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What diseases of the scalp will help Algopix shampoo to cope with?


Algopix is ​​a solution designed for use as a preventive and therapeutic agent for dry, oily seborrhea. Medication is intended to receive inwards twice a week. Algopix contains such elements as salicylic acid, alcoholic extract of green microalgae, juniper tar, purified water, sodium chloride. Medication is contraindicated in people with individual hypersensitivity to its elements. The dosage and course determined by the specialist. A more detailed description of Algopix is ​​contained in the instructions.

The drug Algopiks is used as an auxiliary and prophylactic agent for oily and dry seborrhea. In the complex treatment of seborrheic dermatitis and pityriasis versicolor with damage to the scalp.

Dosage and administration

Algopix is ​​used to treat the scalp. 15 - 30 g of the drug (1 - 2 tablespoons) are applied to the pre-moistened hair and with the help of rubbing a full covering of the hair and scalp with foam is achieved. The applied liquid remains for 5–10 min for better penetration into the skin layers, after which it is washed off with plenty of water. Recommended three-time use of the drug within 1 to 2 weeks. In order to avoid recurrence, the frequency of use after reaching a therapeutic effect is 1-2 times a week. The frequency of use and duration of treatment depend on the type of disease and its severity.


With the correct use of shampoo Algopiks overdose of the drug is impossible. If liquid is accidentally absorbed, excessive salivation, nausea and vomiting may occur. In such cases, it is necessary to wash the mouth and stomach profusely and, if necessary, to use symptomatic agents. In case of accidental or erroneous use of Algopix on large areas of the body, systemic effects may occur - headache, dizziness, and tinnitus.

How to buy Algopix on

Need Algopix? Order it right here! At, you can reserve any medicine: you can pick up the drug itself or order delivery at a pharmacy in your city at the price indicated on the website. The order will be waiting for you at the pharmacy, about which you will receive a notification in the form of SMS (the possibility of delivery services must be specified in partner pharmacies).

At there is always information about the availability of the drug in a number of the largest cities of Ukraine: Kiev, Dnieper, Zaporozhye, Lviv, Odessa, Kharkov and other megalopolises. Being in any of them, you can always easily and simply order medicines through the website, and then at a convenient time to go to the pharmacy for them or order delivery.

Warning: to order and receive prescription drugs you will need a doctor's prescription.

Purpose, release form, price

Shampoo can be used both for treatment and as a means to prevent those skin diseases that lead to damage to the scalp.

The drug is available in a liquid form of 200 ml per vial. It is a gel-like liquid, greenish-brown. Shampoo has a specific smell of tar.

The price of the drug Algopix - from 300 rubles.

Indications for use

Algopix is ​​an environmentally friendly drug whose prescription is specifically designed for the treatment of:

  • seborrhea fat or dry type,
  • seborrheic dermatitis,
  • pityriasis lichen.

Algopix shampoo contains:

  • 0.5 grams of juniper tar. It perfectly removes dead epithelium particles, that is, dandruff itself. Also, juniper tar removes irritating itching, inflammation, pain effect, it dissolves fat and prevents the re-development of the disease state.
  • 3 grams of green algae extract. The main quality of algae is to improve the blood circulation of the scalp, which provides nourishment to the skin and the excretion of decay products.
  • 1 gram salicylic acid. Salicylic acid allows substances acting on pathogens to penetrate deep into the skin and work even more effectively.
  • The following substances are used as auxiliary substances: gel, sodium chloride, special essence Algopix and pure water as a base.

The substances that make up the drug help the skin to recover faster, strengthen the hair structure.

Side Effects and Cautions

The drug is well tolerated by healthy adults.

The undesirable reactions of the body include:

  • The shampoo has a pronounced sharp smell of tar, which may seem unbearable to some. However, after several applications of shampoo, the smell is no longer felt so strong.
  • In cases of individual intolerance to the components of the drug, an allergic reaction is possible.
  • People with blond hair should be aware that Algopix can give your hair an unwanted brownish tint.
  • The use of shampoo can dry hair, so it can be alternated with other means.
  • If the drug gets into the eyes - immediately wash them with plenty of clean warm water to avoid redness, tearing, burning.

In which cases the drug must be abandoned:

  • Algopix should not be used simultaneously with cosmetic preparations, dry the skin very much, and during ultraviolet irradiation.
  • Algopix is ​​not suitable for children. Also, pregnant and lactating.
  • In case of violation of the terms and conditions of storage. Algopix should be stored no more than two years away from children and animals. The storage temperature of the shampoo should not exceed 25 degrees Celsius.

Interaction with other drugs

Shampoo is combined with drugs that are used externally, but you should not use Algopix in combination with therapeutic agents that cause the effect of drying hair.

Elena (23 years old). At first it was unpleasant to wash my hair with shampoo with such a smell, but over time I got used to it and stopped noticing it. Dandruff is gone in just 3 or 4 applications.

Artem (35 years). He was treated for pityriasis lichen by various means. They began to help only after Algopix began to wash their hair. I managed to get rid of the infection in two months, but now it has not returned for a year.

Svetlana (50 years old). Algopix very dry skin, but I use it only once a week. This helped get rid of the itching and dandruff that I have had for about 20 years. The smell of tar even pleases, but it is unpleasant that there is a dark shade on the hair.

Vladimir (45 years old). This shampoo helped me from nervous dermatitis on the scalp. He began to wash their hair at night. By morning, already the annoyance passed. First - every day, then twice a week. For several months now I have not used it and there is no dermatitis.

Galina (18 years old). The shampoo cleansed the hair of dandruff, the hair immediately became better. After Algopix I make a hair mask with a moisturizing effect. Then the hair becomes very soft, easy to comb and style.

Algopix preparation is a natural product that helps to cure a number of unpleasant scalp diseases. When using a shampoo, it is necessary to carefully study its side effects and take them into account during the period of use. If used correctly, Algopix Shampoo will help restore health and beauty to hair.


microalgae, which are part of Algopix, improve the nutrition of scalp cells, add shine and healthy appearance to hair. Tar removes dandruff and excess fat from the skin, reduces itching. Salicylic acid in combination with juniper tar contributes to the rapid penetration of the latter into the skin and enhances its impact. Shampoo does not irritate the skin. When washing hair provides a stable foam and a large amount of it.
It is used to eliminate dandruff and prevent its occurrence, to reduce the oily skin of the scalp, improve hair condition.

Recommendations for use

Apply 15–30 g of shampoo (1–2 tablespoons) to initially moisturized hair and, with rubbing, achieve full coverage of hair and scalp with foam. Leave the shampoo for 5-10 minutes, then rinse with plenty of water. In the first 2 weeks it is recommended to apply 3 times a week. After reaching the effect, it is enough to use 1-2 times a week.

special instructions

Do not use Algopix with increased individual sensitivity to any of its components, in violation of the integrity of the skin, in childhood.
For outdoor use only! Avoid contact with eyes. In case of contact with eyes, rinse with clear water. If shampoo is swallowed, wash the stomach and induce vomiting.
In BA, use with caution because it contains salicylic acid.
Algopix can cause changes in hair color in people with light, bleached or colored hair (due to tar content).
In rare cases, itching, burning or redness of the scalp may occur.
Prolonged use of shampoo can lead to excessive drying of the scalp.

Composition and release form

100 g of liquid contain juniper tar 0.5 g, alcohol green microalgae extract (1: 7) 3 g, salicylic acid 1 g.

Excipients: gel base, sodium chloride, essence Algopix, purified water.

Form release: liquid for external use (shampoo). Main physical and chemical properties: thick liquid of dark green - brown color, with a specific smell of tar and a sharp taste. On 200 ml in a bottle, on 1 bottle in a cardboard box.

Storage conditions

Store in a dark place at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C. After opening the vial shelf life up to 30 days. Shelf life 2 years. Algopix shampoo should not be used at the end of the shelf life, as well as in those cases if the shelf life has not expired, and the contents of the bottle obviously deteriorated (this situation is possible if the storage temperature is disturbed).

Analogs shampoo Algopiks

Given the fact that the therapeutic effect of the shampoo is based on the tar in its composition, I chose analogues with a similar composition. So, analogs of shampoo Algopiks on tar base:

  • Shampoo BIO PHARMA Bio Pharma Traditional tar anti-dandruff
  • Hair shampoo Tar Golden Farm for the prevention of psoriasis and seborrhea
  • Tar shampoo 911
  • Tar shampoo from grandmother Agafi
  • Tar shampoo Neva cosmetics

To tar shampoo from grandmother Agafya we have a video call:

Holders of dandruffy dry hair can also recommend Friderm Zinc anti-dandruff shampoo for dry hair.

Check out my review of popular pharmacy dandruff shampoos - perhaps it will be interesting to you.

Reviews about dandruff shampoo Algopiks you can leave in the comments. Please refrain from emotional statements, spam and links to third-party resources. Reviews are strictly moderated and appear on the site only after approval by the administration.


It is recommended not to apply Algopix during pregnancy and lactation. Contrary to the fact that the contact time between drugs and the skin is very short, systemic absorption through the scalp and the appearance of systemic effects, especially salicylic acid, are possible.

6 appointments shampoo Algopiks: price, reviews, instructions

Algopix helps restore damaged tissue in any pathologies occurring on the surface of the scalp. This shampoo is effective against seborrhea. The solution contains tar, which is created on the basis of juniper extract. It has analgesic properties, removes inflammation and removes itching sensations.

Algopix shampoo does not irritate the skin, and when washing forms a foam and reduces redness of the skin. In the mixture there are microalgae, which provide good nutrition to the cells. A salicylic acid present in the composition, enhances the therapeutic effects of tar.

Features of the active substance

The following components are present in the shampoo:

  • comb drug,
  • juniper tar,
  • extract on algae alcohol,
  • salicylic acid solution
  • sodium chloride and gel base,
  • purified water and special essence.

Variants of use of Algopiks

The average price of algopix shampoo is about three hundred rubles. This composition removes itching and exfoliates. Normalizes sebum production. At the same time, the head will turn less.

Algopix has a bright smell of tar. It is recommended to apply the treatment compound several hours before bedtime so that the hair has time to dry and the smell has disappeared.

After using the product, the hair looks healthy and well-groomed. After a week of regular use, the first results are noticeable: dandruff and redness decrease.

In some cases, this drug is prescribed together with an antifungal agent.

Features of use

Healing shampoo can not be used in the presence of wounds and skin lesions.

If the solution gets into the eyes, then there is redness, tearing, and burning.

If after washing the composition there is a feeling of a strong itch, then you need to stop using it. These symptoms may indicate the occurrence of allergic reactions.

Shampoo has the following features:

  • with caution should be used in bronchial asthma, since salicylic acid is present in the product,
  • After application, you can not go out in the sun and allow exposure to the sun for 24 hours,

  • the preparation can sometimes cause discoloration of the strands when the hair is light or specially colored in light colors,
  • do not use medicine for treating children's hair,
  • It is not recommended to use the composition during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

What are the possible side effects?

More often the drug is well tolerated. Unpleasant drug reactions are possible, but occur in isolated cases.

Allergic reactions are manifested by redness of the skin and itching.

Long-term use of tar mixture may cause dry skin.


Watch the video: Treating scalp psoriasis (July 2024).