moment, so we can lose 50-100 hairs each day. Next begins a new growth cycle strands. Thus, on average, from 20 to 40 hairs are born in a follicle over the entire life of a person.

Our strands grow daily and continuously, during the day this process is faster than at night. During the off-season (autumn and spring) the speed also increases. In children, curls grow by about 13 mm per month, in adults a little faster - by 15 mm, this process is most active in the period of 16-25 years, it slows down with age, and the hair growth rate does not exceed 11 mm.

Strand Loss and Growth Cycle

Loosing hair is a completely normal and regular process, so old hairs are gradually replaced by new ones. At the same time, the phases of growth and rest are observed in neighboring follicles at different times, otherwise alopecia would appear on the scalp periodically.

For those people who are not familiar with the problem of a strong loss of strands, each newly growing hair does not differ from the previous one, it has the same thickness and can grow to the same length.

The rate of hair loss - up to 100 pcs. Every day, this is about 1/10 of the hair. If this number is much larger, then there is cause for concern, perhaps in this case we are already talking about a pathological process - loss of curls.

In the early stages of alopecia, there is a weakening, thinning and deterioration of the strands. If at this moment to resort to treatment, then there is every chance to restore the original health to the roots. Otherwise, the curls will become worse and thinner, and their growth will slow down, hair will fall out more often, and bald areas will become noticeable on the head.

Causes of early baldness

  1. Improper and too frequent staining causes the destruction of hair follicles, as chemicals can penetrate deep into the dermis. This situation leads to a premature transition of hairs in the catagen phase.
  2. When a deficiency of vitamins and nutrients occurs, the hair follicles gradually begin to die off, and the cores lose their luster and elasticity.
  3. Diseases of the internal organs and the use of certain drugs lead to a deterioration of the bulbs and strands.
  4. Stressful situations and excessive physical exertion lead to the fact that the hair does not begin to thin immediately, but after 2-3 months.
  5. Inadequate care of the curls, the effect on them of direct sunlight, overheating and hypothermia detrimental effect on the condition of the hair and their bulbs.

Ways to combat baldness

The problem of thinning the hair is observed in cases where the telogen stage in the life cycle of the strands begins to drag on and take longer, or the resting phase affects more than 10% of the scalp. In this case, it becomes noticeable, as the density of curls decreases, and strands are lost more and more often.

  1. At the heart of most of the anti-alopecia development is the idea of ​​reducing the duration of the telogen and stimulating the falling asleep bulbs.
  2. Another group of methods is aimed at restoring the functions and activities of hair follicles.
  3. The effectiveness of cosmetics containing vitamins and other nutrients for restoring hair follicles has also been proven.

Our curls grow constantly throughout life, but the speed is different. This indicator depends on the age, season, environmental conditions and individual characteristics of each person.

The life cycle of the hair is often compared to the process of plant growth during the year: the roots appear and develop in the spring, in the summer active growth begins, by the fall it slows down, the period of regression begins, death occurs. In this regard, you should not be afraid of the fact that the strands leave our head every day, but with a strong loss you need to think and take appropriate measures.


Watch the video: Hair & Hair Follicle Functions (July 2024).