
Tip of the day: honey beer mask for the power of hair


One of the most popular and effective products that beneficially affect the condition of the hair is beer. Beer for hair growth - the remedy is truly unique.

Brewer's yeast, malt and hops are rich in vitamins and minerals (B1, B2, B6, D, PP, magnesium, copper, iron, phosphorus, etc.) that nourish hair, restore damaged onions, make strands soft, shiny and attractive, help to get rid dandruff and care for the scalp. Hop, among other things, contains a unique hormone phytoestrogen - the hormone of youth.

It is recommended to use suitable for your hair color. beer. For blondes, for example, a dark shade may appear if instead of a light beer they use a dark one.
Hair mask with beer strengthen hair, give them volume, shine and healthy appearance, accelerate growth and prevent their loss.
Rinsing hair with beer replace your air conditioner.

Hair masks with beer - cook at home
Consider some options for masks that are easy to prepare in your kitchen.
1. Hair mask with beer for dry hair. Add a teaspoon of almond or olive oil in a glass of beer, mix. Apply to the entire length of hair and wait 20 minutes. Rinse well with water. This composition treats hair well, improves structure and prevents cross-section.
2. Bow and beer for hair growth. Take half a liter of beer, add to it the juice of an average onion, mix well. Apply to wet clean hair and leave for 15 minutes. After that, wash your hair well and rinse with any decoction on herbs, for example, chamomile, sage. Be careful! The smell of this mask can not be called pleasant, so it is better to do it on a day off.

3. Hair mask with beerincreasing volume. You will need a spoonful of honey, half a glass of beer and egg yolk. Add the remaining ingredients to the beaten yolk and mix. Apply the composition to all hair, cover them with a plastic bag or a shower cap and wrap a warm towel, leave the min for 20 or half an hour, wash off the entire composition. Rinsing hair with beer With the addition of honey, you can use instead of air conditioning.
4. For the density of hair and their strength, use the following mask: about 200 g of rye bread, fill with light beer (500 ml) and leave for 2 hours, then whisk and distribute over the entire length of your hair. It is recommended to warm the hair with a special hat and towel, walk with the composition for half an hour. After wash the mask, rinse the hair with a solution of vinegar (apple) and wash with shampoo. Hair mask with beer in this variant recommended twice a week.

5. Beer and a decoction of nettle strengthens hair well and makes them grow faster. Mix in equal quantities pre-cooked decoction of nettle and beer. Rinse the hair with this tool, rub it well into the roots, warm the head and wait 30 minutes. Rinse with plain water without shampoo. Such hair mask with beer also help get rid of dandruff.
6. Restore damaged hair will help such mask: about 100 g of beer, a tablespoon of rum and egg yolk are well to prevent, put on your hair, after 20 minutes. wash with water, which added lemon juice (per liter of water a teaspoon of juice).

7. Moisturize hair and speed up their growth will help hair mask with beer and kefir. Mix the two components in equal proportions, apply to the hair for half an hour, then wash off with ordinary warm water without any additives and without shampoo.
8. For shine and healthy looking hair, use a mask. with beer and fruit. You will need half a banana, half an apple, 4 large spoons of orange juice and half a glass of beer. Chop the fruit until pureed, add orange juice and beer, stir well. Apply this mask on your hair, warm it well with a bag and a towel. After 20 minutes you can flush.

9. Hair mask with beer from hair loss. In addition to beer (1 cup), you also need the roots of calamus and burdock (in a tablespoon of both). Herbs pour hot beer in a thermos, insist about 2 hours, then strain. Rub the resulting mask into the hair roots and distribute over the entire length. It is better to keep such a mask on your hair longer, you can make it for the night.

10. Beer mask for hair fatty with herbs. You need to take sage and nettles (1 tablespoon each) and pour 200 ml of hot beer over them. Insist in a thermos for more than an hour, rub into hair and skin, leave overnight. Then rinse with plain warm water. The effect will be with regular use: two months, twice a week.

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Beer masks

Beer masks have no contraindications. Everyone can use them, even children and future mothers. Depending on the color of the hair, it is recommended to take a certain beer: for example, it is better for blondes to use a light variety for masks. Of course, this drink does not stain curls, but can give them a light shade.

The most efficient use of beer to solve the following problems:

  1. Hair loss.
  2. Acceleration of growth.
  3. Dryness and split ends.
  4. Dandruff.
  5. Restoration of hair structure.
  6. Moisturizing and nourishing the scalp.
  7. Elimination of fat content.

Recipes "intoxicating" masks

Effective mask for hair with beer in case of intense loss.

This is a healing compound that can be easily prepared at home. Apply twice a week. The ingredients are quite simple. Take them in equal proportions (in this case - a tablespoon):

  • powdered hop cones,
  • burdock root, chopped fresh or dried,
  • honey.

Beer (one glass) to warm up and pour a mixture of herbs. Important note: you need to take glassware to prevent the oxidation of the ingredients. Close with a kitchen towel, let it brew for an hour. After the infusion should be filtered and rubbed into the head, intensively massaging the skin. After 2 hours you can wash it off. If you have time, you can leave the mixture even longer, and the procedure will be more efficient. The course is long - 3 months, but after several applications the result is visible. In the place where the hair fell out intensively, a down appears, which by the end of the treatment will turn into full-fledged curls. Repeated course can be done after a pause (in a month).

Beer mix to eliminate dryness

  1. Broom well need to bring down one yolk with beer (100 ml.). The resulting homogeneous composition is rubbed into the roots, then the comb is distributed along the entire length. For best results, you can wear a plastic cap. They need to hold for about half an hour. If you add a bit of honey to the mixture, then add the effect of volume.

Curls after applying these recipes will become more healthy, their growth is accelerated.

  1. Another solution to eliminate dryness. In a glass, carefully mix the drink with a spoon of olive oil (you can also take burdock or almond). The resulting mass is rubbed into the roots and held for half an hour. Warming the head (cover with plastic and a towel) improves performance. This mixture improves the structure of the curls, significantly smoothing them and split ends.

Beer combination to improve growth and hair density

Very simple recipe, without heating the beer. Beat egg white with liquid honey (2 spoons), add 0.5 cups of drink. The ingredients must be whipped to obtain a fluffy, thick foam, applied to washed, hair. Hold 30 min. The head is covered with polyethylene, for heat, you can wrap a towel. Wash off the mixture with warm water. The first result is shiny curls. Regular, within two months, the application gives a greater effect.

The formula, which was known to our grandmothers, is one of the most effective. A slice of rye bread (about 200 grams) should be poured with a bottle of beer (preferably light), left in a warm place for fermentation. After the mixture must be thoroughly mixed and applied to curls - from root to tip. It is recommended to close the head with a special cap, wrap up with a towel. Hold for 40 minutes, then wash with warm water, rinsed with a solution of homemade apple cider vinegar. The use of such a “beer” attack twice a week will have an impressive effect.

Herbs plus hops to eliminate fat

The combination of medicinal herbs with intoxicating drink gives an excellent result. Infusion do so. Sage and nettle (one spoon) is poured with hot beer (200g.), Left for an hour in a thermos. The mixture is rubbed into the skin and curls overnight. Wash in the morning, as usual. Course 2 months.

All beer masks are very productive. If you pamper curls with at least one two courses per year, in the end they will shine with beauty and health.

How to make a mask to strengthen the hair with cinnamon?

Hair loss is one of the problems that bothers us after an exhausting winter. Damaged, tired and brittle hair, as well as the scalp require careful restoration and delicate care. Spring is a period of renewal and transformation. How to quickly restore hair, return it shine, radiance, smoothness, how to strengthen hair follicles and stop the process of hair loss? I WANT to share with you a unique ancient Indian mask recipe for luxurious and strong hair. Mask with cinnamon for hair loss You will need: 1 tbsp.

Hair mask before washing

This nourishing mask is designed for prolonged exposure. So stock up on an hour before starting. Mix half a teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil, egg yolk, juice of a single leaf of aloe and a tablespoon of lemon juice and castor oil or burdock oil. Rub into the scalp before washing. After the healing massage, wrap your head in plastic or baking paper, and on top - with a towel. Everything, in this form you can do your work for an hour, and then wash your hair. Mask is desirable to do 2 times a week.

How to deal with the hair section?

Split tips cause a lot of inconvenience. They can ruin the whole effect even from the most amazing styling. This problem is familiar to many girls. We all know that, as a rule, it is the tips of the hair that split. However, the problem of hair section is much bigger! It can spread over almost the entire length of the hair, so it is advisable to apply and distribute masks for split hair over the entire length of the hair, and not just at the tips.

How to grow long and strong hair?

If when combing the hair on the teeth of a comb, a large amount of hair remains, then you should think about your health and how you are caring for your hair. The cause of hair loss can be avitaminosis, eating disorder, hormonal imbalance, stress, thyroid disease, frequent hair-drying with a hair dryer, chemotherapy. In order to stop the process of hair loss, it is necessary to eliminate the causes that cause them.

Julia Roberts Hair Mask

It is recommended to apply this mask on clean, damp hair immediately after washing. Hold it for half an hour and wash it off with warm water without soap or shampoo. Then lightly dry the hair with a towel. To prepare the mask you will need: brandy (you can substitute brandy), two fresh chicken eggs (only yolks are needed), juice of half lime or lemon, a tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of burdock oil. Separate the yolks from the proteins, add all the other ingredients and mix well. Ideally, prepare the composition in a blender.

How to prepare a mask for the hair of lemon?

Such a habitual lemon for all of us has a very rich wholesome composition, and for hair of any type it is just a godsend. The nutrients, vitamins and enzymes contained in it are simply indispensable for restoring, strengthening, nourishing, revitalizing hair, as well as improving their appearance and condition. For these reasons, many manufacturers of hair care products include lemon in the product formulas. I WANT to choose for you options for simple recipes for hair masks that you can prepare at home.

The best masks to strengthen hair

Masks for strengthening hair with the current environmental situation in the world are becoming increasingly relevant. And among them the most popular are masks based on natural ingredients such as honey. After all, honey is a tool that has long been known for its beneficial properties. Honey is rich in nutrients and vitamins, in composition it resembles blood plasma, so it is easily absorbed by our body. It is used both in traditional medicine and in the manufacture of expensive skin and hair care products.

Banana Hair Masks

Hair care can be done in different ways. In beauty salons, trusting the experienced hands of masters who conjure you while you relax. However, even at home you can enjoy the procedures for personal care. I WANT to make you a banana hair mask. Tasty and healthy. There is a lot of potassium in the fruit, so even just to eat it every day is very useful for those who work hard and get tired quickly. Banana normalizes blood pressure and strengthens the heart.

10 Strong alcoholic drinks

These are alcoholic beverages from 29% to 60%. In fact, few drinks contain more alcohol than 60%. For this simple reason, after drinking strong alcohol, the feeling of intoxication comes very quickly.

This drink is not recommended to use often, in some places it is even prohibited. There are many types of absinthe, the strongest of them can contain up to 90% alcohol.

8 Sweet liqueurs

In this case, intoxication can sneak up completely unnoticed, because the characteristic taste and smell of alcohol are almost not felt. Because of this, the amount of alcohol consumed significantly increases and the state of intoxication comes unexpectedly.

3 hot wines

Hot wines are most commonly consumed to keep warm. Because of the pleasant warming effect, you may want to drink more than one serving, which leads to rapid intoxication.

1 Alcohol in combination with energy

The principle of action of power engineers is that they prevent the manifestation of intoxication symptoms. Therefore, the person continues to drink and this can lead to bad consequences.
As you can see, there are many types of alcohol and the degree of influence of each of them depends on the strength or on the combination with other drinks.

Homemade hair restoration masks

For the care and restoration of hair, in addition to the patented cosmetics, you can successfully use masks prepared at home. Such masks are especially useful for weakened and damaged hair, and the natural components contained in them nourish and restore the curls and prevent their loss. Aqueous plant extracts effectively strengthen and stimulate hair growth. Wash the hair you need a warm decoction or infusion, always without soap. After washing your hair, you need to gently squeeze and wrap a towel for one hour.

Question: What to do if the hair is magnetised?

Answer Anna Gamaliy:

1. Change the plastic comb to a wooden one, with sparse teeth or with natural bristles.
2. In order not to magnetize your hair, wash your head with a moisturizing shampoo for dry and damaged hair. The more you moisturize your hair, the more obedient they will behave. And all the shampoos that give hair volume, only increase their dryness, which contributes to the electrification.
3. Use conditioners and conditioners for dry hair.With their regular use, the static of the hair is significantly reduced, besides, they will provide easier combing and will make the hair shine.
4. After washing your hair, apply non-removable products to your wet hair: foams, creams, gels, lotions, oils and serums. They will not allow hair to push and magnet, without making them heavier and without creating the visible effect of "dirty hair." Only need to apply such funds, starting not from the very roots, but retreating about 5 centimeters.
5. Going to study, work or an important event, put in your handbag the usual antistatic, which you can sprinkle your hair immediately after removing the cap or hood. The antistatic agent should be sprayed from the arm's length or applied to the comb and combed into her hair. Instant effect is guaranteed. Just do not apply too much, because it is still chemistry.
6. Hair wax can be a good helper. It will not only help not only to remove the static, but also protect the hair from external harmful factors. The main thing is to choose a quality wax for hair.
7. An indispensable tool for removing static electricity will be a specialized hair spray. Such a spray can be bought at any store that sells shampoos and hair balms. You can use a lacquer with a strong fixation, this method removes statics well, but also pollutes the hair quickly, so this option is better to use in extreme cases.
8. Try to use less hair dryer, stylers and irons. Let the hair dry naturally, then the problem will significantly lose its relevance.
9. Two - three times a week, make nourishing and regenerating hair masks. They can be purchased ready-made, and you can cook yourself at home.
Hair masks

Mask of oils
Mix 2 tablespoons of jojoba oil and as much almond oil. Add 2 drops of rosemary and sage oils to them. Heat the mixture in a water bath, then apply it on the hair: from root to tip. Put on a shower cap on top and wrap a thick terry towel over your head. After half an hour you can wash off the mask.

Honey Mask
Wash your hair, then apply honey on your hair, spreading it over the entire length. Wrap the head in cellophane and on top with a towel. For best effect, the mask should be on the hair for at least 8 hours, so it is recommended to do it before going to bed. In the morning, rinse hair with warm water.

Mask of mayonnaise
Mix one egg with 30 grams of mayonnaise and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Stir until a homogeneous thick mass is obtained. Gently apply the mask on the hair and wrap the head with cling film. Wrap a towel over the top and leave for 20-30 minutes. After that, rinse hair well.

Lemon mask
Strained juice of 1 lemon pour into water in a 1: 1 ratio. Apply lemon water over freshly washed hair. Do not flush.

Regular use of such masks will make your hair smooth and shiny.

Answer Man Sheep:

It's good. Pull on the mitol and rejoice in life.

Wet the comb with water

Register in the Magnitsky list. )))

Answer Ekaterina Bochagova:

Do not wear synthetics

Hair is electrified - what to do: the 15 best products to prevent electrified hair

Today is Saturday, September 12, 2015 Information: The article is protected by copyright and related rights. When using and reprinting the material an active link to the site is required! What to do if the hair is very electrifying: 15 ways to remove electricity from the hair

The static charge in the hair is one of the most frequent problems. In the summer hair dries the sun and salt water. In winter - frost and dry air.

Hair accumulates static electricity, stand on end, lose their luster, become brittle. And they should be smooth and silky! Therefore, it is very important to give them special attention, and not to regret it, neither money nor time.

Today we will talk about the most effective ways to remove static electricity from hair.

To prevent electrified hair, it is necessary to moisten it.

  • As a rule, dry hair is electrified. For example, daily shampooing only aggravates the situation. So wash your hair every other day. use a cleansing shampoo only a couple of times a month, and for the rest of the time use a hydrating shampoo and conditioner.
  • Once a week, try to do restorative procedures, hair masks. bought in a store, or you can use homemade means for masks: mayonnaise, olive oil or egg.
  • Simple water can help to quickly remove electricity from the hair, mineral or thermal water in the spray - the liquid must be sprayed on the hair, or moistened with wet palms. This method is effective, but, unfortunately, has a short-term effect.

An indelible conditioner will help to remove electricity from hair.

It is applied to wet hair and remains until the next wash. Acts on hair as a moisturizer on the skin.

For reference: Indelible conditioners are made without the use of an oil base, and the glycerin in their composition helps to disentangle and easily moisturize the hair. Indelible air conditioning is good during long journeys, relaxing on the beaches, swimming in the sea water.

It well protects dyed hair, protects from the effects of chlorinated and salty sea water. Indelible conditioner like owners of disobedient curly hair. It protects hair from curls in hot summer weather, slightly straightening hair.

To reduce electrostatics on the hair when drying, use an ion hair dryer.

Naturally, any electrical appliances further dry the hair, making it thinner and brittle. Therefore, protect your hair when drying hair, apply hair serum, dry hair with tourmaline-coated heaters and ion hair dryer. This is a novelty in home appliances.

For reference: The ionic hair dryer is an anti-static hair dryer. The principle of operation of this household appliance is simple: together with the blown hot air, the hair dryer generates a stream of negative ions that neutralize the positive charges accumulated in the hair.

This hair dryer dries hair quickly and carefully, because ions are able to split the water molecule into very small particles. Hair becomes shiny and silky. In addition, thanks to modern technology, we will save a little and electricity, as drying time is spent less than a regular dryer.

Proper combing reduces static electricity on the hair

  • Brush your hair as little as possible.
  • Before combing, apply a little styling or varnish on the comb. You can not use hair styling products containing alcohol.
  • Carefully choose combs. The best tool that needs to be preferred is natural bristle brushes on wooden handles. In second place - metal comb brushes. The third place is occupied by flat wooden combs, or tools made of antistatic plastic.

Moisturize indoor air so that hair does not electrify

Especially in the winter we have very dry air in our apartments. Install a humidifier in your home — this could be an electric humidifier or a classic appliance attached to a radiator.

But you can use free tools. put a wet towel on a red-hot radiator every day, or place small containers with water throughout the apartment, and especially in the bedroom. Purchase a device that determines the level of humidity in the room.

Changing shoes will help get rid of static electricity in your hair.

Shoes with rubber soles allow electrical discharges to accumulate in the hair, while shoes with leather soles contribute to better grounding, and therefore eliminates excess electricity from clothes and hair. Therefore, give preference to shoes with leather soles in those periods when the hair is electrified the most.

In order to not electrified hair, we correctly choose a headdress

Frequent removal and donning of the cap contributes to the electrification of the hair. But, on the other hand, it is also impossible without a hat - hair should be protected from cold and wind. Choose a hat so that it is not too tight and does not interfere with the free circulation of blood.

Of course, a hat is best to choose from natural materials. If you have a synthetic cap - process it before leaving with an antistatic spray.

Spray antistatic for removing electricity from the hair

And finally, there is an antistatic spray for hair. It is enough to spray a little, and the hair will be in perfect order.

Watch your hair, beauty, nature, care for them, and then they will listen to you in the present and you will be able to avoid unpleasant surprises in the future.

Posted on February 4, 2014 in the category: Beauty

Hair is electrified, what to do? 17 tips on how to make hair manageable

Hair is electrified, what to do? This question was asked by many. We all noticed at home, especially in winter, that hair tends to become electrified.

This is a very unpleasant phenomenon, both from the psychological and from the aesthetic side.

First of all, to combat this phenomenon, you need to know its cause. The lack of vitamins, dry air, cold wind, rain, snow, wearing hats make our hair weak, dry and brittle. In addition, hair under a cap or scarf rub against each other and, thereby, produce static electricity.

So that the hair is not electrified, you need to know and follow a few simple rules.

We will answer in more detail the question “hair is electrified, what to do?”

What to do with already electrified hair?

1. The most famous and simple means that the hair is not electrified - antistatic. If it is not, you can sprinkle hairbrush hairspray and comb them.

2. If you have beer or mineral water on hand, then they are your helpers in the fight against naughty hair. Sprinkle your hair with these fluids - and the problem is solved.

Cream should not be too much, otherwise the hair will become greasy.

4. Use lavender or rose essential oil. To do this, dissolve a few drops in a spray with water and spray hair.

5. To not electrified hair. can do the following. Fold your palms in a “boat”, hold it to your lips and exhale in them with a full breast. Quickly smooth hair with air moistened hands.

This is a very good tool to not electrified hair. when there is nothing more appropriate.

6. The choice of a hair dryer is also an important question. It is better not to use it at all, so as not to overdry the hair and do not expose them to unnecessary stress. But, if you really have to use a hair dryer, then choose one that has the function of air ionization.

7. To not electrified hair. Always use the right shampoo and conditioner that suits you. For dry hair, be sure to use moisturizing and nourishing masks.

It is better to forget about plastic combs forever, this is the first source of electrification of your hair.

9. Do not go in the winter without a hat, do not overcool the scalp, do not allow snowflakes and rains to fall on the hair.

10. Always monitor the condition of your hair, especially in summer. During the period of action of ultraviolet rays, the hair weakens and becomes thinner. Do not be surprised in the winter that you look like a dandelion, if you did not pay enough attention to your hair in summer.

11. To not electrified hair. For hair styling, use foam or wax, these products contain special anti-static ingredients.

Folk remedies against electrifying hair

1. Prepare and use this mask. Take half a mango, a spoonful of high-fat kefir, 1 yolk of an egg. Chop the mango, add to it kefir and pounded yolk.

All mix and apply on washed and slightly dried hair. Leave to act for 30 minutes, after wrapping the hair with a bag or film. Wash off the mask with plain water.

This is a very effective means that the hair is not electrified.

2. It will help to get rid of electrification and prevent its mask based on the yolk of the egg and honey. Take a tablespoon of honey, a teaspoon of olive oil, yolk. Mix everything.

You can also add wheat germ. Use the same as in the previous recipe.

3. To not electrified hair. You can rinse them with beer or diluted lemon juice after the main wash.

4. Sprinkle hair with mineral water throughout the day or rinse hair with it after each wash.

5. Add in your shampoo whipped egg yolk and a little gelatin, it will help to weight the hair and provide them with protection.

6. Rinse hair after washing with cold water.

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Henna hair coloring: personal experience and useful tips Hair curlers and flat irons: make curls and Hair mask with beer: 10 "intoxicating" recipes Recipes for homemade shampoos. 10 shampoos that can be prepared Homemade masks for dry hair: 5 recipes

What to do so that the hair does not electrify and does not magnet?

  • Homemade natural ways

What to do so that hair does not electrify? If we turn to the school course of physics, we can recall that the like charges repel each other, and the charged opposite, on the contrary, attract each other.

This property explains many phenomena in our life, including the electrification of hair, which can ruin the hair and turn the head into a dandelion-like. The fact is that electrified hair, taking a positive charge, begins to repel each other.

What are the reasons for electrifying hair

Why does the hair become electrified and magnetised, what external causes influence it? Most often dry damaged hair is electrolyzed. The most common reasons for this are:

  • dyeing and perm,
  • artificial heating in winter, which makes the air in the rooms very dry,
  • use of hair dryer
  • dehydration of body tissues
  • lack of vitamins.

Dry hair has an impaired structure, in which the microscopic scales of each hair extend from the hair shaft. In healthy hair, however, they are tightly pressed to each other and the hair does not accept the great value of a positive charge. Why else can there be electrification?

Strongly magnetised and electrified hair as a result of wearing hats, synthetic clothing, the use of plastic combs.

What to do first?

In order not to electrify much hair, at home it is necessary to make special masks with folk remedies, but this will be discussed a little lower. To get started, check out what you need to do first:

  • change the comb, preferring materials such as wood and natural bristle, are considered good birch comb,
  • minimize the use of irons and hair dryers, it is very harmful
  • Keep synthetic clothes out of the closet, clothes made from natural fabrics do not cause hair to be electrified and magnetised,
  • if you choose care products, then pay attention to the composition - panthenol, ceramides and silicone help to eliminate electrification,
  • always use conditioner after washing your head,
  • drink enough water to avoid dehydration,
  • it is useful to regularly make masks containing folk remedies - they restore the structure of each hair, and the hair is electrified less.

In general, the choice of how to combat the electrification of hair depends on why it appears, and if the reason is dehydration, then you just need to increase the amount of water consumed daily. To understand why your hair is magnetised, analyze your diet, lifestyle and evaluate the level of beauty care.

Quick ways

What to do if strands strongly electrified, scattering in all directions, at the most inopportune moment? In such cases, it is recommended to wet the palms with mineral water and smooth out the raging charged hair.

By the way, this method is effective and allows you to ensure that the hair is not magnetised at least half a day. There is also a way that you need to lubricate the palms with a small amount of cream and also smooth the curls.

If you don’t really like these products, then purchase an anti-static bottle, for example, Oriflame's Nutri Protex from Avon or Avon's Daily Shine. These tools are very effective and are designed specifically for hair.

Homemade natural ways

What to do to prevent electrified strands? There are a lot of recipes and folk remedies, the most ordinary products, come to the rescue at home. For example, the same mineral water, and why not?

She needs to sprinkle curls after washing the head, and for greater efficiency, add the essential oils of lavender, eucalyptus or roses with 3-4 drops. These oils are very good natural antistatics, they can be dissolved in ordinary water and also spray her hair so that they do not electrolyze. The following are the most effective means of electrifying hair.

If the strands are magnetized too much, try rinsing the head with mineral water, but not carbonated, this method also tones the skin and improves its blood supply.

You can rinse with the addition of lemon juice or beer in water, as well as strong brewed tea - 300 ml of tea per liter of water.

Masks with yolk are considered as a very good remedy. If strands are electrified, try three recipes:

  • mix on 1 table. l honey, olive oil with one yolk, then add to the mask 5 drops of lavender oil and apply on the head before washing for 30-35 minutes,
  • combine two yolks, the contents of three capsules of vitamin A, 2 teaspoons of honey and the same almond, burdock or olive oil,
  • The pulp of one mango, yolk and 100 ml of kefir must be mixed and wrapped three times a week; after washing, use conditioner.

In order not to electrify your hair, practice a mask of dry mustard, diluted in water and honey, just do not forget to test for allergies on the elbow bend. Hold the mixture for up to an hour, if you cannot because of a burning sensation, then limit yourself to 30 minutes. If the strands are magnetised, then you can try a mask of ordinary bread gruel made on water or on warm milk.

The mask of 30 ml of olive oil and 4-5 drops of rosemary ether essence is useful in this respect. The last ingredient can be replaced with lemon juice, these tools will help to ensure that the hair is not electrified. The type of fluffy dandelion on your head is not terrible for you, because now you know a lot about what to do if the hair is electrified.


Watch the video: Apply This Long Hair Mask Recipe To Grow Inches of Hair Everyday. Hair Growth Mask. Long Hair Recipe (July 2024).