
Shatush on dark hair


Shatush technique is one of the most popular methods of hair dyeing recently. Using this method, you can get the effect of strands naturally faded in the sun and a smooth transition from one shade to another. For the first time, the technology was used by the Italian master Coppola, and the word “shatush” translated from English means high quality “luxury”. How the color shatush technique is carried out, what color scale is better to choose, what is needed to perform the shatush at home and what subtleties of care after painting it is important to follow - read about it in the article.

What is

Technology colored shatush is a kind of highlighting performed in an unusual way; coloring has characteristic features:

  • use of several shades of paint of the same color palette,
  • indent on the roots
  • smooth, without a sharp border, the transition of dark shades to light, chaotic arrangement of strands. At the same time, the color brightens more and more towards the tips,
  • the procedure is carried out in the open air: the dye actively interacts with oxygen. Cap for hair, foil not used.

Thanks to the “stretching of color” technique, the final result looks impressive: brilliant and lively curls, which are played by glares of light, hair seems thicker, more voluminous, and natural color is richer. Wherein the absolute naturalness of the image is preserved.

On the pros and cons

To choose this particular method of coloring, you need to know all its disadvantages and advantages. The latter include:

  1. Successful painting gray hair. But this method will work only if there is little gray hair - no more than 30%.
  2. Naturalness: no sharp contrast between natural and colored strands.
  3. Careful coloring: hair condition remains almost unchanged. A great option for owners of thin, weak or curly curls.
  4. Creating an unusual image: the color literally shimmers on the strands, in any light the effect will be the same. You can not do complicated hairstyles, even an unpretentious "tail" will look great.
  5. No need for frequent staining. The dye is not applied to the roots, so there is no abrupt transition of regrown hair to dyed. The procedure can be carried out every few months. In addition, if there is a desire to grow a natural color, this technique will be the ideal option.
  6. Additional volume hairstyles. In combination with a cascade haircut, the effect will be more pronounced.
  7. Masking effect. It helps to achieve a soft combination of dark and light curls. Dark color will emphasize the eyes and lips, light - refresh, and in general the hairstyle will distract attention from the imperfections of the skin, coarse facial features, second chin.

Disadvantages of shatush technology:

  • not all masters have the skills of technology: so that the end result meets the expectations, it is better to trust the professionals,
  • quite high price of services in salons.

Attention! The advantages of the method are undoubtedly greater. Naturalness, a delightful result, a sparing attitude to hair - this is what made shatush so popular. As for the cost, you need to remember that the procedure will not be performed every month.

Procedure cost

Price staining technology shatush in salons varies from 1.5 to 6 thousand rubles, depending on the length of hair.

The procedure carried out at home will cost much less - you need to pay only the cost of the desired amount of paint. The technique of shatush is considered one of the most difficult, therefore it is recommended to apply for services to specialists. However, with some hair dyeing skills, you can try to repeat the method yourself at home.

Shatush for different shades of hair

Color shatush is a universal method and suits almost everyone. But more profitable technique looks on dark hair: you can create the most spectacular color transitions.

The main subtlety of coloring - a smooth transition of color, so the shades should be chosen as close as possible to the natural.

Blondes and owners of light blond strands are encouraged to choose a maximum of two colors: dark to emphasize the natural shade and lighter. Pink, caramel shades give a good result. The first will revive the color and add shine, and the second will set off the color of natural hair.

Dark strands allow the master to use a wider color palette. Copper, chocolate, brown, red and even violet shades will look equally advantageous. The latter is suitable for women with a bright appearance, burning brunette.

The gamma of red tones will add expressiveness to the image, but not recommended for everyone: the tone of the face should be perfectly even.

For blondes

It is on the light, blond hair when using the technique of shatush wonderful the effect of sun-faded curls is obtained. The shades are chosen close to the natural, for the fair-haired girls are fine ashy, wheat, honey. If the natural shade of hair - ashen, the technique will make the color alive and shiny.

Light-blond you can use shades of milk pearl, golden, wheat.

Platinum and pearl shades look good on very light strands. The pronounced effect will not work, but the color of the strands will overflow, play, will become lively and dynamic.

For brunettes

Brunettes and brown-haired women, girls with brown hair can use not only bright chocolate, titian, coffee, honey colors, but also cold platinum, dark ashy. In priority - cold shades. Of the unusual, "extreme" options - cherry, eggplant.

Important! Choose a color that differs from the natural one by no more than three tones - this will help avoid sharp contrast and preserve the natural transition. Properly chosen color solution - the key to excellent results of the procedure.

Length matters. Performance of the shatush technique is more successfully carried out on long and medium hair: this length conveys well the color play and transitions between shades. On short hair, the effect will not be the same, but it is possible to apply the method on elongated bangs or longer strands on the face.

Coloring at home: step by step instructions

For coloring in the technique of color shatush at home, a variant of the procedure with a pile of strands is suitable: it is simpler. Can be used as a paint with ammonia, and brightening powder, followed by toning. After selecting the necessary tools and shades need to do the following:

  1. Mix the paint components in a special dish.
  2. Divide hair into three zones using clips: parietal, occipital and temporal.
  3. Each zone is divided into strands 2 cm wide. They need comb, indented from the roots 5–10 cm.
  4. Apply paint to the combed areas randomly, then shade with a brush. More intensely stained tips.
  5. Dye should remain on the hair no more than 40 minutes., the process of exposure can be observed visually.
  6. If powder is used, then the strands are tinted with ammonia-free paint.
  7. Wash off the paint, apply the balm after staining.

Hair care after the procedure

Any coloring implies a detrimental effect on the hair of the oxidizer and ammonia, after which they require special care. Improve the condition of the hair, not to let the color become dull, help simple rules.

  1. Special cosmetics. Shampoos, balms, masks and other products marked "for colored hair." Many well-known manufacturers produce the whole professional series, you just need to find the right hair for your type. It is better to use masks at least once a week.
  2. Neat combing. In order to avoid hair loss, it is recommended to comb it very carefully.
  3. The use of nourishing oils. Means can be applied not only on the ends in order to avoid their fragility, but also to distribute along the entire length. This procedure contributes to intensive nutrition, but it should be carried out regularly, 1-2 times a week. Suitable olive, peach, coconut, argan oil.
  4. Protection against adverse factors. It is necessary to minimize the negative impact of external factors: a headdress will save hair from cold and wind, and the rejection of thermal tools for drying and styling - from drying out and breakage.

The modern technique of coloring colored shatush will suit women of different ages and types of appearance. It can be successfully applied to the hair of any shades, including dyed.

Properly chosen color palette, strict adherence to technology implementation and proper care for dyed hair - a guarantee of impeccable results and the embodiment of an elegant image.

Ideas for stylish coloring:

What is shatush?

Shatush is one of the most difficult types of hair coloring. The name of the painting went from France. It carries in itself mysteriousness and unusualness.

The peculiarity of this coloring is stretching the color. It uses small strands, and the paint is applied in a chaotic manner.

Shatush is suitable, first of all, for girls who have a thin hair structure. This type of coloring makes the hair volume and fluffy. Also, experts recommend the use of such treatment curls for those who have damaged ends. But it is necessary to carefully consider the choice of paint, it should be as gentle as possible.

This type of highlighting well dyes the hair, which appeared gray. The main thing that it does not exceed 30%, otherwise the paint will not close the natural changes.

Coloring shatush is also suitable for blondes. The paint in this case should be light. It is best to choose among the golden, amber or wheat shades. “Burned out” strands will give your hair life and at the same time will not look like straw.

This technique is not recommended for those who have henna colored hair or spoiled by a perm.

Salon coloring includes the following steps:

  • First, all the hair is divided into strands, the width of which should be as close as possible to two centimeters.
  • The procedure starts from the bottom and continues upwards. In order for everything to turn out beautifully, the upper curls are clamped with a barrette at the crown.
  • Before applying the paint strand very well combed fine comb. Only after that, means are applied with a small brush with a brush. In this case, the roots must be untouched.
  • Keep the paint on the hair can be from 10 to 30 minutes. If there is a desire to see natural curls, then 10 minutes is enough, brighter ends are achieved by prolonged aging.
  • After the allotted time has passed, the product is washed off with warm running water.
  • The final stage is the application of tonic. The procedure is necessary in order to neutralize the clarifier.

For carrying out all stages of coloring enough 45 minutes.

Before visiting a specialist you need to prepare. It is worth starting in a few weeks. Preparation implies the following items:

  • Daily nourishing hair masks.
  • Coloring is best done on the second day after shampooing. This will protect the follicles from the oxidizer.
  • It is forbidden to use styling substances on the eve of the procedure.
  • If you need a haircut, it is better to make it in advance.
  • When it is necessary to dye the hair in the base color, you need to do it before shatush.
  • Conduct an allergo test on the shade used.

The choice of paint for shatush technology

The quality and appearance of dyeing dark hair depends on the choice of shade. So that the hairstyle does not resemble fashion trends of the 90s, the paint should be selected 2 or 3 tones lighter from its natural color.

These shades will look very nice:

The correct color will make the hair beautiful and natural.

To obtain an effective result, you can use natural and artificial paints. Paints with natural ingredients have their advantages. When applied, they treat the hair along its entire length. The advantage of natural dyes is that they can be applied to previously painted strands.

To make the coloring beautiful, you need to follow three rules:

  1. The transition between colors should not exceed three tones.
  2. Prevent the formation of clearly defined boundaries.
  3. Pay attention to the choice of tone.

If you do not take into account the listed items, the hair will be divided into two zones.

Shatush for short, medium, long hair

This method of coloring hair has its advantages. The main thing is that, unlike ombra and other similar processing methods, shatush can be used on short hair. The peculiarity of the procedure is that the transition between the colors does not need to be made as smooth as possible. Shades fall on short hair chaotically.

On curly strands of medium length, this method of coloring looks even better. But do not forget that this type of curls has increased porosity and brittleness. Therefore, it is worth a little to reduce the aging paint.

Straight hair coloring in the style of Shatush will give an unusual volume. On level, transitions are very visible, so you need to take work seriously. Then the entire depth of the shade will be visible.

If bangs are foreseen in a haircut, then the shatush method is applied using two technologies: either it is not painted at all, but the length of the roots must be at the level of the bang, or several small light strands are made on it.

This video presents the procedure of hair dyeing using the shatush method.

Shatush on dark curls at home

Despite the complexity of staining, it can be done at home.

For work you will need:

Stages of staining are carried out in this order:

  1. First you need to take the gum and tie a high tail, the closer it is to the forehead the better. Thus, all the hair will be on your mind.
  2. The tail is divided into strands and well combed out. Brush paint on the upper part of the curl. The main rule: the paint should not penetrate inside the combed hair bundle.
  3. It is necessary that the roots remain intact. From the base you need to retreat from 2 to 10 cm. The bulk of the paint should be at the ends, slowly decreasing at the top.
  4. Leave the dye on the hair should be 30-40 minutes and rinse with warm water. If the hair structure is dense, then a slight increase in time is allowed.
  5. For washing, it is recommended to use shampoo and balm, specially made for colored hair. Such funds will save paint from leaching.

For this type you do not need to use a hat or foil. If the color is uneven, the result will be correct.

Fix the procedure necessary tonic. To do this, in a warm water should pour a few drops of such a substance and wash the hair, then dry naturally.

Care after the procedure

The shatush staining method has both advantages and disadvantages. The main disadvantage is that the procedure is quite complicated and therefore it is not easy to find an experienced master.

  • Shatush, in comparison with classical highlighting of dark hair, is a rather gentle coloring.
  • Hair has a presentable appearance for a long time. One procedure is enough for at least three months.
  • Look natural and natural.
  • Significantly increases the amount of hair.
  • Good hides gray hair.
  • Quick procedure.

Despite all the positive aspects of this method, the hair still requires care after it. All forces must be directed to the processing of the tips.

In order for the hair to be healthy after dyeing it is necessary:

  • To the temperature of the water for washing the head was slightly above room temperature. If this is not taken into account, then the hair will lose not only its moisture, but also become dull.
  • Stop using foams, varnishes, and hair dryers. Start applying serum to the tips.
  • Minimize breaking in the sun. If it is impossible without it, then it is better to wear a panama or a cap.
  • At night, the hair must be combed and braided.

Salon treatments can also be added to home care. The main ones are mesotherapy and biolamination.

Reviews of shatush staining

For more than five years I have been dyeing hair with different methods. This summer, I wanted to try something new. On the recommendation of a friend signed up for shatush. The master did the coloring for 4 hours.

Tired, of course, to sit, but it happened because of very thick hair. The result was excellent. When I look in the mirror, it is so beautiful that you can't take your eyes off.

Catherine Ulyanova. 30 years

During the haircut, the hairdresser told me about a new shading technique. Before that, for more than 15 years, she dyed her hair in the classic way. This time I decided to try what was happening. What really surprised me was the lack of foil and work in the open air. She washed off the head as it was stained so as not to overdo it. I really liked the result. The next time I visited a cheaper specialist, but, unfortunately, since no one had done the previous master.

Olga Agafonova. 35 years.

The technology of coloring very much. Everything is so interesting, but at the same time difficult. The cost of the service is quite high, so not everyone can afford it. I heard that you can try to paint yourself at home, but so far it's scary. I am glad that the coloring is enough for three months.

Natalia Krivonos. 27 years.

To achieve a new image will help the technique of shatush, which is confirmed by the reviews. Dyeing in this way will not only emphasize naturalness, but also allow hair to recover, because the procedure should be repeated no earlier than after three months.

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What is shatush dyeing technique?

Shatush is one of the types of hair coloring, in which you can achieve a soft transition of hair color from light to dark. This transition is so natural that it creates the effect of burned curls in the sun. Externally, shatush is similar to ombre and highlighting in California. Graceful locks differ from the hair of the main color by 2-3 tones, like when tanning without a hat.

This painting technique is also called highlighting in French.

Dyeing hair in the style of shatush looks great, the main thing is to correctly choose shades of dyes. When coloring various light colors of paints are used (ashy, light-brown, wheat, golden). Excellent effect can be achieved by applying several shades in one color range.


Shatush technique is popular among girls due to its many advantages:

  1. Rare staining. When performing this technique, the roots of the hair remain intact, so after some time after dyeing, they do not spoil the appearance and are not particularly highlighted. Due to the smooth transition of shades, the roots remain natural, which makes it possible to dye hair 1 time in 3 months.
  2. An excellent method to effectively and discreetly hide gray hair, which is mixed with bleached hairs and becomes invisible against the general background. The volume of gray hairs should be no more than 30% of the total mass.
  3. This coloring is gentle because the effect of the dyes is minimal. The structure of the hair after the procedure remains almost unchanged, so the shatush is suitable even for weakened hair.
  4. The effect of hair volume is achieved (especially with multi-level haircuts).
  5. The naturalness of the image. Strands look natural and do not stand out much.
  6. Showiness Due to the soft transition of colors, the hair dazzlingly shimmers in any light, attracting attention.
  7. Good for inconspicuous growth of your hair color.
  8. The procedure takes about 2 hours, which saves time.

Video on the use of shatush technology on previously dyed hair:

This technique allows you to hide the shortcomings of a failed earlier hair dyeing.


Hair coloring in the style of shatush has some drawbacks:

  1. Suitable for long and medium hair. With short haircuts there is no necessary space for smooth color transition.
  2. It is quite difficult to perform the procedure at home. With self-dyeing without a certain experience, curls can get a casual look.
  3. In blondes shatush less pronounced.
  4. Red-haired girls need to carefully carry out this color, as a bright red shade can lead to an unexpected result.

The rather high cost of the procedure in the salons.

Who is suitable for painting shatush?

Shatush provides for clarification of the order, so it is more suitable for brunettes and also brown-haired women. Dark hair gives the master a wider palette when choosing a dye for a perfect result. It does not matter how dark hair, a professional in his field will achieve a natural effect in any shade.

Shatush style hair coloring looks best on dark hair

Blondes can also be painted in the style of shatush, but for this you need to put a lot of effort. It is necessary to resort to the use of dyes containing ammonia, which causes harm to the hair. The most spectacular shatush looks on long-haired girls.

Short haircuts do not allow for a natural and soft color transition.

Color shatush universal and suitable for hair of any shade. This painting can be called extreme, since it uses all the colors of the rainbow. Bright colored strands attract attention, which does not allow the girl to remain unnoticed.

Short hair

Hair coloring can be done with a pile and without. The first method is easier and can even be done at home.

It is conducted as follows:

  • the hair is divided into strands, after which the bouffant is done,
  • then, stepping back from the roots of 3 cm, paint is applied,
  • in 20-30 minutes wash off paint and apply tinting agent if necessary.

Medium hair

Hair of medium length is dyed only with a pile.

In order to correctly determine the border painting strands in the style of shatush, you should:

  • divide hair into strands of 3 cm and make bouffant,
  • painting start with the lower strands, while the dye is applied carelessly,
  • in 30 minutes wash off the paint.

The perfect haircut is a cascade that reveals the beauty of the shatush technique.

Long hair

Shatush style hair coloring is perfect for long hair, which allow you to shade the paint well to obtain the most natural effect. Hair dyed without a pile, the dye must be shaded with light movements, starting from the back of the head. A darker shade is applied to the hair, departing 6-7 cm from the root zone, and light - at the ends.

Before dyeing it is recommended to cut the ends of the hair.

New life old idea

Many will be surprised, but the coloring technique, called shatush, appeared long ago, back in 1983: by the standards of the beauty industry with its rapid change of trends, it is almost antiquity. The author of an interesting innovation, “hair color extensions”, was Italian Aldo Kopolla - a legendary personality, stylist-experimenter, founder of the brand of the same name, which does not lose popularity to this day. The purpose of the hairdresser was to create the image of a real lady - sophisticated, elegant, natural. The master coped brilliantly with his task, the clients of his salons in Milan, Tokyo, Paris, Moscow are always satisfied with the result of the painting of shatush.

To make shatush correctly is difficultIt is more reliable to entrust the transformation to the hands of a professional hairdresser, but if you observe all the nuances, you can do the dyeing yourself. Having made a decision on your own to create a game of colors on the hair, it is important to choose the coloring composition correctly, to determine the time of its impact: an error will turn the fashion trend into the untidy effect of regrown roots.

Shatush is not for nothing called gentle highlighting - if done correctly, it will not damage the structure of the hair shafts, bleached strands will not look dry, lifeless. On the contrary, the hairstyle will gain vitality, become visually more voluminous, plus “steal” from a woman 5-10 years of age, which is especially pleasing. The naturalness of the image is preserved due to a smooth transition of shades, in which the hair at the roots is usually 2-3 tones darker than the tips, although there are more noticeable contrasts.

Distinctive feature of staining - performance of highlighting in the open way with the help of a pile, without foil or cap, as well as the obligatory wide basal indent. The brightening composition is selected individually, taking into account the color and condition of the client's hair, and the final touch will be toning, which deepens the new shade. With sufficient mastery of the master technique coloring help to emphasize the dignity of appearance or hide flaws.

The ability to smooth the borders of color made shatush a favorite coloring for everyone who wanted to grow natural hair color or become a blonde from a blonde. Masters recommend the technique with a small gray hair, unsuccessful highlighting. The most attractive shatush looks on brown-haired women or brunettes with long hair, but a true professional will create a transition on light shoulder-length strands.

Advantages and disadvantages

If you can’t decide whether to make a shatush or not, look at the photos before and after coloring: choosing a model that is most similar to you, evaluate the result. You can even print the photos you like for clarity, so that the master in the salon would know exactly what result you expect. The list of pros and cons of the procedure will also help to decide. So, the positive side shatusha:

  • Coloring looks very if native color. At the same time, a dramatic shade depth is achieved,
  • Shatush noticeably adds visual volume hairstyle, even thin, weak hair looks more lush,
  • Regrown roots are not striking, correction is required a maximum of every 3 months,
  • The area of ​​hair color exposure is minimal. and does not affect the cuticle, so the strands remain healthy, look gorgeous,
  • If the proportion of gray hair is less than 30%, shatush will hide this shortcoming,
  • With any styling and the most unexpected hairstyle staining looks good,
  • Salon transfiguration didn't take long.

None of these equally popular highlights have such a long list of advantages. But there is in this barrel of honey its own fly in the ointment:

  • Shatush not suitable for very short hairstyles - there is no room for color transition,
  • On light hair the effect is less pronounced,
  • Independently make shatush at a decent level not so easy,
  • The procedure in the beauty salon will cost not cheap.

If we talk about colors, gaining popularity golden and nutty shades, and wheat, ashen, beige, pearl. Blindly rely on fashion is not worth it, when choosing colors it is necessary to take into account your color type, consult a hairdresser.

Features of the procedure

Observing in the cabin of the master, making staining shatush, you can be surprised at the seeming ease of his actions:

  1. First, the hair is divided into strands. about 2 cm thick, with the upper immediately fixed with hairpins at the top of the head, so as not to interfere,
  2. Remaining strands strongly combed,
  3. The hairdresser begins coloring, applying brightening composition with short strokes and without affecting the root zone,
  4. Paint maintain 10-30 minutes, depending on the desired result,
  5. Hair carefully washed with running water,
  6. Completes the procedure toningIt will neutralize the clarifier.

All the salt and the main difficulty is in paint exposure time, it must be correctly identified for each shade, taking into account such features as the original tone of the hair, their condition, the desired effect.

If you are so confident in your abilities that you decide to do shatush at home, prepare everything you need in advance:

  • High-quality paint, different from the native shade by 2-3 tones, not more. Ideal - composition without ammonia, then highlighting will really be gentle,
  • Flat brush 2-3 cm wide. The tool must be professional, with stiff bristles,
  • Glass or ceramic bowl for mixing the clarifier,
  • A sufficient number of pins, clamps or in the extreme case of gum,
  • Comfortable comb with frequent teeth to create a pile,
  • Tinting compound. It should be purchased at a store specializing in the sale of professional cosmetics.

Before dyeing, do not wash your hair for 2 days - this way the natural protection of hair and sebum remain.

At home, the process looks like this:

  1. Break hair into zones - occipital, parietal, lateral. Alternately comb these areas - the weaker the comb, the lighter the hair will be after dyeing,
  2. Mix the coloring compositionstrictly following the instructions. If the shatush is performed with a clarifier, it is recommended to finish the process by toning, keep this in mind.
  3. Highlighting the narrow strands, paint on the tips, affecting roughly 10-15 with length. The composition should cover only the surface of the hair, not penetrating deeply,
  4. After waiting wash off the dye. If you want to get very bright tips, the exposure time will be more than half an hour, if you need light clarification, 15 minutes is enough,
  5. If necessary, cover the hair tinting compound, soak according to the instructions, wash.

The resulting hairstyle does not require enhanced care, just make a few firming masks in the coming months and sometimes use a tinted shampoo to prevent the yellowness of a light shade. The need to correct shatush coloring will not come soon, so enjoy the result - you are at the height of fashion.

Photos before and after - such a different shatush

The beauty of the shatush is that for every lady he emphasizes individual beauty, uniqueness. This is similar to the cut of a crystal that will play with new colors in the hands of a jeweler - and a woman will flourish, replacing the boring hairstyle with a playful shatush:

  • Long haired brunettes will note that the look became deeper, languid, and the face noticeably younger. If you curl the clarified tips a little, the image will become fervent, teasing,
  • Brown shades with warm caramel coloring, the shatushas look luxurious, especially on large curls: lush golden waves shimmer in the sun - a very summer and romantic option,
  • If the fair-haired girl chooses ashen or pearl shatush, the image will become strict, clean. Slender ladies become as if more fragile, tender,
  • Redheads fatal beauties adore shatush for a peculiar effect - bright highlights create on their hair a game of shades, similar to a bewitching dance of a flame magnetically attracting glances,
  • Shatush on dark hair shoulder length gives a similarity to a teenager to young women, coloring is so creative and stylish on them. Yes, and mature ladies will rejoice in the return of former attractiveness,
  • Blondes usually they do shatush, affecting a greater length than brunettes - the coloring rises much higher, emphasizing the softness and prettiness of tender fair-haired ladies,
  • The bravest can try colored shatushwhich enjoys unprecedented popularity among young people. Blue, red, pink, lilac, green colors in the hair just will not go unnoticed - lack of attention to the shocking rebel does not threaten. But do not forget to take into account the specifics of your work - such an abrupt change of image may not please the management.

Photographs of models, actresses, and singers before and after the shatusha once again prove that coloring works for almost everyone, regardless of age, face shape and hairstyle, social status - allow yourself this pleasure.

What is shatush

Shatush is a hair dyeing technique in which the master uses two close shades of the dye to obtain the currently popular effect of burnt hair. Nowadays, shatush is performed both throughout the hair volume and in the popular ombre dyeing technique - everything here will depend on the personal wishes of the client.

The most popular colors in the execution of shatush are: ashen, golden, nutty, beige, wheat, pearl, although at the request of the client the master can significantly expand the chosen palette. Work on the hair using the shatush technique can be performed using both natural dyes and chemical dyes, including ammonia. Their selection depends on what the initial state of the client's hair is, as well as how long he wants to get the effect of dyeing.

Nowadays shatush for straight hair is one of the most favorite procedures among fashionistas, because:

  • gives a natural effect popular in the current season,
  • does not require complex care,
  • gives volume to hair, even if they are actually quite thin and sparse,
  • can be completed by the master in just 40 minutes.

Unlike other dyeing techniques in two or more colors, shatush does not require subsequent tinting of the hair. The resulting color pattern and without it will be quite rich, unusual and rich. It is because the ladies who care about the state of their own strands, so often it is on her pay attention.

Who would suit such staining

Shatush looks very good on the hair length to the shoulders and below. You can also do it on short curls, but it is important to choose the right coloring style here so that the hairstyle is successful. This technique is recommended for so many haircuts. Often it is used to decorate the cascade, square, ladder. Wherever it is necessary to give the hair more volume with minimal effort, this option will be won.

It looks good this type of coloring on both straight and wavy hair. Since the selection of colors in this version is fairly free, the master can select interesting shatush options for almost any color type and representatives of different age groups. In this case, it is practically unlimited.

To avoid the option of shatush it is possible except for women who by nature have rather thick and also very curly hair. To them, it basically will add excess volume. Also, this particular category of women will have an extremely difficult time to take care of their hair, in particular, to maintain the coloring line that the master asked. Such ladies generally should not do shatush at home.

Has its own characteristics and to create this hairstyle on various shades of hair. The easiest way to make shatush is on the hair of a brunette or brown-haired woman. In such cases, the master can choose the softest, most beautiful color transition, make an interesting dyeing line, and use various dyes, including sparing means for tinting hair (for example, if the client’s hair is seriously damaged and the most delicate dyeing is required).

It is more difficult to do shatush on the hair of blondes, but with a high level of professionalism of the master it is possible. The only disadvantage of this option is the need to use ammonia dyes, which still harm the hair.

If you wish, you can make a shatush even on gray hair, but only if they have lost no more than 30% of the natural tone. It is very important here to choose the right shades so that the coloring does not look coarse.

Execution technology

Shatush on the hair create a common universal technology. It involves the consistent implementation of such steps:

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  1. Hair is divided into strands with a diameter of up to 2 centimeters. The top strands are fixed with hairpins at the top, as shatush begin to make the bottom.
  2. Strands are combed immediately before the start of dyeing. This step allows you to make hair much more spectacular. And if your master decided to give it up (some experienced hairdressers do this), you better insist that he do the combing before applying the paint.
  3. After the preparatory stage, the master will start applying the paint. It is applied with short strokes and only on the tips of the hair. Thus, the effect of burnt tips is achieved.
  4. The paint should be left on the hair for a period of 10 minutes to half an hour. The more intensely you want to get a result, the longer you need to keep the dye on the strands.
  5. After that, the dye is washed off the hair. Shatush on your hair is ready.

The effect of this procedure will remain on your hair for 3 months. After that, update the color of your master. It is advisable to contact the same hairdresser, as he will be able to most accurately restore the staining lines.


As you can see, the technique of shatush is quite simple in execution, as well as in care, and can look quite impressive on hair of any length and thickness. Many women who want to look stylish in this season should look at her. After all, to create a haircut it is only important to find a good master, together with him to choose the right shade that is right for you, and then in less than an hour after contacting a specialist you will become owners of beautiful, competently colored strands.


Watch the video: Balayage For Brunettes. Balayage Highlights on Dark Hair. Ombre Hairstyle (July 2024).