Eyebrows and eyelashes

Perming eyelashes - the pros and cons of the procedure


Eyebrow tattooing, eyelash extensions, eyelash growth products, coloring compositions and many other cosmetic products and procedures are united by one goal: to make your eyes expressive and unforgettable. Let's expand this list by adding a chemical permanent eyelash curler. There is every reason for this. Curling will allow your hair to get the desired curves, which after the procedure, like curly ribbons, frame your beautiful eyes.

Who is suitable for perm?

Permanent eyelash curl is recommended primarily for women and girls with straight eyelashes. It is ideal for those girls who do not like to use decorative cosmetics. A permanent waving of eyelashes serves as a lifesaver for those women who simply cannot use cosmetics, for example, due to allergies, or increased eye sensitivity.

Perhaps you could not attribute yourself to any of these categories, but wish to curl your hairs. And in this case, a perm of eyelashes is shown to you, and specialists in hairdressing will gladly make your dreams come true.

5 arguments "for"

Perming eyelashes has the following advantages:

  1. You can get the desired bend. Permanent curling of eyelashes does not necessarily lead to the fact that the hairs will be curved very much. At your request, the master will make a barely noticeable, medium or strongly pronounced bend,
  2. Chemical perm eyelashes will relieve you from the need to use mechanical forceps, which often injure hairs, cause loss or deterioration of their condition,
  3. Chemical perm eyelashes can improve the effect of capacity. That is why often before building them curl
  4. On curled cilia mascara looks much better, and less effort is needed. You do not need to try to lift hairs from the base, using mascara, which, in turn, often leads to weighting,
  5. The effect of perming lashes is long enough: the bend can last up to 3 months.

Of course, it would be wrong to say that eyelash perm, the feedback on which is mostly positive, is absolutely safe for your hair. In some cases, this procedure leads to the deterioration of their condition and even loss. But such consequences are found only when the rules of leaving after the procedure of perm eyelashes are ignored. If you follow all the recommendations, for example, use oils or vitamins, then the wave will bring you only joy and no distress.

Attention - contraindications!

Perm is not carried out in the following cases:

  • high sensitivity of the eyes, for example, if there have been cases of an allergic reaction to cosmetic products, especially if they have happened repeatedly in the past,
  • eye diseases (you should consult with your doctor, in some cases, the procedure is permissible),
  • idiosyncrasy of the individual components of the chemical compositions to be used.

Be attentive to contraindications. Do not harm yourself, striving for beauty!

Imagine ... or how a perm occurs

Would you like to imagine how the perm is? The question is rather rhetorical. Of course yes. After all, it is worth knowing what will happen to you, or rather to your hairs in the salon. The procedure can be schematically represented as follows:

  1. you are filled with expectations of beauty and expressiveness, come to the salon. On this day, of course, the use of cosmetics should be abandoned,
  2. A specialist studies your eyelashes (especially their length is interested) and selects a suitable roller. The rollers included in the eyelash curler are small, medium and large. The longer your eyelashes, the more you need a roller,
  3. the roller is placed as close as possible to the hairline and so that they stick to it,
  4. then glue is applied to the roller, and the hairs are fixed on it. Thus, the eyelashes can be given the desired shape,
  5. after that, a special chemical composition is applied that has a not too pleasant smell. But these are trifles: the smell is quite tolerable, and the result is worth it,
  6. the composition is left for a certain time. Duration depends on your cilia. Chemical composition can not be on the hairs more than the prescribed period, otherwise the cilia may remain on the roller,
  7. the next step is peeling off. To do this, put another composition that is included in the set for chemical perm eyelashes. It gently dissolves the glue, which allows you to carefully separate the roller from the hairs.

After that, glue may remain on the hairs, but this is fixable: it is very easily washed off.

The perm set also includes a variety of hair care products after, for example, peach oil. Finishing the process, the master will apply a nutrient composition. And then, continuing care, you can independently help your eyelashes, for example, with simple castor oil.

This is how the whole process looks like in words. And yet the greatest visibility will show what constitutes a curling eyelashes, photos posted on our page.

Can you be at home?

Curling eyelashes at home is quite possible, thanks to modern cosmetic products. It is enough to purchase the appropriate set, which is relatively inexpensive and includes all the elements you need. Properly conducted perm at home will allow you to maintain the effect for as much as 2-3 months, as in the case when the procedure is carried out outside the home.

Using the roller from the set, you wind the hairs, then treat them with two compositions: one twists the hairs, and the second fixes it. Complete the process by applying the nutrient mixture.

It should be remembered that the perm, even by the degree of complexity can not be compared, for example, with a tattoo of eyebrows, but requires some knowledge. And because all of the above will be extremely useful to you. Good luck!

Types of eyelash curling

The described manipulation eliminates the need for daily curling hairs with forceps or a brush. Properly executed biochemical curling of eyelashes will ensure the preservation of the bend for a long time, in addition it will visually give them volume and density, will create a puppet look. Some women even stop using mascara and refuse to build up due to the procedure presented.

Perm eyelashes are classified into several types according to the degree and area of ​​hair curling:

  1. Radical. Bending is done only at the base of the eyelashes, which gives them volume.
  2. "On the curl." Curled hair ends. Visually, even short eyelashes appear longer and thicker. This way you can hide the defect omission century.
  3. Combined. Parallel winding and roots and tips. The look becomes open and inviting, doll.

Perm eyelashes - contraindications

Some women will have to permanently abandon the procedure in question, in other cases it is simply postponed to another time. Chemical eyelashes absolutely contraindicated in allergic reactions to any components of the drugs used. Yet it can not be done to owners of too sensitive skin, prone to irritation.

It is recommended to postpone the manipulation in such circumstances:

  • sauna, swimming pool or solarium for 2 days or earlier,
  • premenstrual syndrome and the first days of the monthly cycle,
  • acute eye disease.

Curling eyelashes in the salon

The principle and procedure of the master is almost identical to the procedure of the same name for the hair. Only used other tools and more gentle chemical composition. Eyelash curler does not affect the strength of hairs and the speed of their growth. It does not adversely affect the eyelid skin. The drug even cares for the eyelashes, gives them shine and silkiness.

What is needed for curling eyelashes?

Twisting is carried out with special tools. The standard salon kit for perming eyelashes includes:

  • disposable rollers,
  • forceps,
  • cotton pads,
  • wooden sticks or toothpicks,
  • fine brushes,
  • makeup remover,
  • degreaser,
  • gel for perm eyelashes,
  • retainer,
  • neutralizer
  • soothing moisturizer.

How to do a perm eyelashes?

Manipulation is completely painless and safe if performed correctly. It takes about 40-50 minutes. Permanent curling of eyelashes takes place in several stages:

  1. Make up remover Master removes makeup from the eyes and degreases hair and skin. Wet cotton pads are placed under the lower eyelids to protect the sensitive epidermis.
  2. Perm eyelashes. The hairs are pressed against special rollers. Curlers are selected depending on the initial length and thickness of the eyelashes, the desired effect. Strictly in the direction of growth is applied permanently. If the hairs stick together, the master divides them with a wooden stick. When winding "on the curl" can be used special tongs.
  3. Keeping composition. In accordance with the instructions for permanent means, the eyelashes remain on the rollers for the allotted time.
  4. Fixation. When the wave ends, the chemical composition is washed off, but the rollers remain. A fixer is applied to the hairs, fixing the resulting bend.
  5. Neutralization. At the end of the manipulation, the curlers are removed, the remnants of chemicals are washed away with a special cleaning solution.
  6. Prevention of irritation. A moisturizer is applied to the eyelid skin.

How to curl eyelashes for a long time at home?

Most working women value their free time, so they do not want to spend it on daily curling hairs in the morning. Having mastered the technique of how to do a chemical perm eyelashes at home, you can save not only precious minutes, but also money. The procedure of permanent twisting is simple and fast, it is not necessary to do it in the cabin.

Perming eyelashes at home

For the independent implementation of the manipulation will require the same tools and preparations as in the case of recourse to the master. The procedure is similar. A set of eyelashes and necessary accessories can be purchased at a specialized cosmetic store. Performing the procedure for the first time, it is desirable to enlist the help of a friend. Twisting is best done in turn on each eye to control the process and prevent the permanent from getting on the mucous membranes.

Perm eyelashes - the pros and cons

In addition to obvious advantages, any cosmetic manipulations have significant drawbacks. The main advantage of the considered procedure is how long the eyelash perm is held.

The bend will delight throughout the entire period of natural hair changes, about 2-3 months. Other advantages:

  • shine and silky eyelashes,
  • there is no need for daily curling,
  • you can not use mascara
  • some defects are corrected (hanging eyelid, ptosis, asymmetry),
  • visually the hairs appear longer and thicker.

The disadvantages are mainly due to the nuances of the subsequent care and some side effects of the composition:

  • perm of any eyelashes noticeably brightens them,
  • Every day, for 2 hours, you will have to apply vegetable oil (almond, castor, burdock) to the hairs,
  • after 2-3 months, a correction is required,
  • unprofessionally performed perm threatens with complications.

Benefits perm eyelashes

Perm using chemical preparatora gives the beautiful half a lot of advantages. There is a unique opportunity to acquire the desired bend. Bending can be of varying degrees: strongly pronounced or, conversely, easy. There is no need to resort to the help of mechanical forceps. Mechanical forceps are known to injure the eyelashes, and sometimes lead to loss. Especially the procedure of waving with the help of chemicals is relevant before building up, as it allows to get a more effective result. The natural and attractive bend is maintained for a long time. No need to use mascara, as the eyelashes look luxurious. You can get the desired result after curling, even if you work with short and straight eyelashes.

Basic precautions when curling eyelashes

  • Before you perform a perm, it is necessary to test for sensitivity to the effects of various chemicals in approximately 24 hours. This will help avoid undesirable consequences.
  • It is important to remember that if the drug gets on the mucous membrane of the eye, it is necessary to rinse it under running water.
  • It is necessary to use only high-quality and proven drugs. If the shelf life has expired, then you need to throw it away.
  • If during the procedure there is a burning sensation and redness, then all actions should be stopped by contacting a doctor.

What tools will be needed for perm?

If the precautions are learned, then you can safely proceed to the selection of tools. In order to self-perm it is necessary to purchase pre-disposable rollers, rollers, vaseline, cotton swabs and discs, retainer. In addition, it is important to have tools such as a special wooden stick, glue, a chemical preparation that is necessary for fastening eyelashes and a neutralizer. It is important to know that it is necessary to buy rollers, depending on the initial length of the eyelashes and the desired result. If you want to have eyelashes in the form of an elegant smooth curl, then preference should be given to thickened rollers. If you have short eyelashes, then thin curlers are a great choice.

Chemical compositions must be selected, enriched with vitamin complexes. Before use, it is useful to read the composition. It must be gentle so that the cilia are not damaged. It is also important that the ingredients in the composition do not cause an allergic reaction.

The main stages of self-curling eyelashes

If all the tools are selected in accordance with all requirements, then you can begin the procedure of curling. If you do not know how this procedure is done, study the following instructions. This process consists in the implementation of the following steps:

  1. We carry out thorough and careful cleaning of the eye area from contamination with the use of non-greasy cosmetics. The remains of the cream are removed based on the use of a cleansing tonic and a cotton pad. Using a paper napkin, we dry eyelashes from tonic.
  2. After carrying out the cleansing measures apply a thin strip of glue in the area of ​​the roots of the eyelashes. All actions are performed slowly, so that the glue does not get on the mucous eyes. After applying the cream must wait about 30 seconds. In order for the bond to be effectively necessary to apply a little glue and rollers, curlers. Further, with gentle movements we bend the curlers into the English letter U. In carrying out this action, it should be ensured that the glue does not come into contact with the fingers, since this may adversely affect the holding ability.
  3. Carefully place the curler on the eyelid in the area of ​​the roots of the eyelashes. Curlers should fit snugly to the skin. We again apply glue to the curlers and wait no more than thirty seconds. Using a special wooden stick, you need to screw each eyelash on a roller.Work should begin with the basis of eyelashes. Then it is important to check whether all the eyelashes are curled. It is required to check if eyelashes do not stick together.
  4. With the use of a cotton swab, Vaseline is applied to the lower eyelashes. After that, the lower lashes need to cover with a disk of cotton. This is necessary so that the glue does not come into contact with the lower lashes. Raising the lower eyelid, you can make sure that the lower lashes are not stuck to the curlers.
  5. The chemical modeling glue is applied on hair curlers. For application using a cotton swab. If thin hair curlers are used, the application of the compound should be carried out only on the root area. Modeling cream must be kept on eyelashes for fifteen minutes. Curling on colored eyelashes is carried out in a shorter time. In that case, ten minutes would be enough.
  6. When the time is up, you need to remove the remnants of the cream and apply a neutralizer. Neutralizer must also be left for 10 minutes.
  7. Remove the neutralizer with a cotton swab dipped in boiled or purified water. Curlers should be carefully removed, performing a slight pushing movement down. All remnants of the cream are removed, and the eyelashes are dried. This was the final stage.

Types and stages of the perm

The procedure of eyelash curvature correction is absolutely safe and painless. There are even individual sets for perm, but the best thing to trust is a professional with a full hand and experience. A qualified specialist will help to avoid the risk of chemical composition on the mucous membrane of the eyelid or eye, corneal injury and inflammation. Perm eyelashes are similar in nature to hair curling. All lashes are processed with a special composition, then fixed in a special position with the help of a special roller. Chemical reagent penetrates the hairs and helps to maintain a given shape. Perm eyelashes can be of 3 types:

  1. Combined. Each eyelash curls due to the special location on the roller. Provides an elegant bend and flirty, alluring look.
  2. Radical. To increase the volume and create a spectacular bend.
  3. "On the curl." To lengthen the eyelashes and visually make them thicker. It is also used to correct the effect of the "falling" eye.

Before the procedure, eye makeup is removed, and the beautician degreases the eyelashes. Next is selected roller of a specific diameter. Depending on the initial state of the eyelashes and the expected result, it can be small, medium or large. All rollers are treated with a special adhesive that fixes the eyelashes. Rollers are attached to the upper eyelid at the base, then with orange stick eyelashes on it are applied. It is important to ensure that the latter are distributed on the roller evenly, without shifting and crossing each other.
After the eyelashes are distributed and secured, a special fixation tool is applied to the root zone. This gel is distributed over the entire length of the eyelashes with a cotton swab. Action time - 10-15 minutes. Then another lotion (neutralizer) and fixation agent is applied for 5 minutes with a cotton pad. Wash off the composition with a cotton disc, gently soaking eyelashes. At the final stage, a nourishing lotion or special eyelash drops are applied. They are needed to strengthen and rehabilitate hairs. 40-60 minutes - your look will be as attractive as in the photo from magazines.

Features eyelash rehabilitation

Eyelash perm is applied on the hairs themselves, but not on the eye mucosa or eyelid skin. Therefore, it is imperative that the procedure is performed only by a professional. During the day after the visit to the beauty salon, you should not dye your eyes, avoid contact with water, refuse to visit the sauna or bath. Despite the careful development of the composition, there are certain categories of people who should not do the perm:

  • allergy sufferers
  • having a special eye sensitivity,
  • persons with individual intolerance to the components of the mixture,
  • suffering from hyperthyroidism (increased development of the thyroid gland) or other diseases affecting the eyes.

The chemical composition is applied to the hairs themselves and does not affect the roots, so after falling out of the eyelashes, new ones grow in their place, which need to be re-processed. On average, eyelashes are updated in up to 90 days. However, the procedure every 1.5 months is not recommended. You should give your eyelashes time to rest and recover.

Therefore, perm is allowed up to 4 times a year.

To strengthen your eyelashes, you can use vegetable oil: burdock, almond or castor oil. Slightly heated mixture gently applied to the hairs in a thin layer for 2 hours, the excess removed with an ordinary napkin. This procedure can be performed daily at bedtime. Or use special vitamins and mixtures for eyelashes, which can recommend a professional beautician.

Another feature of the procedure is a slight lightening of hairs. To cope with this, apply a layer of ordinary mascara or painting in the cabin. The latter holds about a month, but spend it worth 2-4 days after curling and not more often than 1 time in 3 months. As evidenced by numerous reviews of women, salon perm and dyeing eyelashes makes them beautiful, dark, elegantly curved and simply irresistible.

I do a curl eyelashes more than a year. I bought a waving kit and do the procedure myself. Photos before and after.

Hello everyone, today I was making myself a very cool procedure once again, and I was ready to write a review.We will talk about the permanent chemical curling eyelashes. Now it is very fashionable to do biolamination of eyelashes, it is very similar, only a film is not applied to the eyelashes, only a curl is formed. The procedure is not as popular as it is cheaper. But, unfortunately, it is in vain deprived of attention, because, in my opinion, it is safer, just because of the lack of a film, which in a month may behave unpredictably, for example, to create the effect of spider legs.

My eyelashes fairly long (I grow them with one stimulator). But straight, because of what the entire length can be estimated only in profile. Special curling mascara and forceps give a short-term effect, eyelashes lose their bend and fall under their own weight.

For the first time I made myself a perm a year and a half ago. The cost of the procedure was 500 rubles. Very profitable. I was more than pleased with the effect. For half an hour I received a perfect bend of the eyelashes, which lasted a month and a half. Cilia are not spoiled, not broken, over time, just came to their usual state: long but straight. Longer effect and can not be saved, because the eyelashes tend to be updated. During the procedure, I did not have any unpleasant feelings, and in general, watching the master, I did not find any particular difficulties in the work. The essence of the procedure isthat the makeup is removed, something like a hair curler is glued to the eyelid, and eyelashes are glued to it, then alternate curling compositions are applied, which are washed off over time. Then these curlers are removed and ready. For everything about everything half an hour + - 10 minutes.

The big plus was that now almost any mascara suited me, if only I didn’t stick together strongly and crumbled. So that even there is no loss in money. Instead of mascara for 700-900 rubles, I began to buy 200 rubles for each, and the eyelashes looked beautiful all day and kept their shape.

Later, while walking through professional shops for beauty salons, I discovered biolamination kits and eyelashes curling. Especially I was attracted by the setter for a thousand, with pennies, rubles. I thought that I would not lose much if I did not succeed, and decided to order, and try to do my own eyelash curl at home. This is how it looks. Firm "IRISK"

The entire success of the procedure lies in the accurate distribution of eyelashes on the roller, the optimal exposure time and the diameter of the roller (here I’m exactly flying). The manufacturer recommends to withstand each of the compositions of 8-20 minutes. I like the effect of 10-11 minutes. I get a smooth bend, despite the small diameter of the roller, the eyelashes remain soft and healthy. When held for 20 minutes, the curl was too steep, and the eyelashes became hard and dry.

So, here on the photo I glued the roller on the eyelid, and distributed over it a non-fat eyelashes, fixed with glue. I try to glue the roller as close as possible to the lash line, and then it is impossible to blink afterwards as it should

Later in the kit there is a tool for removing glue and other chemistry from the eyelashes, but by experience I realized that having just soaked with warm water, this construction is easier to remove. Also in conclusion there is a nourishing eyelash oil. I don't use it either - mineral oil with vitamins, I didn't notice the effect of it. Yes, and a short exposure time curlers, allows not to injure the eyelashes.

That's what I get in the end.

When the mascara on the eyelashes, even the simplest, inexpensive, the effect is much stronger. It can be seen that perm gives not only a beautiful bend, but also visually lengthens the eyelashes.

By the way, doing yourself is not as difficult as it may seem. This is not an eyelash extension where you need to lie with your eyes closed. Here, on the contrary, you feel better, where the roller can be pressed harder, where the eyelash. It is easy for me to make a perm to myself, but I don’t take it for my girlfriends, I can’t touch other people's eyes for now. This is such a difference, how to make up your eyes with mascara, is easy for yourself and another? Dimensions should be felt in general. For the first time it was difficult, but now I’m generally curling lightly.

Before writing, I read other reviews on the curl eyelashes, and was from some just shocked. Eyelashes, collected in a ball, some wreckage. I can not imagine how they managed to do this at all. Probably very long kept the composition. It is better to underexpose in this matter than to overdo it. I understand that many people want to make it so that the effect is pronounced for a very long time, but this is still not possible, the eyelashes will be updated and that's it. So, there is no point in exposing eyelashes to such aggression.

As a result, I recommend perm eyelashes. And the master, and even on their own, the main thing to approach the matter with intelligence and accuracy. It is profitable, beautiful, efficient and makes life easier.

Price perm eyelashes

Perming eyelashes is a simple and safe way to add a highlight and piquancy to your eyes. Various means are used to carry out this procedure. Popular cosmetic products from such manufacturers - YRE, Lady Victory, Kodi, Comair, Meisheng. The cost of services, as a rule, does not depend on the mixture used for curling.

Usually the price is higher if the procedure is performed by a highly skilled experienced master. Also on the pricing affects the level of beauty salon.

In Russia, you can do the chemical curling of eyelashes at a price of from 1000 to 2500 rubles. In Moscow, the cost of this service is usually higher than in the regions.

Also, perm eyelashes do in Ukraine. Here the procedure is in the range of 200-700 hryvnia. In Kiev, usually cosmetic services more expensive, including curling eyelashes.

Is this perm harmful?

Chemicals adversely affect the eyelashes. After curling eyelashes need extra care. On the surface of the eyelashes need to apply special nutrients. After curling there is no prohibition on applying makeup. Make-up removal is necessary with the help of products with a non-greasy makeup. Wearing contact lenses is also permitted.

What is eyelash perm?

Every girl wants to have lush and beautiful eyelashes, but nature has not awarded everybody with such a gift. Therefore, the fair sex resort to a variety of salon procedures. The most popular is a perm of eyelashes, after which the cilia become longer, more beautiful and thicker, acquiring additional volume.

Perm eyelash curling is a salon cosmetic procedure, during which special formulas are applied to give the hairs density, volume and a slight bend.

This procedure is completely safe and allows you to quickly adjust the natural shape of the eyelashes, returning them a beautiful and well-groomed appearance. During the procedure, special formulations are used, ideally suitable not only for long but also short cilia. Chemical perm can be done in the case when the cilia grow unevenly or look inconspicuous. It is worth remembering that after this procedure, the eye slit changes visually slightly. To make the look more vivid and expressive, or to remove the hanging eyelid, it is recommended to curl the cilia by 45 degrees.

Types of perm eyelashes

By the principle of action, perm eyelashes resemble familiar to many simple hair curling or biowave. These procedures differ only in the tools and compositions used.

In the beauty salon, eyelash perm is performed in several ways, which the master selects, taking into account the state of the eyelashes and what the result should be:

    Radical - This method is recommended for owners of long cilia. In this case, special curlers or roller as close as possible to the ciliary edge. This procedure allows you to get voluminous cilia with a graceful and smooth bend.

Combined - this option combines at the same time the basal and chemical eyelash curling. This method makes it possible to raise the cilia at the very base and twist at the tips. The result is very impressive, and the eyes become more expressive. This method is the most popular among women, while it is recommended to use girls with wide-set and narrow eyes.

  • "On the curl" - during the application of this method, a special roller is located at the very tips of the eyelashes. The result is a beautiful bend and maximally open cilia.

  • The advantages of chemical curling eyelashes

    Like any other modern cosmetic procedure, perm eyelashes have not only positive but also negative sides.

    The advantages of the procedure include:

      Perming eyelashes allows you to get a beautiful bend of the eyelashes, the degree of which can be controlled independently. For this, various techniques of curling are used, allowing you to get a deep, medium or slightly noticeable bend of the cilia.

    This procedure is completely safe, so there is no negative effect on the cilia, and they will not break or fall out. These problems are often faced by women who use curling irons.

    Often, this procedure cosmetologists advise doing before eyelash extensions. Thanks to this, you can get beautiful and lush cilia.

    After a perm, it is not necessary to use mascara, because the cilia will have a beautiful and slight bend, which does not need additional emphasis.

    Among the advantages of the procedure is the fact that you can twist the cilia of any length. The effect is most pronounced on long cilia.

  • The result will last quite a long time. Cilia retain their attractive appearance for 2-3 months, and sometimes longer. It depends not only on the rate of growth of eyelashes and their length, but also the correctness of their care.

  • The disadvantages of perm eyelashes

    This procedure is completely safe, but it has several disadvantages:

      This method of curling eyelashes is contraindicated in the presence of individual intolerance to the individual components that make up the preparations used during the procedure.

    This method is not suitable for owners of sensitive eyes, since even the slightest contact with mucosal products can provoke a strong allergic reaction.

    If the master is not experienced, there is a risk of chemical contact with the eyes, which causes a feeling of itching and burning.

  • After the procedure, the eyelashes may discolor in several tones. In this case, you can tint eyelashes a couple of days after curling.

  • Many girls do not know whether this procedure is safe for healthy eyes and eyelashes. During perm eyelashes are used gentle and soft composition, which does not have a strong effect on the hairs. That is why you should not be afraid that after the procedure, the cilia will begin to break or fall out.

    You should not worry that during the procedure a special compound will fall into the eyes, as it is applied only in the central part of the cilia and does not affect the base of the hairs. You are also allowed to wear contact lenses, take a bath, go to the pool or sauna, use cosmetics. The shape of the cilia will not change, and they will maintain a beautiful bend.

    To make the procedure completely safe, you need to carefully select not only the master, but also the tools that will be used for chemical perm eyelashes. It is from the professionalism of the master that the beauty and the duration of the result depend. It is worth stopping the choice only on those showrooms where an allergy test is required.

    How to do perm eyelashes in a beauty salon?

    Chemical perm eyelashes can be done both in the salon and at home. But the first time it is best to use the services of a professional master who will help you choose the right products:

      First, be sure to consult a beautician, besides at this stage, an allergy test is performed using a special composition.

    Then the specialist selects the tools that will be needed during the procedure.

    Important in the chemical curling eyelashes has a choice of curlers, which are divided into several groups, taking into account their diameter.

    Then a cosmetologist applies a special compound to the center of the eyelashes to help curl them. As a rule, such products contain thioglycolic acid, monoethanolomine, propingole, etc.

    A clean cotton swab is placed on the lower eyelid, which protects the eyes from the ingress of the reagent.

    Then a fixing composition is applied, because it depends on it how long the result will be. As a rule, atleine, glycerin monostearate, sodium bromate, glycerol, sodium phosphate, hydroxyethylcellulose, methylisothiazolinone, sodium carbonate are a part of this agent. It is these substances that fix the eyelashes in a certain position and fix the result for several months.

    During perming, another means is used - a neutralizer that has a mild effect on the eyelashes. At the same time, each hair receives good nutrition and accelerates their recovery.

  • At the end of the procedure, the master necessarily treats the cilia with a special cleaner. It is this remedy that removes chemical residues from the surface of the hairs.

  • Features perm eyelashes perm?

    This procedure can be carried out independently at home, it is enough to choose a quality set for perming eyelashes and follow the following recommendations:

      First, make-up is removed using a cosmetic milk, then cilia are wiped with a low-fat tonic.

    Eyelashes must be blotted with a dry cloth to remove tonic residues.

    At the root of the eyelashes, a thin strip of glue is carefully applied and left for 30 seconds, after which a roller is applied and fixed. It is important to bend the U-shaped roller.

    Then from above on the roller puts again glue and left for 30 seconds until it grabs.

    Further on the roller, the cilia are twisted one by one with a wooden stick.

    It is important to carefully check that all cilia are twisted on the roller.

    A small amount of Vaseline is applied to the lower cilia, and they are covered with a cotton pad, but a special silicone pad can also be used. It is important to ensure that the lower cilia are not stuck to the roller.

    Then a cotton swab is applied to the main curling compound on the cilia directly in the area of ​​fixation with a roller.

    You need to wait for the time specified in the instructions - as a rule, about 10-15 minutes.

    After the specified time, a fixative compound is applied, which will fix the cilia in the desired position.

    The remains of the composition are carefully removed.

    A special neutralizer is applied, which is left for about 10 minutes. It is this compound that restores and strengthens the cilia.

    The remains of the neutralizer and glue are removed with a special compound, then the roller is carefully removed.

  • The cilia are dried and the perm is finished.

  • How to care for eyelashes after curling?

    Perm eyelashes are among the very comfortable and simple procedures, since after its completion almost no special care is required. During the first days after visiting the salon it is not recommended to wet your eyes with water and use decorative cosmetics. After a day, you can not only calmly do makeup, but also wash yourself, go to the solarium, swimming pool or sauna.

    Before carrying out the procedure, it is worth remembering that in each case an individual reaction may occur, so even an experienced master cannot say exactly how cilia will behave after perm. It is necessary to treat them carefully, try not to rub them with your hands. It is useful to periodically use castor oil - the oil is heated in a water bath, in which a cotton pad is moistened and applied for 2 hours to the cilia.

    By following these simple recommendations, you can get beautiful and well-groomed cilia. In this case, it will not be necessary to use mascara every morning, and the effect obtained will last more than a month.

    Real reviews on the procedure of perming eyelashes

    Eyelash perm is popular among women. It helps to get rid of the need to apply decorative cosmetics every morning. Reviews of the service can be found on the Internet.

    It has long been read about the chemical perm eyelashes, but for a long time did not dare to carry out manipulations with his eyes. Before the release, I still decided. My eyelashes are long, but have an insufficient bend. And on vacation I did not want to bother with the constant use of the carcass. Curling procedure is quite fast - about 45 minutes. On the eyelids, the roller was first glued, cilia stuck onto it and smeared with some substance. Removing the roller was unpleasant, but tolerable. The effect was immediately noticeable, but I also painted the cilia with permanent paint. After this, the result was generally stunning - I could not look at myself in the mirror. Very beautiful bend and density eyelashes. I consider that the most important thing in this matter is the firm hand of the master, therefore it is better not to save money and not to do it with the hackers. I have the effect of perm persisted for three months. I will do more!

    I learned about the procedure of perming eyelashes from the Internet and immediately caught fire - I like to experiment with my appearance. Moreover, my eyelashes are soft and long, but not very curled, growing as if downwards. In addition, light, so you have to constantly paint. On the day of the wave, I also painted them black. Perm itself lasted about an hour. I was offered to choose a suitable bend for me - gentle or sharp. I opted for a strong bend to make the effect more noticeable. Also during the perm the master warned me about the elementary rules of caring for the eyelashes after the procedure - do not sleep “in the pillow”, do not touch them with your hands for no reason and do not wet them for a day. The result was very pleased. I got a bend in my eyelashes, my look changed completely, I became sexy and seductive. Since then, I am a fan of this procedure and do it regularly.

    Nadezhda, 34 years old

    My eyelashes are long and lush, but without bend. In addition, the hairs are naughty and curl badly with forceps. Therefore, I decided to take a chance and make a chemical perm of cilia. I went to a good salon, the master had good reviews. The whole procedure lasted about an hour. During this time, the master applied the composition on the eyelashes four times! She said that I had tough hairs and needed to be softened in this way. During the procedure, I began to feel a burning sensation in one eyelid. To my remark, the master said that this is normal. After all the manipulations, I really became beautiful curled eyelashes. I was pleasantly surprised. But the joy was short-lived. After drying, the eyelashes spun into spirals. The eyelid that burned during the procedure was swollen and a trace of a chemical burn began to appear. In general, just awful! The master took it upon herself to redo everything, again she glued the roller, her eyelashes ... For 10 minutes she conjured over them. As a result, the eyelashes in the spiral no longer curled, but they just began to stick up from the growth line. The burn went down from the century about 10 days. Eyelashes sticking out "poker", grew 2 months. I will never do this procedure again. I do not exclude that I just caught the master of Krivorukov, but the desire to experiment with eyelashes disappeared forever!

    What is eyelash perm and cost

    Every day, chemical curling eyelashes is becoming increasingly popular. This cosmetic procedure makes them bulky, well-groomed and gives a natural bend.

    Perming eyelashes, reviews of which are distributed very quickly, is an effective and inexpensive way to give a person a unique look. Carrying out this procedure is absolutely safe if it is conducted by a professional in his field.

    When curling eyelashes apply special blends that are suitable for eyelashes of different lengths. After the procedure, the eye incision is visually modified, and the look becomes more expressive. In the presence of the impending century, it is necessary to curl the eyelashes at a 45º angle.

    For this procedure, use cosmetic products from different manufacturers. However, the cost of chemical curling eyelashes does not depend on the means used. The price depends on the type of curling, qualification and experience of the specialist, the level of the beauty salon itself, as well as on the place of residence.

    In Russia, the average cost of perm is 1000-2500 rubles.

    In beauty salons, craftsmen perform chemical curling of eyelashes in various ways. For each client, a specialist personally selects a method of chemical curling, based on such factors as the structure and length of cilia, the desired degree of bending.

    Methods for the procedure:

    • Radical. This twisting method is applied in the presence of long eyelashes. At the same time, micro hair rollers are located close to the roots of the eyelashes to the maximum. This method allows you to achieve the volume of cilia and natural bending.
    • Curly. This method is effective for short eyelashes, as well as if you need to visually lift the outer corners of the eyes. At the same time, micro hair rollers are attached at the tips of eyelashes, giving the look maximum opening.
    • Combined. Combines both ways of a perm. This method lifts the cilia from the base and twists the tips. This method is recommended for girls with narrow and widely set eyes.

    Photos before and after curling eyelashes

    For more information about the procedure of chemical curling eyelashes, see the following video:

    Attention - contraindications!

    Perm is not carried out in the following cases:

    • high sensitivity of the eyes, for example, if there have been cases of an allergic reaction to cosmetic products, especially if they have happened repeatedly in the past,
    • eye diseases (you should consult with your doctor, in some cases, the procedure is permissible),
    • idiosyncrasy of the individual components of the chemical compositions to be used.

    Be attentive to contraindications. Do not harm yourself, striving for beauty!

    Twist safety

    Chemical curling is absolutely safe for the mucous membranes of the eyes and eyelashes. For curling used sparing drugs that do not have a negative impact. Therefore, you should not worry that after curling your eyelashes to fall out or bend.

    The chemical preparation is applied in the center of the eyelashes, which prevents it from getting on the mucous membrane of the eyes. At the end of the procedure, the eyelashes are covered with a neutralizing agent, which has firming and regenerating properties.

    To ensure that the procedure is safe, you need to find a qualified specialist. After all, safety and the result of work will depend on his experience and professionalism.

    Precautionary measures

    Before carrying out the chemical curling of eyelashes, you should be familiar with the following precautions:

    • it is necessary to ensure that the procedure will be carried out by a qualified specialist who has the appropriate certificate,
    • It is imperative that you test for the presence of an allergic reaction,
    • It is recommended to abandon the procedure for pregnant and lactating mothers, as well as girls taking antibiotics or hormonal drugs,
    • If a chemical agent gets on the mucous membrane of the eye, rinse it immediately with water,
    • the procedure should be interrupted if redness and a burning sensation appear,
    • eyelashes need to be painted 2 weeks before curling.

    Tools for the chemical process

    For chemical curling eyelashes will need the following tools:

    • rollers (micro rollers) of various thickness,
    • special chemical drug
    • fixing and neutralizing agents
    • glue,
    • orange stick,
    • petroleum jelly,
    • cotton pads and sticks.

    Tips for choosing a set

    Chemical perm eyelashes in the presence of the necessary drugs can be made at home. It is necessary to take seriously the choice of a set for curling cilia, since it will depend on the result and safety of the procedure. When buying a kit, you should check that it has all the necessary tools and instruments.

    A standard set should contain:

    • chemical curling agent
    • fixing agent
    • glue,
    • rollers of different thickness
    • cleanser
    • neutralizing agent.

    It is required to make sure that the preparations are of high quality and hypoallergenic. You can also read product reviews before you make a purchase.

    Overview of Curling Kits

    Currently, there is a large range of sets for chemical eyelashes that can be used even at home.

    The list of sets of popular manufacturers:

    • Irisk. This set contains 3 bottles of the product for waving and fixing, 2 bottles with a neutralizer and rollers for waving. It is the most affordable.
    • Kodi. This set is most suitable for home use. All drugs are provided in containers of small volume, which is important for beginners. The kit includes 1 bottle (1.5 ml) of scrolling preparation, fixing and neutralizing agent, glue (5 ml), rollers of three sizes, as well as instructions for use.
    • Wave Professional Lash Perm Kit. High quality kit that is made in the USA. Contains a product for curling, fixing and neutralizing agents, air conditioning, stickers to protect the lower eyelids, rollers, instructions. The set is the most popular and effective, the cost of which is about 1,200 rubles.
    • Perfect Silk Lashes. Sufficiently capacious set, which is enough for about 90 perms. It consists of 3 vials of the drug for curling, fixing and neutralizing agents, rollers.
    • Meisheng. The kit contains 3 bottles of the drug for curling and fixative, and 2 bottles of neutralizer and cleanser. There are no glue for fixing microbirds and stickers protecting the lower eyelids.

    Appliances conduct in a beauty salon

    Perm eyelashes, reviews of which are quite ambiguous, safe and painless. It can be carried out both in salon by the qualified specialist, and at home.

    Stage conducting in the salon:

    1. First, a specialist performs a test for the presence of an allergic reaction, if everything is normal, you can proceed to the procedure.
    2. Master selects all the necessary tools. Particular importance is given to rollers for curling, the diameter of which is selected depending on the degree of desired bending and the length of the eyelashes.
    3. Make-up is removed from the eyes, eyelashes are treated with a degreasing agent.
    4. Rollers are attached to the upper eyelid at the very growth of eyelashes. Then the orange wand cilia neatly distributed and fixed on microbial (you must ensure that they do not intersect and not displaced).
    5. Then eyelashes are covered with a special chemical preparation for curling.
    6. The lower eyelid is covered with a cotton pad to avoid getting the chemical on the mucous membrane.
    7. Next, the eyelashes are covered with a fixative, which ensures a long fixation of the eyelashes.
    8. The procedure uses a neutralizing agent that nourishes and restores eyelashes.
    9. At the last stage of curling, the eyelashes are processed with a cleaner that removes chemical residues from the hairs.

    The procedure lasts no more than 1 hour, and the result remains for a long time.

    Features of the self-treatment

    Perm eyelashes, reviews of which in most cases positive, can be carried out at home.

    To do this, you need to purchase the required tools, follow the recommendations and follow all steps of the procedure:

    1. Clear the area around the eyes and eyelashes from makeup residues and impurities with a cosmetic (non-greasy). Then wipe cilia cleansing tonic and dry with a napkin.
    2. Apply glue gently to the upper eyelid at the very growth of hairs and leave for 30 seconds. For efficiency, the rollers are also covered with glue and bent in the form of an arc.
    3. Arrange the roller on the eyelid in the area of ​​the roots of the eyelashes. It is important that the curlers are close to the skin. Then apply glue on the micro-rollers and after 30 seconds, helping to wrap the eyelashes evenly from the base, with a wooden stick, on the roller. Make sure that the hairs do not interbreed and stick together.
    4. Treat the lower eyelashes with petroleum jelly and cover with cotton pads to prevent them from sticking to the rollers.
    5. Treat eyelashes with a chemical curling agent and hold for 15 minutes. (if eyelashes are colored - 10 min.).
    6. Then the eyelashes are covered with fixing means, which fix the result for a long period.
    7. Remove the fixative and apply a neutralizing agent (for 10 min.), Which will strengthen and restore the cilia.
    8. Clear eyelashes from glue and neutralizer moistened in purified water with a cotton swab. Carefully remove the rollers, making the movement down.
    9. Dry cilia. This procedure is over.

    Rules for the care of eyelashes after the procedure

    Chemical curling of eyelashes is different in that it does not require any special care for the cilia after the procedure, which is confirmed by the reviews.

    Some recommendations should be followed:

    • In the first 24 hours after curling, you should exclude the use of decorative cosmetics, wetting and curling eyelashes.
    • It is necessary to use special preparations for the care of cilia, which have a firming and regenerating effect, and also protect eyelashes from adverse external factors.

    At observance of simple rules eyelashes will please with the beauty for a long time even without application of decorative cosmetics.

    How long does perm eyelashes last

    After the procedure, the eyelashes become silky with an elegant bend. There is no need to tint them with mascara. Chemical curling eyelashes can last quite a long period. The average is 1-3 months.

    The duration of the effect depends on the state and structure of the hairs, as well as on the quality of the cosmetic used. Therefore, before chemical twisting it is necessary to find out from the master about the drugs used. Also a significant role is played by the qualification of a specialist.

    In order to preserve the effect of a perm for a longer period of time, it is recommended to abandon fatty cosmetics for eyelids and make-up remover, as well as try not to rub the eyes.

    The life cycle of eyelashes is 80-150 days. During this time, the hairs go through several stages from active growth to loss. After that, they will again take their former form and straighten up. Then you can repeat the procedure again.

    Experts note that the chemical curling of eyelashes is quite a popular procedure, but based on customer feedback, you should seriously choose the salon and the master who will conduct the perm.

    Article design: Mila Friedan


    Watch the video: Eyelash Lifting Procedure Incredible Eyelash Transformations (July 2024).